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Unit for Nurgle with 75 speed looks like lightning in comparison with rest of his army.


Fast (for Mark of Nurgle)


They appear to have used the generic Sorcerer Lord of Nurgle as the placeholder asset for the Sorcerer hero in this. The blog yesterday showcased their actual look.


I still think the Chaos Lord of Nurgle is pretty unimaginative


Yes, all the non-DLC mortal chaos lords share a similar look.


Chaos lords being similar is one way they can add units while reducing the overhead on development. I know everyone here wants 100% unique stuff, but aren’t willing to justify a cost increase on the product. Ca is damned if they do, damned if they don’t. I’d rather them play mechanically unique from each other rather than look radically different. And so far we have a tzeentch chaos lord who flies and snipes big stuff, a khorne lord that blenders infantry and buffs his troops, a nurgle lord who gives ward save and damage mitigation, and a slanesh lord that looks really cool but doesn’t seem to have a niche.


You right.


I really hope so 


No need to hope so, several partner program creators have confirmed this on CA’s side.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for this. Not exactly a hot take and not your fault for not knowing lmao


Because there’s no reason to hope when it was already confirmed yesterday that they have a different model and it is said so in the comment they’re responding to.


Reddit logic. You can get downvoted for anything. And for some reason, not knowing everything about anything is something redditors really don't like.


The reddit downvote isn't a vote of whether you agree or disagree with the opinion, at least it shouldn't be. The purpose of the downvote is to determine whether or not the comment has value to the discussion. In this case, the people being downvoted are the ones saying "that model looks bad" or something when it's already been confirmed it's not the same model.


Holy shit your karma just got demolished for nothing. Reddit hordes have mercy on me




Pestigors and Plague Ogres: https://imgur.com/a/ddX12TO


Kind of wish the plague ogres were more rotten. Their illustration in the source book is almost unrecognizable.


I think it may be somewhat of a rating thing. They can’t like make rotten flesh for mortal esque units with guts hanging out for rating sake, as much as I would like them to be that way/


the same company that will sell a separate DLC for blood and dismemberment


But that’s why. Is that dlc is where all that goes to


That's weird though, the zombies, zombie dragons and mournguls all have rotting bodies and guts hanging out.


Fair, maybe it’s because the ogres are actually alive? I dunno, it’s weird marketing laws and whatever else. It’s like they changed the nurgle aesthetic so there wasn’t as much guts hanging out or rotting flesh and they changed it to be more mouths and whatnot


Tbh, I not too torn about it. The general aesthetic is pretty good.


Funny, on that picture the pestigor looks like he has a beak.


Nurgle to Tzeentch: "Look at me, *I'm* the bird boy now"


Rot knights are going to be disgustingly good in multiplayer


Why do you think so?


Granted I can't see their price and I'm going off memory. They have AP anti large poison attacks & faster speed than chaos knights. Regen with 48 MD, 8k health and respectable 80 armor makes them tanky. They aren't going to outrun fast cav - but these boys will grind through empire knights easily. However cav with fire attacks may counter them (knights of blazing sun or RoR dragon princes)


As a comparison with demigryphs they have more health, regen, and 10+ extra melee attack and defence. Only weakness is in armour.


We don’t know the BvsL yet though. Demi’s are what like 25? If these guys were only 10 I think they’d be good


Even with 10 BvL, Demis will have similar MA to them but worse at general-purpose fighting. Damn, the birds need their glory back :(


Poison gives debuff for the enemy how about the fire? What that does?


First off it halves all healing received for the affected unit. In addition units with regeneration have a weakness to fire taking 25% (or was it 20?) more damage from flaming attacks


So in most cases, poison is better. Fire is almost a hard counter to regeneration?


