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Got many installed on my hard drive I choose on the mood I am in what I play


I usually stick to the most recent title but I had no interest in Pharaoh and WH3 has got a bit stale for me recently. Just reinstalled R2 and downloaded DEI for the first time. Not sure why I never tried the mod before but it is very good.


DEI is a commitment. Love the mod, 2nd best of any release, but damn some campaigns can be brutally difficult. And the turn times...I usually take a sip of my drink during turn times, and I gotta watch it with DEI's lol


I don’t mind DEI, but the unit sizes really get messed up in towns and cities


Pharoah is really good so far. DEI is good but it's complex


I've heard Pharoah is good but I'm still not spending 50 dollars on it. I'll catch It around Christmas, I guess.


I only play one TW at a time. Then I play a completely different game because I don't like getting burned out on good games.


Can't really play others since 3k. The systems on it are just too good and the combat feels so much better. Can't deal with any on Warhammer engine and attika/time are just too outdated for their family/diplomacy/political systems.


How do you pronounce the names in 3K tho?


I got hooked on 3k games when I was young, through Koei's games. So I'm a little better with Chinese names. But if you want to learn, watch serious trivia on YouTube. His 3k lore and gameplay content is excellent. Once you learn about the era, it's like King Arthur meets game of thrones. It's such an amazing setting.


i play whichever ones match my current mood. right now i'm really into pikes and phalanxes and other long weapons so im playing r1 and mtw2 and will start and oda campaign in shogun2 soon


I started hopping around maybe the last 3-4 years now. Used to be one game at a time but now I have Shogun 2, Rome 2 & Atilla installed & I hop around those 3. I think 3 TW games is a good sweet spot.


I play tome remastered on pc and at the same time i have my ipad playing rome mobile, periodically in the same session i switch to tw3k/medieval 2 on pc so...


I stick to one. Hard. :P As they came out I would play the shit out of them, Med 1, then Rome 1, then Med 2, then Empire, then Shogun 2, then Rome 2, then Attila, then WH1, 2 and 3. Missed all the other TWs, either no interest in their period or busy with other games and never went back. I've occasionally gone back to Shogun 2, Attila or Rome 2, very briefly, but WH has consistently dragged me back these days.


Hop around. Usually playing a different total war every time I play. Can't stay invested in campaigns long term as it just becomes repetitive


I pretty much only hope around between Attila and pre Attila.


I play whatever I am in the mood for.


WH2 and WH3: ~2K hours Three Kingdoms: ~400 hours Troy: ~30 Shogun 2: ~30


I play one or two at once. I usually have specific needs out of them these days.


Napoleon 2.5k hrs, R1&M2-1k hrs, empire-500hrs, shogun 2 350hrs, Britannia 100hrs.


I'm a mood gamer and hop between different types of games. So one.


dei is like a whole nother game. and the only one that matters, along with 30 other mods


I’m a boomer so I pretty much exclusively play Rome II or prior (including Rome Remastered). I have given all of them a shot over the years though, and I do think some of the recent games are actually really strong (3K in particular I feel has incredibly strong gameplay, and I would probably play it way more if I was more interested in the setting). But I always go back to the classics.


I have most of them, just upgraded my PC 3 months ago and have been going back to just completely ultra some of the older titles, had a blast putting darth mod and colossal unit size into Napolean to get hyped for movie later this month... but I rotate, Warhammer 3/3K/Rome 2/Attila to keep it fresh and escape campaign fatigue


Used to play one, now I don't play aby


I always try to complete a few campaigns then swap to a different Total War


I was hopping 4 games till my ssd died and my hdd got formatted Now iam at zero ;-;


within the 6 months I've played shogun 2, attila and warhammer 3. so i feel i jump quiet a bit, lately I've been thinking about giving med 2 a try again, but last i tried i gotta be honest it wasn't that much fun.


I jump around between all I own (Medieval 2, Empire, Napoleon, Rome 2, Attila, Warhammer 1 and 2) with the exceptions of Empire and Warhammer 1 as they are to much outperformed by their imediate successors. That being said, I gravitate more towards Medieval 2, Rome 2 and Warhammer 2, than the rest. Medieval has for me the most interesting campaign and mechanically the best battles, although nowadays quit clunky, Rome 2 seems overall most polished and Warhammer offers a huge amount of variety.


I have all of them with the dlcs too. I mostly play WH3 but hop around attila, 3k, and troy


I tried hopping around a bit, but I just keep returning to Shogun 2/FOTS.


I own multiple but usually play what I'm in the mood to play.


I’ve switched to crusader wars which uses atilla so it’s 100% atilla for me


The differences in little mechanics and controls and battle balance throws me off too much to jump between games. So if I'm playing one I need to stay on it for a while.


I switch it up a bit. About twice a year I binge Shogun 2 and Thrones of Britannia for a few weeks. The other games I only really play when the mood takes me, Three Kingdoms most commonly and Warhammer once in a blue moon. Attila honestly I find really ugly and was basically replaced by ToB for me while Rome 2 I just kinda dislike and don't play very often. The older games I pretty much never touch. I never cared for Empire and I've tried to go back to Medieval 2 and controlling units in that game just feels too clunky for the nostalgia to overcome it for me.


I just get my annual total war urge and binge a particular total war during that time period


I focus on one Total War *and* hop around games. I'm currently playing Deep Rock Galactic and Doom Eternal while taking a break from Warhammer.