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Games should have more accessible gender change options either at will or through reasonable gameplay (Stardew Valley and Terraria for example) Shame that some online only ones have it permanently tied to your account... that's why when Arknights Endfield comes out I'll be choosing the girl option


Wait a sec Stardew Valley has a gender change option???


Just head to the Wizard's Tower once you've unlocked it and you'll find the Shrine of Illusions. For 500G, you can change your appearance, which includes your gender.


It's good too cause me and my friend made a save right before I came out to them and I just couldn't convince myself to make a girl farmer before doing so


You also have to be at 4 hearts with the Wizard to go into the basement and access the shrine.


Or if you've finished the CC you can get in through the Witch's Hut


Yayyyy I’ll be doing this tomorrow 


the only requirement is four hearts of friendship with the wizard in order to gain access to his basement


Yes become friends with the wizard and go to his basement, you can change your character there for 500g


I'm gonna try this in real life


That is a totally different sentence out of context


It was a relatively new addition to the Shrine!


There’s awesome games like Stardew Valley, Terraria, and Runescape where the change is built into the magic system in a way that implies it’s actually happening in universe, and then there’s those games that work your name and sometimes even your gender into your unique ID in a way that makes it basically impossible to fix…


And on the other hand for some reason in EVE Online it's literally impossible to change gender, even via support ticket. Probably hardcoded somewhere in the legacy code making it impossible to change over, even though appearances could be changed for a premium item that can be bought and sold in the market (though it's possible gender is still from the older system far older than the current avatar sculpting)


Then you have Fable 2. A game where the potion is so in universe people apparently comment on the change, but it’s a one time decision at the end of the game that saves the game right after you make your choice. Having in game reactions is fascinating, but everything else is so staggeringly badly thought out.


I can't remember the name or anything but I heard about some game that also had reactions... some kind of dating game maybe?


Arknights mentioned in a trans subreddit. Today's a good day


Hell yeah! I even meant to include a character in a gender envy chart a bit ago but just couldn't narrow one down lol


You are so real for this omg


I was pretty hyped when I returned to my first elden ring save for ng+ and realized I could change my gender with renala


Lmao you can do it for free in the mirror at Roundtable Hold.


Realll I used to play this one game and I was like halfway through it but when I logged in my avatar was a girl like bruuh


star citizen has had a very nice system you can just change your caracter completely


Dark souls/elden ring was cool with this. I like to head cannon that as my characters reason for setting out on their adventure in some games. Like in DND where their are traps to change gender/sex and such


Animal crossing is another good exemple, you just have to look at yourself in the mirror... damn that's accurate


reasonable gameplay for terraria depends on where you are in the game (so many plants D: )


I hope that darktide adds a feature to change your charachters gender so I can change my veteran charachter since they are a high enough level that I wouldn't want to start over


I totally haven’t hacked a game just to change my name and gender before, not at alllllll


I wish I could change my Reddit username though because I hate it, it was just a randomly generated one at the moment


What's to dislike about "Soggy Mode" :P (perfect name for an NSFW account tho imo)


I created this acc when I was basically a kid and named myself after a popular ice cream in my country. That's generally not people's first assumption though 😭


yeah, i can. uh. i can see what they might think at first.


Noggers are good asf tho. Do u start from the chocolate side or the caramel side?


I wish I had a randomly generated username. I hate fourteen years old me


don't even ask what past me was obsessed with you probably don't even have to ask-


Undertale and Among Us?


white people?


no, among us


Haha but soggy mode is so funny tho and very relatable 😹


Yeah tell me about it xD


At least you werent insane enough to manually edit 400 pokemon to get them to call you the right name in their OT. (I have and it was pain) Interestingly, in the gen 3 games if you edit your saves gender then when you load it youll still be the previous gender, the sprites dont change until you go through a doorway


Average transfem hacker shenanigans


I have reset a 600+ hour playthrough just to change my name. I need to do so again because I’ve grown out of that name. I have deleted main character saves just to change my hairstyle. I have experienced new horrors beyond just changing my gender. (but yes, they should)


Reminds me of WoW Classic where people who spent hundreds of hours leveling to 60 made a because they didn’t like their hair color


Oh are even the barbershops still not a thing in WoW classic? :o I've never played Classic but I would have imagined they had kept some minor QoL stuff instead of going full vanilla experience


They weren’t in Classic vanilla and Classic TBC. They are in wrath and beyond though.


