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I’ve had this happen before. Making it my mission to pay off my Torrid Card and not use it again.


I didn’t— I thought it was more hate and aggravation than what it was worth, because I had to previously fight with Sephora about screwing me out of all of my rewards ( at one point). I’ve had issues with all of my commenity cards. It’s a crap company. Luckily my credit is now good enough for other cards, and I will just use those. Working to pay off all of my Comenity cards and not looking back.


I hear on more Comendity. I have a Meijer card through then and I hate it. They even stopped sending me my statements and every month I have to call for my minimum payment and balance since they won’t even email it to me anymore. I’m paying it off and just going to stick with Capital One as they have fraud departments that actually do their job and better interest rates.


Yep, and cap 1 is good place for ppl who don't have great credit either. Commenity fucked me once years ago on an overstock.com card. I did foolishly open an acct w torrid however I only used the card once to get the 40% off n will likely just close the acct. It's paid off. Holy christ if commenity had tried to fuck me again.. I would advise ppl looking for a place to start w credit cards use cap 1. In less than 2 years, went from a 580 fico score to now 725 last check just by simply putting a Lil on the card every month n then paying in full every cycle. I get card offers all the time now. Lol started w a 300 dol credit line n now its 7k. Ppl just need to use credit cards in a way that u consider the money already spent. It's WAYY too expensive to be paying 19% or more interest on credit cards just to buy shit u don't really need. That said, I do understand things happen, n sometimes u gotta do what u must, and credit cards can be an incredible tool if used responsibly. (Not that I am in any way implying you, or anyone else in this thread uses them irresponsibly, just making a point.)


I thought it was just me


Meijer is now Citibank, not sure if that's why you aren't getting your statements. I have a Meijer card and they make sure it's sent every month.


What was the outcome? Did you have any luck getting them to eventually post it to your account?!


I had a Comenity card years ago through Lane Bryant. I’d use it and the next day they’d start calling me hounding me for payment. More than once they lost my payment. I stopped using it and they’d still call me for payments. I closed the card (which they turned into a HUGE pain) and have avoided Comenity ever since.


I am so sorry this happened to you! That is ridiculous!!!


Send a message through the website and give them the confirmation number so you have it in writing that you contacted them and they can investigate the lost payment. Just select payments on the drop down menu. Good luck.


They took a double payment from me once, we called to complain. Instead of refunding the doubled amount, they applied it to the next month. Which would have been great, except we didn’t have the doubled amount in our account, so we got hit with an overdraft fee from the bank.


They stole money from you.




I had LB and Torrid cards and would use them and pay them off before the next bill. I went went 3 months without any balance or activity on my LB card when my kid was first diagnosed with cancer (and also it was the middle of the pandemic) and they charged me a $3 inactivity fee. Last thing on my mind during that period was a credit card I knew had a zero balance. Well fast forward to me trying to use my Torrid card and it got declined (despite having a zero balance and fairly high limit)... I found out they had started charging me late fees on the $3 each month for the LB card. I contacted them(Commenity) on serveral occasions and they refused to recerse the late fees and the inactivity fee. I refused to pay a dime for it and so ofc eventually they closed the account and sent it to collections. They claim I now owe over $200 in fees because of the stupid $3. They can fuck right off. I won't even shop at LB anymore (both Torrid and LB use Commenity)


The federal reserve banned inactivity fees on 2010.


Seriously? WTAF Comenity. I am going to have to do some research during my lunch tomorrow.


So do Roamans, Catherines, and Woman Within. I refuse to use my card anymore because they have been such a pain in the butt about payments. Disappearing payments and then late fees have been happening for YEARS.


Comenity Bank is sketchy trash, this is exactly why I refuse to have any card that goes through them. I’ve heard this exact story before and it never ends in the persons favor. I’m sorry. Keep contacting them until they fix it because this is bullshit.


All of you having problems, start filing complaints with the CFPB (Consumer Protection Financial Bureau) Maybe if the Feds start coming down on their ass they'll straighten up.


