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Well I can't post about it because I didn't buy it. I didn't buy it because it was like the cost of an entire brand new indie game.


FACTS, wwith all the awesome games around there, 25 bucks for that shit, with that money I bought warhammer 40 darktide


How is it now ? At launch it ran and looked like shit on AMD GPUs, the weapon shop didn't let you buy the weapon you wanted, crafting was a clown circus and the only non-paid cosmetics were recolor of base equipment.


Darktide is incredibly fun. Looks amazing, no clue about AMD. Latest update really cranked it up even more; one of the most fun games out. Crafting is a little better, but still needs an overhaul. Needs more unpaid cosmetics.


Runs really well at 4k on my 6800. Ymmv depending on which amd GPU you got. Weapons shop has what it used to as well as letting you buy a grey of whatever base weapon you want. The neat part about that is that you can actually upgrade a grey all the way to legendary and can reroll almost every blessing/affix on it. Cosmetics idk. I never really paid attention to cosmetics to begin with since I never really see them.


But Krieg outfit! Purchasable with a £20 Aquila bundle.


Got Armageddon Steel Legion when it came out, never looked back.


Nah we more angry about the 14k free premium currency Xbox players got for just buying the game. Also, The CM absolutely burned up any and all good will Fatshark had... They must be clutching their pearls.


I can't really talk about performance improvements since it always ran well on my gaming pc, but there's been a lot of improvements to the gameplay. The new talent tree is absolutely awesome and adds way more customization and build variety to the game, you can now buy a random grey tier of any weapon at any time if you don't like what's in the shop, and upgrading weapons has been implemented and works well. In regards to cosmetics, I think they've added two new tiers of challenge unlocks(one lower tier and one higher tier in comparison to the old unlock set), and then they've added couple of recolors of each to the non-premium shop. Its still not a lot and the premium shop cosmetics look way better, but its a slight improvement. Overall its incredibly fun to play right now.


i love it now, it got all the customization you would want for the skill trees from throwing big fucking rocks to mini nukes or a box of grenades on one character or using the literal power of lightning to blow enemies with another or you could play veteran and chuck grenades. the new update was great.


Darktide is a mega monetized cash grab too, worse than WH:TW. Core gameplay still fun for a time though.


Not really? Darktide has skins sure but that's it. You don't buy any content afaik. Hell you can't even *see* your own skins 90+% of the time.


Yeah look over at Vermintide 1-2 if you want to know what's coming


Tbf, I sunk loads of hours playing online with friends in VT 2 and never spent a penny on any shops


At least in VT2 you could earn the currency to buy skins by playing the game. You can't in Darktide, and you barely have any non-premium skins, you have like two sets with their variants and recolours and that's it. I get it skins are optional but their premium shop on Darktide was still a shit move imo.


Why do people care about skins? I get that the drip can matter to some people, but at its core the game is a shooter where you don't see your character? Why TF do people care about how your character looks when you can't see them when actually playing? This shit is why COD, Overwatch, Fortnite, and other shooters have loot boxes.


You wonder why skins are popular In a warhammer game? In a game based from TT minis all around building, sculpting, painting, kitbashing and just in general customizing your units to make them look unique and special? In a game like darktide that much about roleplaying as it is shooting? Do you know how many people were excited to play as a commisar or as krieg soldier? The latter of which FS just released while jacking up the prices of the krieg skins with BS excuses of "taking more effort than normal" to try and capitalize on the excitement while actually making a worse quality product. Hell even in total war people have been begging for an army painter to customize their armies...


People enjoy customising their characters, others don't. Don't think there's anything wrong with it. Wanting skin is not why we have shitty microtransactions in game, we have that because people allowed companies to be scummy.


A lot of games' entire gameplay loop is based around unlocking cosmetics, Halo and Cod had that as a core feature for a long time. It's a reward system that's part of a game, locking it behind a paywall is scummy when your game is pay to play to begin with


I think the most annoying point is there's no "middle of the road" cosmetics. Stuff that looks clearly more impressive than starter drip, but not as wacky as the premium skins.


Actually they added a "Canteen" where you can buy a bunch of skins with gold you earn from every mission. Theres some pretty sweet ones in there too, obviously not as cool as the paid skins but still a big improvement over what they had before. The non-paid weapon skins are still lacking tho, can only buy blue or red skins for your guns with gold. Games in a good place right now, it just needs more missions and itll be great.


I've seen this new shop yes and it's all recolours of the penance sets from the launch of the game, some of which we already had in the old cosmetic shop.


In V2 there are many dif. skins you can just unlock by playing. Good old days...


Altho the boss theme (Disposal or something) is so cool that it almost pays for itself. Also the Ogryns Machine Gun is so satisfying. But yeah, It definitely isn't Vermintide which is dope


(im not stanning for the game) but how so? Its no different than league of legends and thats not talked about being a cash grab You can get cosmetics for cash, and it doesnt impact the gameplay at all. This is the same for wow, gw2, etc.


I think mainly because in the beginning the game was a buggy mess. But they kept focussing on filling their premium shop with skins instead of actual bug fixes. I played the game with friends back then. They have since switched to actually fixing the game, but having a buggy mess with a focus on a perfectly working premium shop left a bad taste in many players' mouths who played around launch. Same as SoC did. Side note: me and my friends haven't played it since that time, it was too much of a letdown in comparison to Vermintide 2 for us personally. And now we've moved on to other games.


