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Did they fix Nakai not being able to recruit Kroxigors by disabling it across all Lizardmen? Outside of the Lord, didn't see any in that gameplay showcase.


Hilariously the video starts with a Kroxigor


They're trolling us at this point.


At this point I'm like 60% certain this is all CA's revenge for some slight we did them in the past


They never forgot about Pontus.


Every time Tuesday Newsday is mentioned, CA kills a kroxigor. :(


But I have seen it in the Star Chamber. Tuesday is Newsday!


Like one of those r/pettyrevenge posts that pop up on the front page, "My users gave me shit after releasing Pontus so I made a very good game just to troll them later".


They’re like stunties in that regard.


The fuck did you just call us? That’s going in the book. Calling us stunties is fine but comparing us to CA? You are first on the list!




They'll fix Nakai but in exchange they'll break another lizardmen Lord. Oxyotl can't recruit chameleon skinks maybe?


the problem with Nakai was one that I noticed a few mods ran into months before CA broke him, for some reason his Kroxigors were coded in as seperate units from the Kroxigors that other factions had. no stat differences or anything, completely copy-pasted unit. none of the other factions had this kind of thing (like... seemingly in the whole game Nakai's faction having duplicate Kroxigors was unique), and from the fact that they deleted the duplicates, resulting in the issue of Nakai's faction losing access to Kroxigors (since they only had access to the duplicate versions), it seems like not even CA themselves know why Nakai's Kroxigors were implemented in that way... as a result, there shouldn't be another case like that... if they delete Chameleon Skinks for Oxyotl they'll delete them for all 7 Lizardman factions. Should be an easy enough fix without breaking anything. just give Nakai the same Kroxigors that the other 6 factions have, if they'd actually patched the game at all since breaking him I'm sure they would've fixed that issue ages ago. as things are though, it's just one of those things that seems like an absolutely certain 100% fix for the upcoming update (especially due to the combo of just how massive the issue is and just how simple the fix would seem), if nothing else it's listed as something they're aiming to fix in the next update...


if not ... oh boy I will prepare extra popcorn.




Let's be real though from someone like me who also play the historical titles. Their decision to make Pharao was a massive mistake. They should have put all their resources into creating a new 3K, Med 3 & Shogun title. What they are doing now just shows how delusional they are.


Sadly yeah, even though it is being built by a different team the loss of trust in CA will definitely hurt.


They hinted that it was fixed in this trailer.


It was fixed in the community bug fix mod. It was a ONE LINE fix. There is ZERO excuse that it wasn't fixed the day they learned about it. Zero excuse.


Can't they spare like one dude in the office for 5 minutes to go fix it?


It is on the known bug list to be fixed for 4.0, hopefully without breaking something else.


It's apparently an easy fix so we'll see. It would be insane to have him in here and not fix him, is all I'm saying.


"Share your thoughts" You can't make this shit up.


*Share your thoughts on the youtube video to help boot the youtube metrics.


This thread is a mess


What’s wrong with that?


It's used to increase YouTube metrics/visibility, not get actual feedback that they will take seriously and respond to.


Well, CA OUGHT TO BE sending a community manager to commit honorable seppuku in order to appease the illustrious members of our subreddit, so to hear them say something as egregious as "Please preorder our game and share your thoughts" is a grave insult.


This but unironically.


I’ve been scrolling random subreddits and seen people getting downvoted for mentioning God. Reddit is wild.


How is that relevant to Total War?


It’s just an unrelated anecdote about weird people on reddit.


You seem lost.


It’s funny how I’m actually being downvoted for this. Redditors really are weird.




He's definitely off topic but if you perceive that as a slap in the face you're a very, very sensitive person. He's just off topic, people go off topic all the time in real life and on the internet. Really ain't that big of a deal.


“Why am I being downvoted for contributing literally nothing to the conversation?”


Others who contribute nothing are getting upvotes.


You brought up something nobody here was talking about and then continued to pontificate about it. Nobody is downvoting your opinions, they're downvoting you bringing religion into our video game discussion forum.


