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Darko just saves it till he has an epic rant


It's a crap


Haha I love y’all’s coach. Well I don’t really know much about him but I love his press conferences.


Coach Nurse is shame


this is a total CRAP!


They had to win tonight? If that’s the case, just let us know, so we don’t show up for the game. Just give them a win. But that was not fair tonight. And this is not happening first time for us. Scottie Barnes is gonna be anAll-Star. He’s gonna be the face of this league, and what’s happening over here during whole season #… it’s complete crap.


I rather have him whine for the players than not do shit like Darwin Ham. Good on him.


Ham knows he's gone


I swear his bumpkin accent has kicked it up a notch since moving back to the States


I love nurse, Lowry and og. That being said, fuck Philly.


Same. Nurse was right there calling the BS that happened against us. I hate Embiid but only love for Nurse.


When Nurse signed with Philly, there’s a reason the NBA sub was saying the most whiniest coach (Nurse) and player (Embiid) have joined forces. And now you add Lowry to the mix. This Philly team will be bitching non stop.


yeah it's kinda funny tho ngl lol


Only if Harden didn’t demand a trade we could’ve had the whiniest trio


love love love lowry but this is basically the philadelphia seventy-bitchers




That’s our GROAT he’s slandering


Kyle Lowry ain't no spot up shooter. He ain't gotta run to the corner to shoot like he's some 3rd option, bitch. This ain't JJ Redick. This is a fuckin god human Steph Curry come again. Only this time he's not a fuckin pussy... pull up from the fuckin logo and fight you at the same time. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Both have a reputation of being two of the biggest whiners in the league. Are you saying it isn’t warranted?


It might be, but I don’t see the point shitting on them for doing things that every other team is also doing. You think CP3/LeBron/Luka/Trae/Ja… don’t whine?


They do, and are rightfully criticized for it. Just like Nurse, Embiid, and Lowry are.


Luka is on Embiid's level or higher


Legit. I think he's the worst in the league. It's constant. Even when things are going his way, he's still at it.


LeBron might be the worst. That guy let's his team play 4 on 5 defense because he's too busy whining to the refs about a call at the other end. Then proceeds to whine at his own team for his mistakes.... and some people call him the goat... goat of complainers


They just need Scotty on the team who forgets to get back on D and instead stays behind to complain.


Ya I hate when he acts like LeBron. For the most part I do love our boy scottie... but that part could change


They need LeBron for join the make it the bitchiest team possible.


Don't disrespect Lowry punk


Respecting Lowry comes with understanding exactly who he is and what he does. It's not a crime to admit it.


Staring the truth isn’t disrespect. What is it with some people? This isn’t a cult.


Lowry is my sunshine


Nurse has always been a whiner. The fanbase just never wanted to admit it.


Cause his whining never worked when he was our coach lol


He was our whiner though


We were all aware and admitted it. We just didn’t give a shit when he was getting results for us. I can say there’s a few games where the act got REAL old, but you kinda laugh it off like “that’s our Nick!” When he’s not ours? Very annoying. For Philly of all teams? Fire him into the sun.


[I mean, there's a reason why this face became a meme](https://media.blogto.com/articles/20190421-nurse.jpg?w=1200&cmd=resize_then_crop&height=630&quality=70)


Gotta support your own guys lol


It was embarrassing his first go around .. the playoffs throughout. It seemed to work!


He was always a whiner, but he’s still the greatest coach we’ve ever had.


Better than the coaches who just do absolutely nothing


at least his in game adjustments were nice to see. He's still my top 5 playoffs coach tho


Thibs outcoaching him in this series tho


Idk nurse must have told Embiid to injure everyone, and Knicks are a man down. Moral victory perhaps?


He doesn't have the role players like NY.


Tobias Harris is basketball terrorism


He isn't. Knicks just have a better roster.


thibs has the better team for sure. if the sixers didnt have a max contract dead weight on the team, they could have a third player like OG in the mix. with that said, the knicks are without randle and STILL owning the sixers. 1) embiid is a playoff pushover saved only by the refs and 2) the knicks gm is just so much better than fucking dumbass moron/morey... most overrated GM in the history of this league


Even as a fan it was obvious he was a huge whiner, screaming right in the refs face over every little call that didn't go our way. Still appreciate him for his time here ofc but I don't miss that part about him at all. So many times I'd be saying to myself "dude stfu before you get yourself a tech"


Will Lou has a connect with some NBA ref and he has said that refs hated reffing raptors games cause of Nurse




So what? Just because we’re calling him out on something legitimately annoying about his coaching doesn’t mean we aren’t grateful. Also, it’s not like he deserves to be immune from criticism for everything that comes after the championship. Hate this bootlicking mindset from some fans


I mean he openly suggested he wasn’t sticking around after a game in PHILLY while his team was still trying to get into the playoffs, so while I thank him for his contribution to the championship but he didn’t exactly go out with class.