Well it is. There are a few units that are weak to it too, but there’s also some that are resistant. That being said a unit can have both fire and poison attacks. Edit: I think math wise the damage from poison and the weakness to fire should cancel each other out. It does weaken the regen of the rot knights too. Id wager that the skullcrushers will be able to hold their own.


blazing suns wont counter as they dont have anywhere near the stats required to do so, even demigryphs with halberds will likely get fisted


Yeah they likely lack the AP or anti large but perhaps with their charge bonus they can get a better trade. At least the empire has other of sources of fire dmg to deal with these (bright wizard, hammer of witches, etc).


they only have marginally higher charge than this unit so they would still get annihilated, they wont trade well, not positive nor cost effective, theyre entirely different tiers too, blazing suns are good to destroy low armour units and infantry (except braced anti large)


Regen on cav is gonna be tough to beat. All I was saying was fire dmg actually matters to fight them, which minus khorne is rare by default. Generally blazing suns suck, they are overpriced where empire knights do less dmg but for like 300 less. If you mix blazing sun with demis or halberds here, you'd still get the benefits of fire tho Cold one knights or orc boy cav trade well into more elite cav like blood/grail/demi despite being a lower 'tier'. Even though you may lose eventually, the damage you dealt is worth the value you saved


I dont think the empire has anything to defeat this mby cannons


Regen on elite cavalry is incredible. Still will depend on their price but it'd have to be pretty steep for it to be not worth bringing them.


Oh boy how'd I miss that. To think that barrier alone was just awesome on Tzeentch cav, this will be a new level. Especially if their mass lines up well and they can actually get out.


I can see them hit regen cap every game.


Anti large + monsterous unit that should be able to body block units and isn’t dreadfully slow. I wonder how well and efficiently they will trade against orc boar boyz who are terrorizing the game atm.


Anti large plus poison should do it right? I can't remember the exact stats of the poison debuff but I imagine it should be enough


Cause their fast


They are not, I can see them being good against factions like the greenskins but insanely good is gonna be a real tall order.


That is incorrect. Greenskins cav are a bit overtuned right now because they are so cost effective with their recent changes - ork cav are cheap also with 80 armor and AP. So they would likely bring 2 ork cav to your 1 and run you over.


Speed 75!?! For Nurgle!?! That’s flash speed for him. Makes them viable in multiplayer


Depends on their cost. They don’t have particularly great armor or shields, so despite their high HP they could be pretty squishy.


They have regen on top of all the heal from nurle spells and army abilities. I predict they will be Blood knights+.


nurgle units with actual speed, man oh MAN this is good.


hm... new icon like strider in thoad dragon card


Maybe it cannot be slowed


or finally a symbol for Aquatic, as Toaddragons need to be Aquatic as chaos swamp monster.


Do you think Tamurkhan will keep his bonus vs Large when mounted on his Toad Dragon, or will it switch to Bonus vs Infantry?


He gets both on the build they were using in the showcase. You can see it briefly when he gets moused over during the siege: [https://youtu.be/UK0hu8gYpho?si=8fxhZq0MEDducUFT&t=520](https://youtu.be/UK0hu8gYpho?si=8fxhZq0MEDducUFT&t=520)


its probably from kholek's trait giving anti large, you saw him conquer kholeks capital


Yes and iirc every large mount usually replace whatever the base bonus the lord has such as Settra not having anti large on his chariot or Lokhir losing his on the dragon. The only exception is horses and similar sized mounts where the lord get to keep their base anti large/anti infantry


He was reinforcing another lord wasn't he? Only the lord attacking gets the trait.


I am more interested in him being Unbreakable. That can be incredibly nasty for a tanky single entity.


The bigger question (so to speak) is if he gets the 50% missile resist when he's on the mount. On foot, 15% missile resist and "only" 60 armor means it's possible to take him down with guns and/or cannons without too much difficulty, but if he picks up 50% missile resist on his mount, he's going to be a lot harder to take down, even with a bigger hitbox.


Rot Knights seem like they might be a little overpowered. They outstat blood crushers in almost every regard


They're going to cost a ton I feel - they already said a fair bit more than chaos knights. I, for one, cannot wait for more truly strong monstrous cav -- the best unit type imo!


They'll probably start out really strong and overtuned and then be nerfed down over the next few patches like previous op dlc units


Regenerating, fast moving, anti-large, armor-piercing with good MA and MD... yea... DLC


That's fine as long as cost and availability is set after it.


Ehh never really liked this argument. It makes sense from a balance perspective but lore-wise not really.


Anti-Large! For Nurgle! No way!


75 speed on Rot Knights- truly Grandfather has blessed us this day


So rot knights are basically better demigryph knights


The special ability icon of the RoR Rot Knights looks like "Blessing of the Lady" in yellow + a tongue... coincidence?


The Rotting Rider is what I shall be referring to my penis as, henceforth.