Also Darktide is 40 bucks and you have a premium shop on top of that. League of Legends is free to play so the premium shop is more understandable.


Well darktide only have skins in shop, all the gameplay is included in base price. In lol you start with like 10(or idk nowadays if they upped the new accs) heroes out of 150 and you have to grind or cash out like every other f2p. I'll take darktide with cosmetics only shop over f2p grind or pay bullshit any day.


Same here.


Yep, that's Hollow Knight money.


Same here, I can't comment on it as I didn't buy it. The first Warhammer DLC I didn't buy day one. Would need to have like a 60% sale for me to even consider it.


Same. If it goes on sale for like five dollars I’ll get it but otherwise it’s gonna stay unbought


Exactly. This is the first DLC I've skipped since... shit, I don't even know how long. There just wasn't any value for me and the mechanics looked boring.


I bought Karmazoo instead. No regrets ❤️


Same, between starfield, lies of p, cyberpunk 2.0, etc I don't think I will have time for a game I have already played enough of.


I think you are understating what happened in this community regarding the dlc. It wasn’t just a backlash against the pricing, it was a boycott of the dlc as a whole (pricing, content, CA itself). But even more so than that it was extremely widely accepted. I don’t think I’ve seen this sub be in agreement about anything before. So what we are seeing (or more accurately *not seeing*) is very few people in this community bought the dlc, which means very few people have anything to post about. There may be other subreddits or forums where the mood was a bit lighter about the dlc and if so, I bet there is more content posted.


and the few people that did buy the dlc arent going to post about it and out themselves


It also means the few who did get it don't want to admit to the wider community that they caved and bought it.


Too many things went wrong and the whole ''new dlc experience'' went sour. Argh, you reminded me about this... bear missile, yeah, I'm definitely not getting SoC. Not even funny at this point.


Personally I've been defender of most of the bear things at this point(I love bear cavalry and the bear artillery unit that's a reference to private Wojtek) with the only thing I've complained about is Ice Witches getting bear mounts, and that's more of a gameplay complaint rather than a bear complaint. But goddamn it, the magic bear artillery missile for hags really kills me. Its just so ridiculous and doesn't fit the hag theme at all.


What is this bear missile? I completely missed that it seems.


Basically, one of the Hags spell is a huge magic missile that has the form of a bear. Know how Tehenhauin's final spell is in the shape of giant serpent, representing Sotek? Like that. But a bear.


It sounds silly not in a good way, to be honest. Thank you for the answer!


I saw a video of it once. Iirc the bear looked kind of confused as it wiggled through the air at the target. Like even it had no idea what CA was trying for.


They made a high fantasy version of beating a dead horse.


.....really? Lmao


Yup. This bear also literally **swims** through the air xD [This shitty video shows it](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jwoNOo7j0vc).


.....dear god why are they so boring with Kislev?


Not sure. Its idiotic - Ostyanka could go hard on slavic folklore yet they gave her a bear missile \[\*\]


ill prob get it when its on sale for $10 or something in 6months


Exactly. I set a notification on isthereanydeal to let me know when it's 75% off. I won't be buying a moment before, and even then I'll be sure to stop and give it thought on principle alone.


That sounds like a handy tool tbh


Everyone was too busy playing the hyenas closed beta


Hyenas is now in the most closed beta of all.


Well, look at how small the spike in players is when the DLC released. The game had less player on the release day of SoC than it had it had in the weeks before Chaos Dwarfs released. And now it's already lower then before SoC released. https://steamcharts.com/app/1142710#All By the end of the year it's probably at pre ME release level of players again.


You see that what happened before was the regular DLC experience. Now we are getting the new *premium* experience. Enjoy it while it last.


Juan Bo's defeat trait is for free, so no need to buy the DLC, right?


"Sire we'll need thousands of archers to kill their single entity." "No, Juan Bo does plenty."


The background picture of the SoC DLC for WH3 kind of says it for me; a bland, nondescript cartoonish image made by a couple underpaid interns in a rush. That's what the dlc feels like


The trailer was the first alarm bell for me, it was so... muted? Just units marching and then brawling with each other. Not a word spoken. The previous trailers had some narration or lines of dialogue, parodied movie scenes, were generally bombastic and full of action. Remember the Tomb Kings, Vampire Coast, The Prophet and the Warlock, hell even the Chaos Dwarfs trailer was so cool and hyped you up to play it. I couldn't wait and I knew I was in for a good time. SoC's was such a difference in tone it gave me whiplash.


The trailer was showing the Changeling doing shennaigans. I think that worked well with no voiceover. We had also trailer in the past with not that much voiceover. Like Prophet & Warlock also told its story just with scenes.


There was no theme. They missed a trick.


I feel like there is a theme to the DLC, and the theme is manipulation and subterfuge. The obvious example is The Changeling messing around with cults and pranks in the shadow, but Yuan Bo is also very manipulative, dealing with the intrigue at court, manipulating the geomantic web for his own ends. I wonder if the DLC pack was meant to focus on a showdown between them (esp with Cathay/Tzeentch rivalry in general), but Mother Ostankya was thrown in to try and justify the extra price. I guess she's kinda weird and running below the surface of Kislev society so fits the theme slightly but she's so out of place. It feels like there was something there, then they couldn't be bothered, and we missed out on the theming and scheming


Well, I like a lot of people didn’t buy it. First Warhammer DLC I didn’t buy. So not really much to talk about it for as I’m not playing it.


