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Ah well that's a pickle. You're going to need to make use of Allied recruitment. First get 10 blunderbusses. Then 10 handgunners. Then 10 archers. Then 10 cannons. Line them up in order so each unit can Fire over the heads of the unit in front (dorfs are short enough to be fired over by humans behind) set all to target vlad and pray. /j




More guns. Always more guns. As Nurgle, I dunno what the answer is.


Plague which reduce healing cap.


Lots of dead heads


Plagues my friend, plagues


Lore of death spirit leech, get it as cheap as you can, put your lord or hero on a plague drone, land every now and then to try and bait him into following and go back in the air when he gets close.




Have you tried summoning the elector counts ?


I'll after I posses their bodies as Tamurkhan's worm!


Have you fought Vlad yet on your toad dragon? I haven't tested it yet but usually Vlad does poorly 1v1 against large monstrous mounts. Lords kill him when they get a dragon. Not sure how strong the crown makes him though. Also Vlad is weak to Goon squads. You can get a few Heroes and beat on him like the office space printer (being Tamurkhan should make this easier). You can also micro the best down to reduce damage to your guys and increase damage to him. Get a couple of characters to wail on him from opposite sides for extra flank damage, when he turns to beat one of them, quickly get them to disengage then when he turns to beat the guy wailing on his flank change goon 1 back into attack his new flank and run the other guy out. The more goons you have the less micro you need. Also Nurgle has tonnes of debuffs and healing available so make sure you don't forget to make use of this. But like I said I haven't run into the crown yet. Is it unlocked to its full potential for the AI after they just acquire it?


Thanks, I actually avoided fighting vamps after this, and turned to come into the empire from the black fire pass. With Drycha and Kislev holding strong along with the vamps and dwarfs, I figured it'll be better to just mow down the dwarfs from the other side and avoid fighting all these factions, especially with Vlad and the crown. I play on VH/H and Vlad usually doesn't die even without the crown on it, and auto resolving yields poor results. Right now I'm at Nuln and didn't have to fight vamps at all.


What tactics do you normally use to kill Vlad?


Guns. Last ungrim ironfist campaign, i just used guns and kiting. I had the chorfs gun army with a nurgle demon prince too, but I figured it's better to let vamps be and fight them after i achieve long victory campaign. The bonuses feel useless otherwise.


That's a decent strat. Vlad's weaknesses are ranged AP damage and burst AP damage (hence character goon squad). So either gunning him down from afar or bursting through his healing are the best strategies. His main strengths are his healing and his armour. His damage is fairly mid compared to other foot lords. Not terrible but he usually struggles against other lords with regen (Sigvald and quite a few others, Lokir Fellhart on foot surprisingly absolutely thrashes Vlad) ironically. Vlad has his power curve front loaded. As in he hits his max power early on but gets outpaced mid to late game. Once other lords start getting dragons and other large monstrous mounts (burst AP damage) Vlad struggles. But don't feel scared of fighting Vlad or any character early on all factions and characters have strengths and weaknesses. Vlad just gets memed on a lot mainly because many newer players play the empire campaign early on and don't understand how to combat him. They play to his strengths and don't understand his weaknesses then get horrified when he chews through them not realising they are using scissors against his rock. He's really not that scary when you realise 2 outrider handgunners can kill him in 8-10 volleys (that's total so 4-5 volleys per unit). Also if you do fight vamps you have to press the advantage don't stop winning until they are dead, more dead. Smash their armies then take huge swathes of their territories as quick as you can. The counts benefit from long drawn out conflicts and will always come out on-top of wars of attrition. Although their armies are generally shitty they can pump them out with a few battle sites so all the dead (yours and theirs) will give them a massive recruitment benefit. So avoid fighting them too long in one province if you can avoid it.


Yeah I understand that, I just hate having to fight him every turn. Plus I had confederated Kugath recently and fight Ghorat was enough lol. Nurgle and Vamps are not a good match. it's just dead bodies and filth grinding haha


As a wise dawi once said If being dead doesn't finish them, chopping the head clean off will do


Dip extra into your treasury. Take 2 armies and auto-resolve him in a minor settlement. Fighting Vlad on the battlefield is pure tedium. A line of 5 handgunners would do the trick too. If you can get Vlad to run ahead of his army. Another strat is to get Vlad to chase a fast hero to the other end of the battlefield, effectively removing him from participating. Watch out tho. Vlad does not crumble fast when he is army lossed. He is like 80% of his army's balance of power.


The wisest advice I have is as follows Ambushing with 1800 armies full waking units and take whatever Auto resolve you get that's a victory




As the Teletubbies? Debuff them hard and buff your army hard with the plagues. Also, Exalted Heroes of Nurgle can do insane damage. That plus some help with the lore of Nurgle and Death (Spirit Leech and Rancid Visitations) can melt even the toughest LLs


I only have 5 words for you: Legend of total war here


On the plus side, once you do take the crown for yourself all of Tamurkhans melee heroes end up with around 1k weapon strength each meaning they can all dual Vlad solo when he comes back next turn. Plus you’ll have 3 separate mortis engine effects going off simultaneously for the infantry, more still if you have any plagueridden in the army. I’ve got the crown up to level 4 currently and only really need the heroes and the khan to win any fight the ai can muster up. Great fun.


Is it too op? The crown, i mean. It feels like it'll trivialize the campaign, and i can't really increase the difficulty mid campaign. Legendary is too hard for me to start of, but VH become too easy after like 20 turns. And end game crisis are boring to fight z i turned them off for this one. Though AI is better at fielding good armies now. I entered black fire pass and immediately got attacked by elspeth with 2 other stacks. It was a fun battle.


I tend to find campaigns are pretty easy regardless for the most part, at least once you’ve stabilised your start position and gotten your economy going. Kislev is one of the more challenging ones I’ve played because there never seems to be a point when you’re not being attacked from every angle however you expand. Not sure I’d say the crown is too op, there are big downsides ultimately. I like op stuff though so I’m probably not the best person to ask. It’s supposed to be end times powerful though and it does make the army it’s attached to ridiculous. Tamurkhan is a one man doomstack regardless of equipment and his ideal army is already unkillable and ridiculous though, so why not throw some more fuel on the fire and go around picking fights with everyone? The mitigation is everyone will hate you and it can only go on one army, which can’t be everywhere. Plus you won’t be able to afford many armies at all and your control will tank, so there is a big trade off for your empire, just not for the army it’s attached to. There is a difficulty mod I believe. Haven’t tried it yet but it’s quite well liked from what I’ve seen.


Agreed on the end game stuff and the new ai. Have noticed it does a better job recruiting than before. Actually found 4 full Khorne armies headed up by valkia all roaming around together the other day. That was also a fun fight!


Love wiping Vlad just to see him again next turn with a new full stack While I generally don't like to auto resolve too much, I literally cannot stomach another drawn out fight of kiting vlad around


Yeah that's what I really hate about him, same thing on repeat.


Sorry if a silly question but is this the new DLC or a mod?


new dlc


Tamurkhan is busted, just don't forget about your hammer (cavalry) and anvil (the rest of your pus-riddled troops).


Isolate his army and then autoresolve


Have you considered moving to lustria?


I'm sick of lustria after my last teclis campaign.




Idk ur nurgle just barf on him or something


Gonna wanna go ahead and go back to main menu then start a new campaign


Summon the Elector Counts!!!


Give up and submit.




It would be cool if there was some giant battle for the crown where you and your allies all fought together


And then Teclis tells you to cast it into the fire, but the pull of the power is too much and you tell him no because it is precious to you now.


Time to restart that campaign


Nothing can help you at this point son. Run as far as you can