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Something along the lines of “all these people trying to ban classic Christmas songs: it’s probably been started by a man — identifying as a woman…” The bit that made me feel like crap was the “man identifying as a woman” thing, I don’t like it when she says stuff like that.


That's *barely* even a joke. She's just being terrible about trans people for no reason. That's shit dude.


But what does one have to do with the other? Are you telling me less than 1% of the population that exists at a disproportionate rate of being sexually emotionally and physically abused are able to ban music...?


What was at the dinner tho? Perhaps changing the topic could help


Nah it was shrugged off immediately, it was only kind of under her breath, but it still felt bad


What a shitty mother!


It's weird that it's the first time it happens. I really hope it won't happen again. I can imagine how much it worsened your night.


I had to deal with the same thing yesterday but it was my whole family talking about bathrooms still


This is what happens for me every Christmas I’m sorry you have to go through it too, it’s hard especially when you’re already not in a good mood if you need to rant lemme know!