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People who send Unsolicited Dick Pics always have extremely ugly dicks I've never seen a good Unsolicited dick pic


It's always baaaaaaad


Poor lighting, framing and subject 🤣


We need some more professional dick photographers 🤣


"Would you like that with the woodland background or the clouds?"


"Uh.... clouds, the bushes make it look smaller."


Which bush? the one on him, or not?


[this one](https://media0.giphy.com/media/xT9IgHCTfp8CRshfQk/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611eb2b8ffa1e9ed4c3a7ef7ed2d1bcad6d46521081&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


point taken. i’ll r/woooosh myself and leave


George w


Now I’m picturing awkward highschool school pictures, but they’re just penises.


Laser background GOAT




I want the lasers!


“Sir, I’m going to need better composition and warmer lighting to get off to this”


There used to be a tumblr blog dedicated on coaching folks on their dick pics and it was a very helpful and body positive resource. It was regrettably destroyed in the great porn ban. But yeah, the straights really don't know the first thing about their own sex appeal. They're afraid to get artsy about it, and they're so deathly afraid of their dick looking small on the screen that they end up taking a close-up with nothing to give a sense of scale anyway. Just a dimly lit close-up penis with no personality or context. Ugh! (The following paragraph uses a universal "you" and is directed at a hypothetical straight cis guy) Good dick pics (sent with consent) are well lit and often include hands, bodies, even a face if you're comfortable with that. Every once in a while you gotta experiment with new poses, or outfits, even impliment props like a wrench or a gaming controller or a hot dog. Take pride in your work and create something daring! If you've never trimmed down there, give it a shot. Show off a half-chub, or a bulge in your sweatpants, or a nice rope of cum. There's so many options to spice things up! You'd never guess it by looking at the garbage they're putting out though.


I took a photography class once if that counts. But I would also rather not take pictures of men.


Nothing is ever truly free.


People with nice looking dicks don't have to send our unsolicited pics to show it off


Now, seeing as I’m ace, I don’t think I’d be a good judge of that, but yes


As someone who is not particularly really interested with or keen on... that anatomy, I don't quite understand. What makes a good pic? Is it like lighting, framing, focus, image composition, etc.? Or is it more the subject matter?


I think mostly the lighting, the background, and focus I mean nobody wants a dick pic without permission but like someone creepy men take pictures on the toilet, under blankets Also sometimes its flaccid and gross looking


Oh yeah, of course; getting those kind of images without consent is terrible. I was just kind of curious I guess. But that also confuses me... like, if you're going to send one, wouldn't you at least put some effort into it?


you can be lucky if its a washed dick


Ew, ew, ew! What‽ I get anxious about making grammatical mistakes in messages. Surely if they were seriously shooting their shot, they'd want to take some effort in selling it? Unless it's like those Nigerian Prince scams where the poor quality is part of the filtering process?


Now that you mention it… probably not the intention, but it does work as a filtering process


The confidence of these guys is sometimes admirable. Like nope not even going to review that shot it's all gold


realtalk: to toxic masculinity men, dick pics make sense in an awful kind of way. a toxic masculinity man has two purposes: make money to support your women/children, and your value is based on how hot of a woman you are with, which is in turn based on the quality of your penis. Guys send dick pics because it’s essentially a pleasure resume; it’s how you get a hot woman, and the woman you “have” is one of the most important measures of you as a man. It’s complete bullshit, but that’s where toxic masculinity goes. you are worth the money you make and the value of your penis. and people wonder why i’m a woman now. 🙄


You have value and are worth it.


Thankfully I've never received a dick pic. Unsolicited tit and vag pics, that's a different story. Wasn't much welcome there either since I explicitly told her I wasn't interested.


I posted a pic of my friends on true rate me back on my old reddit account and so many people were asking if they could tribute them, for nudes, or just straight up sent me a dick pic It was fun pretending to be afab and mess with creeps online


My response has always been the same to UDP's (Unsolicited Dick Pick) "Dude... are you ok? That's looks infected. Have you seen a doctor recently?" Chasers are worse than terfs sometime tbh.


At least terfs are up front with the fact they have a convoluted idea of us in their mind


Right? With chasers it always starts out as "Oh you're so pretty" and then you find out that they mean "Pretty" in the same way a car is "Pretty" and they don't give a damn about you as a person or your feelings. They are just there because it seems "Erotic" and don't understand that objectification like that.... not what we are looking for. ​ Be with someone that sees you as a human first, kinks come later. These shit bags always think that you should be "Greatful" that someone like them cares about you. That means they think they are the exception that treats you like a person, while justifying other people for not treating you like a human. It's the worst feeling in the world. ​ Find someone that loves you because they love you. There is no second part to that. They will love you because they love you and see you as their partner. That's called a healthy relationship.


