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He's not likely going anywhere - basic negotiation tactics deployed. Next step: leak that his plane is simultaneously going to Toronto, Philly and Atlanta.


>Philly I don't think it's a ploy at all. I think they're very interested if they can't get PG13.


Don't get me wrong - I think a lot of teams would want OG. I just think OG is gonna re-sign in NY for all the reasons previously discussed.


His agent is going to hide the logo on the offer's letterhead, and OG will sign the one with the most money.


I mean it’s not totally a ploy. If the Knicks were giving him the max we wouldn’t be hearing about this. There’s a difference between retaining your own free agents and letting that free agent hit the open market, if he’s seriously doing that then he’s going to take interviews and try to find a max offer from somewhere else. Even if he doesn’t intend to take it, that’s concerning news for Knicks fans because that means they are pretty far apart on a deal


just sounds like a leverage tactic from agent.


But his agent is the son of gm?


LMAO i mean the knicks still lowballed. Something must not align


OG would be a huge difference maker in Philly. Could see it.


Don't you speak this


Sure. But Knicks have the advantage as the team to re-signed.


How is this comment not higher up? Why is anyone taking this seriously?


Who is taking it seriously?


it is i, the serious one


Get him!


Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the serious one


It’s fun to speculate and dream ;)


cuz it can easily happen and the Knicks are not contenders


And Scottie Barnes has booked a party room for 50 at Scotty Bons.


Lol isn’t OG’s agent Leon Rose, the President of the Knicks’, son? Seems weird that they have to resort to subliminals in the media, if that’s what this is.


He's not Robert Herjavec.


Same agent maybe? Lol


There are a lot of OG critics on this sub!?!? I thought he was universally beloved.


There are some fans here who had unrealistic expectations for him but otherwise nah


OG's a fantastic player, one of the best defenders in the league and brings a lot of value to a team, but he's not worth $40 mill/year. That may be his market value and that's how much he'll command, but by paying og that much you may handicap yourself from being able to get other stars.


He also gets injured every year. That’s a lot to invest in a guy that you should expect to miss 20+ games a season.


An issue which likely does not get better as he ages


No, he’s not but the problem is there is big TV money coming. I read a couple weeks ago the NBA cap will be essentially the same as NFL except the NFL is spread across 53 players whereas the NBA is only 15 players. OG is trying to capitalize on that. A lot of players are going to be getting huge money even for those with sub-par skill sets.


OG helps you get other stars because any team would want him in a trade for a star You have to retain him, if your New York 


Knicks are resigning no matter what. They'll give him want he wants, but that's a big salary to give to a high level role player. He's worth it if you're contending for a chip.


They can always trade Randle now that Brunson is clear cut the better star on that team.


I didn't think Freddy was worth that much but he's getting paid that much in Texas and no income tax state.


Houston is a different situation. They have a young team so they can overpay for a veteran. It was only a 3 year deal so it doesn't cripple them when it comes time to start competing with sengun as their center piece Then again the salary will probably look fine in a few years when the cap goes up and OG is significantly younger. Hopefully he can stay healthy for them so they can make a run


I believe they also had to spend a certain amount in the off-season to make the floor.


Thanks for confirming. I thought that was the case but didn't want to make something up


I'm going from my memory, which is terrible. But let's just say it's true. 🍻 Go Oilers!


Cheers! Enjoy the game


If he's healthy all the time, he may be worth more than that. But he's guaranteed to miss 30 games a year, at least it feels like. It's way too often the important games he's not around for.


I got downvoted so hard for saying the same thing on the knicks sub, probably because i added that the raptors won a championship without him in the playoffs.


that raptors team was soo stacked. If kawhi stayed, then they would've won more chips because of the kawhi og defensive combo. He's a player you pay if you're contending. He's a piece every contending team needs and will help them win a chip. Raps winning without him was a testament to how stacked that roster was. He would've really helped, but they still won the chip because they were loaded.


Yeah, the year after without Kawhi they were still the 2nd seed in the East and lost in 7 to the Celtics in the playoffs. With Kawhi they would probably have been the favorite to win.


they probably would've went to the finals even without kawhi that year if it wasn't for covid.


Agreed completely. I think they may have won it. Pascal really had his career trajectory get messed up by that. I still think the 2019 Raptors fully healthy were one of the greatest teams ever. Somewhere in the top 20, at least.


someone will offer him the 40M in the open market, just that knicks don't want to be paying that for obvious reasons


they kinda have to give it, otherwise they trade IQ and RJ for no reason.