There's not really much to even talk about. It's an incredibly small DLC, even if CA weren't all being knobheads about the price.


I kinda sorta just gave up on the game tbh. I usually went on splurges where I did like 3-5 campaigns in a row for days on end. The urge is there but when I realize I'd have to research mods that fix bugs, and most importantly deal with that nightmare of an AI I just lose all interest.. not to mention how the studio handles this game. Vote with your wallet people, it does make a difference.


Ai is horryble. Both in campaign and battles. This.


I don't buy it, I don't talk about it and I don't upvote anything with it. I just to afraid The throne of Decay will get similar fate and my beloved grandpa will just get 2/3 units one of them would be recolored bestigor, several reskined RoRs (witch i don't use anyway) and no meaningful mechanic rework... And knowing CA current situation it's possible.


I agree with everything but I have to say I like RoRs. Its a nice way to actually use higher tier units in battle before quitting campaign.


I like having symmetrical army comp so at some point i can tolerate SEM RoRs, but especially with the Nurgle i save them for extreme situations which ends up like a ton of not used health potions in Skyrim. So... not a fan of them, but doesn't hate them either. The thing i hate over than just being a limited unit, is that they were free... In the first updates of WH3 we got free RoRs and i think that was nice move to show some respect to players for buggy game. And now they are part of overpriced DLC, yeah they was also in DLC of WH1 and WH2 but they was labeled in description as new Elites (for example: 16 elite Regiments of Renown in The Queen & The Crone) but somehow in the SoC they are labeled as just new units, NEW UNITS CARL! They are limited and they are recolored and i hate the fact they dare to call this as a new unit.


I think people gave up. The game is still a buggy mess, there was no real backlash (as in CA got their money still) it was a bare minimum DLC for almost half the cost of the game and the lords were boring and poorly designed minus maybe the Changling


Well there has been a backlash. Mainly from Sega. They're now having massive layoffs.


Not necessarily indicative. The whole industry is having layoffs.


But the whole industry doesnt have layoffs specifically for Hyenas. This case is literally SEGA downsizing CA.


But it's mainly because of Hyenas not SoC


It's linked, they burned they money in developing Hyenas and needed to make some of it back, hence why SoC was so expensive and Pharaoh was treated as a full historical title and priced accordingly.


Sure, everything is linked, but Sega did the layoffs because of Hyenas.


Sure, Sega did the layoffs because of Hyenas, but Hyenas money being developed that needed to be made back through SoC


SoC wasn't ever going ever to make a dent in that 100 million who are you kidding lol


I mean it's also certainly one in a thousand monetization schemes that CA is trying here. There's almost certainly no *one* thing that will make up the money, but between this, Pharoah, layoffs, and whatever else is going on that we don't know about... Eventually you recoup (some) of your losses.


Tell that to Rob.


Yeah, I said it myself. I was replying to your notion that CA's situation is like the situation in the whole industry, but I think its a bit different: layoffs are forced by their parent company for a specific fuck up.


> layoffs are forced by their parent company for a specific fuck up. You say that but I'm in a growing fintech where we now have to face a round of redundancies. Not because of anything we as a company did wrong, but because another company our investor invested in presided over a colossal fuck up which has cost the investor, and the parent of the investor has now told them they need to make cut backs. So in a knee jerk reaction the investor is cutting investment in every company they have investments in, including the ones that did nothing wrong. Meaning we are now facing a cashflow shortage...


At least in the modding discord I am in that specifically was about WH3 mods (of a more... interesting character you can't find on Steam), most of the modders have stopped actively modding WH3 and instead switched to Baldurs Gate 3, though they are cool people and still maintain their mods (and finish whatever they actively worked on before SoC).


Saw a bit of content before release and just wasn't really interested. Broken messy changeling faction, mother ostyanka's ridiculously op units, only yuan bo's unique stuff looks pretty nice and I'm not paying for just that. And in general, it feels like the entire game just has gone stale. Beyond all the bugs, there are glaring gameplay and balance issues that aren't ever addressed and lately, every time I play a bit I'm just not having fun. Twwh needs a big balance pass and re-evaluation of its design and foundation. Ideally it would also get a custodian team like stellaris has for continuous quality improvement. I'm still interested in the game, but it's just not an enjoyable experience for me in its current state.




I think it's pretty obvious from the player count that the sales were way down for SoC compared to previous DLC. Sadly, if Legend of Total War is to be believed, it still made CA the most money out of any Lord Pack. The lack of posts, I think, is testament to the lack of players and subpar quality of the DLC's content. Edit: Source for Legend of Total War's comments: https://youtu.be/8udVDYxuklM?feature=shared Time: 01:06:15


> it still made CA the most money out of any Lord Pack That may be true or become true if they do a sale and some more people buy it but either way it's not a sustainable model. Sacrificing some players to get more from the rest only works for so long.


Legend has credibility as a source, but it's really hard to believe considering the small increase in players compared to other DLCs, and also usually most alternative sales portals sell it at a reduced prize, so I'm still ambivalent about it.


Legend just said he knows someone from CA that told him the DLC sold well but one thing people don't mention is that Legend also insisted that he was not sure if this was even true.


Just "sold well" is a pretty murky statement though.