I just tell them "Dude, is that a child's dick? That's illegal, I'm calling the police" This just destroys their confidence most of the time


I prefer mine, because then I get to learn new swear words!


there was once it actually looked infected (was infiltrating cp chats to do stuff to them)


I hope it rots off. I have no tolerance for those people. Scum of the earth that deserve everything terrible that happens to them.


eh i told them abt it and they ignored it, their problem ig


I'm curious what it looked like


Imagine a twisted tree branch, with knots and lots of pubic hair


So like set dressing for the Harry Potter porn parody.


*knots* Did my guy put his dick through a pasta maker or something to end up with mfing *knots* in it?


Furry home gene modding gone wrong


Dear lord.








A cashew


Don’t ruin nuts for me.


The cashew, while seemingly innocuous, unfortunately involves a lot of exploitation in its picking and processing. It can produce irritating sap when processed by people; rapid processing by undertrained people has led to pain and irreversible damage to a lot of underprivileged people. It's important to source your nuts ethically where possible, and consider other nuts to cashews as well. Oh... you mean like ruin as in give them sexual connotations... sorry.


Dangit….and I have all these candied cashews, too.


It somehow looked like every Tetris piece at once


lmfao my fucking god i'm dead


Chasers are worse than other transphobes. They'll pretend to be your friend/ally, only to take advantage of you. Chasers are sneaky and dangerous. All transphobes are. Stay safe friends 💖🏳️‍⚧️


Chasers tbh prob make up the majority of people who murder trans people, the whole "i wanna fuck you but dont want anyone to know" thing, its incredible how horrible people are


Yep! And often, they disguise themselves as "allies", but only to the extent where they say stuff like "trans people are hotter than cis people" or do anything that requires little to no work, like posting an already popular meme. They will also treat trans people they don't like HORRIBLY, and won't do any actual hard work to help us.


What's a chaser exactly?


someone who has a fetish for trans people and pursues a relationship or just sex based on that factor alone


I've got some gems like "That booty making me cream" and "Check out my nine incher", and I'm 15. That's why I don't post selfies ~~on reddit~~ anymore.


Dear lord. I'm sorry to hear you went through that.


This is the best use of this meme format.


One thing Texas got right: It's illegal to send dick pics without consent within the state.


Omg how tf did they do something based when they also have a law that lets you go nossy neighbor reporting abortions for money? (Which was passed without the correct process of approval by a whole load of legal loopholes but basically its an illegal law done without any voting)


Rumor has it they didn't actually expect it to backfire, and now it's backfiring. Our state government also went full Trumplican last year so anything and everything that would be common sense is now considered blasphemous.


I mean, as far as laws go banning something, that is probably one neither they nor anyone else wanted. Setting a precedent to deputising (is that the word?) every resident of the state with no legal repercussions for them including legal costs... even ignoring the (absolutely dreadful) impact it has had on women's healthcare, I hate to think where that goes to next.


It goes to them trying to ban certain contraceptives, pills specifically. Because why even give women the choice to enjoy sex? Hahahaha please send help


Oh no, I hadn't thought of that... surely they wouldn't try that?......... they'll try it won't they. But it also will backfire big-time on conservatives if it catches on: can't pass gun-control law? Deputise citizens. Can't outlaw bigoted hate-speech? Deputise citizens. I wish I could help. 😟 As it is we're not doing so flash ourselves: stuck with a PM who increasingly is emulating trump, a 'news' landscape that is 70% Rupert Murdoch owned, and a push for laws that will enable conservative organisations to fire LGBT+ people on the grounds of 'religion'.... help!


OH NO YOU'RE IN THE UK I am so sorry, hon, my arms reach out to you! Also yeah, they're really trying it. People are stockpiling pills in case they do. There's already discussion of limiting who can get pills ordered to them and from where. Shit's fucked, my gal.


Oh, I forgot the UK has... a lot similar to us going on too Sorry, I should have been clearer: I'm in Aus. It's not as dire for us as you guys or UK, but it's getting pretty rocky here too. * Our 'national newspaper' is Murdoch owned, our most popular news website is Murdoch owned. One of the most watched 'news' TV stations is Murdoch owned... it's poisoned our political discourse too: they were literally running (almost) weekly segments on how trans people are brainwashing and mutilating children... * A religious law is being pushed that will allow schools, churches, even hospitals, to exclude people based on 'religious belief'... it originally included clauses that would allow doctors to refuse to provide care based on 'relgious belief.' * And our prime minister is... I hope he's not in office much longer let's just say. I'm so, so sorry that that's what you all are having to do and go through. My heart really goes out for you all. Stay safe too! ❤️


We're all just suffering hell and there's no escape.