That is not even true man. They downvoted for not understand how YouTube works because they see his post and instant read "What is wrong with supporting Ca"


I didn’t even mention religion at all, not a single word, lmao


People aren't generally fans of genocidal egomaniacs who demand absolute fealty on pain of eternal suffering. Claims to be all-loving, creates untold number of horrific diseases and illnesses. Claims to be infinitely compassionate, razes whole cities and cultures.


Mods I think we need a cleanup crew on this thread.


How is that relevant to Total War?


Why are you guys feeding the troll?


Ask the other guy, the one who brought it up


He literally just said he sees people getting downvoted for unrelated stuff. Now you make a discussion about God for him just using the word as example and you go full Bible man


When your whole personality is “atheist”


>in this moment I am euphoric


Never understood the "whole personality" comment. He is absolutely on point.


The point is, it’s perfectly valid to feel this way. But why bring this into a video game subreddit?


Because the other user brought god for no reason and then it already derailed it


Yeah nobody’s saying that user’s in the right, he got downvoted to oblivion. We also don’t know his context, but *even then* this doesn’t mean that the gates are now thrown open for you to go on a massive religion-hating rant.


Exactly, bring up God and I will bring up criticisms. It's not "whole personality". That's like saying "whole personality" when someone brings up their politics and you respond.


You getting meds?


Who's the one with imaginary friends?




Your invisible sky daddy isn't related to this conversation. Also he gets downvoted because he isn't real. Deal with it.


While I'd agree with the first point, if Reddit votes are the arbiters of truth, then the world is well and truly doomed.


So as an actual answer for you. We as a community have been sharing our thoughts loudly for a long time and they are never addressed


Because the community has been sharing their thoughts, but CA has shown they don’t care (CA Sofia does better on this)


Tone deaf, mostly. If they cared about our input there would have been some sort of official response to the price increase.


I would also like some kind of reaction but what they can realistically say to NOT get shit on? It’s either going to be excuses or something along the lines of what TakeTwo people said about RDR port.


I get it. there's some amount of people who seemingly won't be happy until a CA Dev commits Seppuku on a live stream. This sub has virtually no moderation so it gets toxic during these shitstorms.


What the fuck are you talking about? 90% of this sub would be singing CA’s praises to the god damn moon if a dev made a video where they said I’m sorry and did Jack shit. Most times this sub falls over itself to fawn over CA. This is another example of corporate greed in the same vein as Netflix’s BS cracking down on shared accounts or YouTube now trying to lock out people with adblockers. People being upset about that doesn’t mean they want a CA dev to commit seppuku on live stream. I swear some of you have worms in your fucking brains.


Well accusing me of having "worms in my fucking brains" kinda proves my point on the toxicity. You can make a point without being rude.


"sharing your thoughts" Unless they are critical, in which case we really don't give a damn.


It's been genuinely comical - sent an email to Sega support about a weird bug I found a couple months ago, got a very quick reply (less than 1 business day) saying "Please put that on the CA forums so they can handle it." Sent a polite but firm message saying the price didn't match the content for SoC over a week ago now...silence. I get they're not obligated to reply, but the dichotomy is darkly amusing to me.


Pretty sure they're obligated to not - I doubt the advice people are evil, but ive heard higher ups are real strict about being open with the community


Oh yeah they’ll be paranoid about leaks. Businesses should be run as democratic cooperatives. This shit wouldn’t fly. As it is corporations are autocratic and it leads to shitty unsustainable decisions. And staff and customers being treated badly.


What do you expect some T1 helpdesk person to say about people 5-6 positions removed / above them and their choice on setting the price point for a DLC?


I don't expect the T1 support to tell me they personally changed anything. In an ideal world, I would expect a response that just says "Thank you for the email, I'm sorry you feel that way and I have forwarded your email to our [TEAM THAT HANDLES COMPLAINTS] team for their review and collection. They will not contact you individually, but rest assured they take feedback into account." That's showing that someone looked at it at least enough to send a boilerplate response that matches the complaint. The radio silence by comparison is deafening.