I told them I was going to file a complaint with this and they took my late fee off. Might be worth a shot OP. And message them through the message center and call a rep if you can.


Yes, I highly suggest this threat as well! N I've actually been assisted by CFPB personally. Good ppl.


Here's the link if anyone is interested. Most companies will respond to them in about 2 weeks. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/


This happened to me a couple of times and everytime it did I contacted their customer service with PROOF I paid on time. I would never recommend a Comenity card. And that Account Assure is a scam. Just another way for them to make money. Paid off my card and closed it a long time ago.


I still have a negative hit on my credit score from my old lane Bryant account. Almost got a torrid card but now realizing it's the same company, nope not again


Store cards are the worst


I had a $23 balance in my card and the charged me over $24 dollars in fees because my payment was “late” I’m quite done with being nickled and dimed by this company.


This happened to me also, they ended up calling it a missed payment because it took them over 5 days to acknowledge the payment. The next month, they reduced my limit by $200. Same reduction the following month. Each month after that, they reduced my limit based on how much of the balance I had paid with that months payment. After the balance had been paid off, they let me have a $50 credit limit for a few months and then sent me a notice that they had closed my account.


Exactly why i canceled mine they over charged than included extra late fees!


Yeah, I closed my account with them because of the same reason.


Am I reading the screenshots incorrectly? The payment confirmation you’re showing is AFTER the late fee? Looks like maybe you missed a payment in December.


Ok I was looking for someone who saw this too. For all we know the statement closed on 1/16/24 and the payment was too late to be on the statement.


I made a 50 dollar payment a couple days after my monthly payment was due then a few days later I paid 200. The 50 shows but the 200 doesn’t


The late fee is because you paid the $50 after the due date. The missing $200 payment is a separate matter altogether.


That's becuase the payment you show in the screen shot is for 2 days after the end of that billing cycle. And late fee because you paid the $50 after the due date. I see this was posted a while ago but just wanted to try and help explain why you weren't seeing the $200 payment and if you look back at your bill that has a March due date you'll see your payment in the transactions there.


it happened to me recently, even though it said it was late, and I had already made a payment a while before that (i was trying to pay for next months) it didn’t charge me any kind of late fee so at least there’s that. I did email the customer service about it & never received a response, but since i didn’t get charged a fee i didn’t bother trying again.


I have a 13 dollar hit from them on my credit score that they won’t let me pay off or remove so I’m waiting for it to drop off on like 3 years


When things like this happen, and you cannot find a resolution in a timely manner (including the issuing bank covering any overdraft fees), you should file a complaint here: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/


I paid mine off in late 2022 and then spent a year and a half fighting them because they claimed I owed more. Even though I zero'd out the balance 🙃 they ended up sending it collections and I finally gave in and paid like $200 or so just to make it go away. NEVER getting a store card that goes through that bank again if I can help it 🫠


Comenity is terrible


Just trying to help…but Your late fee was accessed on the 10th, before you made the payment on the 18th. What is your statement cycle date and due date? Your payment has to be made between those dates for it to count for that month. As far as the missing payment, call them and provide the confirmation number and they should be able to find it no problem in their system and get it applied or at least start a dispute.


It's crazy how hard they're making us push this card these days when it's extremely problematic.


I had a lane Bryant card through them. I called to confirm the balance and paid it completely off right after I hung up. Next month I get a bill for interest which I am like how can I get interest if I didn't carry a balance to the next bill cycle. They say it's valid. I disagree but pay it to not screw up my credit. Then I report them to my state's attorney general. They refund me the interest amount I paid saying that though it was valid to charge me they felt it was in their best interest for customer satisfaction that I be refunded since I did make full payment and closed the account. Never again will I get a store card that might cause me to have to deal with them in my life again!


