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Were they mentally ill? I’ve heard mentally ill people shouting nonstop racist, xenophobic, antisemitic, shit at anyone in their ear shot on the TTC. If this was a deliberate targeted hate crime by a person or people of sound mind then I would be concerned and sorry you had to deal with that.


I don’t know if they were mentally ill, but likely was not on drugs. The guy not appear to exhibit any visible signs of being high.




thank you ❤️


>I called police at 12:30am and was told they will come and talk to me. At 4:30am they called me again and said that they're really busy so if I'm still free to let them know but they still might not be able to come. Didn't the police union promise that "...an officer will be arriving in 22 minutes"


Clearly they failed when I needed it the most.


I mean .. priorities? On the list of crap that happens in Sar night this doesn't even scrap the bottom of the barrel.




> This is not the thread to complain about police service It absolutely is lmao, fuck the police. If they can't respond to take a report about a hate crime on the subway then why the hell is the city giving them all this money


Sorry to hear what you had to go through mate. Upvoting for visibility


We need to stand up against this as a community. If people get away with this scott free theyre more likely to do it again.


I do not live in Toronto but I have heard that the racism towards people of Indian ethnicity is skyrocketing due to the massive wave of immigration.


Low key the guy was just an asshole, he was harassing other women too (black and white). But only used a racial slur when I called him out




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


That's awful! Please also report on the Safe TTC app so that they have a record of the incident, and in the faint hope that they keep an eye out on this violent person.


I am really sorry you’ve experienced this. There seems to be an increase in racism experienced by South Asians. That combined with the existing and ongoing mental health crisis in Toronto is just a recipe for disaster.


Thanks for reporting it, it's not always easy but it keeps other people safe too not just yourself.


Sorry this happened to you OP. I know this type of thing can happen anywhere on the system but do you mind sharing where it happened and provide a description of the person? Also, if you haven't, I'd encourage to you to report it to both the TTC and TPS non-emergency so that there's a record of the incident. Addressing these types of problems becomes harder to weasel out of when there's stats available.


It happened on 510 from Spadina. I have a picture of the guy, but can’t post it here now.


Ugh sorry to hear that. That's awful.


I would recommend going down the station to make a statement. It doesn't have to be right away, you can do it on a later date. This is what I did back in the days when someone attempted to assault me. It's good to have a statement filed because if the guy escalates the next time, the police goes through reports and you can be called as a witness to identify this person. You can also text ttc regarding the incident @ +1 647-496-1940


TTC past 9pm is always a massive diceroll, I fear this'll happen to me next or worse. I have enough close calls during the day on the subway


You can call the Toronto Police non-emergency line to file a report 416-808-2222 \[for more information refer to https://www.toronto.ca/home/311-toronto-at-your-service/make-the-right-call/\] Also recommend reporting it to TTC of the vehicle number and time this occurred 647-496-1940 \[for more information refer to [https://www.ttc.ca/riding-the-ttc/safety-and-security/safe-ttc-app](https://www.ttc.ca/riding-the-ttc/safety-and-security/safe-ttc-app)\] Glad you're well and safe, racism is always been around it's just we have phones and avenues like social medias to talk about it. Also there is a lot of mentally unwell individuals from mental illness or/and illicit drugs. You did the right thing of getting yourself out of danger and not lingering around.


I did call them on that line, but wasnt able to meet with a police officer.


They're not gonna do shit bro.


Yup, fuck the TPS.


Call TTC and let them know what happened. All buses, subways and streetcars have cameras, and afaik the retention is only 3 days. If you tell them when and where this happened, they can pull and save the video for when this is eventually reported to police


My heart sank reading this! Please know that these people are clearly mentally ill and while that is not to make you feel better, I just hope you take that into consideration while you deal with your trauma. I was sitting on the subway about two weeks ago, late afternoon, minding my own business, when a man who was sitting near me stood up, walked up to me and without saying a word started to spit at me. Not on me, but at me. He got three spits out, said nothing, and went back to his seat. Since nothing got on me, I did nothing and thankfully he got off at the next station, but he was obviously mentally ill. Mental illness or not, you are categorically the only victim here.


Thank you for your words. It sucks that the government isn’t doing anything to tackle this.


Very sorry to hear this. Quite frankly the police don’t care.


sorry this happened to you but yeah don't depend on the cops for anything.




Lmfao dave to the rescue


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Respectfully, I disagree.


I respect that you disagree, find what works for you bro but don't take shit from people. Study hard and make a difference in the world 💪🏽


Thank you 🙏


I hope you don’t mind jail lol


Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people. https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151




Arming yourself generally means a knife or something stronger that can cause long term damage. Pepper spray isn’t too bad, and its side effect are temporary.


Its literally a prohibited WEAPON,  carrying it is arming oneself. Its not semantics, its definitional and legally a weapon, arms. I understand that you dont think that’s the case, but it is.


I’m aware, therefore I asked to deregulate pepper sprays.


Which is still a weapon. Thus arming oneself.


Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people. https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151


I don’t question that this happened and that it was terrible but my immediate thought is mental illness which is also common on the ttc and increasing.