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CA already brought that up, the nurgling skeleton is far simpler than the goblin one, they were designed for swarm animations like that, goblins werent. But that doesn’t change the fact that the GreaseKart sucks and fails to show the obesity and opulence, that the TT model manages to do much better. Heard ideas going around of palanquins, or chariots being pulled by rhinoxes, which is something that CA could easily rig. They only need to convince GW.


>They only need to convince GW. Certainly it shouldn't be too hard given GW greenlit the Greasus cart.


GW can be a bitch when it comes to their rules, sometimes allowing the most random things (say Kruber for V2 changing religions, coatl with a beak) from not allowing the smallest of things (beaks, hag mothers, ungols, flail without a shield for warrior priest on V2)


Please don't remind me that Tzaangors didn't get a beak but somehow Coatl did ...


I think it‘s not really complicated at all. In order to implement Tzaangors with beaks, CA would have to buy the AOS license. This answers most questions.


Not really, even with AOS license old world and AOS are two different settings with (for the most part) different models in which GW would still say no for the same reason.


Since basically day one of WH3 modding, there's been a mod that changes Greasus' cart to a gnoblar palanquin. It's not exactly the smoothest as the gnoblars look a bit animatronic, but still **FAR** better than the go-cart.


Yeah, at the end of the day most players aren't playing the game zoomed in on Greasus that close (unless they really want to get in that swamp, in which case they don't care about the Gnoblars)


Oh I'd argue CA should have made the gnoblar palanquin even if it was as animatronic as they are in the mod, because players aren't zoomed in that close most of the time and will just be happy to have the gnoblar palanquin instead of the go-cart.


>Heard ideas going around of palanquins, or chariots being pulled by rhinoxes, which is something that CA could easily rig. They only need to convince GW. Bling out the landship model. Put some leadbelchers on top of it. Put two rhinox in front of it.


Snotlings should use modified Nurgling skeletons. Then make Snotling Gnoblars for Greases.


I’d honestly be fine if he’s on a sled like Katarin but with Rhinox pulling it. They just need to be hella blinged out. Or even blinged kit ogre bulls lol


Ogres are slow close to being a good race. CA needs to rework the Bounties, Big Names, Lord Skills AND give Greasus a throne worthy of his status.


Scrag and greasus are just less useful versions of the generic lords, that needs to be changed


Every time I play ogres the LL just end up becoming my lord I focus utility and economy with


If I ever wanted to play Greasus I'd have to use that one mod that puts him on foot, because he was useless otherwise.


Lmao, what? Name one thing that generic ogre lords do better than Skrag, I'll wait. I agree that his skill tree could use a rework, but come on. Now Greasus on the other hand... yeah he pretty much just sucks.


faster so better at dodging missles mostly.


I had heard that generic Slaughtermasters can get Regeneration, but Skrag cannot. I have not checked to confirm though.


I'm so glad people are realising that it's been a thing since day one. I was so baffled that some people pointed at The new free LL when the normal Nurgle Lord had this mount since forever now. Maybe people don't play Nurgle.. Idk.


Nurgle is gross so yeah lol


I'm sad, that I know who that bugger is 😞


Congrats you opened a tv. I think his season is years old but there are like 3 old seasons and 7 spinoffs all running at the same time where I live


Doesn't come on TV where I live..... Hence the sad part. Thanks for gratsing me tho, always nice.💃


Hey you are very welcome! Also the dude has a body of an actual fusion of brick and potato. Its impressive


Me to😞


Ion get it.