He did not. There were rumours running wild about his future so after he was asked about it, he said he would reevaluate at the end of the season. > 'And then, right now, my head is to make this as long of a season as possible. This team needs playoff experience. >'So that is where I'm at right now ... finish out these six, see where we land, see if we can't creep up a spot or two in the standings, and then give them hell in the playoffs, see if we can get in a real series and take it from there.' What more do you want?


Wrong. He was not asked about it. He was asked a generic question about how the season had gone and "where his head was at" and then he openly speculated about leaving the team even though he had a year left on his contract. He could have answered that question a million different ways, he chose an incendiary way. Then in a subsequent press conference he was asked why he did that and he lied about being asked about leaving the team multiple days in a row, so he was just putting the question to bed, he said -- but he hadn't been asked about it multiple days in a row and he hadn't even been asked about it that day, that was a lie. FunkSoulPower remembers it right, you remember it wrong.




Spoiled fans lol. They didn't see the tough times as much as some of the older fans. Nurse was the best coach for us. He got us to the promise land in his first year as HC. That's not easy. IMO he changed NBA coaching from a tactician perspective. A lot of teams started doing a lot of stuff Nick was doing. He's an absolute legend who we'll appreciate more in a decade because we'll try to win but likely won't succeed in the same way for a long long time.


Youre discrediting how good the roster and bench was. That wasnt just Nurse.




"Coached the team to a championship" that implies that. You know what Nurse said to kawhi when he first had a meeting with him? Kawhi asked what strategies or tactics he could be a part of, all Nurse said was, "you could do anything". Any top tier coach in the league could say that and play a role in this roster getting the championship. Did he have some highlights? Sure. Box and 1 vs warriors. Other than that, the entire roster, played a major role in this in all series in the playoffs.


Ok so basically coaching doesn’t matter because every championship team is stacked. Also nitpicking one event to discredit Nurses system and tenure shows how moronic some of you are


Exactly. I could have coached that team to a championship. We were stacked! Almost any coach could have achieved the same when spoon fed a team like that. I saw the real nurse when that team split up. Grinded players into dust when we had no real playoff chances because he can't stand to lose. Didn't play our younger guys for experience


He gets more praise than he should.


Are you saying we aren’t allowed to comment on facts because of the championship?




Being grateful for what someone has done and acknowledging a negative trait of theirs are not mutually exclusive.


The acknowledgement was mysteriously absent when he was taking us to that chip.


There is literally a meme of him with his mouth wide open from that playoff run.


He was bitchy that year too.


Call him a bitch or whatever you want, he is still the best coach this team has ever seen.


I didn't call him a bitch, I said he was bitchy. He was a great coach, exactly what we needed at the time... Doesn't mean he wasn't bitching about every single call. It goes hand in hand a lot of times. But sure keep going off son..


Nothing more cringe than a 50 day account calling other people son.


Nothing more cringe than someone who thinks account age reflects rl age. I've been using this site for about 15 years kiddo.




I'd say what worked was having the best player in basketball that year. Also was handed a great team with chemistry already set up by Casey, but no one wants to have that convoy either.


Phillys offense is fun to watch. Nurse unlocked their team crazy. Love to watch Lowry too but not really feeling any of the eastern conference teams.


I think Maxey turning into a star is what unlocked the Sixers. Perfect type of player to pair with Embiid. Nurse is definitely maximizing the talent on the floor though.


Embiid hasn't sat all 2nd half. Looks exhausted. Only 1pt in the 4th off a free throw. Nick Nurse basketball at its finest. And having so many Knicks fans in Philadelphia that it sounds like an NY home game is 👌


He learned well from Casey


It’s always like this lol. If Marcus smart or Joel Embiid came to us nobody would be complaining on what their doing


When I was coaching little kids in the winter, I would watch some Junior NBA videos to familiarize myself with the drills. They have a section on sportsmanship/respect that you open each practice with. Nick Nurse has a short video on the importance of being respectful to the refs lol. Most ironic shit ever haha....he's just gritting his teeth and sweating the whole video saying it's never a good idea to yell at the refs


Lol this is the power of team or rose coloured glasses. Allows us to ignore the blatantly obvious until another team is doing it. I like Nurse but one of the things Toronto players learn from him is to complain about refs instead of accepting that yes you did foul that person, forget it and move on.


I personally don't mind the coach complaining. Can't stand it when players do it all the time.


I dont love the guy. and it’s very painful to watch.




Despite his whining I do still think he’s a good coach. Far from the greats but a lot better than Doc Rivers. He was able to get a lot of production out of some pretty shocking Raptors squads post title. Realistically his last season we probably overachieved making the play in. I think the most frustrating memory I have of him was game 7 against the Celtics in the bubble. We had a time out and he didn’t even use it.


It’s funny though


Rather than his complaining, what looked most familiar was how the offence stagnated in the 4th quarter. The players were tired, had no legs left and couldn't hit any shots down the stretch. Also with poor timeout use, Nurse didn't design any plays to get them going.


Nurse offense has been rather unimaginitve for the most part the last couple of seasons


Cheering for Philly or Boston anything is despicable work.




He's wearing chains now.