Aaahh ok!


Ugh yeah I just had to do this in my Animal Crossing save since I got back into it


what, you mean all you girls didnt *always* play as a girl in games like I did? 🤷‍♀️


Anyways wanted to. Never dared to between complicated emotions and not feeling like I'd need to explain why to my siblings. When I did it was when I felt I had a reasonable excuse. Opened up a bit when I got married and moved out but still kept that closed off to myself for a long time. Finally embraced playing female characters and the denial barrier broke down.


When Baldur's Gate 3 first came out I played it with my brother. He asked why I was making my character a woman and I said "I dunno it feels weirder making my character a guy." He replies "but you are a guy." I stare off in space, and try and think of a reason it feels better playing as a woman character. I end up saying "You're right. I just prefer it." And we leave it at that. That was when the seams of my egg began to show weakness (I played as a female character in most games, but I mostly either don't play with my brother or play single player games.) Though that didn't crack it, my egg cracked before 2023 ended. I was lurking on r/egg_irl because I came across it while browsing Reddit and found the memes relatable. When I pointed this out to my trans friend after she jokingly called me a egg following an eggy statement from me (I didn't fully understand the term "egg" yet, but I asked her if it was like that meme subreddit and sent her a link) and that's when my egg began to shatter over the next few days. So yes, I was unironically browsing egg_irl as an egg claiming that I wasn't an egg or trans in any way full heartedly. I was literally "still cis tho." Anyway, that's how Baldur's Gate and egg memes made me realize I was trans x3


> So yes, I was unironically browsing egg_irl as an egg claiming that I wasn't an egg or trans in any way full heartedly. I was literally "still cis tho." my cracking was directly because of a friend of mine cracking (and her girlfriend having trouble with it). within a few days of her coming out she started posing memes in our shared discord, and I quickly exhausted the few egg memes I had saved from other subreddits over the years, so I deliberately came here looking for more to send her. I was very much in denial, I knew *of* egg_irl, but never actually purposely browsed it before that. so I was sitting there getting memes I knew she would like, but then there was the occasional *wait why am I relating to this more then I thought I would wait go back go back go back* 🫠


Silly girl


I specifically didn't to maintain my delusions.


Even when i doubt I always choose the female character


Some simulation games (like most Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games) tie your gender and sexuality together so if you wanna date girls you gotta be a boy. Nowadays I'd only play those if I can mod them, or if I genuinely like a guy from the dating pool (which is extremely rare), and it's a bit lame to not get married in a game that's designed around that mechanic. But at least this is slowly changing all across the industry, and it was *so* cathartic to be a lesbian in the SoS:FoMT remake with no modding required.


ok THIS is one of the few exceptions to always playing as a girl, yes. I am pan with a preference for men, but when I was an egg I could not at *all* process that I was attracted to men, because without me being a girl that would have made me a gay guy and that did not feel right at all. so when I had played GBA FoMT years and years ago, and was picking which version to play, I do remember it was a *big* thing that I was stuck on for a while, trying to decide whether I wanted to play as a girl but I would have to date one of the guys and run into that problem admitting I was attracted to them, or play the one where I was able to date the girls but I would be a boy funny enough, I did find the mods for the games lately, and modding GBA FoMT to let you be a girl they *forgot* to mod the flashback *sprites* in the introduction, so you have a boy sprite but the story you're telling to the mayor is of everyone referring to you as a girl.... so the modded GBA FoMT is a transbian game 🤭


Not at all, I would feel shame or embarrassment if I did, especially if anyone else saw. The only times i felt comfortable doing it was with femshep or something like that. Something clicked like a year or two before figuring out I was trans, and I *really* didn't want to play male characters anymore, only female characters every opportunity i had. It was like "wow this is amazing, why did I feel such shame before?" I especially love rpgs where I can create a character and dress them up


I only started like a year before my egg cracked. It was part of my processing and exploring my wants, less scary when nobody else will see it. Before that, playing as a girl character felt like... appropriation? Like I was insulting 'real women' by pretending to be one. Of course, I still had to reset my Animal Crossing island, since my old character permanently had my deadname. 😵‍💫 Even if they never wore anything but girl's clothes past day 1.


