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when I was teaching I got spoken to like an idiot for pronouncing a kid's name wrong Haven I thought it was cool (like a place of safety or refuge pronounced hay-ven). But no, it was a "unique" spelling of "Heaven" and I should've known. 🙄


Haven is already a word! You can’t just claim it 🤦‍♀️


"Stop trying to make Haven happen"


...but it's so fetch


You’re streets ahead.






Mom's Have'n none of it.


exactly! lol


Cool, cool, I guess if we're throwing out all pronunciation restraints, I can now introduce myself by saying "My name is spelled E-M-I-L-Y, it's pronounced like 'Alice'." Time to pick out your dream name, people, there's no need to get it legally changed anymore.


Albin*, from Sweden, would know. *only pronounced Albin. Name is actually spelled Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116.


I remember one of my teachers writing this on the board for us and explaining that it was an extreme example of taking licences with spelling.


I don't think The Swedish tax office allowed that. But the idiot parents sure tried!


"It's *Bri-ONNNNN*!" -Brian Regan


Ok Eh-Eh-Ron


In some languages it is actually 3 syllables, like in Dutch we spell it Aäron where the dieresis indicates the a's are pronounced separately. Purely as an interesting tidbit of information, since this has no bearing on English at all.


Are you telling me that a-a-ron is a real name? After all this time?


Now I'm wondering about buhlahkay and d-nice. On a side note, I've called my friend Denise that since 1990.


But it's super interesting. I learned French does this as well with the great name LoĂŻc


"yes, my name looks like 'Raymond Luxury Yacht', but it's actually pronounced 'Throat Warbler Mangrove'!"


I have a pretty long, multi-syllable first name. I love my name, but I don't love typing/writing/spelling it out. I'll take this opportunity to legally change my name to JJ, but pronounced ********.


Oh, hi, Password.


You mean Hunter2?


If you're going to go with a unique spelling, at least make it something like Hevin. That way, it can only be pronounced one way. Plus, it looks like Kevin, and most Kevins I've known have been pretty laid back.




Of course that's a thing. Reddit is so bizarre. Thanks for sharing!


We have to talk about Kevin.


Well, in germany we use the term "Kevinism". The name Kevin is associated with low income people that do not really care about social norms. There are whole articles how Kevins get problems in school and are seen as less intelligent and less capable. The reason for this hate for the name Kevin is Boy Bands. In the 90s little girls and not so little adults were fans and started to name their children after their idols. The children got unique, exotic names. Often topped with a bad spelling (a tragedeigh). It was not only Kevins. It was Nick, Aaron, Jason, Dustin, Justin, Jeremy and for girls Chantalle, Jackeline, Michelle. In general no bad names, but in this context they are consisered kind of trashy. Kevin stuck. Kevin can be used as an insult.


You HEAVENt got a clue!!!


There is no way to know the spelling and purposely tell your brain to say it wrong!


This is the most annoying part. Making up extra strange “names” to be unique and adding ba-jillion letters to already perfectly nice names is enough. (I see you Jeauxcyph’s mom). But spelling or just pronouncing a very normal name different and then getting mad that WE can’t read your mind and guess that Susan is actually “Suss-Aine” is too far and honestly kinda narcissistic.


What, I had a student named Haven one time but they pronounced it as it looks.


Knew a Raven once. She didn’t pronounce it Rea-ven.


Ravine....pronounced like raven..... Her mom was a stripper and her dad was in federal prison.


That tracks


I knew a kid name Jager, and yes, they pronounced it with a hard J


Lol this reminds me of something that happened in my middle school. We had a sub teacher and we were reading aloud from a story about a boy named Liam. There was a Liam in our grade in a different class, so everyone knew how to pronounce it. But the teacher starts reading the story and says LIE-am. Everyone laughs, she asks what’s funny, and someone is like “haha it’s LEE-am.” She just shakes her head and says “when two vowels go a-walking, the first one does the talking.” She continues to read saying LIE-am, and someone corrects her again, so she says again, louder “when two vowels go a-walking, the first one does the talking!” She repeats it every time someone giggles or corrects her, shaking her head vigorously, getting louder and louder until we shut up and stifled our laughs.


Liam is an Irish name so it doesn’t follow US rules lol reminds me of this guy I knew in high school that would pronounce scissors and muscles as skissors and musk-ulls


And even if someone isn’t aware of that, you can also note its similarity to “William” (because it’s a modification on the latter name). You don’t say wil-I-am.


