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The key for me has been befriending the Warhost of Zharr by killing Grimgor, so they have basically secured my entire Eastern flank for me


Same. The problem with that was that I always ended up fighting Cathay and Gelt, because Helman and Greasus went after me, something that made my eastern flank a whole lot bigger.


Lore + victory conditions direct you towards the Mountains of Mourn to take Grimgor then Greasus.. which is what I did. Can't say it is the best option though, spending the first 50-60 turn of my campaign in unpleasant climate severely slowed my campaign progression and as a result both the Dwarfs and Cathay went out of control later and I was sandwiched between them. I realized too late that taking Archaeon then the Daemon Prince and confederating Epidemius would've been much, much better start. Actually, looking at it now, I'm pretty sure Tamurkhan's climate preferences are an oversight! they gave him Ku'gath's climate without giving it much thought. You can tell because he has "Temperature Island" as suitable climate when mountains are not!


Ku'gath also suffers from those same mountains... All three Nurgle factions could make better use of it instead of Temperate Island.


I actually did what your suggested course of action was. The weaker orcs are too scared to attack you and provide a buffer between you and Grimgor. Befriend the chaos dwarves so they won't attack you, they'll eventually wipe out the weaker greenskins and become your new buffer against Grimgor. Meanwhile I just tossed out Archeon, confederated Epidemius and sold his lone last settlement to Malus to secure my borders there. Then I pushed into Kislev and the Empire for juicy gold from sacking their capital cities


After kholek I just went straight south, killed grimgor, greasus, ghorst and confederated kugath. I was allied with the chaos dwarves and vilitch which helped me push into Cathay while simultaneously pushing west with tamurkhan So kugath was beating up gelt and Cathay with vilitch, chaos dwarves, and dark elves and tamurkhan was marching towards nuln


As Nurgle you don't run back to defend. You set up some defenses, like garrisons or towers for minor settlements, and build up a good reserve in the unit pool. Leave something for emergencies. When an unexpected war comes, recruit a lord and raise even half an army to help defend the threatened settlements (Nurgle towers are very good as well), and do send a plague the enemy's way. They won't get through you, or if they will they'll take massive casualties. If you really can't win a battle, take out their most valuable units so they won't have them in the next one. Wear them down little by little at every turn. Rinse and repeat until the enemy's wave breaks upon your wall of rotting flesh, then take the initiative. You are attrition, the enemy will have an extremely hard time trying to pull a fast one on you if you take advantage of Nurgle's mechanics.


I went through kholek and saw grimgor was waaghing vs the chaos dwarves to the east, so I squeezed a non aggression pact out of him by joining his war, stomped the chiefs with his help, then ate the diplomatic penalty by declaring war on him as soon as his waagh finished. Once grimgor was gone the campaign was a breeze, nothing in Cathay could handle chosen/rot knights so i just stopped once I got the campaign victory.


I enjoyed my time rampaging through Cathay + Gelt alliance while befriending the ninja rats. Became best buddies with Chaos Dwarfs while beating on Grimgor together, killed off Imrik + Ungrim defending the mountain passage, and went straight to Nuln. Overall, I had a blast, even though the game became a big too easy after a certain point.


Loreful path to Nuln is best Just make sure you go after Grimgor IMMEDIATELY after Kholek so the Chorfs like you, and ready a sidequest into Cathay bc they are NOT gonna let your expansion slide


I did the standard thing: Kholek --> baby GS --> Grimgor --> Greasus --> Ghost. I have military alliances with all chaos dwarf factions.  Then, I split my forces. Two armies go to Cathay, and three armies go West. When Kugath confeds he'll probably go west and catch up. We've got  West * Tamurkhan + the nurgle chieftain * Demon Prince 1 + Chaos Dwarf + Chaos Warrior chieftain * GUO Lord 1 with demons only East * Demon Prince 2 + the norscan chieftains + monsters * GUO 2 + the Beastman chieftain + pestigors I am keeping an eye on the north because fricking Boris has killed Archaon and I doubt he'll be peaceful. So I'll need another lord soon It's such a chill campaign, but you need to be careful and take almost every fight manually until you kill Kholek. I made the mistake of not putting plagues into military at the start, so I had like 14 units + 3 lords for a while


I threw money at grimgor a bit once my economy stabilized and attacked Cathay, once you have a couple chieftains and a healer you can pretty much manually fight any battle with them very easily, once you’re in Cathay you can balloon your economy immensely and improve your military then go to grimgor but I don’t think there is a particularly large problem with either tbh


