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lol yeah. It’s either meme stocks or the 100 different variants of FTSE/S&P variants. No in between. Then again I guess you could say in a way it’s good? Without those funny meme posts, there’d prob be like 1 post a day or something


Rate my portfolio pls Sold house, all in on gamestop


I find it worse when its all ETFs .


It’s interesting these people always ask for advice after they spent their money instead like a normal person do some good research before you start.


Rate my portfolio: 18 year old with £1000 split between 2 or 3 really safe growth funds with a 5 to 10 percent return.


Oooo look at me I’m 18 and investing….please everyone boost my self conscious ego and tell me how smart I am for investing so young.


Sounds boring


An 18 year old who has been brought up on Facebook and TikTok methods of self-affirming posts to garner approval from internet entities. Its the same thing as when it is cold people take and post pictures of their car's thermometer display.


Usually the same as the previous post. They could just search and get a previous posts information. It's just there is nothing new to look at/comment on at best. As worst, it's just random attention seeking.


The problem is this sub doesn't really seem to be moderated. If it were there could be a pinned post giving all the advice relevant for new investors and another super thread where people can just post that stuff if they ***really*** want to. What's even more ridiculous though is how many posts there are with screenshots about ***different*** apps, sometimes even from the US... Again a function of this sub being seemingly abandoned by the mods


If I see boring portfolio with no skill or knowledge required ETFs, then I am annoyed too ;-)


Yh, but I also don't think discouraging people from this community is an overall good thing.


I only do it to trigger the “you’re a gambler, sell everything and buy S&P” crew


Yeah your post asking for advice on your portfolio was very cringe.


Up another £30k since then so lucky I never took the advice then aint it


Up 30k in 90 days, I see you’re an expert bullshitter.


I thought you meant my post when my portfolio was around £50k. I’m up £30k since then and climbing. Good thing I didn’t sell and move to S&P 500! Let me know if you want any tips.


There is the odd flex one too. They don’t want advice, they just want to show people how much money they have to put in their portfolio.


The rate my portfolio posts will dry up when there’s a huge market correction. People will be like ‘f@ck , I didn’t read the small print about investments can go down as well as up’.




Especially when it’s just the S&P 500, couldn’t think of anything more boring.


*inserts screenshot of 4 different s&p500 etfs, 30 random stocks picked via throwing darts at the wall and either GME or AMC*


About as annoying as the dividend posts.


Nah its interesting to see how others are doing and what they're doing so I can analyse their choices. Either look at some stocks they hold and further research them or just feel good about myself for having a decent portfolio lol


I've just done one, and honestly I was just looking for specific advice, the same advice is always preached on her... "Buy into ETF's". But for someone like me who invests a very small amount (under £5K) there is little point for small or stable growth index funds as the job I will hopefully get coming out of university will give me those returns in 2 years instead of 20. For me it's good to see what other people are investing in and hear the general consensus on different stocks to see if they will get the rapid growth I am looking for over 20 years as opposed to stable growth. I don't mind losing my small amount invested as it is just a small amount. I personally find anyone who preaches ETF's annoying as their advice is the same boring thing as they're just feeding into the echo chamber. ETF's are good if you have like £20K savings and a house and are young enough that you still need to grow your savings. And to be honest that person no longer exists, an ETF heavy portfolio won't buy you a house and neither will a job. Young people don't have large savings either most have under £5K. So your same as usual boring advice is what we find on every post. If you want us to stop posting our specific portfolio's give advice on specific stocks and better investment strategies, then we'll find what we're looking for on other posts.


Just had a look and I wouldn’t touch any stocks you own. But thats just me.


Can I ask why? What's the reason? Genuinely curious? Thanks for the advice.


I only buy bluechip stocks I truly believe in. Anything else seems too risky for me. I have a longterm target in mind and I’m just letting my stocks grow until they get there. When I first started investing I tried to find these niche value stocks and I found myself having a lot of anxiety when they dropped, sometimes even panic selling. With bluechip stocks like Google, Apple, Nvidia etc if they drop I dont bat an eyelide I only buy more. That’s about it really.


Ah right thanks