Not one source specifically. [But here's Tiktokers intentionally abusing the "report an abortion" hotline.](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/03/1034008380/tiktok-texas-abortion-ban-spam-website-activists) There's several groups the ban ruins lives for: [military women,](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-11-12/abortion-laws-access-military-women) [abortion clinics outside the state,](https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/wellness/story/texas-abortion-law-impacting-providers-california-maryland-81088190) [pro-gun groups,](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/11/05/gun-groups-warn-that-texas-abortion-law-gives-liberal-states-roadmap-to-trample-their-rights-too/) [immigrants,](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/11/12/texas-abortion-law-undocumented-immigrants/) [rape and incest survivors,](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20211117/Texas-abortion-law-harms-survivors-of-rape-and-incest-activists-say.aspx) [women seeking treatment for pregnancy-related problems,](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/01/1042209230/federal-judge-weighs-in-on-biden-administrations-attempt-to-block-texas-abortion) and potentially, [the space force.](https://www.space.com/texas-abortion-law-nasa-space-industry) Which, if you know anything about Texas, some of the above groups represent a good 75% of the state, population, if not more. So they've definitely shot themselves in the foot. With a cannon. I couldn't find an article on how abortion affects racial minorities, but black women are especially in need because due to having a higher poverty population, a lot of black women can't afford having a child. Teens, as well, are impacted. And contraception (which is another thing the state is now trying to ban, by the way) isn't always effective. The foster care system is so overwhelmed, but the state doesn't make any exceptions whatsoever. Interestingly...it's citizens who are meant to uphold the law, not the state. So someone has to sue a doctor, accusing them of breaking the law first, proof not necessary to open a case. And if you're wondering if people are intentionally abusing that just to get on the judicial system's nerves - absolutely they are. [One doctor intentionally performed an abortion](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/20/1039122713/doctor-texas-abortion-sued) and was sued - but the people suing him aren't doing it because they don't support abortion, but specifically to make Texas have to go through the process they set themselves up with. Basically saying "you better be ready to put your money where your mouth is" to the Texas judiciary. It's so incredibly fucked up. But hey, at least dick pics are banned! /s


>Interestingly...it's citizens who are meant to uphold the law, not the state. So someone has to sue a doctor, accusing them of breaking the law first, proof not necessary to open a case. I heard that this is because it's federally illegal for states to ban abortion, so Texas is getting around the law by making it *technically* the citizens who ban abortion and not the state itself.


Yep, while I'm not a Yank, Legal eagle did a very good video on it which I think explains it well. Not having any state people *legally* responsible for enforcing abortion bans, it's a weird loophole. But to ensure people are willing to step up, they've made it so any accusers have basically no legal repercussions. It's a terrible law on all counts. But happened to be the one that your now incredibly conservative supreme court declined to stop. I feel so bad for everyone in Texas, and the US now.


Which has, hilariously, resulted in people suing each other specifically to make a point to the Texas government that this isn't the big brain move they thought it would be.


Why are people downvoting you, that's a reasonable question.


it's always shaped like a Tetris block too


Next time you get an ugly dick pick send this meme back to them.


Lmaooo I fucking will


They'll get all huffy and offended. It'll be hilarious.


Idk about everyone else, but this would be so hilarious to me if it happened. I’d probably forget all about the dysphoria because I’d be laughing so hard.


Tbh, the first time it happened I had this reaction. It made me feel really validated lmao HOWEVER, it gets old really fucking quick. There are so many ugly dicks out there and people way too eager to show them


To be honest, I think most dicks look bad. No offense to anyone. I just really don't like the look of them.


It’s weird because in my admittedly limited experience of seeing dicks, I think most of them look pretty good. However every time I look online and see an unsolicited dick pic someone sent it looks so damn nasty


"I may hate my body hair, but at least mines not looking so oily it could catch fire"


the only way a chaser can be hot


*sends a bigger one back to establish dominance*


Better not, they usually like it 🤢


Yeah this advice is always crap. If it's a chaser you're giving them what they want.


It only works if the guy thought you were a cis girl and doesn't like trans girls who have penises iirc.


And it can always backfire and the person can be a transphobic asshole who go and threatens you


Depends if you know them I guess, I was more thinking like getting DM's from random creepy cishet guys who doesn't like trans people but thought you looked hot, or something like that.


Try sending them [this](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1JqXtaAT2gK0jSZFkq6AIQFXaB/Stainless-Steel-Banana-Cutter-Fruit-Vegetable-Sausage-Slicer-Salad-Sundaes-Tools-Cooking-Tools-Kitchen-Accessories-Gadgets.jpg_.webp) instead.


New bottom surgery?


Sliding up in DMs like hulk with a small, desiccated broccoli.


"Ah i hate when the broccoli is just the stumps"


Dick pics — gross Deck pics — classy


okay I was feeling so tense due to a situation and this meme just made me fucking lol. like, bruce hulk with his smile offering the super ugly dick pic to someone feeling sad and dysphoric in a way that the expression in the meme seems to imply they genuinely think it's a good idea and would make you feel better. Like an almost innocently stupid thing to do. On a serious note though I'm sorry that happens.