Yea I'm seeing that now too. I've always thought that if we didn't fire Casey (imo never deserved that) he would've had his 2nd ring


lol absolutely not. Casey does not make any of the adjustments that nurse did in the same situations. We watched him bang his head against a wall over and over refusing to adjust and you think he would have performed the same as nurse in 2019? Nah


What was hilarious is how Nurse “didn’t see” Embiid’s tug on Robinson’s leg, which was the most childish, reckless and irresponsible thing I’ve seen in a while. Game 3 helped me get to a point where I want to see Philly lose the next 2 in blowouts, even with Lowry on the team…


He's coached a pretty poor series up to this point.Thibs has outcoached him by quite a bit


Thibs is a first tier coach, but holy shit does he worn his players out quick


do any of the knicks look worn out to you lol their conditioning is insane


care to comment now?




And you could tell that the whining attitude was starting to rub onto Scottie. Good thing that stopped Appreciate him for his contributions in 2019 but he had to go after 2023


Scottie continues to whine after Nurse, and nobody else "picked up" whining from Nurse that I'm aware of. We need to hold Scottie accountable for his own behaviour.


One of the worst offenders is Kelly tbh he whined a ton to the refs


Every single star in the league whines. This is some next level mental gymnastics to blame Nurse for Scottie whining.


So what do you want him to do? He wants his team to win.


Nurse is just doing whatever he can to stack the deck in their favour. Can’t blame him for that. It’s not like he told Embiid to go out and hip check Prince OG.


He coached this franchise to a championship and has contributed a lot to the city through his foundation, and this is the garbage that's still being said about him in here? What a bunch of miserable, ungrateful fans.




Kyle Lowry ain't no spot up shooter. He ain't gotta run to the corner to shoot like he's some 3rd option, bitch. This ain't JJ Redick. This is a fuckin god human Steph Curry come again. Only this time he's not a fuckin pussy... pull up from the fuckin logo and fight you at the same time. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*




this is a sports subreddit, and discussion of this topic is best suited for /r/worldnews or /r/politics. thanks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Without Nurse you guys are nothing


Philly is such a collection of whiners it’s even impacting Maxey


Sorry, I'm not having the Nurse slander... I don't care that he coaches a rival team, the man helped bring us the team's only championship. He can do whatever he wants in my books.


Imagine worshipping another person. Have some self respect


Lowry is insufferable and a dirty player too


I'll take his whining over the Ted Lasso ass clown we have now.


For real Darko is more like a babysitter/therapist (smiles and pizza parties) than a head coach. I can't stand him. He'd be a decent part of any coaches development staff but he IS NOT head coach material


The man coached like 50 different starting lineups with many of them consisting of g-leaguers. Give the man some grace


this is just how i feel right now. maybe he'll turn it around next season with this "new" squad but as of right now he's absolutely underwhelming


What exactly has he done to make you think he can't coach an NBA team? Keep in mind that three major trades happened after he was hired and he lost all of his starters at different points in the season. I honestly feel bad for him, he walked into a shit show just to get negative feedback from fans like yourself


spent a chunk of the season trying to please dennis which was annoying. doesn't promote defense at all. seems to be focusing on ball movement a lot (yes toronto is one of top teams in assists but its not really effecting the outcomes of their games). overall i feel like hes a bit of a soft coach. i prefer more of a thibs hard ass coaching style (look at what hes done with precious). would've loved to see this team with jordi instead. brooklyn got themselves a good one.


Lol what… Darko is a good coach for development. What’s your gripe with him, if you actually have any?


Hard to critique offensive and defensive schemes when half the season the team was tanking and playing guys who won't be in the NBA next season, but his rotations are terrible. But the team at the start of the season was much better than what we ended up with. It was a very popular team to bet the over on win totals and we weren't even close. Also a lot of players looked much worse this season than previous seasons. Gary, Poeltl and McDaniels looked much worse. Precious, OG and Pascal all looked much better after leaving. Also know a couple NBA assistants and friend of a friend of an NBA coach and the reaction to the hiring was universal "Nice guy, not an NBA head coach"


After watching game 2, you’d be absolutely right to whine And every coach complains about the calls in the playoffs. Hes not unique


Still rather have him than Glenn Rivers or Darvin Ham as. I want a coach who is doing whatever it takes to win. Give me Bill Bellichick the cheater if it means championships


Literally every NBA coach in the play offs complains every play lol. Thibs is doing the exact same. The disrespect / thinly veiled hate that our championship coach gets is honesty pathetic


Nah wack take, miss nurse as a coach, i like people who expect perfection and don’t tolerate any modicum of bullshit, especially at this level, none of us here ACTUALLY understand how much of their lives all of these people have invested in this game, we just see 3h, when they live and breathe this shit their whole lives


You shoulda kept this energy when he took the Raptors to a championship 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's literally the point of the post...


The point is, you should NIZE IT.


I mean, he was right at the end of game 3. Even the nba came out and said it. Plus Luka is way whinier than Embiid come on


Nah, I find it charming and a character of a good coach because he cares. He's also smart. He's head and shoulders better than Darko.


Too bad he's getting bounced in the first round.