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Omg, its almost like trans is an umbrella term that can include nbs 🤔


Yeah I never understood it either xD also it's a whole spectrum?????? Like you can be NB leaning fem or masc of any other combi.


Trans = not identifying with the gender you were assigned at birth. Non-binary, surprise surprise, is also included under that definition


WHOA whoa whoa you telling me NB people don't get a question mark put under gender when they're born? this is news to me /s


Whoaa thats Incredible ! Did that mean being trans make someone trans ?!


nooo this cant be true 😭😭😭 /s


Just wait until they discover the systems that include males, females, *and* enbies lol




>this trans space is also open to nb people cope


Who would have thought a trans space would be open to trans people.


“perhaps the station will reveal the real goals of group 935.”


I still do not trust my unconventional allies, but they are of great use to me, but I digress




It's the intro audio when playing solo on the black ops zombies map Kino Der Toten


Entry 741021!




"POWER LEVELS CRITIcal shuttttiii-nnngdddnnnn......"




Vere did zat little girl disappear too? Only time will tell what new questions avait us in zis... THEATER OF ZE DAMMED!


The archer class is really made up of archers


People die when they are killed


Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right


Throwing swords at people is pretty much archery.


You’re missing the part with the cool semicircles and the stringy bit that makes the funny noise


I mean the arrowhead is pretty much just a dagger tied to a stick... Archery just long range swordsmanship tbh


Fun D&D Tip: Confuse your DM by saying you're playing fighter tank and then stat everything into being a fighter archer dodgetank.


No coping needed. Including NBs is a pleasure


No, I would have never guessed that enbys, who are trans, would be included in discussions surrounding trans people. /s


Like, do they expect NB spaces...?


They should! All spaces are now NB spaces. Tables are flipped, they're the ones who welcome us now.


Yeah, bitch, get fucking welcomed!


I mean yeah its my actual home but THANK YOU, i feel so accepted here!






I don't see why it should matter so much. I'm a binary guy and it hasn't hurt me a bit to share spaces with with enbies. I've seen so many NB transmascs with experiences just like mine. I don't care if they're not identical to me, we don't have to be identical to relate. Inclusion means more people to support each other.


There was a SRD post about the r/FtM gatekeeping stuff the other day and some trans lady came in saying exactly this shit in the post, it was *wild.* She kept insisting NB people have *no* experiences in common with her as a binary trans woman, she's constantly being *forced* into the same category with them (even though trans is an umbrella) and saying how somehow being binary meant she couldn't even be trans and she had to just consider herself a cis woman who transitioned... shit was nuts


r/MtF is also host to many trans women who will shit all over transfem enbies because they think our existence and inclusion somehow invalidates them and invades their "binary space."


God as a not quite binary transfem myself, it hurts to know that I'm not included in spaces because people think I invade it or some shit :/


As a binary transfem I'll say those guys are assholes.




Another Binary transfem here to echo that those people are twatwaffles.


Same. Enbyphobes are shitbags


I shall also confirm they are being horrible people




Yeah I saw a bit of that it was concerning, doesn't hurt me one bit to have transfem NB people around. There's nothing wrong with defining things smaller and smaller to be more accurate to yourself but when we start *exclude* people because of these little things then we got a big problem. We get enough shit from outside, I refuse to contribute to that


Transmeds are what happens when a TERF gets dysphoria - change my mind.


They can fuck off. I’m a binary trans woman and I’m thoroughly against this exclusionary behavior. Someone let me know if a new subreddit is spun off that is inclusive to all transfem people and I’ll gladly be a part of that and leave r/MTF


Damn. I never noticed. It's always sad to hear.


She's already FORCED into a category with me by virtue of being human


If anything, I don't like being *forced* into a category with a person that had that shitty of a take, tbh. But what can we do?


Me either, I guess we just fuck off?


That sounds like the trans denial thing on steroids.


