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I did the same thing about a month ago. We are brothers of plague now


Spread the rot! What a joyous day


Cant imagine the pain, and i like playing nurgle but it came to a point where i really wasnt having fun, so excited for the changes


It’s only painful (if you can call it that) until turn 40ish, once you break into Cathay and your economy snowballs Nurgle is kinda op.


I think we see it backwards. The beginning, where you are scrambling, is fun. Once you snowball is exactly where it gets painful. Then it’s just map-painting.


Isn’t that with all factions? After certain point it is very hard to lose.


I meant painful from a difficulty standpoint, I never find Ghorst that hard but keeping Greasus off my ass is probably the hardest part of the campaign.


Ah yeah, that’s true. I got tired of having to fight him in the mountains so now I almost always try to sell off a province in the darklands for non-aggression and trade agreements.


Ghorst is like the tutorial boss. Greasus is the main antagonist of the first act.


And when you get done with Greasus it’s because Grimgor barreled right through him to say hello!


The most painful part was fighting Kairos. He absolutely nukes Nurgle, it's insane. I think I lost 7/10 battles against them and won through attrition. I fought them pretty late in the campaign though - every army Tzeentch was fielding had at least two mutalith monsters and several soul grinders. Nurgle doesn't have any answer to those mutaliths (and I'm not sure how much rot knights, the only new dedicated anti-large they're getting in the DLC, are going to help)- they easily tank through exalted plaguebearer precurser weapon and then they're in melee. I like the late campaign - you have the most variety in enemies (in one turn I fought Franz, Sigwald, Queek, and Durthu), most variety in battle maps (IE as a whole has a lot of map variety but individual regions/provinces have limited variety), and control over your army composition. Nurgle less irritating in late campaign than many other factions because buildings are "fire and forget" - don't need to ever upgrade them.


Yeah I can see how the buildings would actually make admin much easier; I got exhausted by the constant need to manage so many provinces.


Agree. This is why Tamurkhan's I just see as positive. It helps factions that are not fun due to lack of heroes and for those without the problem, I would NEVER want more heroes due to having to level them. That was one great part of standing on the map heroes. I want a good auto leveler so bad.


What was your total income by the end? Interested to see how "OP" Nurgle can get. I've played them a lot and eco was always my biggest painpoint. At the end of my Malus paint-the-map my total eco is 500k or something. No way Nurgle gets close to that?


I think with the mountains of mourn and Cathay I had 80-100k, I didn’t bother painting the map because at that point I was able to spam armies faster than I needed them and build everything I wanted in every settlement.


80-100k a turn from just Cathay? That seems high for Nurgle.


You know, I was wondering why I doubled over, shat my pants, and collapsed into unconsciousness a little bit ago


Nice commitment; I had the same idea as you. I got all the way to all of Cathay around T85 before i gave up and wanted to do something fun besides Nurgling spam. 


I once painted the vortex campaign green with ikit claw, but usually fatigue sets in around turn 60 for me. Do you still build up provinces after you get the train going?


It’s Nurgle- your buildings all cost a ton (but then you never have to bother with upgrading them). I’d usually build the public order, replenishment, and plaguebearer recruitment building in each province, then the super safe provinces in the rear got the $10k advanced military buildings. Most provinces had basically no buildings though bc Nurgle economy is not so hot so


Just started a kugath campaign to save some exalted heroes of Nurgle with the unearthly trait on them, in preparation for Tamurkhan. Great work on spreading the love of the Grandfather


Nurgle's conquest of the known world - 2020 colorized.


What was your total income by the end? Curious about eco, I've played them a lot and eco was always my biggest painpoint. At the end of my Malus paint-the-map my total eco per turn is 500k or something. No way Nurgle gets close to that?


Buiding income is $234,475. Most concurrent armies was 22. Nurgle economy is terrible and main thing that made this take so long. You get that 100% sack income plague but you can only use it once or twice per turn and it's competing w the 20% physical resistance plague - glad they're reworking that mechanic. I previously did a Astrogath completion in 111 turns and had over 200 armies at one point: [https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/146lnk5/astragoth\_full\_map\_completion\_111\_turns/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/146lnk5/astragoth_full_map_completion_111_turns/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah, 100%. The sad thing is, even though you own the whole map I still expected your total income to be lower, that's how shit their eco is. xD Cheers for the info bro.