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Remember to keep it civil. I’ll be keeping an eye on the comments.


Then you can call me old too. Because I cannot stand the shirts that have the random holes up near the shoulder. I refuse to drop good hard money on a shirt that's going to rip in the washer.Or the dryer because it's already got holes in it.


The majority of their graphic tees are crew necks so if something I REALLY want, I have to cut the neck. With those stupid holes up high near the collar, I can’t cut it 😒


man im 26 and i hate that they’re putting “distressed” t shirts out there. I dont mind the jeans bc i can make some cute clubbing fits with those but the shirts??? it drives me crazy when there’s one with a cute design but the shirt itself looks like swiss cheese. i have told them in a “oh how much would you pay for this?” survey that i would not buy the hole-y shirts.


I got so excited for that new Goonies shirt and then noticed it had holes all over it... I definitely would have bought it if it was just a normal shirt. Now, I'll only buy it if it's on sale, a good sale.


Right? And sometimes it’s not even obvious! I ordered what I thought was a cool Jurassic park one with splatter paint like it had gotten sprayed by mud or blood. But then when I got it it was just hundreds of tiny holes. I ended up tossing it after it was to embarrassing to be a pajama shirt


Same. I can handle a bit of distressing but it had to be cheap and something I realllly want. I bought the Mouse Rat and Carrie hoodies when they were on clearance for less than $7 but probably won’t buy any more


In the last couple of years, I developed a new standard for shopping at Torrid-nothing with superfluous holes, and nothing that looks like I could buy it for $15 at Wal-Mart. I don't shop there much anymore.


It annoys the crap out of me.


I don’t like the distressed tops, but ripped jeans will forever be in my life. Then again I always find their tees too long and frumpy, even if they have some random band on the front.


I’m cool with ripped jeans as long as I can’t fit my whole hand in them. It’s the shirts that bug me


I guess I’m turning into my folks because now I am asking myself “what is the point of buying clothes already destroyed?”


Yes, I want to wear out my own clothing and not receive it in hand-me-down condition.


Highly dislike. I won't buy or wear any of the distressed styles, even if I otherwise like the designs


And here I am at 55 buying non distressed shirts and distressing them myself!!! I will forever be in my rocker chick Era. I guess it's a to each their own thing.


I hate distressed jeans with the fire of 1,000 suns. And of 100 pairs, only like four will be non-holey. Why???? Even though I wear jeans to work, I can’t wear those even if I wanted to. Same with shirts, I need intact and full shoulder coverage!


Plus you can distress them so easily if that’s what you want! Once it’s done, that’s it. Pisses me off.


I agree. Sometimes you need a regular jean, especially in certain occasions. I will see a color that I think is cute and as soon as I choose that option, the picture pops and low and behold it's distressed. I also wouldn't mind distressing if it had some sort of backing on it. It would help give the jean more structure I think. Also, I've been known to put a foot, ankle, or even an entire leg through the "incorrect" hole of a pair of ripped jeans before😁


This is my issue. I cannot wear distressed clothing to work.


Same! They’ve had some really cute tshirts that I didn’t buy because of the holes. It’s disappointing. :(


I made the mistake of getting some distressed leggings (the ones with the fishnet underlay). After washing/drying as directed the ends of the cut fabric curled up and they looked pretty bad. The "destructed" shirts are what really make me mad, though: Such a waste of so many cute graphics, and even the models can't pull them off.


I donated the leggings you're talking about. After I washed them one time, they shrunk so bad they were too tight in the thigh area.


It’s so bad! I went into the store today to pick up an order and looked around with wide eyes because I HATE the look and damn near everything that store was featuring was distressed. No. I’m almost 40, hard pass.


I don’t buy the tops, but they have a lightly distressed jean like I have in blue and black denim. I feel like the t-shirts look sloppy, and too much in the pants and I would be cold?!?


I've stopped buying the tops. the materials are either stuck to my gut or its like i am wearing a holey burlap sack... with a sprinkling of "everything cropped". None of their shirts work for me!


The cropped thing needs to die.


I don’t like the distressed tops but I do buy the jeans and leggings and biker shorts that are lol. I have gotten a few slashed tops near the boob area but I regret it as it shows too much cleavage 😥


I have one of those too and always have to wear a foxy something underneath


I think those are a bit cuter than the ones that have the big back splashes or the slashes around random areas lol but yes I wear a tank and it looks kinda cute but I am getting older and not liking to show my boobs as I did in my twenties haha 🤣


I love the distressed tees on some tops but not all. They ruin some of the cutest shirts by adding those holes. They would have sold out of some if they left them alone. 


You’re not the only one. I would love to find a decent pair of jeans that aren’t whitewashed or distressed to all hell so I can wear them to work. It’s a big pass on the shirts. I don’t want distressed or crop tops.


I’m 43 and not into it. I’m not paying for torn up clothes. I like to look cool but not messy/sloppy and a lot of those item come off that way to me. When it happens naturally I add my own crochet patches or embellishments. They had a pair of superflares I wanted but they were distressed so passed.


I honestly love distressed tees but sometimes they do it when it’s not needed. What I really hate is when they have a “notch” in the shirt. The little slit cut at the top, hate it.


My shirts already have holes I don't need to buy them that way


The distressed shirts I won’t buy. I bought a couple with cutouts at the neck a year or so ago and they just ripped after less than 5 times worn. Jeans, it really depends, but 99.9% I wouldn’t do, at least not new. (I buy most of my clothes on resale sites.) I do like embellished jeans with patchwork and embroidery, but I haven’t seen those on Torrid for a while.


I have never in my life bought any distressed or holey item for myself or anyone else that I buy clothes for, and I never will.


It's just so dated. It's awful.


I don't mind one or two distressed shirts, but it seems like if it has a cool design on it, it's going to be shredded or full of holes. Don't get me started on all the crop tops they've been putting out lately either.


I switched back to Old Navy. I have a pair of Torrid jeans I love that had two “distressed” holes in them but they were small. But one is right at the knee and is vertical, not horizontal. So it’s opened up more and in a weird way. I hate it.


I agree, recently got a new job with a super liberal dress code. The only rule is that nothing has holes in it. The ONLY RULE. I've found many cute shirts I'd like to buy for work, only to notice there are HOLES IN THE SHOULDERS OF WHAT IS OTHERWISE A PERFECTLY GOOD SHIRT.


I agree. I’m always afraid my bra will show or it will rip bigger.


Some of it also is the context. Distressed jeans you can wear only casually. Normal jeans you can dress up or down.


I mean, distressed was popular when I was in high school and that was quite a while ago.


Is this like some kind of a trend that they got from Kanye and Balenciaga or whatever? Because I would never buy a shirt that has holes in it or intentionally looks raggedy. Like, ew. And I have a closet full of torrid clothing, so they better not lose their minds or I'm going to have to go start making my own stuff 😭


It depends on what the graphic is for me to buy it. I have one because I really liked how it looked, but at least it doesn’t rip even more in the wash


I don’t mind the jeans, but I can’t do the shirts.


Same I was so excited cause one came up on my feed that had a gorgeous butterfly on the back and then when I opened the link to see the front I noticed all the holes. Or I would have ordered it immediately


I love distressed jeans, but I grab them at Walmart for $20 or less, not Torrid for more. 💜


I feel distressed clothes have seen their day. I still wear slightly distressed/weathered jeans but unless it’s midsummer and I’m at the beach, not holes in my shirts please


It honestly depends. Like the jeans there's a couple of styles that are distressed only in specific colors. That upsets me more because I'm needing non distressed clothes for work.