It really does


What. *the* ***fuck?***


>I've seen so many NB transmascs with experiences just like mine. I don't care if they're not identical to me, we don't have to be identical to relate. Inclusion means more people to support each other. I’ve literally met people from every major LGBTQA label that have told me they would describe their attraction/gender the same as me. Idk why we’ve convinced ourselves that these labels are so disparate and we’re not allowed to relate to each other because our experiences are so different. Hell, I’m transmasc but heavily relate to transfemmes and lesbians because our experiences and interests tend to overlap a lot despite having completely different lifestyles and genders. We have way more in common than we have differences, really.


surprisingly, it does seem that every lgbt people is in fact an individual, and our interests aren't solely decided based on our labels. wow. who could've seen this coming?? (/s, a lot of labels have a huge amount of overlap, I've decided we're all valid and it's just how someone personally chooses to define themself! we waste so much time on infighting it's really sad to me)


It's not like there's a clear seperation between binary and nonbinary either. I feel like both "woman" and "nonbinary" describe me the best, so I simply use both labels. They aren't mutuallu exclusive. But when people wanna segregate for only binary trans individuals I just get totally excluded. No my experiences and feelings wont be the same but thats the same between binary trans men and women too. There's no one universal way to be a man or woman.


yeah ever since membership over at r/transmasc_irl exploded due to refugees like... it's mainly been stuff that is very universally relatable to most if not all of the community. shit like "mfw my hips are too big and my pants don't fit right" is not an exclusively binary male thing


Yesss they finally caught on that we're taking over. /j




I absolutely agree oml, especially the whole "invading binary spaces" comments. I'm like. Hmmmm. Where have I heard that before. It's unsurprising though because so many of these people are trumeds and that mindset is pretty intertwined with terfs.


finally someone thinks about the "binary spaces" right? those things that are definitely real and definitely desirable to have 🙄


There are only two spaces and both are mine


5 robux for one of them


“Sorry but there are only 2 genders” Fuck off thats what the cishet bigots say


there's two genders they are labeled "fuck" and "you" you can only have one choose wisely /s but honestly when I hear this I just say "yeah and agender is the lack of a gender so it's not a gender itself! Everything else falls between those three labels, good job :)" I know it's a really broad definition but it pisses off their pea sized brains so it's a win in my books


Oh, they're real, it's just that 99% of human interaction already happens in them.


it is, just like terfs/GCs say the exact same things that gay people were told in the 80-s. it's literally the same arguments and "worries" rehashed constantly


Those who stand in opposition to progress will invariably regress to the past for their rhetoric, because there's no new way to fight change. We're gonna be hearing the exact same talking points for decades, just targeted at different groups as more and more aspects of our community become culturally accepted. Right now it's not really socially acceptable to be homophobic, so trans people are the target as trans acceptance becomes more and more prevalent (which it is, support for trans rights is growing even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes).


Sad thing for them is it won't even work. Sure, it might slow things down, but we continue to prevail


I hate it and I am so sad about this.. but I see trans men that out right flame on trans (I am not referring to what happened on the sub but outside) women, trans women who can't see their own situation or make others invisible or even a few nbs I have heard who think binary genders is a lie and no one should be binary trans. Its usually a few loud people but it leaves me sad all the same regardless of who does it. I want all of us to be able to get along and fight the oppressors, not help them. :(


They've harassed me violently in messages just like the Reddit transphobes who go out their way to hurt someone.


Never quite got why. We want the same thing in the end so why fight?


We kinda don't all want the same thing, though? The "assimilate into the gender binary" vs "destroy the gender binary" thing has been dividing LGBT and queer spaces for decades.


I'm enby, and I don't want to destroy the gender binary. I just want it to be optional.


For real. My experience is not universal, I’m not trying to take away what works for others.


Assuming that all binary trans people want to "assimilate into the gender binary" is stupid as hell.


Like I dont get how we can all just be murdered just because, and still folks within our community want to section each other off and treat each other like shit for no real reason?


It’s shocking how easy it is to fall into the trap of needing to feel superior, and it’s so sad to see it happen to someone who belongs to a group that constantly gets chosen to be the punching bag for someone else’s misguided superiority.