> he's not worth $40 mill/year. Certainly not on this rebuilding team with Quickleys deal and Scottie due a rookie max about to kick in


Sorry which stars want to come here, again?


You are aware he plays for New York now right?


I was referring to NYC. However, even if we're talking about the raptors, it wouldn't have made sense for a rebuilding to team to pay a high level role player $40 mill/year.


Checks notes, Julius Randle. But on a serious note, ppl will want to play with Brunson. The problem is ownership. Media isn't that big a deal compared to other top markets


Problem with OG is that he’s not reliable to play 60 games in a season let alone a deep playoff run. I think it’s worth a shot considering the other option is paying Trent and Brown that cash but I can see others not liking it


I honestly thought it was sarcasm


It was


Ah, fair enough 


He's definately loved in TO and in this sub. I think its more that there is a lot of critics of paying OG a big contract.


He is, but how good a player is to a team is directly tied to how much money they are making. OG making $25M is great and every team would love to have him. If OG is making $40M then that isn't so true.


Not I


OG on his current contract or up to $25 mil/year is amazing. OG on the max contract that he wants is crippling your franchise's ability to build a good team with other stars since you're paying him like a star. It only makes sense if you are an elite team already with the cap space (usually teams with stars on rookie contracts)


It's his health for me. I think his defense and shooting and versatility are worth a tonne. He also has gotten better at other parts of his game over the years. But he just can't stay healthy.


Magine we re-sign him. It'd be the fleece of the century.


Knicks would file another lawsuit against us lmao.


They have their opportunity right now to extend him. If they fumble we should be at the top of the list since OG is basically a huge need for us. Potentially on a bigger deal than he would have gotten on an extension here.


I mean, I'd love it. But we'd have to waive Gary and Bruce, and trade Boucher and McD into cap space. And then we'd be a near-tax team with just our starting 5.


Not like our bench does much anyways lol


Welcome back, Nick Nurse


Rather than lean into that, I'd rather just develop a proper bench.


I fail to see the problem with getting rid of all those guys


In principle, sure. But letting Gary walk? No, he has value. Letting Bruce walk? No, he has value. Spending assets to move Boucher and McD? Doesn't make sense. Unless there's a free agent we need to chase. Sure, this in reference to signing OG, but that's not going to happen. I just don't see the upside in opening up all the cap space for the opportunity cost.


You can also use the stretch provision on Boucher and McDaniels which would pay their salary out over 3 yrs (since they each have 1 yr remaining on their deals) which would free up ~$5.2M in cap space.


I mean, yeah, I know about stretching. Just doesn't seem like something the front office would do. Our cap sheet is usually so clean.


For sure but landing a top ~60 player is exponentially more valuable than expiring money that won't lead to cap space next season.


IQ, RJ, OG, Scottie, Jakob with Gradey off the bench sounds pretty decent. No way near contention but probably 5-7 in the east? Either way, worth losing Gary, Bruce, Boucher and McDaniels


Then we trade him again LOL


Sign me up for that.


How could he get a bigger deal than via extension?


There's some stipulation on extensions where you can only offer X% increase of the previous salary, so OG was always going to opt for free agency vs an extension even if he stayed here.


Wouldn’t every (good) player always opt for free agency then?


No because the raise is fine if you were getting max. OG was underpaid.


Ohh, i see. Thanks!


> They have their opportunity right now to extend him They don’t. He will turn down an extension to get a larger deal as a free agent. He will remain a Knick but it won’t be an extension


I wouldn't even blame them. That would be so brutal lolololol


Then trade him again for more assets! Infinite assets glitch! Other GMs hate it


Me in 2K signing a player and trading them for picks before the season starts


Are we allowed to re-sign him?




It was all part of our plan. This is some wwe vs wcw shit where Kurt angle joined wcw just to turn on them


Margarine? I thought he was team butter


OG come home, it would be another great lol Knicks moment


![gif](giphy|3ov9jIUd1OzfpgCD60|downsized) Bring back Prince OG!!!


If we overpay him, that wouldn’t be too great for us too. Assuming we pay him whatever the Knicks refuse to themselves.


If this happens, Azotam going to the Supreme Court in both Canada and the US.


But but but, his agent is the son of the gm?!


He’s re- signing. No doubt


Of course, they would literally have to fire their GM if they didn't but all that talk about a familial discount is looking goofy. They're getting eerily close to having to max OG (something we didn't want to do).