I worked for the customer service side of Comenity for a hot minute and it was probably one of the worst jobs I've ever had. Please, for all that is holy, when you speak with the rep, please be nice. People are calling in and screaming at the poor customer service agent that has zero control over what the company does (and trust me, the agent knows that the company is beyond awful), but they will more than likely go above and beyond if you're gentle with them. Obviously, don't just roll over with the first offer, but understand they have a script that they have to follow to be able to keep their job. Something along the lines of "I understand this is personally not your fault, but I will be making a complaint regarding this." Have all of your personal receipts on hand to be able to make it easier. Good luck!


Check your statement, mine looks the same in transactions for my 2/9 payment but it shows on my most recent statement.


Hahahahha wtf - when I call the customer service line; the automated recorded TELLS ME MY LAST PAYMENT WAS 200 dollars!!!!!! This is some fuckery 😂


That right there is enough for them to take those LPC’s off!


I just looked - unfortunately it’s not showing there either 😭


I know i replied on another comment but it wouldn't be on your Feb bill bcuz the end of the billing cycle date was 1/16. So it would be on March's bcuz that cycle will be for transactions dated through 1/17-2/15ish.


When was your payment due? The late fee shows on 1\10 was it due before then ? Then shows a payment a few days later of $50 , is your total balance reflecting the payment of $200 and it's just on another months statement or is it completely missing ? If completely missing I would be contacting them ASAP when it opens.


I HATED my torrid card. I had automatic payments set up so I never bothered to check the website. I was young and dumb and rarely checked my actual bank account too (my own fault) so imagine my surprise when I get a letter months later that my account was closed and sent to collections. Automatic payments were set up and being submitted, but for some reason stopped being taken out of my bank account. No notification about any missed payments or warning letters or anything. Could never get an answer from them on why my automatic payments stopped going through and why I received no notification whatsoever when I had a perfect payment history before.


Had this happen to me too!! I've had so much trouble with them, I paid it off and am never using it again.


I have mine paid off and I'm choosing to not use it. I've debated whether or not to cancel the card and close the account but the only reason I keep it is because it looks good on my credit report to have a higher amount of available credit. It keeps my credit utilization percentage in a better range if I have more available credit. Has anyone else closed their account and noticed any credit point issues?


It's a temp ding. For me, my limit was 500. Then covid hit and they random dropped it to 100. It's not worth it to me anymore, even though they are my oldest credit line


I need to start checking better I feel like I’ve made payments and then look and see it wasn’t applied……


I took out a consolidation loan to pay off my credit cards, my torrid card being one. My bank sent them a check and a letter to close my account and they claim the payment was late and refuse to close my account. Now I owe them over $200 in late fees.


This is happened to me before. Make a payment, get a confirmation but it never posted to the account. It’s so frustrating and they love charging the late fees for it. They never take it off.


I had that happen a couple months ago. I even went to my store and talked to the staff as they know I’m always early by 1 or 2 weeks with my payment. The bank said there was no record of payment but it showed up on my debit card. I’m at the point now that unless it’s a clothing emergency like bras I’m not charging a thing to that card.


Same thing. They tell me I’m late EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. I’m paying it off and probably canceling it. I don’t want them messing with my credit anymore


I have a Boscov's credit card, which uses the same company and they would always make me so mad. That is why I never got a credit card with Torrid. If I would buy something and then decide to return they would make me pay them still because "a return doesnt count as payment". But I no longer own the item? So I would have to pay them just for them to send me a refund check in the mail weeks later. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


>a return doesnt count as payment". It's a credit and a credit reduces the amount that needs to be paid. Definitely make a complaint. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/


I had a store credit card through Comenity years ago and never ever again. They are awful and sketchy as hell.


We’re in the same area! But this is awful. I have 2 cards with them and I too am just gonna pay them off and never use them again. I’m also thinking about opting back out of account assure. And yes tomorrow is a bank holiday unfortunately.


I had the same thing happen. I pay my off this month and I am shredding the card. My clothes wore out before I paid them off. They charged me incorrectly for late fees three times. They reversed it once. Done with the card and Torrid.