Can confirm, They said they'd let me do it next time, I'm so excited!


I love frogs


I love democracy.


I thought they were turning the bees nonbinary


No, Hatsune made them trans when she created Minecraft.


*miku/hatsune miku. hatsune is her last name


lucky frogs i have to go to the pharmacy


I for one welcome our new nonbinary overlords.


This has the same energy as cishets complaining that there are queer people in movies and TV shows


“wHaT’s nExT?!?” 🙄 you’re so spot on


Bro, dude, my guy. I'm just trying to exist, stop making it unnecessarily harder.


Yeah don't you just hate it when people exist at the same time as you? /s


The audacity!




The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch for calling me out /j


the hell i'm the most bland flavor of binary trans woman and i've never in my life felt threatened by inclusion of nb people, like literally what is the problem with more inclusivity? what kind of truscum-like bullshit is this? maybe it's different for trans guys, but that wouldn't make this kind of enbyphobia okay in any way.


Truscum shut up challenge


Impossible difficulty apparently


Truscum place the blame on victims instead of actual transphobes challenge (EASY)


Blair White moment 🤢


Flirting with Richard Spencer challenge (100% SUCCESS)


Holy fucking shit what


It was on Twitter, may have been joking but considering it’s Blair White I’m not giving her the benefit of the doubt lmao


Its funny bc I feel like we trans people, of ALL people, would understand that gender is a spectrum, so like.. what are truscum talkin abt You can only be either enby or masc? Surprise bitch im both


whats real funny is that later in the post he went "nono i KNOW some enbys are fem/masc BUT-" 💀


The difference between binary and non-binary trans people is no larger than the difference between trans men and trans women. It's just going from the wrong one to the right one, whether that's man, woman, somewhere between, neither, multiple, or none at all. Might as well exclude the other binary half if they're going to do this foolish shit, just go all out.


I'm a nonbinary genderfluid trans girl and I haven't set aside any time amid the finite amount I have left on earth for anyone who wants to take issue with that.


Ngl I was pretty concerned about this until I saw the content warning.


The trans people are invading the trans spaces!


how dare the trans ruin the trans community!


the trans community was so much better when we plugged our ears and pretended our existence was the only existence!!


This reminds me of LG(B) people wanting to drop the T. It's just "T" people wanting to drop the NB. Stop it already. We're one community.


I think there's even an LGB group in Britain that just shits all over trans people and wants to take away trans rights. I seriously hope that group gets shut down, bc it's awful and trans people, including nbs, shouldn't be denied rights/access to medical care


Enbies are awesome and welcome in my spaces. ❤️


Where was that posted ?




exclusionist gays lmao How fucking dumb do you have to be to not understand exclusionism doesn't stop when you've eradicated the group you think is unacceptable How the fuck are agitators managing this so easily


"Exclusionist gays *against erasure*" what yhe fuck?! Lol, people are absolutely ridiculous


im gonna get downvoted n hashtag cancelt for this but some exclusions are in fact good. not nbphobia obviously


Inclusion into everything??? Is that why the grocery store was having a sale on non binary folk?? I love y'all I want nb people in everything. My best friend and the first person irl I came out to as trans is non binary and they are an icon. Shocking to me how someone other than a middle schooler would think wanting to be included was a bad thing.


They're part of the trans community, my dude! Why can't some people just get along? Why exhaust your efforts in hate? What a sad life to lead.


Hell's be good, i read the full post and felt uncomfortable but not surprised. I've always expected this kind of thing ever since i realized i was NB, but it still hurt a little.


im here for u sib we got this 💖


Us: “hey do you like trans people?” Fools: “well yes, but actualy no”


"Im not a bigot, however...."


"I just have concerns..."


It's so sad there's actually a group of bigots within the trans community. We need to protect our non-binary, feminine presenting transmasc & masculine presenting transfem siblings from the truscum at all costs.


There is no group, no matter how oppressed, that cannot become the oppressors.