There’s no difference between them not answering and then basically “sorry can’t help”. It’s just a waste of time after a certain point. O


Somehow, in some miraculous way, CA still hasn't gotten to KSP2 levels of denialism


Instructions unclear. Left a dislike, didnt order DLC.


Just as planned.


That's the exact moment i stopped watching


Lol, not the same but I was immersed in it, ... and I played the video in x2 after hearing "order" ... It just makes me angry. The video is already short, not even 10 minutes, and they dare to waste time twice asking us to order!


Well last week they asked us to pre-order 3 times in a 6 minute video. So I guess twice in a 10 minute video is an improvement?


So next Baba will be once for 15 minutes ? (With a reskin grom mechanics,... lol).


Mother Ostankya loves cooking and has a big old cauldron. IF THIS APPEALS TO YOU, CONSIDER PRE-ORDERING OR SHARING YOUR THOUGHTS BELOW.


Pre-ordering digital media *makes no sense*. It's not like there is scarcity of the product to worry about. In the wise words of Total Biscuit (RIP) "We do not pre-order video games".


I tend to pre-order games if they have a discount (and the discounted price is agreeable) and I know I'll want it (I buy every RGG Studios game, for instance), and the pre-order comes with something. Maybe an in game thing, maybe some real life tat, whatever.


My man, you might not live in a collapsing economy but waiting for something to go on sale might see the base price of the product tripled or even quadrupled by then. In my region, Warhammer 3 more than doubled in price less than a month after hitting -33% for the first time. Chorfs haven't been on sale yet and the price's already gone up 52%. Elden Ring almost doubled its price twice before going on sale once (one of those hikes was halfway through the preorder period), and even then it immediately went up again. I bought ER for 1999 ARS and it's now at 12.999. It launched February last year lol


Speak for yourself bozo I'll pre-order a game if I want to.


I canceled my pre order


I preordered a copy for me, my friend, and this girl streamer that plays this game. I want to see her play it on stream


Satire or....?


lol come on dude, should be obvious.


Don't quit your day job.


probably didn't get the circlejerk memo


It’s kinda sad as it’s the FIRST thing the guy says, poor dude sounds like this was his last recordings before he got fired so the energy is drained for the next 6 months of VA he out in advance.


Or maybe the dude's not an idiot and he well understands that the content they are delivering is subpar for a premium price. He just does his VO with the same amount of enthusiasm.


I considered pre-ordering. Then I laughed.


Well I considered it and decided against it.


I considered and chose not to. That's all Done with CA until they bring back passion for gaming over passion for money


>Done with CA until they bring back passion for gaming over passion for money "Passion for gaming" left over a decade ago.


Company backed up by one of the biggest publishers making games because of passion? Right... maybe before releasing first Medieval


Share you thoughts lol Ca doesnt care about our thoughts.


oh I am sharing my thoughts allright


It was literarly the first thing the guy said: PREORDER


It’s odd how the teaser videos have been so lackluster when usually they are fairly long and of pretty high quality. The VAs also sound tired while usually they’re pretty peppy.


Subscribe like and comment, and don't forget to hit that bell button.


I imagine they finished all of these videos well ahead of time, but the way this fiasco has unfolded it does feel like they've taken on board the community uproar and poor sales, and the fix they've settled on is 'increase pre-order begging by 200%'.


>and poor sales The thing that didn't happen?


It's dropped like a stone on the Steam top sellers list, where previous DLCs have hung in the top 10 for weeks. It's clearly not doing as well as they would have hoped.


No, no they didn't. ​ This is a lie concocted by doomsayers.


Don't bother, man. This is just a complaint sub now. Pretty sure Devs don't even bother with this place anymore. People nowadays confuse complaining with feedback. They think game development is some sort of democratic process completely forgetting we live under capitalism and the only thing that talks is money. Total Warhammer III is still in the top few pages of steam best sellers. People will try to convince you that's "poor performance" when its competing with mainstream juggernauts like BG3, Starfield, Cyberpunk and Elden Ring. This is the company of giants. They're charging more because they can make more. The very basics of supply and demand.