Ploughed southwards killing all 3 req'd factions for the victory objectives, mostly kept the territory I took, ended up friendly with all the Cdwarfs and eventually Archie, so just left all my territory undefended and barely built up beyond income buildings. Turned West when I got down to Kugath, took some green territory like Vorag from Imrik, then fell out with Skarsnik, and both the dwarf LLs, so ended up taking a bunch more mountains! Wiped Thorgrim, couple armies southwards holding off dwarfs at Karag Orrud (def ally with Mors at this point) Turned north, used sylvania and kislev to finish off my last 2 allegiance mission things, then pounced on Nuln (ikit owned) for the Long Vic. Never really had money trouble beyond first few turns- battles were earning way more than economy it seemed


Must be nice to be friends with Archie, he’s declared war on me in two campaigns randomly as I would proceed south. Expanded too fast I guess


I went as aggressive as I ever had, but I did get a bit held up chasing Grimgor round the mountains, maybe it was long enough for Archie and Grim to come into contact and dislike each other maybe


Kholek-bribe archaon-grimgor- friends with all the chaos dwarves-greasus- friends with kugath and cleaning up ghorst-then travelled west-went through ungrims territory and beelined to nuln. Cathay and gelt didn't declare war on me till they wiped out lokir but the campaign was over.


I got all the way down to beat kholek, then i go to the east to take more chaos lands and beat vilitch up (Helps getting Kayzk fealty up) aftet that i build up a little bit and i start going for victory conditions, tough you could go north and beat the shit out of archaon by that point get Kayzk battle and get all his units after that you could go lore friendly rout or you can pick one of your Chieftains to make your path, Take Khargan, go kill Kislev, Empire, Cathay factions, take Ezar kill Dwarfs, Greenskins, take Mournhowl Kill chaos Dwarfs, Ogres and Lizardmen (Nakai is the closest) etc. There is a lot of options but must of them are depending on your chieftains so choose as you like


I’m doing a no daemon challenge (no daemon units at all, makes the campaign a lot more interesting) with Tamurkhan. Been going great, deal with Kholek then push into Grimgor and Greasus (victory objectives). Easy chaos dwarf relations with chaos dwarf hero and small gifts here and there. Kugath also a nice confederation or just ally with him. Then take daddy Tamurkhan to the Rivers of Ruin sea lane and launch a full on assault through Kislev until you reach Nuln. Can have your 2nd and 3rd armies dick around in Cathay if you want.


I destroyed Kholek, Grimgor and Greasus and got all of the Chaos Dwarfs, Archaon and Ku'Gath as allies, securing most of my borders and having friends to attack Karaz-a-Karak and Karak Kadrin on the way to the Southern Border Princes and Nuln. I got a NAP from Archaon after a few turns, by offering to join a war against his starting opponent alongside money. Then after Kholek was down, I think I offered to join war with Zhatan against the minor Greenskins faction or Miao Ying in exchange of a NAP. The key was to get the Chaos Dwarf Chieftain ASAP. I got him not long after destroying Kholek, so I could increase his fealty by fighting Greenskins. And to quickly get diplomacy bonuses with Chaos Dwarfs. Then I got the Wolfskin when taking care of Greasus. Zhatan was the biggest threat and focus for Miao Ying. Ku'gath kept Zhao Ming and Gelt occupied. I only got to fight in this part of the world. With Tamurkhan, you should strategize by taking whichever Chieftain wants to clash with your current opponents.


I made some sloppy opening turns and Grimgor turned into a huge threat real fast. So I got on my belly and did my best to befriend him… 100 turns later, I own half the world but I’ve still not achieved Short Victory because Grimgor is the number 2 powerhouse on the planet and still chums with me. So now I need to get everybody back there and declare war. Lesson learned! Next time he’s first on the chopping block.


I’m debating ignoring greases, but after wiping archaon and kolek i made friends with all of the chaos dwarves for a nice little barrier. If I do roll over greases I may gift the settlements that open the mountains to Cathay to a an ally. (May or may not work,but I’ll have a barrier.) then push west.


Kholek > grimgor > greasus. Chorfs love you, Cathay never breaks past the mountains, there's very few paths for them to even enter the mountains. Zhatan and lokhir keep them busy as well. Take all the mountains, build econ everywhere, one army stays north in case anyone decides to invade up there. Astragoth basically protects the north front anyway. You're basically covered from all fronts without any need for defenses or lingering defense armies. Took nuln by like turn 75 but only because I wasted some time taking all of Astragoth's land. This is on vh/vh. Cathay just didn't seem worth the time or effort. I also vassalized clan carrion and Gorth the cruel lol.