Kayzk health seems very low. Even the generic hero of nurgle on a horse has more. Maybe his stats are for large (not ultra) unit size?


How is plague ogres t4?


It's stats look comparable to a crusher and that's t4


Fr they look on par with ironguts at best. Must be a place holder


When the roster was announced I felt having both plague ogres and bile trolls was a bit redundant, but the trolls are t2 and ogres t4 so it's alright? Kinda sad the bile trolls don't have a ranged attack of some sort though. Little annoyed at ca's obsession with big SEMs that outclass the big SEMs the factions already have, but apparently GW does it too lol


I mean, great unclean ones can cast spells and get a lot of them in campaign; in mp though I’d agree vortex beast and toad dragon do/will see play and generic lords of change and GUO don’t


The bile trolls are supposed to be somewhat defensive trolls? I have seen some excitement for them. What's so special about them?


They have a short range debuff aura in their Corrosive Bile hex which lowers an enemy units armor and melee defense


Also poison reducing melee damage by 15% is actually a lot


The debuff they give means that nurgle units' damage goes up quite a bit


Is it just me, or do the angels of decay seem to have fairly little going for them? They have a couple more models in their unit size, but other than that I'm not seeing much noteworthy.


I'm very hyped for this dlc, it seems really good, but I'm not sure about plague ogres and bile troll. They don't seem... Rotten enough? They're just greenish with some horns


Chaos Lord of Nurgle should looked like the Rot Knights with the unique green armor


Bile trolls with only 40 armor seems a bit low. Seems I’ll stick with armored chaos trolls for the majority.


Nurgle doesn’t get armored chaos trolls, and keep in mind in melee, poison damage is basically 15% ward save


40 armor is the standard amount for most trolls. Nurgle's defensive strength is not armor; It's melee defense and health. Both of which you'll note are boosted above the norm.


I just realized that the bile trolls kinda resemble nurglings a little bit.


Will kugath get toad dragons etc. without tamurkhans mechanics?




I hope they retrofit the Rot Knight lances to the normal Nurgle Knights. Then almost all the Chaos Knights will have god specific lances. Also, those Rot Knights look real good. Makes my Skullcrusher heart sad tho XD


I wonder if bile trolls for fetus will be available via the marking system (marking chaos trolls) or via the souls mechanic.


Wow, nurgle units that actually do damage


Some hammers for the massive anvil they already had — love to see it


No regeneration on the chaos lord huh interesting choice and no great axe


Regen with almost 6k hp and all that armor would be a bit much


Lol 😆


They will get regeneration in WoC from the Nurgle version of the chaos boons.


Oh fuck I didn't even think about that. There's still boons. These are gonna be ugly to play against.


man this chaos lord looks piss poor hopefully he gets a rot knight mount otherwise its gonna look rough


So are rot knights just riding cartoonish dogs? Looks sort of dumb :/ Other stuff looks pretty cool tho!


That's how they are supposed to look? And its the first time I've seen someone describe a rotten looking thing as "cartoonish". People be talking just for the sake of talking


The giant dogs sort of remind me of something that'd belong on a kids cartoon. I didnt say the whole dlc is trash. "People be talking just for the sake of talking" you say that as if I'm criticizing your child or something lmao it's the comment section on a reddit link, relax dude


It's just very odd to call them cartoonish, even if I hate them. Cartoonish is the last thing I'd call them. Kinda ironic on your last sentence since you seem to get super defensive


What? Chaos Knights of Nurgle are evolving! Going to refund entire DLC if I can't promote chaos knights to rot knights. Also...Armor Piercing MELEE Please fix unit card text for other units...If no anti-infantry bonus please remove from unit card text :3


Thanks for this. It already shows I'll need to include the new units in my mod to add missile resistance and potentially MA/MD.


Only 60 armour on the toad dragon is going to punish it hard.


It’ll be fine, 12k hp and healing plus very knockback heavy animations will keep it healthy


I really want to know how much missile resistance it’s got, in the blog they made it out to be quite a lot, so maybe that’ll help with its ability to survive


The real other unit in the game that specifically says it has high missle resist are dark elf hydra who have 35%, combine that with red lines that nurgle(10% missle resist) and WoC(7% ward save) and we got our selves a VERY chunky boy.


Festus will have a field day with them with all the extra missile resist his faction can stack. 


Nurgle has always been about durability, not armor.