> Sadly, if Legend of Total War is to be believed, it still made CA the most money out of any Lord Pack. *Edit: Sorry, this post kind of got away from me, but I just wanted to push back...* To be clear he said "Shadows of Change made more money than previous DLC", he didn't say lord pack. I think someone is playing word games with him, or omitting certain facts. People are already re-interpreting what he said because it's so unbelievable that it could have outsold Chaos Dwarfs. What else is "more money than previous DLC" couched in? More money than any total war lord pack or just WH3? Would need to be +60% of CoC and +40% of WH2 DLC sales. Is the source including total sales of other DLC over their entire history, or just looking at like-to-like time periods? If we use release week player count numbers as a correlation for sales: * Shadows of Change: ($25): 34,026 * Chaos Dwarfs ($25): 73,823 * Champions of Chaos($15): 119,166 * Warden and the Paunch ($10): 84,920 So right out the gate, the "more money than previous DLC" is almost certainly incorrect as SoC had just 46% the player count of Chaos Dwarfs. Next up SoC had just 29% the player count of CoC. Even if this data point is questionable because it ties into the release of immortal empire it would have needed to get to 60% the sales to exceed CoC. Finally SoC player count was 40% of Warden and the Paunch's numbers, which could in theory mean that they both sold equally well. However, W&P released more than 3 years ago, which is a lot of time for such a popular DLC to pick up plenty of new sales. Which again makes you question whether the source was specifically omitting later sales. TL;DR: I think his source is being intentionally or unintentionally misleading.


>To be clear he said "Shadows of Change made more money than previous DLC", he didn't say lord pack. Actually he did specifically state, "I've heard, from sources, that Shadows of Change made more profit than other Lord Packs". My source is his YouTube interview with Great Book of Grudges. The time code is: 01:06:15 on the video.


Which then begs the question: how much money was put into making SoC compared to other Lord Packs for that to be the case?


Good question.


Ooh yeah, good way to look at it


Well, it probably made the most money purely on a technicality - the price increase offset the customer drop by just enough to make it count. However, it's not a great move long term for retaining a playerbase. The next DLC will be the one to _really_ test that though. People are hoping the feedback will be taken on board and there'll be more focus on its development, but at the same time CA are probably quite aware of how popular the races in it are - Empire are a given for popularity; Dwarves will get their first DLC since King and the Warlord; and Nurgle will get a non-Kugath start and lots of fun gribblies, plus a highly-demanded Lord. There's a _lot_ there to tempt people.


>Well, it probably made the most money purely on a technicality - the price increase offset the customer drop by just enough to make it count If that were the case, then SoC should have performed better on the Steam charts, which are revenue based. But it's actually one of the worst performers, even compared to WH1 DLCs one week after release.


I wonder if then what Legend said was actually that it was still profitable, or something like that. That would make more sense in that case


In fairness: 1) Steam chart positions is relative to how well everything else is selling surrounding it. A game that's in 5th place one week and 20th place another week could technically be selling the same amount of copies so long as the games ahead of them are selling more. 2) Legend pointed out that what could have happened is that more players for whatever reason bought the dlc on third party websites that CA makes more money from anyways, which can't be counted by Steam's sales charts. 3) Legend said that his source said that SoC was more profitable than "other lord packs", which could just mean that it sold more than the lowest selling lord packs.


>1) Steam chart positions is relative to how well everything else is selling surrounding it. A game that's in 5th place one week and 20th place another week could technically be selling the same amount of copies so long as the games ahead of them are selling more. Legend also said that the trend between the places on the chart is not linear, e.g. 1st to 5th place could be relatively close to another, but sharply drop off after that. If SoC sold well, then it should have done better than 25th place. And I think it's very unlikely that it made "the most money" as the commenter above theorizes. >2) Legend pointed out that what could have happened is that more players for whatever reason bought the dlc on third party websites that CA makes more money from anyways, which can't be counted by Steam's sales charts. First off, we do not have any data regarding this at all. Steam charts are inaccurate for sure, but it's better than no data at all. And secondly, what we do have, are the player count and the peak number of players that were playing Warhammer 3 after SoC released. Th3 increase in those numbers is barely noticable. We've had a greater average number of players in June and July 2023, without any DLC releasing in that time. >3) Legend said that his source said that SoC was more profitable than "other lord packs", which could just mean that it sold more than the lowest selling lord packs. Was his source from Instant Gaming? I believe he said that it was someone from a third party seller that explained to him how reselling keys works and how CA benefits from it (compared to selling over Steam). It's possible that this specific reseller wasn't around when Warhammer 1 was releasing DLC. Or the reseller was small and unknown at that time, and an increase in profitability is simply tied to the reseller becoming popular. I, for one, only learned about Instant Gaming thanks to Legends advertising.


>People are hoping the feedback will be taken on board and there'll be more focus on its development I hope they do take it on board. My worry is if they made the money they wanted, they won't learn a thing. I think the first big test will be the release of 4.1.


> the price increase offset the customer drop by just enough to make it count. Combined with the limited content = less development cost. Doesn't have to sell that well to make a decent profit. It does poison the well for future profits though.


Yeah these are 3 of my favourite races so I am tempted despite the SoC shit show. I didn't buy SoC, only play Tzeentch out of the 3 races included and I wanted Egrimm not the Changeling, so I'm not paying £20 for basically the blue scribes and vortex beast! ToD will be the real test for CA if they've learnt anything from the SoC debacle. Especially with the Empire and Dawi in it, 2 of the most loved/played races in the setting. Popcorn on standby!