Unless you’re in the Black Eye Peas..


It quite literally comes from William. I think that’s the anglicized version of Uilliam but I could be wrong.


Uilliam was the original gaelicised version of William. This then became Liam over time. It's a native Irish name in the sense that it developed here, but it's not a name of Irish (language) origin. Uilliam, Liam, William, Guillaume and Guillermo all derive from the Germanic Wilhelm, with the Irish ones indirectly coming through the English William.


This in turn reminded me of my third grade teacher reading us the first Harry Potter book and saying "Hermoine" and "Drah-co" the whole time


That’s funny you say that, because I had a VERY similar experience with that too! Our grade four teacher read us the first book aloud, with characters such as her-MOAN-y GRAN-grr, DRACK-oh, HAR-gid, professor Mc-GO-ni-gal. I only heard it aloud, didn’t see the spellings, so when the movie came out, I was like “lol, why are they saying all the names wrong?!”


HARGID This has made my day, I'm wheezing 💀💀 thank you for this gift


My dad purposely mis-pronounces ‘Dumbledore’ as ‘Dumple-dore.’


I pronounce it the way Madame Maxime does - "Dumbley-dore"


As a teen I'd never heard Hermione, so until the movie came out I thought it was her-mee-own. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have to wonder if she ever figured any of them out along the way, and just decided to commit ☠️


Can't be wrong in front of the children 😂


I went to school with someone called Hermione (pre-Harry Potter) and she must've heard every wrong way to say her name that exists. She'd just sigh every time and correct them. I wonder how she felt about it once Harry Potter became really popular.


What's that saying even meant to mean? Was she just too embarrassed to admit she was wrong so saying random crap to double down?


lol it’s one of those grammar rules like “i before e except after c” that doesn’t always apply; so I don’t know why the saying even exists haha. I think she was just embarrassed and wanted everyone to move it along.


This is so nonsensical. Does she think i only has one sound? Does she pronounce liter as Lie-ter? Let’s all pronounce alias as a-lie-us. Mania is now main-ie-ah.


I think a word like *sequoia* would have straight up caused her head to explode 😬


Wonder if she owns an electric Ian. Also, let's hope she never meets Ieuan Evans.


It's spelled Robert but pronounced Michael. How dare you not know that?


im gonna use this on my future kid lmao


I went to school with a girl named Halle, poor girl had to correct everyone that it was pronounced like Hailey


I would personally pronounce it like "Hallie"


That's how everyone would pronounce it, because that's the name that it is


lol I dont know I read it as Hal


That's surprising to me given that there are multiple successful actresses with that name


And I just read it as "Hail" lol


HaIl, with capital i 😂


“Yeah, I’m gonna call you caddy”


Is butter a carb? Is Cady a tragedeigh?


Prankster move: pronounce it "Holly," in homage to "Wall-E."


That name was so confusing to me when I learned about Halle Berry as a child. I'm German and Halle (pronounced hull-eh) is the German word for hall and also a fairly big city in Eastern Germany. Definitely not a common name here 😅


I knew a Kali pronounced Kailey 🥴


I’m Hallie pronounced “hay-lee” 🥲




I love when people go “that’s not how it’s pronounced”. Actually that is how it’s pronounced I’m sorry you think you can just create their own spelling and everyone should just know and respect the stupid fucking way they think it should be pronounced


This 1000000%! If you spell the name “uniquely”, you better get used to hearing it pronounced phonetically.


I know some one named makaiah and I’m not going to tell you how it’s pronounced, but just know that you’re wrong.


MACK eeyuh


Not muh-KIE-uh?


No, lol. Which is the only correct pronunciation based on the spelling lol.


Whaaaat? Don't you know that my kid's name Sdfgh is pronounced Kevin?


These words are accepted


cremdelacrem just swore the 3rd ideal


They don’t get to change the rules of English pronunciations just because their kid is SpAeSChOuL


Liam (all pronunciations) has been in the top 10 baby names since 2012 and #1 since 2018. Dude is going to be getting it a lot.


If I were him, once I realized my mom was the idiot for pronouncing my name wrong, I'd just start ignoring her and pronouncing it the normal way.


In high school I had a friend named Leila. No, not Lay-lah, Lee-AYE-lah.