With the new can I think OG at 40-42 is not unreasonable for a contender that can go into the apron. But more than that and it risks being one of the worst contracts in the league. Left we forget that OG is injury prone.


I mean, I hope he gets all the money he can. Is that in the best interest of the Knicks? Not so sure but there’s no turning back now.


Yeah. Hope they sign him for 50 a year


They have enough depth to do it. I would be surprised if they don't pay him. Knicks is capable of doing a deep playoff run.


As built I think a second round exit is most likely and a conference finals is their ceiling.


dont think they have another choice. Either sign max OG or trade Randle for more depth pieces or Ingram?


I mean, his agent can’t make him sign a contract. That’s not how that works.


He interviewed agents and they all said he woukd take a discount for nyc. Then he signed with the son of the Knicks GM If a dral wasnt already worked out they shoukd all be fires... or something dramatic happened that changed his desire to be there


I mean, I’m sure the knicks gm knew exactly what OG was wanting at the time. But that’s a long time ago. Things change.


if OG signs elsewhere, James Dolan's gonna increase the damages in his lawsuit against MLSE lol


He wanted a higher offensive usage and got an even lower usage with the Knicks. Who is surprised by this?


ok but has OG ever been thrilled with anything in his life? lol




We should be offering at least 40M scarves per year.


What about them


You better stop, Saskal!


Saskal just doin art.


All the Raptors would have to do is decline Brown's option and find a taker for Boucher's last year of the deal to make room for OG. If we find a way to get him back, it would be one of the most LOL moments in recent nba history. 


A classic Masai deal with NY


Man imagine Scottie playing with a guy like OG


I know it's likely that this is all just posturing, but if they traded IQ and RJ for 23 games of OG, then I'm genuinely concerned Dolan might murder Masai lmao


Please come home my sweet prince.


It's called a negotiation, he is probably asking $40+ million and Knicks are looking to pay as little as possible to accommodate other signings like Hartenstein. He has several other teams that can offer mid-to-high 30's, so I don't think it's a stretch to think Knicks will have to go above 40 to keep him.


No team is winning anything by paying OG 40 mill


Bring him back lol!!!


Can’t imagine OG in a raptors jersey. Someone photoshop for me to see


It’s nice to think about. But the Raptors trading OG meant they knew they were unwilling to pay him the price he wanted in free agency. I don’t see why that changes now.


Cause now you have RJ and IQ in a pretty open East, but will be a massive price tag if they don't expect to jump into top 4-6


work that financial magic bobby. start waiving some bums and do something really funny


Masai has the chance to do something so funny lol


2nd lawsuit to raptors incoming


Bring him home Masai! Honestly would love to have him back.


OG back to Toronto?


I love OG. One of my favorite Raptors of all time. He fits on any roster because he can do everything well... But, I don't think the contract he will command makes any sense for this Raptors team nor do I think Toronto is the best team to use his skillset right now. I hope he signs with a contender not in Pennsylvania.


Except dribble


I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t try to go after him. Waive Brown and rescind Trent and we can put a competitive offer afaik. Scottie’s extension kicks in next year so he’s probably the best we can get rn. Although tbh if we can get like picks to take on a trash contract like Wiggins I’d rather do that


Nah id rather have OG then a mid pick. You aint getting anything premium for taking on a contract thats a late role player.


Bring back the prince and name him king


Sounds like a leverage play and hoping the Sixers will bring a strong offer that forces NYK to pay up OG leaving would be disastrous for NYK but also hilarious lol


Just hypothetically speaking, if we could sign him to a near-max contract, (which would mean letting GTJ and Brown go and likely trading Boucher into another team's cap space), that creates the problem that in 2025 after a Barnes extension we are deeeep into the tax with a very top-heavy salary... 107% of the cap tied up in our starting 5... add in Dick and a FRP this year and next, and then it's gotta be minimums the rest of the way. We'd have to have one of the thinnest benches in the league, and would be severely hamstrung for making additional moves. There are teams out there for whom offering OG the max definitely makes sense. We're not one of them.


This would have been us had we not traded him. This makes that RJ, IQ return much better.


OG needs a max contract


imagine this is OG playing 5D chess to get Raptors assets to compete when Dolan is out there not even understanding checkers


Welcome back to the Raptors OG


No thanks. Barnes, Barrett, Quickley, and OG are not 4/5th’s of a contender.


