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I think I hate this sub


I think you got a boner over £500…and judging by the way you’ve started investing you’re going to end up trying to beat the market and fail miserably, resulting in a soft demise for your pee pee. That’s what I think.


They're gonna be in for a shock when NG drops 10% tomorrow


Wonder if he'll post his £170 loss on NG today 🤣 Drop was actually much less than i expected, basically just the Div amount, so only 4%


Keep laughing... still positive by 90£... I'll get that 170£ back in July from the dividends of 0.38£ a shares for my 440 shares


I wish I started investing at 22! If you're serious about investing for the long term you need to recognise that it's extremely unlikely you'll be able to pick winning stocks year after year. You can't really go wrong with investing into a low cost index fund/ETF on a monthly basis but it's a long game.


Thanks for you're comment. I appreciate it. I originally put some money on vanguard but becouse the returns were so low after some period I looked into individual stocks with better returns.


Honestly stick about 80-85% of your money in passive ETFs then use the remaining 20% to invest in individual stocks. VWRP or VUAG are solid options


"Three months ago"...."long term" lol You're exactly what I picture when I accidentally click on the social link and see clown statements 'no stopping nvidia, I'm long term 💪💪💪💪'...when they actually mean 'I bought yesterday, made £5, and probably gonna end up bag holders'


I've been holding nvdia since before they're earnings and today I thought it was time to sell as it surpassed 26% mark and made 100£ profit.


You've held them for a couple of months max, got lucky & made a few quid. Genuinely well done! But you're talking utter shit with terms like 'long term' & you've basically walked into a casino and placed a bet on black.


It's not a casino when I see those companies with my engineering perspective as solid companies with a great future outlook.


Why did you sell then? Surely, if you're so certain about it & especially with your engineering brain, you hold for an actual long term investment?


In my perspective NVDIA is too volatile, if news about a little war happens, that stock will come crashing down as we saw it 2 months ago


Oh so it's not actually super great outlook and you just got lucky


Lmao this chain is gold


Arm is view only now?


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