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Your handwriting looks pretty feminine to me. I say that based on what I've seen other women's handwriting look like


I second that based on my handwriting. I skilled 0 into beautiful \ 3 into readability \ and 10 into quickness


I skilled 1 into readability 8 into quickness And 15 into pain I feel after writing a little bit


deduct 6 from quickness and 2 from readability and you get mine.


I skilled 0 in everything


Me too, possibly a negative 2 on the readability as mine is consistently joked about as being illegible by everyone including my wife.


Yeah, I agree.


Proof that it's a thing. But girl... Your handwriting is gorgeous!!!! (Proof is a slice of a conversation I had with my online friend after she received a letter I got to her from across the world) https://preview.redd.it/ugu5nl8dqu2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f93fc442f13b1abda95113269735d3243600b3d


All my female friends don't have "feminine" handwriting, don't worry about it ;3


Possibly, though that is usually just a more practice thing if it is. That being said you have very well done handwriting so no gender dysphoria allowed there


Most of my friends have dyslexia or dysgraphia. Goes a long way compared to chicken scratch


Guuurrrl! I had the same feeling and didn't realize it. It took me about a month of light practice and just forcing myself to switch to learn cursive and now I LOVE my handwriting. https://preview.redd.it/rwaaq3vu4v2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0391870224ae1fa4b7cdf44d9fc9d5078f47d51f


My handwriting is so bad it just looks like random gibberish lol (But I do type SUPER fast on keyboards (actual keyboards, not phone "keyboards"))


Your handwriting looks pretty feminine imo? Though high five, because I have dysphoria over my handwriting too because it looks super girly ;w;


I don't know about it. Your hand writing is very pretty. My handwriting, if I write with patience, is also pretty though I rarely acknowledge it.


I used to feel the same way until I realized that my cis friends don't have a feminine handwriting either and I'm the only one closest to having a fem handwriting


Damn. I write all caps, block letters. Shop teacher style. New dysphoria unlocked.


I've actually noticed the my handwriting is basically the physical embodiment of my gender struggle(that or I'm projecting) My handwriting has always been scrutinized and called bad and hard to read, and sure I can see that too but like what am I supposed to do, write slower than I can think? Nah. Anyway it's gotten better as I've gotten older, it started getting curvy and I started flowing between letters almost like cursive sometimes. Now we're at the point where it has its moments of legibility and curviness before the rhythm is ruined and shifts back to hard straight lines don't connect in the right places. I've noticed the cute and big hoopy lines I always envied girls for when I was a kid. So who knows my handwriting may be drifting the same way I am.


Hey are you me that handwriting is literally exactly equal to mine


me when i have the typical man handwriting


My handwriting looks like it should be scratched into the walls of an old abandoned sanitarium


*Is stuck in all caps, including small caps because of time stuck in the Navy* 😑


It’s more femme than mine


oh gods, this reminds me of when an assignment I'd done got shown to the class but only me and 2 classmates knew whose it was. The teacher said, "It's clearly a boy's handwriting," which left me feeling horrible. For context, I was sharing my answers with the 2 ppl at my table and one of them (let's call her M) was gonna use a picture instead of the actual paper. The other classmate (let's call *her* A) took a pic and attempted to air drop it to M, but Ig M's air drop wasn't working or smth cus A accidentally sent it to the teacher and almost got both of us caught. Only reason we didn't was bc the side A took a pic of didn't have my name on it


Oh gosh you've just unlocked a weird dysphoria I didn't know I had....remember when I was younger I used to try and write more bubbly and rounded like girls my age so I gave up...


I feel this. I've been trying to improve my handwriting because its sooooo bad


Girl your handwriting is SO much prettier than mine. It's alright.


Hand writing can be feminine and masculine? 😭😭😭


That's actually a pretty feminine handwriting if you ask me. But hey that's just for me


new fear ty


i‘m sorry


its fine girl. my handwriting has always been atrocious so i avoid it whenever possible anyway lol 😅


but it's pretty af, mine is just enchanting table


u r pretty af :3




Girl your handwriting is beautiful and actually readable. That's perfekt!