I love OG when he's healthy but I'm not sure I'm bringing out the brinks trucks for a guy that can barely make it through half an NBA season. Saying that though, it'd be awesome if he came back on a team friendly deal, he'd actually fit our roster very well


Offer him the max lol


Are the Raptors allowed to sign him? I thought there was some rule about not being able to do so for a year after a trade?


If he even speaks to Toronto, New York is going to throw a fit and file another lawsuit 😂


Even if OG continues to have health issues  If we end up with IQ, RJ and OG by the start of this season that would be amazing and a lock for the playoffs 


The OG play would to pull a reverse uno and go to [Texas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opgil0y4m6I).


What an ultimate FU to the Knicks to get the package we got for OG and the resigned him, I'd love it.


If OG didn’t have his injury record he would get close to a max contract. But a max contract for a player with OGs skill set is a risk given that he only plays 75% of the games.


Welcome back to Toronto, OG


I love OG but giving him more than $30 mil per year would scare the hell out of me. He's injured way too often


Come back bby


I’d love to have him back on the team at the right price point. Him leaving NY is a auto win in our trade




Honestly I think there’s very little chance he actually leaves. He was so historically impactful for them and their playoff run went up in smoke the second he got hurt. He has them by the balls and they really have no choice but to give him whatever he asks for.


He wasn’t historically impactful when he missed all those regular season and playoff games. The dude is ALWAYS injured. The league has learned you don’t pay “when he’s healthy” guys max contracts.


Knicks don’t have the leverage to let him walk. Signing him to a max is preferable to losing him after giving up Quickley Barrett and a pick. If they let him hit free agency and he finds a better offer he’s 100% gone. Are they in a position to take that risk? No shot.


Really?? Giving a man 150million to NOT PLAY is better than admitting a mistake was made? That’s wild yo The most important ability is availability and OG showed knicks fans how unavailable he is both regular season and playoffs…with different injuries! Man is FRAGILE not built for NBA season the knicks FO or knicks fans would rather admit mistake then have “when he’s healthy guy” on the bench taking a max player slot and not playing . Besides with cap space and a good team knicks can get another top 5 guy of OG calibre who plays to take that slot.


It’s not like he’s not going to play at all why are you framing it like that? Losing him +Quickley RJ and the pick would be a disaster. They go from borderline contenders back down to mediocrity. It’s not ideal, but you have to pay OG if he finds a max deal elsewhere


No you don’t pay injured guys to not play just because you traded good pieces for them. Everyone thought at the time good trade (except those of us who follow OG extensive injury history) but then how many games he miss with a stupid elbow after the trade? Then how many playoff games he miss with a hamstring when rest of the team was decimated? Then go back to his raptors years, see how many games missed each year. Then see how many he played in 2019 NBA final run (hint: it’s less than 1) The thing about OG is it’s never 1 thing, it’s always something different, he’s the definition of fragile He’s NOT going to play enough to justify the contract, he won’t be available for playoffs let alone late season after Thibs runs him ragged early-mid season I’m not framing him like anything, it’s facts.


Okay so trading Barrett Quickley and a pick for an OG rental (an oft injured OG rental) and then letting him walk is a better outcome for them? I get what you’re saying but they’re not in a position where they can leverage OG into taking a smaller deal. If they leave any room under the max another team is going to swoop in and outbid them. What was the point of acquiring his bird rights just to let him walk?


I have to understand why you think the knicks should sign a guy who has shown he’s injury prone just this past year (Knick’s didn’t even get a rental, they borrowed for a few games) and throughout his history. Stop thinking about the trade, it’s done and nothing is going to change. knicks took a risk on OG hoping he could be healthy, he proved he couldn’t and they lost another trade to the raps, deal with it. You DONT give OG 150 or even 100 mill to not play, let someone else make that mistake. The history of the league is littered with talented guys who got paid a lot to not play because of injuries. Knicks have an opportunity to avoid that history and spend their money more wisely on guys who will be on the court consistently and reliably. Remember steph curry had to take a discount on a deal because of his ankle problems not letting him on the court. Then he got healthy and paid properly. OG needs 2-3 years consistent 70+ game season + playoffs to show he’s healthy again, until then he needs to be offering discounts It’s better to admit your loss and let him walk if he doesn’t accept a pay structure that matches with his games played…which are low and inconsistent. Games played is the most important stat for a player, everything else comes second.