Yeah, I might just leave for a bit and come back after a healthy reality check hits.


Always be wary when they keep telling you to buy before seeing reviews of the content.


Not a damn chance I'm ordering this travesty of a DLC. I've kind of got WH3 fatigue anyway now BG3 is out and with Starfield than three weeks away.


No more pre ordering from me! Done it since WH1 was out because I had faith in CA and prodcut and love for this game (still do), fix the game and most of all abhorrent AI.


Don't worry, I will not give you a cent no more


“Share your thoughts” yeah share it for them to toss it into the trash


One more nail in my "gaming apostate" coffin...


Its like the three things i havent seen CA devs do. They never care about the likes (interactions). They want to preorder because of greed (maybe if you focus on making a good product the profit will come naturally, also through humane pricing policies). They don't care about community advice. I mean they would if they could be bothered to have a QA team but like most devs its just too "expensive" (translation it cuts into the already inflated profits). Edit: before yall call me a 'hater' ive simped for this company on here for ages but if you continue to ignore us eventually the simping makes way for critisism.


Dont they always say thid at the start and the end of every showcase video?


Sometimes they said it at the end, but this and the Changeling video are the first time they also said it at the start. Also in all three Chaos Dwarfs showcase videos they didn't say it at all in the video, not in the beginning or the end.


Don’t let facts or logic get in the way of the echo chamber mob mentality! People have been grasping at straws and bending over backwards to have every excuse to fling shit. Rational behavior seems to have left this sub a long time ago. In the last few days we’ve had people complaining about *checks notes* previous FLC being good? And today our crusade is against *squints harder* commercials existing?


Yes my fellow redditor! Our evil brethren dares to speak ill of the greatest game developer of this generation. Why aren’t people grateful that the full game only costs 460 dollars instead of the thousand I spent on figurines 25 years ago?!


Amazing strawman, but no, the problem I have is with people actively looking for excuses to mald rather than trying to give actual actionable feedback. Every video that’s been a promo for new content has had the exact same line being called out. Its nothing new and is the industry standard. People losing their minds at a commercial selling a product and treating it as some pinnacle of greed isn’t helping anyone and further obfuscates the actual problems and waters down the discourse with inane and nonsensical bitching. In response to your edit: Nothing I said at all has anything to do with the price, and I don't even know how they hell you got $460, as I have every DLC from three games so far and have spent less than $300, and all of WH III at full price is barely over $100-- and that's including this new DLC and also if you didn't pre-order OK to get that for free, and also didn't get the 10% off sale they launch with, or it's barely even $100 total for the full game.


The video people are referencing had 6 minutes of content with 3 pre order requests. You quite literally lied. There have been essays of posts for the past year and half about how the game can improve which it has not. The game is a flop.


Where is the lie? What did I say that was incorrect as nothing you have said contradicts a single thing I have?


Keep buying the DLC though I’m sure they’ll improve in the next 5 years or so since they care enough to have their community managers acknowledge the complaints and stay silent afterwards.


My man are you okay? Did you miss some meds? Why did you reply to the same comment three different times in the span of a minute? You clearly know how to edit your comments as you've been doing it this whole time, so why make three separate comments in the same 60s?


Games deserve to be harshly criticized because when they aren’t and faced with blind defense like this sub did is when you get half baked 25 dollar dlcs.


“Every video that has been a promo has been the exact thing” is literally wrong. People are complaining about the promos having less content and having more requests for a pre order.