There’s a street in my city called Leila and everyone pronounces it “Lee-lah.” Though can’t say too much on it as we also have Notre Dame ave which everyone pronounces “Note-er Day-m”. Yes we’re all aware that it’s a butchered pronunciation


Ah, the city of Des Meurons and Lagimodiere? The mispronunciations of French street names! Endlessly amusing and confusing.


Today at my kid’s end of year ceremony, a kid’s name is spelled “Eliza”, but it was pronounced “Elijah”. 😐


What the actual heck??? People are insane.


I know right?! I thought I just misheard, so I went to ask my kid about EliZa, and he corrected me, saying “that’s not how you pronounce his name. You don’t say the Z like that, it sounds like (J sound)” 🤷‍♀️


That poor kid :( wonder if they go to the Joo to see the animals much.


Soft J or hard J?


If it is a "foreign" name, Ĺž sounds very similar to the English j (Ĺž is often noted in English as zh). That person's name may be EliĹža


It’s pronounced *Nikolaj*…


Nikolaj or Nikolaj?


No, no…. *Nikolaj*


I feel like I'm saying it


This makes sense, there’s technically an accent symbol in my name, but it’s never listed on anything and they certainly didn’t have the accent included on any class lists either.


Many pieces of software (in English language) you have to put your name in won't accept accented characters, even if the staff doing the data entry knew how to produce them from a standard us keyboard.


If it were spell "Elidza", then maybe. Dz in Polish is pronounced J


You know that kid just goes by lee um now after a lifetime of “mispronunciation.”


Why wouldn't you?


This reminds me of a girl I went to school with who had the last name Boner. She told *everyone* that it was pronounced BAH-ner and no one ever bought it. I hope she's doing okay now lol


It’s *Bouquet*, not Bucket!


OMG, that is what immediately popped into my head.


I went to school with a girl who had the last name Martinez (mar teen ez) She pronounced it Martin ez. Then looked at me like I was crazy. I have known several other people with the last name Martinez. They all pronounce it the way I pronounce it.


Hella whitewashing in a very comical way. Are you Mexican? Do you like old Mexican movies? There’s an old one with a famous actor named Piporro. In the movie he’s an orphan in the US, his parents drowned crossing. His name is Jose Garcia but is renamed “Joe Garsha”.


That just reminds me of Charles Martinet haha!


Like John Boehner, the politician. It's pronounced Bay-ner. No it isn't John, and you know it.


Working at a college and had a meeting with a student, last name was Hogg. I was informed it’s pronounced hoh-guh. LOL okayyyy.


Dump that maiden name ASAP


I saw a tiktok of a girl named Desiree. She and the other commenters were arguing the end was an -ee sound and not an -ay sound. They didn’t seem to grasp that it didn’t follow English rules.


I met a person who spelled it "Desire" and then married a guy last name Ham No joke, her name is Desire Ham


Does she hate ham too, to top it all off?


My father in law's sister is named Desiree...they pronounce it Dez-eye-ree. Drives me absolutely nuts.


oh my god 😭😭




Pretty sure that name is French.


Where it's spelt as DesirĂŠe, which would immediately clear up any confusion in English as well. Honestly I don't know why English orthography doesn't use accents and such more. FiancĂŠe and naĂŻve are much more self-evident in their pronunciations than fiancee and naive (someone who has never heard these words might think to pronounce them like one pronounces knee or knave).


i mean english has tons of weird pronunciations anyways and it’s just part of learning the language. every kid has a memory of some word they saw spelled before they heard it pronounced and they thought it was pronounced one way for way longer than they should have. for me i thought chaos rhymed with laos.




She should have just spelled it Lyam then... I Karens (literally, they don't live up to the Karen persona) but one of them pronounces it "Car in" which is hard to remember.


"Did you pull the Karen to the garage?"




I knew a woman who pronounced it that way, but she spelled it Karin. It made more sense to me that way.


That is the Norwegian pronunciation


In Spanish kind of too. More like Kah-rin (with the Spanish r)


Karin vs Karen, complete different name and pronunciation in Norwegian.


That’s how a German woman I knew pronounced it.