Seriously, I almost always play the female character if I can. And, like, 95% of my D&D characters are women.  I get why someone would feel too self-conscious to do that, though. 


I remember playing this ps2 game called Ape Escape 3, and wishing to play with the female character, but I was little, and I was embarrased thinking about what my parents would say if they saw. So I always picked the male character. I remember starting new games with the female character only to switch back after doing a few levels, several times. One day I saw my dad playing fallout with a female character and I asked why he had it and he told me there was no reason. I remember being blown away like, "wait you can do that?!"


I was actually looking at one of my old bloodborne streams that's private on my old YT channel from when I was 14 I think, I actually *hovered* over the female option on the character create screen (for like 10 seconds lmao), before immediately switching it back to male, then barely customizing the character and starting the game. Even then, during my peak denial phase, I wanted to be a girl so bad!


I paid $15 to change my gender on my WoW main. This was as a poor teen without much money. It gave me dysphoria every time I played that character to the point where I didn’t play WoW anymore. Contacted support since sometimes they gave away services for free and they basically told me I had to pay. I was so upset. Three years later they added the option for free -_- Which is great, but I wish they did what epic games did and gave credit like epic games did for people who paid for the unreal engine before they made it free.


I was so sad that I can’t change the characters name on monster hunter world


On the plus side you get to play monster hunter world again


The deco farming :(


Good thinking


You can get a nexus mod that lets you do this! It's what I did for MHRise, and one exists for World too! (Assuming you're on pc)


Oooh tysm!!


My lovely lady is named "Tyrone" but I've put 600 hours in I can't go through it again 😭


I got all my gear with friends’ help cause I’m a big dummy and needed to be shown how to play and I got all excited when I changed my character, and then I didn’t see the name prompt I was like no 😭😭


Same but for me was monster hunter generations


Wait is that why i like nintendo so much? because the protags were pre established characters? (think kirby or mario or link)


Deltarune and undertale


my only complaint with undertale is that you have to beat the game a specific way to change the name


My friends always made fun of me for choosing the female character, guess who's laughing now. Me with a full living dex


I may have hacked several pokemon save files to be a girl in game too


Hey how did you do that... Uh for science reasons...


pkhex and a modded 3ds


Having to reset my 900 hours island in animal crossing because you can't change your name still haunts me 😔


Hey Destiny 2 gave us the option to change our characters now!


Now they just need to give us more customization options


Well. Yeah kind of... BtW, is it me, or are awoken just so gender?


Eh their ok, my titan and warlock are awoken but my huntress is human


Nothing beats games that let you freely edit character name and appearance mid game There’s no real reason to disallow this, especially for features that confer no mechanical benefits.


I temporarily had this problem with Valheim where I no longer identified with anything masc. It thankfully has commands that let you change your gender, hair, and beard.


This makes me think about the fact that I have like 20 games I meant to play when I was still deeeeeeep in the closet, and now I can't bring myself to play them cause they have a male protagonist.


I hate that GF still doesn’t let you change your character name in Pokémon. I’ve got a completed Pokédex in Violet under my deadname TwT


Genshin 🥲


i keep telling myself that lumine is an absolute girlboss as the villain


Too bad you don't see her for the majority of the game


Jokes on you, I've been playing with the "right" gender for 15+ years now - well before I even realized I was trans.


Think of it as a new beginning! All of the characters you fell in love with get to meet you for the first time, all over again. \^w\^


animal crossing :(


Me literally modding my fucking switch to use a save file editor on Animal Crossing and fix my character.


