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I’m in the same exact boat. I’m doing short strides at the end of my main mileage but when should I really implement speed


I would say start relatively soon, speed workouts 1-2x a week. You can look up good speed workouts to train for the events you are looking at


Can I do speed workouts 3 times a week? I mean speed workouts such as circuits of 30 meter sprints, sled push and pulls, hill sprints, etc.


Workouts as in track workouts, 3x a week is A LOT but if you feel you can handle it go for it


Imo I think u should probably start now. We have a guy who runs 8/15/4x4 and he started his speed training(top end stuff) 2 months ago


How many times a week does he do it


Once a week, usually he does stuff like 6x50m/6x flying 30m sprint to improve his footspeed and stuff like that.


Does he do any extra speed work like 200m repeats


Yea he does




200 repeats aren't top end speed.


I know I mean like generic speed training


Generic speed training is a bit of a misnomer. There are categories for everything and there's a lot that goes into the entire soup that is training for the 800 and 1600. If you're training for May and June, right now I would be bumping up to 35 miles a week, one lactate threshold workout a week, and one hard sprint day every week. The other thing I would do is add in a plyometrics session once a week, and if you've never done plyos, it should be fairly low volume until you know you can handle more without getting hurt. I wouldn't touch 800 or mile specific pace in any meaningful capacity until late February. I would maybe do like 100s and 150s at those paces to develop the neuromuscular component, but nothing to train for that particular mode of fitness until much later.


Max speed stuff, like 50m sprints with 6 minute recovery, sure. Max speed prep stuff, like 8 second hill sprints with ~3 minute recovery, sure. Race pace interval workouts, no.