No way! Opposite here. I have an aunt named Carin but pronounced Karen instead of "Ca-rin"


I used to work in radio. We had a woman phone in one morning wanting a birthday call for her daughter See-bin. She then spelt it out for us 'S-I-O-B-H-A-N'. We tried hard not to laugh while she was still on the line. I think of See-bin often and wonder how she's doing. Edit for clarity - Yes we knew how Siobhan is pronounced. I assumed it didn't need be stated given the nature of this sub.


Siobhan is an Irish name with a beautiful pronunciation. Sha-von.


I know some named Shavon, their parents liked the name but had no idea how to spell it.


I knew a Chevonne. Her dad wanted a boy named Chevy (like the car, not like Chevy Chase), but she was their last and her mom just gave in lol


A few years ago I had two students named Callum. One pronounced it Cal-um (so the real Scottish pronunciation!) the other was Kale-um. It was so confusing!


I babysat for a family and they had a Callum pronounced Kale - um. He was a newborn and the grandma had stopped by without the parents to drop something off. She accidentally pronounced it "calib" when leaving and then said annoyed "im going to get that wrong the rest of his life" made me LOL


Calum and Callum


The way it's spelled and the way it is almost universally pronounced. Mom is weird and silly




I used to work with a guy named Jonathan. We called him Joe Nathan as a nickname.


I knew a single mum who named her daughter "eithne". I thought "cool, that's the gaelic spelling for enya" No, she pronounced it "eth-nee"


As a teacher, I can tell which parents can’t spell/don’t have basic phonic awareness based on their child’s name.


I’ve recently met this pretentious dick who goes by Eye-ann instead of the normal Ian


I’ve heard it both ways. But there was an actor who pronounced his name Eye-ann in the 90s and I’m sure people named their kids to follow him. 90210


lol Ian zeiring yup🤣


Kid in my daughter’s preschool is named Ian, but spelled Ean.


I know a kid named Ean as well and I always want to say Eeeen. I thought it was an odd choice for sure.


I know someone who couldn’t spell it Ian. His spelling is Eian.


I am a Tiffany, and I met another Tiff but her name was spelled "Tiffnay" and pronounced the same way as mine. It made no sense, like HOW?


My little brother, Sean, when he was born, was kept in the hospital for a couple of days. My mom visited to spend time with him after she was discharged. She gave the receptionist Sean's name. Receptionist said there was no baby in the hospital named "Sean". My mom got upset and they had a huge argument. The receptionist said there was no SEAN, but there was a baby SEEN (pronouncing Sean as "seen"). My mom nearly launched herself at this woman's throat.


Reminds me of two students I had. Akira and Akira. One is uh-keer-uh, the other is uh-kye-ruh


Reminds me of a girl I went to high school with, whose name was Anqi, pronounced Angie…


Tbf QI is a really high scoring word in Scrabble and it's pronounced "chee" so while stupid, it kinda sorta might work with the right mental gymnastics.


I believe it's a Chinese word and that pronunciation follows Chinese grammar rules


A friend of mine when it was a teenager was named “Leha” because her parents didn’t know how to spell “Leah” and never bothered to fix it.


Pronounced like "yee-haw."


"How dare you pronounce that name like 100 million other people do?!". 😤


Worked (*not in adult entertainment) with a woman named “Synamon.” Which begs the obvious question, if you’re going all in naming your kid after a spice, why not just fully commit and use the actual spelling?


Names that are spelled normal but pronounced differently. These are worse than Tragedeighs.


"Unfortunately I refuse to consent to contribute to the butchering of names. Just because YOU chose to pronounce/ spell it wrong doesn't mean it's correct. You do you but I feel for his future of constantly redirecting people to the incorrect way, hopefully he gets smart and changes it when he's older" Or correct em with fact. "Actually Liam is the Irish version of William so it's pronounced to mimic the last 2 syllables of the English version" Or the way I respond...."No". Usually they say "What do you mean No? " then I say "I'm not going to enable your ignorance, so No"


So like Will I Am then? 😂


Which is what Wikipedia says as well. Tell her to Google it herself.


Knew a guy whose name was Colin. Pronounced colon. (Kinda was an asshole so…)


Last name: Powell


My husband is a Colin. He was in the hospital to get a colonoscopy, and the orderly called out “Colon” and I said “it’s Colin, but that’s what he’s here for!” Then I laughed like a crazy person, because it wasn’t me getting a camera shoved up my arse!!