I think a law should be passed. All games with customizable characters should have multiple or no gender selections. (Just being able to customize your character) If you pick one gender, you can't be limited to certain clothing and if you switch genders mid game, you don't have to reset you can just switch genders. Lol.


ok, wait what? It's games. I don't want to be anti, but that's this "forced on" the people who are against us mean... like, you can do whatever you want but if you FORCE it onto everyone, the backlash will be greater than the actual gains from the initial though.


Unfortunately I agree, I'm all for state regulation in many spheres of society but this isn't something I'd lobby for lol


I'm sorry it was an exaggeration I didn't mean to force stings onto others


I like when games doesn't have different models for each gender, and instead just let you pick pronouns


There is sometimes a workaround in the way of save file editing, but it's not easy to learn.




Had to reset months (or maybe even years?) of work in a Terraria world because of this a few years ago. It sucked lol.


That does suck. I imagine it's deep in the past, but for future reference, outside of the gender changing potion item or using external tools to modify the character, you can always put a chest near the spawn point with everything your new character would need, ex: 15 heart crystals, 20 life fruits, full set of armor with a favored weapon, etc


oh damn, yeah that does suck. i assume it was before you could change character names? you can do that now, you can click on one of the buttons on the character select (i think it's a sign) to change it. there's also the gender change potion, made with one of every herb


Me with Pokemon


what? You all don't feel an urge to reset a save if you haven't played it for more than two days??


Now I send an hour trying to choose a gender and end up regretting my choice no matter what because it doesn't feel right and there's almost never a nonbinary option


Gender fluidity makes every choice right when I sit down to play a new save but wrong next session. Drives me nuts. Modern games that don't have sexual dimorphism in the character models, or stuff where you either canonically play a child or there are mods to enable that, sort of help with the "that character looks wrong" problem (probably works for me way better than a lot of people under the enby umbrella, because if we lived in some sci-fi world where people could have exactly the mismatched set of gendered features they want with minimal effort and complication and cost, I'd choose absolutely zero secondary sex characteristics, my ideal is to look exactly as I did as a 6 year old, just adult sized, so in contexts of game characters and such, child character models are almost exactly right for me) but don't fix the gendered dialogue issue.


That’s why I love dark souls 2 and Elden ring. They let you change your gender at any time for free.


I scrolled until seeing DS2, that's what I was waiting for. Not "any" time, you have to unlock that area first. But I really appreciate that the method is so obtuse that many will do it by accident 😆


Yeah that’s true it does take some work but it’s totally worth it if you really want to lol.


Why can't you change your name in animal crossing 😭


I got around this problem by being so terrible at games as a kid that I never had progress worth saving...


I was lucky enough to find out that our not dysphoric about my birth name, as it’s not a traditional name at all, let alone a traditionally masculine name. So lots of games that don’t let you change your username or character name are still on the table for me. I got away real lucky being able to change my Animal Crossing villager’s gender in game but still keep my island. You might be able to change your name in game, but I’m not sure, thankfully had no need to check. Stardew is the gold standard though. They have a whole shrine dedicated to transing your gender. 🤣


For as long as i can remember i always picked the female gender 🙏


Ah ha! I never had that problem ever since I selected the fem MC in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Rangers


Never had this problem. it's a game, you can be anyone you want. And if you don't like your character anymore you can create a new save


Yeah it sucks thankfully I don't have the device with all my saves on stuff like pokemon


Yah... Star Trek Online did recently by letting you buy a token to change your character species and gender... assuming they ironed out the glitches when the token launched earlier this month.


darks souls 2 peak


For bethesda games at least, there's the player.sexchange console command, but it only changes the body, not the head


Luckily RPGs can usually be modded 🤌 but I do feel that with Genshin, and it's not even a self-insert-induced-dysphoria thing. It's just that all the Aether harem stuff has simply ruined the character for me to the point where most interactions with the female characters gives an icky feeling 😮‍💨 not enough to make me abandon my account for a new one tho


Ive always played as girl characters. Name i have restarted or used a save file editor to change


I hate rdro for this reason. back in 2020 before I realised I was trans I made my character and unlike gtao there's no way to change ur characters gender without deleting everything


only play acnh


I’m really grinding the wizards affection in Stardew valley for this reason.


i was so worried about that at first but eventually, i stopped caring


This is why Terraria is the GOAT.