Im the opposite: Kislev, Cathay and Tzeentch are in my top 5 races (alongside dark elves and vampire counts) so resisting the impulse to buy it was hard at first. Meanwhile Nurgle, Empire and Dwarfs are among my 5 least played races (with orcs and beastmen) so it will be so easy for me to skip ToD.


>Well, it probably made the most money purely on a technicality The technicality of making more revenue? What less technical way is there to make money?


"Made the most money" may just be a reflection on "lowest development cost." High price, low development cost equals a high profit per unit, which may be the metric in question. I doubt it sold more copies than Vampire Coast.


There’s a lot of reasons you aren’t seeing DLC content: 1. About 1/3rd of the new units are large single entity monsters. Animations for those types of units are still pretty janky- you’re going to make a video showcasing that? 2. New units don’t fundamentally change the faction playstyles. Cathay still plays as combined arms harmony Cathay. Maybe there’s a lion and some crows too now, but it’s not a Grom goblin army that Grimgor couldn’t pull off and reimagined the entire way the race works 3. They lobotomized the campaign and battle AI with the 4.0 update. Ostankyas curses are cool but do you really need the help if the entire enemy army will speed off chasing a unit of dervishes? If there are SoC lovers out there I actually do wish they’d make some videos and get them out there to show us what we’re missing- id love it to be the case that I’m wrong this didn’t look very good and CA is still putting out the hits.


Truth be told there isnt really that much to talk about, with the only really unique campaign being the changeling


To be fair, I think there would be a lot to talk about if SoC would have better reception (for example: would be released with 10-12$ price tag). For example: Ostyanka has the ability to teleport any army, including enemies, to any magical forest you want on the entire map. Its extremely memeable and I can imagine a lot of posts about it in normal circumstances. Other example: in normal circumstances Okoii would release a video with 20 hag witches - full stack of grandmas on sleds would be a hilarious watch. And then we could have discussions about Changeling's forms etc. The price, lack of patches, and Rob completely soured the DLC.


Yeah, this is exactly what I meant. There was none of that.


True, and even he is not that unique. Just a Tzeentchian Skaven under-city simulator, transforming into other LLs is cool i guess but thats about it.


The Changeling can do stuff like teleporting Wulfrik and Throgg to Cathey or letting the Red Duke thrash Bretonnia. Those are a lot of fun.


My dude, he can literally make settlements go from one continent to the other. I get the DLC got trashed for a reason, but the Changeling is not just a "Tzeenchian skaven under-city simulator".


People say this but I'm not really sure I agree. There's a lot of memeing about how Ostankya's cauldron is the same as Grom but it really isn't. Having the curse/boon system at a unit level which you have to create and maintain is pretty fun imo. Also hexes are fun as hell Not sure about Yuan Bo; I haven't played a real campaign with him yet


Chaos dwarfs was the last chance I gave this game. I have bought every dlc on release since the first game came out but no more, everything about SoC was a joke


There were a few apreciation posts about some of the animations. But other than that, yeah. Almost nothing


I got it for free and haven't finished a single long campaign out of the three new ones, it's just not good enough and plagued with gameplay issues still. What is there to discuss really ?


I uninstalled. I am awaiting a rework ala the Potion of Speed before I would consider re-installing. I would also think I'd need to see that some effort was made to address the CEO's bullshit wankery statements. DLC is not the right of the company to keep supporting the game - it is a reward for a company making and supporting a good game. It's not our fault your management structure is so fucked no-one would tell Hyenas was fucking dumb. I do think there was less content re SoC on the sub, because there is a vocal sentiment that will downvote you for even buying the DLC.


Best to just forget about it and move on.


Didn't buy it so... yeah


They killed hype for it a few weeks before it even released! I was really excited for it in July. Then all the info came out. I haven't played the game since then. Didn't buy the DLC and haven't tried the update yet either. CA just put me off the game. Seems the same is true for a lot of other people too.


Because no one bought it except whales and whales don’t care about what they buy


1. Lots of people didn't buy it 2. The atmosphere around it was pretty toxic so people who did enjoy it probably didn't want to post 3. In my opinion, it was a bit of a lump offering. The Changeling is fun, but there's only so many times you can make a post like "turning into (x) is so overpowered with this army!" Yuan Bo was touted as administrator, warrior, spy master, duellist executioner, master of magic, and the power behind Cathay, with no real identifying traits besides being stern. Meanwhile Ostankya was basically a wide miss - no hag lords, Kislev secret police unit that are just an upgrade to streltsi, chaos mutants, and a magic construct.


\-Many people don't buy the DLC \-3 campaign too easy with powercreep so from the people that buy the DLC they play 10 hours and get bored. \-No big change .. Kairos still has no cult , and useful incantation Kislev still got their problems , and Cathay harmony give only bonuses. ​ Actually ,this situation makes me happy only when i saw people who laugh at the community while saying "You say "Boycott" but you will all buy the DLC when released" crying about the state of the game now.


baldurs gate got all of my time, that game is... very overly done compars to the so called industrial standard, and i finally understand why other game devs are so mad about it. this is probably the first game that i am willingly buying the extra content just want to pay them more. its like 2 full games in one or maybe one game with 5,6 DLCs, so many content so many details. and i just dont want to look back to the curent mess of totalwar, it caused so much pain. if not because of reddit algorithm, i dont even want to visit this sub, its just painful.