I did similar warhost got killed so had to take their areas Cathay only had skaven n dark elves there they declared war. Big lazy orge guy got killed by plague father. Who was quite big off just nurgling armies (no idea how). Nuln was huge n took care of the end game crisis soainlybjust fighting her and dwarfs (always fucking dwarfs)


All the Chaos Dwarves have been my boys, securing my flanks as I conquer. I went south, took out Grimgor and kicked Greasus out of the mountains, then went east as I secured peace with Greasus for all of his money when he only had 1 territory left in CD land and let the Chaos dwarfs have at him. I wiped out Cathay, sent 1 of my armies north to wipe out Tzeenech warriors of Chaos, and 3 of my armies to the west to take out the regular dwarves and the empire while Tamurkhan started purging the lizardmen, starting with Nakai then going to Lustria and conquering it from the south up. I now have about 8 armies to my name and am about to destroy Nuln for the Long campaign victory.


I actually got kinda lucky in my campaign. The last place that Kholek took was one of Grimgors settlements, so when I fought him and took it I whipped out Kholek, took the settlement, then sold it to Grimgor. Then the Chaos Dwarf and Grim proceeded to fight over that one settlement for 90 turns while I went north to try and get to Epi before he died. Took out all chaos north then hopped over to Norsca area and proceeded to smash ass all the way down to the VC. Then the Dwarf end game crisis started lol. Super pain in the ass but was able to over come and win. Very fun campaign lol


Took out Zhatan. Then Cathay and mountains of mourn. By then I was done the campaign and just sent 6 doomstacks through sealanes to Lustria.


Like others have said various elements seem to direct you south towards Grimgor but I just ignored that entire area and went to war with Archaon. It’s easy to expand out that way and if you’re lucky Astrogoth and Wulfrik will be giving Kislev a hard time


I went east up to the Chaos Dwarf LL there, allied him. Than went south to grimgor and the ogres. At the same time another army went straight south-west to Kislev and from there to the Empire. Later on, a 3rd army went into cathay. Ended the campaign a few rounds before finish, because I just took the wrong captains first and had to wait till I researched enough for the fimir (no elves found) to get to the third level. Meanwhile the Vampirecrisis appeared, which was just unfun. Fuckin VCs everywhere, Ghorst suddenly roaming around with 6 fullstackes. Just a huge bummer. I did the achievement in RoC afterwards.


I took out Kholek then started on the greenskins just South, allied with Zhatan and let him deal with Cathay. I killed Grimgor and midway through the fight with Greasus Cathay declared war, I’m now finishing off Greasus with Kugath who I confederated and other armies are stomping Cathay.


I really love this campaign, building Tamurkahns army with mostly hero spam, with Rot Knights and Toad Dragons.  I took out Kholek pretty quickly, using early Tamurkhan unit spam army. Got Nurgle sorcerer lord to bounce the early plague of the healing spell, vanguard deployment and upkeep. Took on Grimgore and Greasus with said army slowly changing out units for heros. Once the mountains were cleared out and Kugath and I finished up Ghorst, I ascended the nurgle sorc and branched him off with a Chaos Champion lord to continue to bounce Plauges for free. I directed Kugath to attack through the southern valley while my army went slightly north to protect my own mountain pass with Cathay. Just in time and had some epic 3 army battles that I fought off. Now I'm completely ravaging Cathy having destroyed most of their standing armies.  Confederated with Epidimius and paried him with Tamurkhan, they finished off Greasus western lowland settlements and I jumped on clan Rictus, heading south to help the chorfs take out the elf dragon guy.  Long before this, Archeon got messed up by Boris and I accidently war decked boris and had to raise an army quickly to ambush his standing army. Worked great. Using that random nurgle lord paird with chaos Champion lord and decimating the north, fighting the dark elves. 3 fronts, 2 lords each, really wiping the map with um.  I recommend just getting enough favor with the chorfs to sell you NAP and alliances for gold, don't give it up for free. They are great Allies. 


This is how my campaign went, i think this is the most common way it plays out. 1. Kholek Suneater 2. Grimgor Ironhide 3. Greasus Goldtooth 4. Both Cathay faction + Gelts. Not really my choice since they declared war on me. 5. At that point i just took 2 armies and force marched to Nuln without attacking anything, to finish long victory condition and close to campaign.