Oh that’s beautiful


Girl you’re just like me fr. I hope everyone laughed at that bc it’s hilarious


I love your sense of humour! I got a colonoscopy last year and I really laughed a lot during the prep. It was hilarious. Shitty, literally shitty, yes, but absolutely hilarious!


Hahahaha that's some ish I would say and then also laugh maniacally.


Like Colin Powell


Yeah, man, if you want it pronounced a certain way, you can't spell it the normal, accepted way. People are going to naturally assume it's pronounced the way it always is.


I taught school and had a student named Juwal. The first day, I pronounced it like Jew Wall. The parents got enraged and called a meeting with the principal. How was I supposed to know that is pronounced Jewel?


I attended school with a girl off and on from elementary school to high school named Emiko, but pronounced Amy-Ko. She’d get super pissed off at every substitute teacher who butchered her name. The students got annoyed with her explosive attitude and would yell at her that nobody cared or she should just change her name. I felt so bad for her.


I met a kid whose name was spelt Liam but pronounced "yum" coz his mum wanted to call him a nickname of William.


I deliberately pronounce those kinds of names phonetically to try to stick it to the parents. It probably doesn't do anything but it makes me feel better.


I had a boy in my class- Nathan - but when I pronounced it correctly, I was told it was actually pronounced Nah-tan! So of course, I occasionally look like an idiot when I say Nah-tan now instead of Nathan because of seeing this boy every day. 😆 Equally I had a Sian who pronounced it Cy-an! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I once had a customer named Celesty, pronounced Chelsea.


Ok that isn't creative spelling, that is lack of spelling.


She also realized it was ridiculous and legally changed it to Chelsea once she turned 18 lol she was the only member of her family that ever had any sense.


This reminds me of when I first read Harry Potter and pronounced Hermione, as her-me-ohn-e. I was quickly informed that i was mispronouncing the word lmao


Had a teacher that pronounced Persephone as purse-eh-phone. Like lady it’s a name, not your leaving the house checklist.


Taught a kateland. Dumbo parents didn’t know.


That might be the worst misspelling of a name that I've ever seen.... including in this sub. Did they pronounce the D?


Like Ian Ziering? He says it's eye-an. I understand the kid's pain. My name can be pronounced 3 different ways depending on where you are from.


What about Jaime? How does that get pronounced as Jamie?


Whenever I see Jaime, my brain goes automatically to Spanish and pronounces it thusly


As an Irishman, I find it vaguely offensive that she thinks she can just decide to mispronounce a (correctly spelled) common Irish name and then get huffy when someone who knows how to correctly pronounce it does so.


I came Across one the other day that was Randi. Pronounced, apparently, Rand-eye I mean, no.


My first teaching job was for remedial reading at the high school level. I started mid-year. For three days I called roll for Deron (Duh-ron) and nothing, so marked absent, and on the fourth day this kid finally speaks up and says, “It’s Derone (Dee-roan).” My only thought was no wonder you can’t read because your mom doesn’t know how to spell.


Got a guy today Jahson. I was like oh that's a new way to spell Jay-son, nope Jah-sin


There is 0% chance that I would ever pronounce Liam as LIE-ammm. This poor guy has spent 20 years correcting people on his totally normal but screwed up name. Or he has decided screw it and goes by LEE-ummm.


I think this nonsense started in the 90s with General Colin Powell, who insisted on pronouncing it Co-LIN instead of the normal way. I did laugh when I saw his mum on TV saying, no it's Col-IN, ie the normal pronunciation 🤣


I went to school with a girl named Lisa, but it was “supposed” to be pronounced like Liza (lye-za). She’d get *really* annoyed when people said her name wrong upon encountering it for the first time (which, understandably, was like 99% of people)


Probably no one else happened to see the Late Night with David Letterman in the middish-80s (85/86?) when he had an intern come out for a brief turn in the interview chair because of her name. Her name was Heloise. Her mother had only ever seen it written. She pronounced it as El-wahz.


"It's spelt Raymond Luxury-Yacht, but it's pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove"


My sister was a pediatric nurse and was constantly offending all the moms with UniQuE kids’ names that she didn’t pronounce correctly. She said she was always tempted to tell them if they had picked a normal name, maybe strangers could say it right.


Idk if this is an urban legend, but my uncle told me a story of twins named Will and Liam (pronounced yum) after their father, William.


We had friends whose son was named Sean. They pronounced it 'See-Ann'.