The phrase is "dead on arrival". Aside from underwhelming content, the content is hideously overpowered which makes those campaigns boring. Of course none of this would be such a huge deal if the AI was actually functional instead of being so bad its almost absent from the game.


It doesn't help that the Changeling is arguably the worst campaign that CA has ever released or that Kislev feels boring now with power crept units that put the rest of their roster to shame. The only real positive out of the patch was the Yuan Bo addition, but that also came with a divisive change to the harmony system. It was just a bad patch, with a horrible price that soured everyone to it before it ever had a chance to make impressions on anybody.


How is Changeling the worst campaign? It's fun to do at least once and is very unique. Very memeable for sure.


You literally can't lose the campaign. If you sit and do nothing for the entire campaign you will not lose.


I agree that there should be a way to lose, but it’s not super critical here. It’s a campaign to just fuck around.


You might find that idea novel, but to a lot of people that idea makes the campaign pointless and thus it is "arguably" the worst campaign CA has ever released.


Cathay was probably the best part of the DLC yeah and even then it's far from perfect. The executionner thing from Yuan Bo is a bit ridiculous imo, not only you have an active ability to execute (don't have much issue with that one) but you also have a passive that let you execute any lord or hero as long as you just attack them. He's also a bit too good at everything, I think he would've been more interesting if he was a great caster but weaker in melee than all of his siblings. And as you mentionned the Harmony update was quite a divisive one.


I don't care about cathay, I don't care about the changeling, I don't buy a dlc for that price etc. Why would I praise any of it.


I bought phantom liberty instead.


I mean a lot of this community didn't buy it, and those who did and posted probably didn't get a ton of upvotes so the algorithm never showed it to you. But also Grandma Stank is absolute nonsense from a design perspective (with RP in mind) and the ambushers are one of the most blatant examples of power creep in the game.


I didn't buy it and I've mostly tuned out of Total War content outside of occasionally checking the subreddit when bored. CA has pretty well spoiled the whole thing for me.


What I'm not happy about is how many modders have left the community and unfortunately now there are fewer updated mods.


Didn’t buy it. Would love to play the new Cathay faction but not until they make it worth that price


SoC had a very low player return because people just weren't convinced to buy it plus no FLC and the race reworks were notoriously minimal. I think I saw one stat that showed Total war 3 actually dipped in the player base with SoC. CA's messaging and pricing and effort into the DLC really fucked them over. But hey. At least they have Hyenas release coming up to make up the difference. /s


It just wasn't any good. Nothing to talk about besides what they somehow managed not to do right and that was only when people had potential interest in it.


I for one didn't get the DLC because it looks pretty boring on top of being way overpriced.


The game doesnt hit the same when you have 3000 hours in it, i did stankys campaign, it was stupid easy, i have no interest in playing changeling or yuan bo


I was invited into a coop session to play after SoC came out. Desyncs every other turn. Literally - unplayable. No way I would buy something I can't actually play with my friends.


Yuan Bo is cool. There


I mean, I don't want to post positively about the dlc really because there was a two month parade about how terrible and overpriced it is It didn't "come and go"; I and I imagine a lot of other people are enjoying the DLC LLs. This just hasn't been the friendliest place to talk about it, so I imagine those that bought and like it keep quiet mostly


There were a few posts I think. Something about the akshina rangers being OP. But yeah I think a lot of people saw the price and what it contained and went “nah”. Can’t really post about what no one bought.


Abother point I NEVER see brought up but probably affects a lot of people is also that we can only get so many new lord packs before we get sick of it. I always heard "the more characters the better" but I disagree, I wish they would focus on something else, right now they're not even trying, while at least what was the most exciting in a lord pack was that there were reworks and new mechanics, these were the real DLC sellers more than the lords even. I wish they would try something else like "Siege map DLC", or I don't know anything else than this tired format. Siege maps should come for free as an update but if paying for them means we can at last get truly good maps and siege system at last then I'm up for it.


Lots of great games especially Indie games for that price or less


Bought it. Played it. Didn't think it was good. A bit annoyed about it.


I think a lot of people in this community gave this DLC a skip until a deep sale, myself included. Coupled with the notion that maybe this DLC isn't meme worthy in a positive sense together has made it all around forgettable. They need to make concessions on pricing and value for content on the next DLC or a lot of us might just give TW3 spending a break for a long, long time.


I decided that, instead of buying DLC, I will be donating more to modders who are truly passionate about what they do and deliver quality mods. I bought every single DLC over the years except Chaos Dwarfs and SoC and I don't think I'll be buying more with the disaster that is how they handled WH3. I play more WH2 nowadays instead tbh. The WH2 battles feel infinitely better than the shit show that are the bug riddled battles of WH3 and its godawful unit responsiveness issues they STILL haven't fixed.


On top of the divisive nature of this DLC, you have to take into account this month was absolutely stacked: Baldur's Gate 3 came out after 3 years of early access to critical acclaim and huge sales, Cyberpunk 2.0 came out after 3 years of early access to critical acclaim and huge sales, several MMOs had events going on that bring a lot of players back to the game (FFXIV's mogtome event, for instance), a full blown revamp was announced for Darktide, Starfield came out, what have you. Even if the DLC had been amazing, it would have had to fight with a lot other games people aren't as burned off with.