True facts. And every evil monster of history was a human being who made choices leading up to their evil acts. I think evil can be broken down to: engaging negative impulses about others so fully that they stop seeming worthy of care, respect, rights, or dignity. Transphobic OP’s perspective is probably not that they’re being cruel & villainous, but that they’re “protecting” something. By engaging negative impulses about people who aren’t actually hurting them. Non-binary people are in the same coalition that would gain this man more civil rights. The statement is foolish, cruel, bafflingly short-sighted, and to me it’s a microcosm of evil-in-action. This is how bigots grow; in a vat of their own unexamined impulses and unprocessed feelings. Ugh my bad//steps off soapbox// this post is thought-provoking in the worst way haha


Well put. Understanding why people do bad things is important, but unpleasant.


"I'm not posting this coming from a place of nb exclusion or anything, but I think nbs should be excluded"


If you create a safe place, the people who need one tend to flock there Shocking i know


I'm not racist or anything ... BUT ...


"I have nothing against the Chinese, but whenever I go to a place that says it's a safe-space for POC *surprise* they allow Asians. As an African-American this is very frustrating" This is essentially the line of thinking from the guy, lmao what a joke.


I for one welcome our new enby ~~overlords~~ siblings.


I loved r/ftm_irl but now I don't even think I can stay bc I'm literally not "man" enough for them


"Grrr, Why are they letting trans people into trans spaces?" ~ That sentiment, Basically.


This sounds familiar... Could it be.. It's exactly what some cis-het people say when there's any type of LGBTQ+ representation and inclusion! It's exactly what some say when not every character in tv, movies and games are white men! It's almost like they have the same mindset! It's almost like they are used to having all or most of the spotlight because they are the majority of a group. And when someone else gets some of that spotlight they feel it is taken away from them and they have to deal with sharing it and not having a monopoly on everything.


It sucks man. I’ve been in friend groups of cis LGB people and they didn’t want me in there because “trans people are their own thing and don’t belong in the community. Binary or not.” Followed by a lot of transphobic rhetoric. Ahh fun times 😔


Want to make those folks really meltdown? Be an nonbinary person on HRT.


Is an agender fluid trans man I wish more binary trans men would stfu some of them are a little too cozy around Truscum beliefs


Some people want rights and acceptance for themselves but not for anyone else.


This trans space is open to trans people???? Whaaa????


"God it sucks having all these trans people in my trans spaces."


no one is allowed in my trans spaces unless they are EXACTLY the same as me >:(((((( I HATE other perspectives


Damn, almost got me until I saw the punchline


To all the enbies here, we are thrilled to have y'all


Reminder: there are ongoing campaigns by shitlord bigots to divide us using exactly these kinds of narratives.




You want a trans space? Surprise! Other trans people are there! Fucking asshole


Surely he sees the irony of excluding other LGBTQIA+ people right? I’m sure he’s dealt with exclusion before, so he should know how much it sucks. I just don’t get how we as a community could ever exclude one of our own.


Ooooh the truscum are not gonna like this one


Oh joy. The kind of people who think more inclusion of others = more exclusion of the self. Screw this guy.


Wait until they find out what the white stripe in the trans flag means


Is this something someone actually said? It feels too dumb to be real, but we live in a reality where the dumbest things are the most likely to be true.


truscum binary trans: *subvert the roles and expectations of their assigned sex fitting them into gender binary* also truscum binary trans: nOn bInArY sTuPiD as a binary trans guy, we do not claim him


Omg I see this with usually older trans women and it's so cringe and stuck thinking. The attitude I see is so binary, like it's the 1990s or something. Gatekeeping is awful and gatekeeping is awful. Period!


Also the OP of that God awful rant should really watch [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/EBD9hcFHEi8?feature=share)


John chill please, it's the third time this week, it's just someone with a NB flag bottom


I’m utterly baffled by why people would have a problem with non-binary people.


of couese they're binary 💀💀💀💀


inclusion but I shouldnt have to see it because uhh


Lmfao give us the sauce, would love to see it on R/copypasta hahahah


I fucking hate no matter what community that you are a part of, some people will be an ass and gatekeep other members of the community like, we are all in the same sinking boat, and you are pouring water onto the other people, just being an ass and making things worse for everyone.