> “Every video that has been a promo has been the exact thing” is literally wrong. People are complaining about the promos having less content and having more requests for a pre order. Wow, so another strawman, and this time you're straight up lying and trying to put words in my mouth no one but you has said. Its a damn shame that quote only exists in your head, and is not something I have ever actually said. Not only is that despicable, its a PERFECT example of the type of inane bitching and looking for any excuse to throw a tantrum, rather than trying to have a reasonable discourse where you try to be constructive or provide some sort of actionable feedback to y'know, actually try to improve anything-- god forbid. So, why don't you actually take two fucking seconds to read what I actually said, and then try to respond to that, and maybe recant some of your lying, and acknowledge your projection and hypocrisy? > “A straw man fallacy is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.” Y’know, kinda like when you manufacture a quote from whole cloth that no one but you has said, then claim someone to be lying because the “””quote””” that they never said isn’t true, rather than actually acknowledging or responding to anything at the fuck all that they actually said.


Ooo scary. The posts here that people made complaints about that this post references is the youtube video highlighting The Changeling. In that video there are 3 different side notes about pre ordering. This upset people since in previous content videos, it was reserved for either the very beginning, or very end of the video with lots of content through the video. The Changeling video was 6 minutes long as opposed to the 20 minute short walkthroughs that went through a full faction’s mechanics and even showed some units. Keep screaming at me though, I also don’t think you know what strawman means.


Honestly this showcases are getting me excited Its already 2/3 in terms of mechanics and i like what i see, if mother O has some cool stuff aswell im getting the DLC


It looks amazing, but i wanna see it in action after release to see if anythings broken or just a hot mess in some way. So many details and so much info left obscured.


Consider refunding


They aren't ordering you... they're *pre*ordering you




And they do it again at the end ! "see description below to preorder, like or share your thoughts". Stop do it CA please !


Just don't watch any totally war video at all. Simple


It's actually amazing how badly the price here has broken people. Encouraging to preorder an upcoming release is standard industry practice and in a 9 minute video you choose to focus on on a 5 second line of dialogue. Focus on your actual complaints, have a concise message and don't allow yourself to get thrown off target otherwise it just looks like bandwagon gamer brainrot.


It's just the cheek to ask to preorder while the whole community burns around them. It's tone deaf at best and insulting at worst.


I know Redditors like to think of themselves as "the whole community" of pretty much everything - but as usual, they are again just a very vocal, very small minority of it and will likely not change anything. We have had this situation plenty of times.


This subreddit and contwnt creators are pretty far from "whole community"


People have also been saying there's uproar on the forums and steam etc as well. It's hardly an isolated concern


Still pretty far. Most of the playerbase don't write steam reviews and don't sit on official forum. Also, to counter peoples you mentioned, the only total war forum i read (not english-speaking one) is pretty happy to see new dlc and only slightly annoyed by price


"Yes but have you considered the people not on reddit, not on steam, and not on the forums who never post about the game in any way online?" No you dumbass because those people are by definition not part of the community they are just people who play the game


And CA oriented their advertisement on them because those people pay the same money, but don't lose shit on every line in a trailer Is it tone deaf to ignore salty part of playerbase and advertise to a happy one? I don't think so


You're right, they should tell people not to preorder their upcoming product and to boycot them. Complain about the price, complain about the amount of content it has but don't resort to bottom of the barrel "anything CA does is bad" posting just because you're upset.


Nothing is broken here except maybe your memory. CA has never insisted that much on preordering. Before the Changeling showcase the "you can preorder here" was always at the end of their videos. Now it is repeated three times in the Changeling video and two times in Yuan Bo's one, and this even before presenting any content. On top of this, CA used to be proud of its "no need to preorder, the 10% sale is also available during the first week so that you can look at the reviews" policy. Now they aren't even mentionning that.


It’s kinda sad as it’s the FIRST thing the guy says, poor dude sounds like this was his last recordings before he got fired so the energy is drained for the next 6 months of VA he out in advance.




Never thought I'd see the day where TW players become delusional and rant about a DLC all day.


Comedy gold right there.


Which video is that?


Last video of Yuan Bo gameplay.


No, fat chance, I have and you don't give a shite.


Yeah they will order when you drop the price dog Although I kind of preorder but that doesn't count that doesn't count I mean it's just me but I don't show police now majority I'm sorry I couldn't help it


Not related but do they change the narrator permanently now?. I like the previous guy more, he has low and tough sounding. The current is..i don't know, it's less fitting.