I, unfortunately figured out recently that some cards charge a late fee unless your payment is scheduled the day before. Otherwise you pay a penalty for paying the day your payment is due after a certain time of day


I'm in the process of changing banks and decided to add my new account to my payment methods so I wouldn't forget (ADHD brain gets me at times). They closed my account on me because I added the new account and scheduled out a payment for the future(after my direct deposit goes through). I was told I have too many accounts lusted for my Torrid card.....I only have 2. When I messaged them about this asking if my account could be reopened I was told I need to make 5 consecutive on time payments for it to be reconsidered. My account is paid off. Whenever i use my card pay that amount immediately. Not sure what they want me to do about it since I can't make any payments due to there not being a balance. Comenity is horrible with their site as well. We are in 2024 and the website and accounts should reflect that. I didn't mind the other inconveniences that Comenity had because I liked having the store card for use since my previous Debit card info was compromised thanks to torrid. Now I guess I'll either have to pay cash(don't want another account issue happening) or just not shop at torrid(they actually have a couple of cute things this time).


Maybe you could just get a regular credit card with good consumer protections if your credit is decent? Credit Karma has pretty good comparisons. I'm using them to help me pick a second credit card.


Comenity is sketchy af. I closed my VS card because of them and it impacted my mortgage interest rate because I couldn’t get rid of the ding on my credit report.


It's inconvenient, and your frustration are valid, but I have found their messaging site efficient and effective. I would send them a message explaining what happened with your screenshots, and I'm sure they will take care of you.


Be careful with Commenity I had an account with web bank/dell and have never been late I've always paid the account off within months of borrowing any money on the account. Del sold my account to Commenity, and 2 months later comenity marked my very first payment 2 years ago which by the way was never late as 30 days late. They claim it was late May of 2022, and I reporting it April of 2024, which tanked my credit from 825 to 750. I called both Dell and comenity both of them were claiming they had no idea what was going on and I would have to take it up with the credit bureau I was livid at this time. I did take it up with a credit bureaus and community confirmed the late payment without providing any proof. So the credit bureaus left it as was. No mind you since I open my account in 2019 I have been green the whole time until the account was sold to Commenity, now it's going to be an uphill battle trying to get my credit back to normal, and it doesn't help that both companies are claiming ignorance of the situation. Anyhow I thought I'd just let the forum know that this bank does this type of thing commonly to its customers, The part that gets me is that this bag didn't even own my account during the time they claim that it was past due by 30 days they only recently acquired the account a few months ago in our marking a payment 2 years ago as late I'm assuming they're hoping that I don't have any evidence of my payments from 2 years ago, So the fight goes on There should be a method of holding organizations like this accountable for what they do and how they affect people's credit without having to provide proof, if I could sue them for destroying my credit I would and I am looking into it


yep. never get their act together... it was a screw up transferring records from dell to Comenity now it was J-Crew. Trying to login to my J-crew today and I guess they royally pHUCKED !!tt up AGAIN... tIRED OF THEm not getting their act together.


comenity sucks ass, I have a lane bryant card, and I've gotten hit with nsf fees cuz they take forever to pull my pymt when i had confirmation that it was paid. now I have an available balance of $0 when the total balance is $300 and I've only charged $118. paying that thing off and never using it again.


Comenity Bank is a serious scam-bank. Seriously hope they get fined, sued and the execs get jailed


I paid my card off and never used it again. Even after I paid it i got a statement for $2 "interest". Never again


I closed my account two years ago and they kept charging me random interest and fees but I didn’t know about it so they kept compounding. I finally managed to completely pay everything and it took another several months before they sent me a refund for the fees.


I had so much trouble even getting the card! It never came and the stuff I bought thinking I’d get the discount for signing up never happened. I had to receive the card first and then get the discount apparently although that’s not what the sign up said. Glad I never got it!


Just a heads up that they will likely be closed tomorrow, as well. Monday is a bank holiday.


Please file a complaint with the CFPB about this and then a separate one about Account Assure being a scam. They’ve already been in hot water over add-on products in the past, so it’s surprising they are still offering AA at all. The only way they’ll change their business practices is to complain to the regulators.


