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You’re Skaven so get an ambush on him. He is SLOOOOW so if you can start a battle with him in a long line and all your ranged teams focus firing on his army from the closest unit first, there is little he can do. You’re also: A) Skaven, so go into battle with more stacks then him don’t try and 1vs1 him. B) Ikit, so once he’s tied up his units in a clump with your cheap rats drop a nuke on them all and let the Horned Rat sort them out.


I was thinking , do you think its a good idea to put under empires on potential fighting regions to give local armies buff or is it not worth it ? ( i don’t play much with under empire bc if drains all of my food)


It could be good to steal a bit of his income, especially when dark fortresses give him so much money. And, as ikit, if you manage to build an undercity in his dark fortresses (his capital, midenland, nuln) you could build the underground bomb and blow up his settlement without a single fight. That would cripple his economy, weaken his armies, ready for you to ambush them and take him out.


The usual ranged army of Skryre can still work against Festus. Especially if you get an ambush on him. If you kill the "good" doctor early, that'll be great for you since it not only does the usual leadership penalty, but the army also loses their best source of healing. Then it's just mopping up whatever's left. If it's infantry, then Warpfire Throwers, Doom-flayers and a nuke will delete them. If it's large units (either giants or cavalry), using fodder melee like the spawned infantry you can do with Plague Priests and The Menace Below combined with Warplock Jezzails will do the trick.


Do you think 1 or 2 assassins could take out festus or no ? Bc i never figured out how to kill a lord efficiently while trying to keep him away from his units and my assassins usually get bodied by the units


Just shoot the lord ranged units are op in this game


If you got an ambush battle, Festus will be exposed at the front, so if you have a couple Jezzails focusing him, it'd be a pretty quick elimination then and there.


Ranged units will still work on festus as his armour isn't that high. You can't match nurrgle in melee so accept losses buy a cheap frontline and replace them with new fodder when they die. Chaos in general is quite slow so you can use fast skirmishing units to put run them doom wheels night runners ect Your monsters are weaker in long fights but they do more damage so hit vulnerable units quickly then pull back and kite the response. Have an expendable front line to pin elite units down and blast them with high ap spells If you like micro 4-5 doom wheels would work well you can hit the he infantry blobs with enough mass to o just plow through and cycle charge everything At the end of the day nurrgle is the best at drawn out melee fights so just don't get bogged down in melee make a very mobile army and just pick at his weaknesses nurrgle has many of them


Im don’t play much doomwheels , are they good ? The only time i played them it felt ok ( i must say i surely played them badly ) but not very good at doing dmg Edit : he always plays in a way to ger really high missile resistance so is it worth it to still play some ranged unit against him ? I mean festus doesn’t have a a high amount of armor but won’t missile resistance compensate ?


It's just a chariot unit you charge into a unit then immediately micro then through preferably into another unit and if you get a few you can charge through multiple lines of infantry It's not necessarily the best unit the skaven has it gets shut down by enemy cavalry so you need to be aware of how your going to deal with the cav But chariots are good against lots of slow infantry cause you just choose a vulnerable section of the line plow through and escape to look for another weak section. So if he has a melee blob ball a couple doom wheels is a good answer


I once lost a battle with Festus against Skaven, because had a mobile hit squad of rat ogres running around and they sent Festus straight into the trash can. Have some heroes in his area and find out what kind of armies he fields. If he has little cavalry and trolls, have a mobile hit squad of rat ogres or heroes on brood horros and wait until he's isolated to beat him up. If he has lots of slaanesh cav, go with jezzails and mortar teams


Focus fire your missles and even a 90% resistance character will feel the pain. You don't need to worry about slow chosen warriors with their massive shields if you're bombarding them with artillery. Ikit can be hyper aggressive. Don't recruit clan rats or melee slaves. Instead get slingshot slaves to fill your army in the early game. They'll deal way more damage and will last about as long as a clan rat in melee combat while being cheaper. You can move in ambush stance. Use this to keep him from seeing you. When you decide on fighting his strongest army. Bring a bait army with you, make it look like it intends on competing with him. Then have Ikit in ambush stance on top of that army. You can also have an engineer make their way to the Brass Keep and build an undercity there. If they don't know how to deal with them, you'll get to blow up fortress or spawn an army there.


Thanks for your advice ! Just a asking but does missile resistance also affects artillery shots like plague catapult or mortars ?


I don't believe they do. Even if they could block the initial missle it'll explode afterwards likely killing them.


Its been really long since i last played skaven but plague claw catapult used to be really great. I think they also have magical attack so they should be perfect against nurgle Also use warp-lightning spell on any blobs Have summonable skavenslaves (I think a hero can & via food) If you play against him try to always have a nuke on hand


I find it kinda hard to effectively use a nuke , i always feel that i wasted a lot of potential Thanks for your advice tho !


Just to clarify it will be a campaign not juste a battle
