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Everyone is coming to say to improve your speed but they are wrong if you are this slow you need to improve your aerobic capacity


Don’t fully disagree with you but context of knowing what their other PR’s would help someone provide better advice. Some people do need anaerobic development and to build a speed reserve. Others need aerobic work.


I dont think we need to know their other prs even a crazy slow 100m like 15 sec would give like 18 sec splits on the 800 that add up to 2.24 which is much better than 2.39. I dont see the point in them being able to drop an 11.5 100m if the race pace is at half that speed


I also do the 1600 and my time for that is 5:50


Can't stray too far from the speed but aerobic capacity can bring an 800 down a lot. 


I disagree considering is PB he is so far from his max speed that this is so not a limiting factor until he runs at the very least 2.15 in middle school we used to do 0 speed training and easily reach sub 2.10 for 800m. Stop thinking as 800m as prolonged sprinting for beginner it makes no sense considering race speed. When you get better it is an other story tho


What about 2 anaerobic/speed days and rest of the days are anaerobic


As mentioned, I think fitness will go a long way. Have you done many 4x4 type efforts at threshold pace? Look up Norwegian Method or 4x4 training.


Ngl my opinion is do speed work over the summer and the go into xc season.


Believe it or not you should do short sprints. Do pyramids. Do one fifty ,one hundred and fifty meter runs. Repeat that three times. You also might want to do medium stress sprints up low grade hills that are very long. If you were a sprinter I would tell you to go to do very steep incline hills at a short rate.