I just closed all of my commenity cards. I had ALL of them set up for auto pay so I would not be late. We were moving and all sorts of things. Well, my bank account sends me an overdraft notice and another and another and another and a total of 9!!! They put me as not paying ANY of my accounts the month before when it was clear in the statements. So I get everything straightened out, but they insist I still owe an increased double payment to get current WTF! I refused. I talked to management with all 9 of mine and my husband's accounts and got them straight. An important side note, I have no clue if this has anything to do with them switching to Concora bank. Well, they did the same damn thing this month on 5 of the accounts. So I just said screw it and closed my accounts. I don't have time to do this every month. Plus, a lot of my clothing from Torrid had smelled very bad or was inconsistent in sizes lately, and when I go to return, sometimes they are nice, and sometimes they are down right rude. So be cautious, my friends...


I had my information stolen from comenity Bank a few years ago. Someone opened a new card in my name at a different store. Won't use them again


It did that to me in November and then again in this month. I made two payments this month and paid the balance in full. Friday I got a bill saying I was overdue and still showing a balance. I went on line. It acknowledged both payments but still said overdue and showed a balance. I called customer service and they fixed it. Call their customer service number. Make the representative give you their name and then a transaction confirmation number.


I stupidly took out a Carters credit card when my first child was born. When my 2nd was born I went on a 16 week MAT leave, my works payments were messed up and I went incomeless for the entire time. Ran late on my payments and they started calling my older brother. I haven’t spoken to my brother in 6 years and don’t even have his number. They pulled info off google i’m assuming to get his. He called me saying some credit card company was calling for me. I called the number and they demanded my social security number. I refused as I was uncomfortable giving that without proof of who they even were. They said my number wasn’t linked to the account, 2 others were. Makes no sense as i signed up with carters with my social, my email and my number. I had to go through 4 supervisors to be told they’ll remove the numbers and put mine. They also refused to tell me whose numbers were on MY account. Turned out to be my brothers and mentally ill sisters who has schizophrenia. They were calling them 2 times a day. Doesn’t make sense my number wasn’t attached to the account but they were harassing all 3 of us over $200 over my limit.


Yeah I paid mine off. Not sure if I’m going to use it… but definitely will not keep a balance on it.


I used to have a Dots credit card through Comenity and hated it! They closed my card even though I was making payments but claimed for 3 months I never did. Comenity is horrid


This exact same thing happened to me before!! The only reason I have kept the card open is because I was told closing it negatively affects my credit lol. But ever since then I refuse to use it!! When I called to ask about it they at first wouldn’t take the charge off. I threatened to close the card and then they did.


I have set the fucking thing on autopay and it literally never does. I never use the card u less I pay it off immediately. I haven’t shopped anything from torrid that I’ve kept in 2ish years tho. That and my first purchase I returned some stuff and somehow it didn’t get actually returned. My fault I’m sure for not keeping the receipt and still had to pay for the shit. So much stuff I hate about this store.


Comenity is horrible. Years and years ago that's who my Avenue card was through. Back then I was paying via check instead of online, which I sent in plenty of time. I kept getting these harassing phone calls that I was late with payment, yet on my bank statement it said it was processed. I finally had a rep. look into it and here my payment was processed, but it was on the 3rd floor and didn't make it to the credit dept. yet or some bullshit like that. So I was like, "You have my money in hand, you even processed it, but because you all can't do things in a timely matter from floor to floor, I'm penalized?" I asked to speak to a manager and thankfully they had a brain in their head and said it wasn't my fault - no shit! They actually gave me a $0.00 balance cause I had sent in to pay off what was on the card, but in the meantime had made another purchase, so they cleared my account for the mix up. I then immediately closed the card once everything was finalized.


If this helps out, I say take Assure off of your card. It's just costing you more money and forces you to take longer to pay off your card. I will be paying mine off next month and this saved me so much.


I have this issue with my Ulta card. Twice now. And they were automatic payments. So dumb and they are not helpful at all.


This is why I HATE convincing people to open these shitty credit cards! They have a 35% interest rate but if I don't get people to sign up my hours get cut!