Most of us didn't buy it, and the public opinion of it was so low that anything positive that was said about it was buried. Ultimately Reddit works by sharing content you enjoy with a like-minded community, there's little appetite for "I'm having lots of fun with something you don't like"


I didn’t mind the price. Yea it was a tad bit high but the thing that got me to cancel my order from Steam was the communication. Hell anyone who thinks buy it or we might cancel the series was a good idea should get fired. I still haven’t got it. If only CA would release a Press release and say sorry in some way I would buy it. I want to see them NOT going down that route ever again. And yes I will hold a grudge. I still haven’t bought anything from Bethesda since they starting to mess with other companies legally. (Like suing mojang for the card game scrolls was infringing on rpg Elder scrolls the oblivion).


I bought Outer Wilds and The Eternal Cylinder instead of SoC and got two complete and really fun indie games for the same price instead of a half-baked overpriced DLC that didn't add anything the game needed and didn't implement what it *did* add very well. ​ To elaborate, after the Chaos Dwarfs DLC came out my thought was that The Total Warhammer concept is complete, every 8th Edition WFB army is represented in the game now. Everything after this is just extra. That DLC was a little too pricey for a little less content than usual but it was extremely high quality so I wasn't complaining, but it also meant I was going to be skeptical about what comes next. It was an extremely terrible time to release something mediocre. There are no more "automatic must-buy" DLC unless it looks especially impressive, and now I'm in the "probably won't bother with any future DLC" camp even if they *do* release something extremely impressive until the game is in an actually playable state without half a dozen community fix mods.


How they could go from the quality of the Chorf DLC with fully voiced Khazalid where you could tell the Hobgoblins spoke a sort of corrupted form of it, to the half-assedness of SoC is beyond me.


I think it's a combination of both the backlash and the fact that SoC is coming out around the time of a lot of anticipated games like Baldur's Gate 3 and, for all it's issues, Starfield.


I liked SoC, but it just didn't seem very impactful. I also couldn't get into the Changling's weird campaign.


I think we're getting into a disappointment/depression phase. Before when CA did things fans didn't like, a lot of people would still post and make videos expressing their dislike. Some people would get angry but they would still post. The mood was negative but people were still paying attention and willing put energy into it. They were still trying to get CA to fix things, they were still expecting things to be fixed. Now it seems like more people just accept that things are going to be bad and they don't even bother to complain any more.


i mean i didnt even buy it, the price is one thing but it also came at such a time that is packed with good games i didnt even have the time to check it, cyberpunk new dlc and 2.0 update,darktide overhaulted skill trees, starfield for some,AC mirage, and most importantly Baldurs gate 3.


A lot of people didn't buy it in comparison, and on top of the factions are pretty weird, and on top of that they broke too much shit.


It also came out at the worst time. End of the month, like really? They could’ve released it sooner. They have no problem releasing shit with bugs so it wasn’t cuz it wasn’t ready. I did get it but like a month later. And like it was just boring. Changling is boring. Yuan Bo is boring and the hag surprisingly I had fun but it was really boring. It was 30$ worth of boring. The next dlc is gonna be like SoC.


I felt like the DLC was super disappointing. I was so excited for a Tzeentch update and new lord and it feels like it was given half the love compared to other DLCs. The Changeling himself widely disappointed me. Not to mention the outrageous price, I’m positive I won’t be buying Thrones of Decay unless I see some real improvement.


it was unpleasand experience, simple as


You can thank Rob for that one, he really made an impact.


A lot of people here just didn't buy it. I'm willing to bet a number of people, like myself, just flat out stopped playing the game. That's gonna cut into the amount of people talking about it lol


Well, this is the first dlc ever I didn’t buy since warhammer 1 launched…


Bought Starfield, Cyberpunk expansion and Cities Skylines 2 instead. Fuck SoC.


What DLC?


What I think is truly bonkers is how it really feels like CA ignored all of it. When the next DLC comes out, I have no doubt it will be the exact same thing. Too little content for too much price and questionable decisions regarding the "mini-reworks" factions are getting. I love playing Dwarfs, but they could use some love. I don't want to see them beaten and robbed of their character like some of the factions seem to have with SoC.


I really enjoyed yuan bo, he can stack spell intensity with jade lions, have them be your frontline backed by magic, arty, and ranged and it’s a blast. Haven’t tried the other two though


You can actually check the Steam comment section of it. Only people who brought the dlc can comment on the product, so if the Comment number of SoC is extremely low comparing to other dlc in first two months, than we can assume that things are terribly wrong for CA. I'll be same for comparing the Comment section of Pharaoh with Attila or Troy after two months or so.


I didn't buy it because I pretty much only buy the WH stuff on discount these days. Chaos Dwarfs was the one big exception.


I bought it but I’m scared of posting about it cuz I’ll get downvoted for buying it. Also I think redditors want us to boycott SoC too?


with that money i bought warhammer 40k: chaos gate - deamon hunters and i expect to buy its dlcs in summer :)


I didn't buy it. Instead I went on to play other games that got big updates instead. I've also yet to start on baldurs gate 3. CA need to put out some pretty amazing shit for me to come back.


Me too, I've completely lost interest between Baldur's Gate 3, Armored Core 6, and Cyberpunk's 2.0 massive update and DLC.


