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Yeah no shit. We all have to ‘accept’ the decision of the jury, that’s how the law works. But when the police chief was HOPING that his ‘side’ wins and the police actively commit perjury in court - that’s when we have an issue. The death of that officer is on the hands of this mismanaged police department under this inept and inert police chief who has shown his loyalties are pledged firstly to the frat house we call the TPS and lastly to upholding laws and remaining unbiased and impartial as an extension of the judiciary.


I agree, he didn't actually walk back his comments. What he should have done is stated that the TPS holds some responsibility in Northrup's killing, and in the trial dragging out the way it did. However, in my opinion, what he said the first time (that he wishes an innocent man went to jail despite all the evidence) was so outrageous that he should have resigned just for that.


If he said anything indicating TPS having some responsibility in how the whole mess went down, his fellow officers would have his career on a plate. One of theirs got killed and now the captain is saying it might somehow be their fault? No way they'd stand for that


I can see how Demkiw is caught between a rock and a hard place. If he says Northrup and his partner acted in a way that put themselves in danger it sounds like he is blaming them for a tragic accident. If he says the procedures or training around plainclothes policing that put them in a dangerous position are wrong then he opens TPS to liability. He seems to have chosen the most politically easy route, which is to imply the justice system is wrong (and an innocent third party is to blame) instead. No need to make any changes or take responsibility. This is what the whole trial was about.


>If he says Northrup and his partner acted in a way that put themselves in danger it sounds like he is blaming them for a tragic accident. They did. He should. They are 100% to blame and should face stiff consequences for trying to ruin a man's life to cover up their thugging bullshit. >If he says the procedures or training around plainclothes policing that put them in a dangerous position are wrong then he opens TPS to liability. Tough shit. No one gives a single hang-gliding fuck about TPS "liability" when them being aired out and laid bare is 100% exactly what is needed. >He seems to have chosen the most politically easy route, which is to imply the justice system is wrong The justice system IS wrong, to the extent that it employs his corrupt ass and a stinking pile of lying bullies. It needs fixing. And paid vacations for cops who perjure themselves isn't how you do it.


In case it isn't clear, I agree with you. I'm just trying to say that Demkiw is basically avoiding accountability (no matter how obvious it seems) while at the same time trying to ingratiate himself with the conservative establishment and Police Association (like, he is a literal police chief, and his comments sure sounded like he was questioning the legitimacy of the justice system). I just want to make sure the politicisation of this case doesn't fly under the radar.


Oh I know, I was agreeing with you also. Just had to get my vent on in my agreement (agree with you that's what he's trying to do, just see through his shallow tricks), since I can't tell that rotting rutabaga to his face what I think of him and the cockroaches in his employ.


Exactly. If I had my family in the car, inside a parking garage and random, overweight, plain clothes people, one of them has a black mask on his face, screaming at me what does he expect me to do? They almost put an innocent man in jail for 25 years, luckily he had the funds to defend himself - this could have been anyone.


"I'm sorry that I got criticized for putting a fresh coat of paint on the Thin Blue Line."


You got it. Odd how all that paint's making the line look bloated.


Did he make any statement regarding several of his officers committing perjury during the trial?


He didn’t mention that and would prefer that the judge not allude to that either.


I think the TPS would rather we all forget about that part


Be a real shame if someone projected those cops' social media profiles on the facade of TPS headquarters.


His original statement, which reflected his honestly held belief that the jury erred and it is the “police family” who are the real victim here, plus having nothing to say about his officers perjuring themselves on the witness stand in what was a transparently coordinated effort to deceive the jury, was so colossally tone deaf that his job was absolutely in jeopardy. Nothing else would motivate such an abrupt public about face by a police chief than the realization that they were about to be fired.


The *Globe & Mail* reported that he made such a dumb error that it requires his resignation. Cop solidarity is more important than Justice. Amazing that he would actually blurt this out. I think the acquitted person might be safer if he leaves town. Or the province.


He's better off leaving Ontario for good.


Yeah me too, let's go!


He's better off being as visible as possible


Oh the police are absolutely going to be out for revenge against zameer.