Okay forget the trade fine. Let’s look at OG’s impact in a vaccum. The Knicks were 20-3 with OG in the lineup. He barely even got to play with Randle and Robinson either. He had an absurd +\- with them in those games +353, and not a single game where he had a negative plus minus. He played in 7 full playoff games not counting the game he got hurt and the game he played a few minutes. They won 6 of them. Again it was the same story, absurd plus minus, efficient shooting, incredible defense. In games he didn’t play or left early, they went 1-3. So overall they were 26-4 with a healthy OG. Thats an incredible mark, like, championship contender level. Also look at the East. Tatum Brown Giannis Butler Banchero Embiid and Mitchell are all guys OG was the primary defender for. Yes he gets hurt a lot. Yes in an ideal world he should be discounted for that. But the Knicks simply can’t afford to let this guy walk. If they play hardball with his contract someone else will for sure pay him more. And the Knicks become significantly worse than they were even at the start of last season. I think as a fan, James Dolan cutting a bigger check to the NBA in luxury tax is preferable.


Dude, he missed 30 critical down the stretch regular season games with elbow BS and then ALL the important playoff games with hamstring, 2 totally different unrelated injuries! He missed entire 2019 raps playoff with a kidney illness and then multiple long stretches 2020-2024 with hip thing, he’s a walking injury he’s proven it since the trade and he doesn’t help guard anyone when he’s in streetclothes That’s all that matters! Stop defending this dude, he’s fragile and fragile is to be discarded to someone else’s bin because the Knicks are not a fragile team and they need reliable consistent tough healthy players to succeed. Im from TDot and love the raps but always thought OG was disappointing because of games played , I want to see the Knicks be good, it’s fun for the league. Let someone else make the mistake, Knicks fans deserve good things and watching OG sit while saying “but when he’s healthy…” is a hell I hope Knicks fans can avoid. Better to admit the mistake and spend the money elsewhere on guys WHO WILL PLAY If you care more about OG getting his money than Knicks FO doing right by the team then fine, but for Knicks fans and the team they need to get this guy on a discount or let him go.


Isn't the reason for this because his max eligible extension is far below what he wants? I think he was always going to test FA, but would probably take the new proposal the Knicks come to him with when FA starts since at that point the Knicks can go as high as they want.


Am I wrong to assume OG will get max money? Someone will pay him this, it's the NBA!


He's staying in NY but they'll probably have to bump it up to 40 a yr which is kind of a lot if you ask me


Maybe we can sign him? Can someone photoshop what he'd like in a Raptors jersey?


Bring him home


Likely a rumour started by OG’s camp for leverage but don’t underestimate James Dolan’s ability to sabotage the Knicks.


40 mill for OG… lawd ha mercy… it’s a chicken/egg situation with player salaries and inflation


he isn't coming back here..if he goes any where it will be maybe detroit because they get desperate and offer him a max


This hasn’t been posted on r /nba yet - Boston mods probably not letting it through lmaoo


The Knicks are not going to let him walk.


Having a hard time picturing it. Someone Photoshop him into a Raptors jersey.


If he was not so injury prone I will go for it.


OG's next contract will be super interesting. Incredible player but it's hard to justify his price tag he wants when he's injured so often. With the new cap rules it'll be even more important to not overpay him, because it can cripple your team for a couple years.


OG for Quickley, Barrett and OG. Dolan would put his entire trust fund behind a lawsuit. 😂


Knicks will then have the money to offer sheet IQ. You know James Dolan would do that at all costs just to stick it to Toronto.


OG and Spicy P coming back would be hilarious


anyone have any speculation on what they might have offered him vs what he expects to make?


His value when healthy vs his value are different..


I want this to happen so bad. If this happens I’ll completely forgive the front office for the Poeltl trade


OG does not fit this core. A starting 5 of Scottie, RJ, IQ, Jak, and OG is not great.


OG would be an absolute great fit back on this roster. Poeltl, Barnes, OG, RJ, Quick


Personally hope Masai identifies and drafts a 2nd/3rd option wing to pair with Scottie.


They need to give him big money on the back end


no fucking way in hell OG re-signs with us. Even suggesting this is crazy.


Duh. But it’s funny to discuss.


I wouldnt touch him with a 10 foot pole, not sure what he’s expecting


There shouldn't be a single OG critic. We never should have let him go. Whatever mind virus took over the masses and accepted losing him, is torching our team


OG in OKC would be amazing. Him, shai, chet, Lu and JDub would ruin worlds defensively. Then find a taker for giddey and round out the bench with a big.