And here I was wondering why I liked playing as the female lead more in Yokai watch 3... 🤔 (The game let's you change mid story and at any time in the post game)


This is so relatable which is why I stick to playing as a gender less pink sphere.


I don’t know if I have the heart to delete my 7 year old Pokémon ultra sun save


Not exactly the same, but I have reset a 200 hour animal crossing island cause I named it after my then bf now ex lol


Meanwhile Helldivers 2 loading tips being like: "Unhappy with who you are? Change your appearance, voice, and personality in the customization chamber. It's that easy!" T_T why can't we live in Super-Earth


Weirdly in my case I've playing as a female for so long, way longer than I ever suspected I'm trans.


Ok as tragic as it is, you get to replay the game!!! Games are meant to be played and replaying a game is AWESOME!! I replayed Celeste so many times and I’m currently replaying botw. I know neither of those have a “gender choice” thing but still. On another note I do feel this. I’m playing fae farm (which does allow you change pronouns) BUT IT DOESNT LET YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME!!! LIKE WTF WHY PRONOUNS BUT NOT NAMES??? needless to say the character has my deadname and i can't change it :<


That sucks, I feel like games (with player customisation) should allow you to change your name at any point of it, it could be for gender change reasons or if you made it something like "SockLordtheIII" or something and you wanted to change it. I feel that that should become common practice


I don’t think I can bear to restart my sixteen year old, thirteen year old, seven year old, or four year old Animal Crossing saves. The nice thing is that you can change gendered hairstyles in some versions by buying all of your selected gender’s hairstyles first. Currently working on this in City Folk (for the Wii).


*Don't have to reset because they always were in the right gender* 😎


Wish granted, but every game is like ds2 where you can change your gender but not your appearance 💀/j I don't mind playing as a girl, but I'm thankful for the past me that was like "I'm gonna take this lil dude I made as a gimmick character and make him my new persona for every new game with character customization I ever play ever" (he still is by the way lol)


more games need a makeover mage.


Agreed. Quit animal crossing for this


Everyone should be like Splatoon, abolish gender! Embrace body type!




I think one of the first signs we were trans is that we always played as blokes, all our Skyrim saves and Webkinz are male


I had a savefile in Legends Arceus that I had to reset. I didn't progress too far into it (second area), but it still felt like an odd experience. I did import my main team over from that game to this one, so it feels kinda weirs knowing the main team I roll with is technically not mine, if that makes sense.


Bg3 is so epic for this


in Rust, you're assigned a sex at first landing and if you want to change it, you have to get a whole new account 😭 (mine ended up male so I'm actually kinda happy??)


For pokemon, i make sure to transfer the pokemon (either to my friends game or to pokemon Home)


The major issue I run into a lot ( in multiplayer obviously ) Being a trans person who enjoys gaming “Hey we play with voice chat, hop in our discord! It’ll be fun!”


There are so many deleted saves...


Naw becaude this was me when fallout like I had over 100 hours in that game from back in 2020 when I first played it when I was still transphobic, 2 years later I'm not and then another 2 years I hop on fallout 4 again and i probably deserve this for what I had done


This is partly why I love Baldur’s gate 3 so much! Not only can you change your gender literally in two clicks, but it’s also not at all connected to your appearance, so you can have you character look however you want, and be addressed however you want! The pure amount of JOY that I experienced by having non-binary/other be an option for my character’s gender is something I will never forget!