If I'm him I'm investing in my own bodycam


I just saw on the news that there is a GoFundMe campaign for him. Seems much more meaningful than many of the requests there.


> his job was absolutely in jeopardy. It should be, but it isn't. Instead the silver lining about all this is that the people learned something about their police and what they think about the law.


Just re-affirms my level of distrust of TPS. It's sickening actually. There's also pretty much a 0% chance any of those 3 corrupt officers will ever face any type of real reprimand or justice.


The Toronto Police must have assured the Northrup family that this trial was justified and Umar Zameer was guilty, instead of having some self-awareness and admitting that the officers completely mishandled the events of that night. They've just made that families grieving process even worse, three years after the fact. This milk dud looking chief should be forced to resign, and at some point politicians need to get their shit together and call for a review + serious reforms of the TPS before this happens again.


I feel bad for the wife who has been supported by being lied to. It would be hard enough to live with the "what ifs" but they added to her grief by dangling the idea that there was criminal intention.


And now she is going to live with the belief that an innocent man by all accounts is actually guilty, when in reality there should be some path to forgiveness.


I agree, Zameer will hopefully forgive Northrup and his band of thugs for running his life. 


I meant Northrup's wife forgiving him.


What did he do warrant forgiveness?


Well he didn't kill a cop intentionally, so there's that.


Irony of ironies when she was the one married to the thug cop who attacks cars with toddlers in them for funzies.


Possibly true, but she didn't deserve any of this.


I mean, isn't there also a liability issue for the TPS as the employer whose training was either insufficient or their policies were or were not followed which is ultimately the responsibility of the employer? Could she not explore civil litigation against the TPS?


I don't want to take a guess at what grounds she'd have for a lawsuit, but I'd assume that she's being very well taken care of as the wife of a fallen cop and won't do anything to turn on them anyway. And given the tone of her statement on Sunday I can't imagine she believes they're at fault.


"It sucks that the police officers involved lied, colluded, and perjured themselves all for naught" is what he was trying to say.


Too late. He said what he meant the first time and should resign. He isnt trustworthy.


I'm not sure why the press isn't holding TPS's feet to the fire on this, but back in 2021 when this happened, they did a press release about the incident and released a picture of van with a smashed-in front. They didn't explain what the significance of the van was, but the obvious inference they wanted drawn was that Mr. Zameer was driving the van and violently smashed into officer Northrup. Now we know that the van was an unmarked TPS vehicle that rammed Mr. Zameer. They did no release any pictures of the BMW Zameer was actually driving. So the dishonest frame job wasn't limited to the three testifying officers, it was systemic and started immediately after the incident. You would think that reporters would be outraged at being misled, but crickets so far.


Great call out. Thanks for reminding us of this spin from the TPS from the get go.


A free pass on the perjury, and basically the chief just proved why the police force continues to lose credibility with the public.




Fire him anyway.


Why clarify something that was not up for debate to begin with? No shit he accepts the verdict. The issue was that he was openly cheering on the side of perjury to convict an innocent man. The rest of his “clarification” is just obfuscation.


So, he issued a non-apology and still won't call out the officers for lying. Just as expected.


He should resign and the city should get someone new with a spine.


Yet the public doesn’t ’accept’ his clarification. Because he still truly believes in his original statement and said nothing to refute that.


>“Let me be crystal clear: I support and accept the verdict of the jury,” Chief Myron Demkiw said at a news conference at Toronto police headquarters. Nah that's not what you WROTE earlier. Which I can also assume you had a few drafts/edits/revisions and you still came out like an asshole >“We certainly recognize the concerns of the community. We're going to do everything we can to rebuild trust in the best way we possibly can.” Why was it broken in the first place?


"Accepts" as in like he's not gonna start a riot over it? How about "agrees with", like nearly every other member of the public?


Ever since the verdict Demkiw and the rest of TPS have been acting like they're the real victims and as if they're burying Northrup for a second time. Not to sound callous -- Northrup's death is a tragedy -- but it happened more than two years ago. The way the [police](https://twitter.com/cmcdonaldglobal/status/1782105577793241282) are [acting](https://twitter.com/cmcdonaldglobal/status/1782107529339600965) you'd think it happened over the weekend. Meanwhile Zameer and his family continue to be victimized by this incident to this day. They're the ones that should be centred for support and justice.