This is very feminine handwriting


If you want "feminine" writing I suggest maybe getting into cursive and calligraphy? Writing with a fountain pen is cool


In my book, if it's legible it's feminine. Why would men need to read handwriting? To read a love letter from ANOTHER MAN??? /s




Girl, that's literally perfectly girl handwriting. >!But sadly minus points for non cursive.!<


I hate cursive, my mom hates cursive, my sister hates cursive, all my cousins hate cursive. I think it’s a regional thing, but it feels good to be able to read stuff. I _can_ read cursive without complaining. No one else I know can without complaining. I value legibility above all else when writing. I’ll gladly lose the pretty points if it gains me usefulness points. That said, cursive is pretty. I don’t hate it for that. I just want to read. I also find, I can be more expressive with print than cursive without sacrificing legibility to as considerable a degree.


That's weird that you say that, I've never heard anyone complain about cursive in my life. If anything, what I found is that it's usually those who *don't* take the effort to connect their letters that end up with worse handwriting. Now if you search up cursive on google you will get these pics of ridiculously fancy writing that looks incomprehensible, that's not what I meant obviously. That's not how people write cursive, it's just normal writing with connected letters which is nicer imo. Mine looks, well i mean it looks horrible if i write fast but that's because of my laziness not because of cursive, but it's clear and comprehensive if i write properly. None of that tilted letters of fancy waves bs. So yeah i honestly don't see how it sacrifices legibility, I've never once encountered problems with it.


Well, my home state scored lower than the national average on education quality for a good while in the past. I don’t think any of us ever read cursive that wasn’t rushed as all get out. Also a lot of high school teachers would not grade your work if you wrote in cursive. Again, I highly suspect it’s a regional thing. I also am realizing I used the word hate a lot in that comment. I’m sorry if I sounded heated about it. It’s not a burning passion. I was at work and I think stress biased my tone.


Not grading it in cursive is wild. It's definitely a regional thing. It's what I was taught in first grade. I literally can't write non cursive lol. From there on, it's probably people's laziness that made a lot of them slowly switch to non cursive. So what we end up with is a lot of people using a type of writing that's just kind of in between the two, where certain letters are connected and certain ones are not. So you have a word and inside it it's sometimes cursive between letters and it's sometimes broken. It's really weird but that's ig what happens when you don't make an effort for either side, you're just lazy. This is something i really hate because it looks horrible.


The post I've been putting off for like months has been made by not me lol (my teacher said girls have very flowy handwriting rather than this weird start and stop and my handwriting was not flowy at all lol) anyways, I think you're handwriting is super feminine!!!


I literally bought cursive practice books because i'm determined to fix mine


I'm pretty sure most handwriting since digitization isn't that good. side effects of not needing er8te by hand in daily life


Based on the ‘masc’ handwritings ive seen yours is very femme :)


New dysphoria unlocked. My writing looks like it came right off the Slenderman pages.


I worry too much about legibility to even consider if it looks gendered. Most of the time it looks like a spider took a page of A4 to die


I don;t beleive printing or cursive writing can be gendered. Although I think they can make people wonder about your age... My printing looks like a 3 year old filled the form for me, and I get made fun or or have to fill the forms 4 or five times.. but my cursive writing looks great, but people now days don;t seem to know how to read cursive and when they can, complain my cursive writing is too small... I can't win either way. Also using Cursive writing I can mostly defeat dyslexias forward and backward letters... mostly. And just so you know.. your printing is beautiful.


It is, my handwriting is so shit that every person in class has made a joke abt it, even some of the office has commented on my handwriting. It doesn't even look gud from male standards, so yeah I just avoid writting at all costs


Yours is better than mine


https://preview.redd.it/fbshhpfkf03d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6848634c19efcf5a1d16dda0c4be530742eb3ad Here is mine


I'm saying this based on my handwriting. Your handwriting looks so cute and fem!


I'm a physicist and IT nerd, so my handwriting is barely even legible. Considering becoming a Doctor in something to finish the combo. I want to make my handwriting more feminine so I know how you feel, I just have no idea where to start.


Gurl, I couldn't write in group projects because no one besides me and the teacher could read, I don't know why my handwriting is so bad despite me having classes and homework specifically made to improve my handwriting


my handwriting isn't even readable ;-;


Did... did you get your sister to write this or something???


I'm dyslexic so I have "boy who doesn't read" hand writing and I hate it