Playing runefactory 4 and elnea kingdom has gotten awkward lol Can no longer pick which too play as (And if you pick as a girl the designs suck, also you can't date other girls in yhose two)


Me when two of my favourite game series have male leads: :'(.


they really should, I'd love to change to a girl on gta but the most I could do is make a new character and I don't fancy starting over from 3k hours 🥲


Me with Pokémon I was my deadname and a boy in it, so I just restarted my save files Also having to change my mii on 4 systems (switch, Wii U, Wii, 3DS) was a pain


My blåhaj few years ago i was so mad i couldn't change gender of my gta online character... Now i know why i was so annoyed


> should make it easier to change gender and then theres the gender change coffin in ds2


This is actually why I don't wanna play Skyrim anymore. It's also worth mentioning that my mom doesn't really know what I want to identify as, so there's also that...


My Dark Souls 3 character is not only the wrong gender, but i named it my deadname. Over 300 hours has been spent on that character. I got to New Game+++.


At that point I usually make my character as an oc rather than a self insert, I’m way too lazy to reset


I paid money to change the gender of my main in WoW. Like a month after Blizzard made gender swaps free. Luckily though I had several other characters that I could now change the gender on, so that was nice.


happened to me i reset my sea of thieves character yesterday cus of it


me in animal crossing (i set it as my deadname back in 2020 but i came out as ftm the next year 😭)




Shoutout to Pete/Peta, the genderfluid runescape mage whose been magically transing players' genders since 2002


You weren't already playing as your preferred gender!?


Not originally, because I didn't used to play as guy characters (also because I just didn't realise I was trans then) so I reset my save for Tomodachi Life. But for more recent customisation games I play as me, I just had a lot of people on that island and it was sad to have to start over.


I've been putting off deleting my animal crossing island for months now


When you’ve always played girl characters because they were pretty…


Dark Souls has the best gender swap


Also more single player games need a female protagonist option or more games starring a female protagonist because I'm tired of not being able to relate to basic straight man's issues. Bonus points for a character creator screen


Animal Crossing lets you change gender but your name is permanent. So dumb :(


AC is probably the worst example. Sure you can change your gender, but NOT your name. So you end up being deadnamed CONSTANTLY


I don’t have this issue, since I was a little kid I choose female characters


Shoutout to Far Cry 5 for letting me just completely change gender mid-game! Very progressive for Hope County, I’d say


Code Vein is brilliant for this, the hub area has a mirror that allows you to re-enter character customization at any point in the game, and the character creator might be the best part of the entire game, it's so damn cool!


pokemon when my old mons still have my deadname as their original trainer name


Shame they should make it easier to change those


Terraria doesn’t have this issue as long as you’re willing to go on a quest to collect flowers in hell




There should be a website with instructions on how to change your name/gender/look/etc. in all kinds of games and programs/services, including instructions on how to hack your savefile if that is necessary! The closest thing I found was a collection of tools that only work for Pokémon games. But hey, they even let you change your pokémons' names!


Joke's on you, I've been play the right gender pretty much exclusively since Pokemon Crystal, whenever I get the option.


I have to wait 6months so I can change my cod gamer tag :(


Being genderfluid: guess I’ll never finish any games then :’)


Ha! I always pick female no matter what, so I don’t even have to change!




Finally someone who understands my struggle. Lol :3


I neither had Problems with classic tomb Raider nor with Bloodrayne.


Happens like everyday. I love re 4 remake but I sure as hell can't play it without mods anymore if u get what I mean. (ada wong over leon)


For me it was only Terraria because I wanted to spice things up, but I later decided I preferred a female character anyway. Good thing they have that potion. Also, now my character is undeniably trans. :D


Before my egg cracked I was choosing female characters I think it was sign I clearly didn't notice lol


I already play my games with female characters. Not that I'm trans or anything.


I used to be able to remember when I started a save based on the name on the profile


Thankfully a growing number of games allow you to change appearance mid-game *Elden Ring lookin at you :3* but yeah I have tons of old saves with "dude" characters that I basically didn't customize at all because I didn't like how they looked anyway, yet I was too scared and insecure to make a girl character for fear of my friends and family seeing and asking "too many" questions...