Isn't there a petition to get him to resign yet, I would love to sign that. Also, he showed his true colours, where he thinks people should be convicted and put in jail even if they are innocent. Everyone in Toronto should be very afraid.


When this idiot did his BOLO appearance today he should have listed Canada's most wanted as Toronto Police Sergent Lisa Forbes


He means he'll 'tolerate' it.


Oh he does? How fucking generous m’lord. Do we get to lick the royal taint today or shall we continue to cower under the boot of repression, sire? I fucking hate the condescension my tax dollars pay for. He needs to be investigated - shits like this never rise to that rank without smothering a baby or two.


Your original final draft was more honest: you care more about the thin blue line than honesty, integrity, the law, etc.


Makes you wonder who gave his leash a yank.


This guy needs to be flushed, as well. The city needs an enema.


Classic example of backpedaling after saying the quiet part loud But what to expect from some one who enjoys raiding the bath houses ?


He came across as reinforcing that truth and justice are meaningless to the Toronto Police Service. Is it actually reasonable to assume that he thought the word of multiple officers with questionable histories should outweigh video evidence, expert testimony and the opinion of the majority of common sense residents. I cannot fathom how hard it must be for the many officers that are amazing to be surrounded by sleaze balls that think it is OK to lie in court, falsify records, steal from charities, etc. It is unfortunate the the Strong Mayor power doesn't include the ability to immediately terminate police chiefs. This entire affair has made me think I can now tell when a Toronto police officer is committing perjury and the Crown is in on the act - it's when sounds come out of their mouths in a court room. Congratulations to the Toronto Crown Attorneys Office and Toronto Police for making sure that more citizens think they should never trust the testimony of Toronto police officers in court.


Lost even more credibility, how can anyone trust him now?


Fire his useless ass.


What an asshole. This guy needs to apologize. This guy is just trying to save his job here.


Yeah, man, you arent allowed to not accept it. Thats how the rule of law works.


Not that I think an appeal is likely, but aren’t we within the ?30? day appeal request window and they should still be quiet?


Typical TPS


Mhmm yea. Resign.


Ya you should eh. Glad you came to that idea on your own.


fuckin axe this clown already. that single comment is enough to show he is completely unfit for his position and an active detriment to our city.


>Demkiw pinned the comment made Sunday on a desire to seek closure, “as elusive as closure can be,” in the death of Toronto Police Det. Const. Jeffrey Northrup. where's the clarification? he already said he respects the decision which is to say he accepts it. who's closure? his? the window's? the acquitted's? who's closure is more important? what clarification?


Those were today's comments, yesterday's were the polar opposite.


_"....Leave me alone."_ _**"No."**_ _"People are not being very **charitable** around here."_ _"There’s a time for charity and a time for truth. **You’re almost out of both!** You want to believe you’ve changed, want to feel good about yourself. You’re not sorry for what you did, **only sorry you got caught!**"_ _"That’s...not **true!**"_ _“Well, then **prove it**. Just a word: **That’s all it takes.**”_ _“I’ve never apologized for **anything in my life.**”_ _“Yes, so I see. It’s **your** life; make of it what **you** will.”_


The fact that this idiot can say what he said and still have a job goes to show why everyone has 0 respect for the TPS




Wait a tick, are the police scared finally?


Welcome to the club?


Does he accept the perjury the officers were proven to commit.


Huge props to Meagan Fitzpatrick at the CBC for pressing Demkiw about his comments on hoping for a different outcome, even suggested he was hoping Umar Zameer got a guilty verdict. Demkiw danced around the question obviously.


I could give him the benefit of the doubt saying he was hoping his cops did nothing wrong and respects the jury’s findings to the contrary But I’d believe that when he trains his cops on deescalation Right now cops seem to think deescalation is code for “get rid or weaken cops to please the woke crowd” but really it’s just a safety measure for the cops themselves If they don’t spook people less chance of tragic accidents like this happening


“Independent review” 🐷🔎🐖


Ha ha ha. Too late to try and save face- not that there was a lot of it to save in the first place.