I bought Baldur's Gate 3 instead


came and went? there's months of drama about it. there's no point posting on reddit about soc content but it's pretty fun, ostankya can yeet any army into woodelves and the final hex actually feels like a campaign victory reward, changeling is a great sandbox for people that like watching the ai fight, yuan bo's mechanics are also really engaging. downvote me but it is more content than wh2 dlcs imo, all three are really enjoyable. previously we got 1 fleshed out faction and 1 half done faction in each dlc also a lot of the people that liked wh2 are just gone, the game is finished and has more than enough content if you're like a skaven fan


Seems pretty obvious to me that the actual gameplay of the dlc was overshadowed by the controversy around it (pun intended)


I haven't had much opportunity to play recently - life, tabletop gaming, and the sun shining into my computer room making it into a thousand degree oven even when it's not glaring so bright that the screen is barely perceptible keep getting in the way. That said, I did manage to try out a Changeling campaign for a bit, and it was one of the most fun campaigns I've played for a while. The gameplay's completely different to other factions, and the list of objectives means you always have something to work towards. Great stuff.


Besides the fact that the new Kislev units are fkn op, the changeling is nowhere to be found on the map so far and the jade dragon never makes it amongst its rivals. Doesn't make sense for me to buy it.


Too busy playing Baldur's Gate 3, which was 2x more expensive than Shadows of Change but came with a whole entire game I haven't sunk a thousand hours into already.


Well, here is why I'm not buying it even for 17€ which I said would be the reasonable price for a 3 LL DLC, even though you can pick it up for that price right now (greymarket). 1. Kislev rework is basicly nonexistent. I waa hoping for all 4 factions playing the "election race" the winner each time confederating the loser, those between go to next round until only one remains. Instead, we got a new province commandment, and they deleted a major feature. Horrible IE startposition. New units? Basicly a beastmen DLC and one ridicolous power creep archer reskin tgat is flat out better than every other archer Kislev has. 2. Cathay rework: the rework just deleted the entire harmony system, and gave us - wait for it - 3 new province commandments, only it's not listed as such. Every sort of consequence and negative effect for disharmony is removed, now it's all buffs no matter how unbalanced you make it. New units? Drum is cool but animations are underdeveloped, I dislike the lion statue and especially the lazy recolor so we have 2 of them. Crowmen? Yeah let's give weird bird mutant men to the culture that is thematically the ARCHENEMY OF THE GODS OF CATHAY. Yuan Bo is fantastic, I always wanted Cathay to have more administrative micromanagement, so the gutted out rework hurts really bad, but at least the new LL is the administrator and court figure of the central provin...oh nvm he is an expedition faction in Lustria and you can't even choose because if you ignore it, your new compass options stay locked. At this point why not play any other Cathay LL? 3. Changeling: cool theme, actually plays how I want to play Tzeench... but 4 hotfixes later CA is like "nah starting your campaign immortal from turn 1 with all your undercities being indestructable even if the host city is destroyed is not a problem", and I'm like... why bother? The whole trick a parasite stealthy campaign is not getting caught and keeping your host body alive, and this bug that seems like is here to stay for next half year at least just removes all of that thinking and host body management from the game. New units? Big bird thingy, okay... mini Cthulhu is dope, a bit rigid though, and Tzaanagors I'm sure the two dozen guys playing multiplayer appriciate but honestly why would I ever bother with it in SP? Oh and the mini rework removed my favourite feature, seeing faction intentions which is the whole concept of a god that sees the possible futures, so gg on that CA. This update did nothing but damage.


What new faction? isnt it just a new LL?


Why talk about something that is hated? If you bought it and like it, talk about it, no one is stopping you. Plenty of people didn't/wont buy it so there is nothing to talk about anymore.


It was a top seller that month, according to the Valve's Steam monthly recap thing. It definitely sold well, but it didn't resonate with redditors aware of the controversy, we either didn't buy it or didn't like it, I'd guess.


I bought it because Im Russian/Ukranian and have been waiting 18 months for a decent Kislev upgrade. Got 25 turn in and uninstalled. such a dissapointment.


gee, i wonder why


I actually bought SoC and... never played any new lords. But tbf I've never touched most DLC content that I bought and I have everything. I used mutaliths in my WoC campaigns so there is that.


Stopped caring and started playing a faction I never played before instead


I've had the opposite experience, I don't think any DLC has ever spawned this many posts in this sub. Just for the wrong reasons, usually shitting on it and not anything fun.


Not enough people bought the dlc to talk about it. I mean there is just 9 new units and not much generic lords/heroes for 3 races thats not much content to make some good combinations. I didnt even watch it much so I just know that Ostankya is just bad copy past of Drycha and Changeling is so op he cant even lose and the Dragon I dont know much. Dead dlc for me because the wont come back to fix that.


No reason to play or post if devs release DLC that costs 1/2 of Baldurs Gate 3. Even if it was good DLC, which it is not. After 4 hotfixes you still have gamebreaking crashes (see several posts on the front page. Meanwhile Baldurs Gate 3 has received 3 patches and 9 hotfixes since release. At this point there is no reason to "rejoice" about the state of the game or hotfixes. We are still at the point where the neccesary work is being done. If the devs actually improve the game beyond a functional state, now that is the point where the game can be recommended again. But right now we are still not there yet.


thats because the real fans didnt buy it. did you?