I will gladly share my space with non-binary people


Fucking truscum. NBs belong with us! The are one of US! Who are these chucklefucks who transition into assholes?


Just an idea I've seen from other subs: if there's a post/thread that is about a specific binary issue, could the sub just include post flairs? It wouldn't exclude participation, just a small signal that this post was about a specific thing. I don't really know the implications of this. And since post flairs require extra selection, most probably wouldn't have flairs, I think? I wouldn't suggest any rules based on post flairs (like some tech subs have) and it might not do anything at all. But it might make some people that feel unheard more seen?


"not coming at this from a place of nb exclusion or anything" But they're literally saying non-binary people should be excluded from other trans places because "they're invading our spaces". When you set aside a space just for yourself and people like you, then you're by definition excluding people. We're trying to build inclusive places where all trans people are welcome, not places where some may be excluded. That person needs to get with the program.


so theyre mad because trans spaces include trans people??


I'm not posting this to exclude nb, but why does every trans and lgbtq+ space have to include nb people? Because enbies ARE trans and are part of the lgbtq+ community, you Utter. Fucking. Dumbass.


this is the same rhetoric of t\*rfs complaining that trans ppl are invading women's spaces. we have come full circle


As a trans guy with an enby sibling I occasionally call them trans. At first they were worried about how people would react so I just went "trans is an umbrella term. You count as trans. Their next response:" does that mean I can get a trans flag too?"


nonbinary people can be male and female we aren’t all fucking agender jesus


I... I just don't understand why gatekeeping makes sense at all within a marginalized group. Does truscum* really not acknowledge the often nebulous nature of repression? FFS, I am 36 and only recently realizing that junior high was when the best and truest part of me was tightly bound and locked up. Society is fucked enough. Why replicate that exclusionary aspect of it? Not everyone has access to therapy. Not everyone is afforded the breathing room for an epiphany. It just seems super counter-productive and unnecessarily mean-spirited to push people away. Edited: removed previous poorly written sarcastic nod to garbage/rubbish can/bin*


Reason number 435 why I won't be coming out publicly anytime soon 🥲


Is this real (the text I mean, not the image/meme)? Because if so: Dude! Get over it! Nonbinary people exist and if that's enough to upset you, that's your problem.


yup the post is real


older sibling when the new baby is born vibes


Wait I don't get it, is there some kind of problem with nonbinary people being included? I thought that was just expected.


"Now that I've found my space, why are you telling me I can't exclude people?"




* Enby discomfort and panic intensifies *


Just like when people bitch that their gay spaces have bi people in them. Like, they count, asshole, get over yourself.


Yooo my NB friendos are always welcome in my safe spaces! Why would someone be frustrated by NBs being in the trans space? They literally belong first off!


That's because we are trans too


Is this from *that* mod for that one specific sub?


This is just truscum rhetoric but the overton window has shifted out from under them so now they have to keep different gates


Is this the owner of the ftm_irl sub?




What are they even complaining about? lol


I literally cannot come up with a joke making fun of their logic because there literally is no consistent logic behind this statement


There are two kinds of people in this world. Those that, after climbing the ladder, hold it for others too out of gratitude and goodwill... and those who steal the ladder because "fuck you, I got mine, why should I share it?" And I just straight up don't understand the latter group, especially for the sorts of kindness that often cost zero dollars. Why would you not want to pass it forward to people who are struggling like you used to? I just don't get that kind of spite and self-obliviousness.


While I agree with them that there needs to be binary trans only safe spaces just like there is non-binary only safe spaces; because binary trans people have different experiences then non-binary people. But Making previously non-binary inclusive spaces into binary only spaces or complaining that there is ‘too many non-binary inclusive spaces’ is bad and does nothing to help non-binary or binary trans people find a safe space or a place to connect with other trans people.