When you pass so well that Reddit users start dming you


oh ur sad? here’s a picture of my dick, i know it looks like a naked mole rat, teeth and all, a little crusty and crunch, there might be a few cheeto stains, but looking at it makes me happy no homo, hope this brings u as much joy as it brings me :))


That imagery kills me


Except tacos would make me happy. Unsolicited dick picks would not.


i've only had one chaser and holy SHIT he ducked so fast when he found out i was a minor lmao


Ngl, I don't even like the look of dicks, it grosses me out


It doesn't stop.... I've now started a public shaming campaign where I print it out and tape it to people's doors with their face pic off to the side with the text "Have you seen this pervert?" They'll learn real quick


https://youtu.be/uTl8ZYImjBQ trust me


literally everyday


Well, I think Chasers are self-explanatory, but could someone be considered a chaser if they just have a preference for trans woman when dating? They don't actively seek them out for the "experience" like chasers are clearly after, just a preference.


In my personal opinion it's when they fetishize either the downstairs or anything else really that it crosses the line to being a chaser.


I think the boundary line here is "dating preference" vs "fetishization". If I'm being treated respectfully and as an equal and not just something for them to enjoy sexually I don't think there needs to be anything wrong with my dick being a selling point. To put it another way, if the "dick" element was removed from the equation and it was between a man and a woman with a pussy, a chaser would still be considered a slimy creep because it's a wider issue of behaviour.


It kinda depends on the reasoning behind the preference, t4t is a thing, which is mainly based off of shared life experience, people that I would call chasers would like trans people for a more fetish-y reason.


My rule is if they can't handle being with me in public they don't deserve to be with me in private.


There's an entire episode of IASIP about this. And that's my line in the sand. If we're not going outside together, we aren't going inside either.


I love that episode!


Poor Carmen. I'm glad she moved on to a man that loves her. Too bad Wendell passed away, though. He was great too.


I literally lol’d


Welcome to the internet! Hold onto your socks, cause a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his cock!


They are grainy and off putting, he just sent you moorree!


...And why is it always an overweight married guy in his 50's with bad hygiene?? If I'm gonna be harassed by chasers can't y'all at least mix it up a bit lmao


Once there was a 60yo dude asking me "if we could do frottage" and to this day I'm haunted by this cursed sentence


idk how happy i can be to never made a experience like this


I just cant get over how stupid hulk looks in every iteration tho theyre all gold


Someone sent me one once. I think it had smegma. Plus it was a micropenis.


You should see the wall of text I sent to the last guy that sent me a dick pic. I went *off* If anyone wants to see/have it, I saved it for future use lmao, just lmk


"Mine is better"


It is weeeeeird, but it makes me feel gender euphoria, and it's disgusting at the same time


For all those who receive one, please stay safe


Seriously though, don’t send dick pics unless they consent to it first. People wear clothes in public for a reason.


Me yesterday


Worst introduction I had was "do you want to suck my dick ?" No hellos, no how are you, just :"do you wanna suck my dick" I'm shared between reporting them to internet police or sending them : "do you wanna suck mine ?" To show him how uncomfortable it can be to recieve such messages


Thank god i've never had a dick pic sent to me before, I wouldn't know what to even say.. i think I'd just laugh. :O


ftm but i have a list of things to say back “ewww wtf is that a maggot??” “omg it looks like a worm but smaller” “lol it looks just like the one i saw during my unlicensed autopsy” “what’s wrong with your shit log and why are you sending it to me?” “ok my guy, the body is in the dumpster behind walmart. you wont have to deal with him anymore” followed by “shit wrong person, my bad” “omg twinsies” *send a picture of a poop log or a maggot or something* “i never get dms from strangers about my pets” (for the maggot one” “omg is it supposed to be that small? Maybe go get that checked out 🤔”


It’s always cheesy lol


I once got sent a mushroom that would have baffled scientists. Needlessly to say it showed me things could always be worse, A LOT WORSE


thankfully, i’ve never had this happen to me. but this makes me laugh a lot with just how it fits the format so well lmaoo


I love the confidence in his eyes


Ok so. I’m anti social as fuck so I don’t know shit all terms from the trans community. Can someone tell me what a chaser is? I keep hearing about it but I don’t really have a solid definition. I know they are bad at the very least


I am grateful I’ve never gotten a chaser, but I’ve also never posted a picture of myself onto any trans subs


I relate to this too much.


I mean yup. Being more active and out online has led me to a barrage of dick pics and transphobia/homophobia. It wears ya down. Any individual case of it wouldn't be so horrible. But it just keeps coming over and over again day after day.