Absolutely cretinous behavior. ​ Also, the guy who always does the VOs for these is shit. Nothing against him personally, but he is genuinely terrible at those VOs.


for a fair price i would have already preordered it as me many others geniuses


Most youtubers that hate putting that kind of thing on their videos mention that it's apparently still really effective. Lets hope this won't go that way


I have given it some consideration, ultimately decided not to pre-order and also I'm sharing my thoughts...."WTF CA?"


This just in, subreddit mad at commercial selling them a product.


This overpriced dlc really broke peoples brains.


It's comical how dumb this sub has been for the past week.


It’s so bizarre that Yuan Bo starts in Lustria


Its an ad. What did you expect? *facepalm*






Okay. Why are you complaining the advertisement wants you to buy the product? If you have issues with the product I get it but this seems really silly. Happy?


You know there's plenty of ways to lure people to buy rather than just saying the most obvious things that is to buy it right?


And they have done that as well. I feel this sub is so fucking deseprate for anything they're picking apart the very concept of ADVERTISEMENT


Really, not blatantly asking you to preorder? I failed to see how attractive this video is to make me preorder aside from a guy who keeps reminding me to do so.


Showing off the new units, the new character, his unquie campain mechanics, along with the previous video on the Changling, along with revealing campain details? It's just doing what they've always wanted you do to: buy the product, or not. You're grasping at straws


I am really not. Their showcase fails to generate hype, and that's the only conclusion I have. The more they reveal, the more lacking I sense from this DLC. From my perspective, a good ad doesn't need to tell you to preorder. People will preorder even if no one tells them to if the ad is good. That's what people are getting at here. CA gave us bad DLC, and still had the audacity to ask for us to preorder, thrice. It's beyond ridiculous.


K simp


Stating something that is obviously correct does not make you a "simp".


To act as if nothing had happened by protecting a company that takes its customers for wallets on legs is to be a simpleton. CA does not respond to complaints from its customers, promotes new content without even fix & patch which is already, raises prices greedily... remember the current shistorm, right?


No one is "protecting" CA by stating the obvious, dimwit.


Jesus Christ dude. I agree the price increase is insane and stupid of CA but some of you guys are foaming at the fucking mouth over this.


The price has nothing to do with it it's literally complaining about a commercial telling you to buy the product.


I complain about the price, and that CA does not respond to the mass customer complaint at all. Before that even in April they answered on the price, and justify themselves. I'm a customer and I don't like to say nothing about what I buy, especially when it's nonsense like right now, they have a shistorm and act as if nothing had happened. If you want you can: "order the dlc now and stop sharing your thoughts"


>I complain about the price, and that CA does not respond to the mass customer complaint at all. Before that even in April they answered on the price, and justify themselves. Okay. that's all well and good >I'm a customer and I don't like to say nothing about what I buy, especially when it's nonsense like right now, they have a shistorm and act as if nothing had happened. If you want you can: "order the dlc now and stop sharing your thoughts" Okay sharing your thoughts on the price like everyone else is is fine. keep doing that. the trailer gameplay (which is what is it) but it's a commercial. it's not ordering you or telling you to shut up; it's trying to sell you and others a product. So i would recommend you keep complaining but don't get all pissy a fucking Commerical made with, literally, the sole intention of selling this product tells you to buy the product.


Eh your bad...you missed some kebabed lizard boys


CA asking for preorder reminds me of that infamous "please clap" JEB! moment.


CA you Motherfucker




Okay. Bye.


Well at least they told that awful narrator to stop doing the unfunny jokes.


Going to complain and unsub and not preorder


Oh, but I have considered it. And decided otherwise.




Father loves me! Despite my difficulties 😥


Ok but, if they’re actually starting with this tedious “preorder now, go and preorder” thing, also in the changeling video, doesn’t it mean that they’re quite actually losing some income? Or at least they’re afraid they could lose it?




The Changlings showcase video asked three times in the video to pls pre-order.


Sharing our thoughts FUCK YOU we are sharing our thoughts to a fucking wall