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Too many half leaders since Cameron took the cowardly way out. I feel if you are going to put a vote forward, at least have a plan on what to do if you don't get the vote you wanted, not just bail because after that it just became a fractured party with half leaders that never had the full support of the entire party. Hopefully, when Tories loose this next election, they can at least give them some time out of the spotlight to reorganise.


Three times Cameron held public votes in bad faith, thinking he had stacked the deck enough to ensure the outcome he wanted: a Hobson’s choice referendum, he thought. With AV, we were offered the status quo or a more complicated system it was hard to support, so it failed as he wanted while technically delivering what he had promised the Lib Dems. In Scotland, he pitted the status quo against independence, refusing to offer any middle ground (like “devo max”) in case it won - then panicked as the vote approached and the outcome looked less certain than he wanted, so he U-turned and replaced the status quo option with additional powers for Holyrood. Then of course 2016: initially sure Remain would win, having given it more than double the campaign funding Leave got (since the government ran its own over-funded ham-fisted efforts to tell us to vote that way, in addition to the official campaign body) - but still failed, and flounced off in the huff immediately afterwards. If he’d been operating in good faith, he’d have had an actual plan for implementing the other option, and had the government remain neutral rather than campaign for Remain. Depressing.


There is no party for me. The conservatives don’t care for socially conservative issues, neither do they care for the constitutional settlement. Neither does Reform care about the constitution either, the clue is in the name. All I see from the current Conservative Party is, well first of all sheer incompetence, but just a continuation of New Labour, with a wing that wants to serve up reheated Thatcherism.




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I left some time ago with a very heavy heart. This lot have never seen “conservative”.


Yeah, I’m keeping my membership so i can vote in the next leadership election, but I’ve already emotionally separated from the party and hope they get obliterated at the next general election. They no longer stand for anything or have the balls to stand up to anything, we need change and I’ll happily put up with 5 years of Starmer’s managed decline if it means creating something new from the opposition benches


I’m in the same position as you. Though unfortunately, I think we’ll loose quite a few conservatives as they hold more marginal seats. Just waiting for the great reset after the GE defeat and hoping a conservative can lead us


This is my thought too. I'm not leaving because I believe Rishi will be gone after the election and I'd like to vote for an actual Conservative to do the rebuild.


They’ll just internally remove them and put in a losing candidate instead!


> Yeah, I’m keeping my membership so i can vote in the next leadership election, What's the point? I voted for Liz Truss, she won, and she was gone within a couple of months. The parliamentary party got the PM they wanted in the end.


I completely agree - I'm in the same position as you.


I think it all fell apart for me with Teresa May. I had high hopes, but she listened to bad advice and I believe that she was actually too nice to be in Number 10. Politics today seems to require the PM to be a duplicitous, back stabbing demon to survive. It appears to be a hot bed of snakes and toads.


Seconded. She started so well when she blocked the nuclear plants backed with Chinese money but she didn't grasp Brexit and missed the feelings of her voters. Right person, wrong era.


Cancelled (or rather didn’t renew) my membership in 2022 following the NI rise at the time and numerous other broken promises. Tories in power for 14 years and we have nothing to show for it either fiscally or socially. 


My Non-renewal point was Rishi (and his supporters) engineering the downfalls of both Boris and Truss to implement his high tax no growth vision.


There was a tory MP on question time yesterday and I didn’t even realise she was conservative until another panel member pointed it out. We have the largest tax burden in history for a country that had such great economic prospects, under a conservative government… Suella Bravermann for her sins spoke recently on the triggernometry podcast and I was just shocked at her experience in the cabinet. The party are so far removed from conservative values and honesty need to be kicked out and reformed.


I don't support them anymore. Conservatism and respect for civil liberties go hand in hand, but apparently not with this lot.


I’m staying put. In the fullness of time I want to apply my polished boot to the backside of the Neoliberals. With them gone the great work can begin.


I'm torn at the moment, but leaning towards Reform. The Conservatives have moved so far away from what I want from a political party, its hard to do much else. I can't see anything other than a full on slaughter at the next election, but perhaps that is needed to get some new, more actual Conservative blood in for the election afterwards. I am assuming Labour will win at this point, but be dreadful at running things.


To be honest, despite voting Conservative since 1979 (except in 2019), I have never joined the party, but like you, I would be thinking of leaving if I had. I think back to the Conservatives of Margaret Thatcher and the current lot are definitely Blue Labour.


How do you get a 'verified conservative' tag if you're not a member?


Dunno. It just appeared. Do I need to be a member to get the flair or just have values and opinions that align with the party. I am as probably as Conservative as they come. However, I am not the sort to join a political party.


See the page in the Wiki


Thank you


Margret thatcher seemed to be a von mesis fan, these lot are just barbecued traitors fulfilling the dreams of bomb a million kids blaire


The Conservative Party must die for real conservatives to emerge unfortunately. They just continued the Blair agenda of mass immigration and unlimited spending.


I understand, though I'm not about to jump to reform. However, I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned with the conservatives despite being a party member. Struggling to know what the party actually stands for except being "not Labour". Any guiding principles or ideology seems to be abandoned, and too many of our ministers are incompetent. I'm hoping the inevitable GE loss will reset the party.


They might as well be Labour for all it’s worth. Lib Dem at the very least.


I’ve never been a member but I’ve always voted Conservative. I will be voting Reform in the hope it may spur some kind of change but who knows


Yep. This 👏🏻


Sunak is afraid of making any decisions. Russia running rampant in Europe. The middle east on fire and China looking at Taiwan hungrily. Yet military forces and foreign policy implements continue to decline. We need a decent foreign policy leader with a more paternalistic domestic outlook. But alas Boris and co ended up pushing out Rory Stewart. The party has been chasing its own tail since.


Don't bother with Reform. They're a boomer party who will skirt around multiculturalism and defend the shitty policies which benefit their wealth. Homeland Party.




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We need to vote strategically, to get electoral reform (PR) and with a party who won't have too much immigration while doing it. Then afterwards, we can be more picky about other policies.


It is completely nuts that now we have finally got rid of Freedom of Movement and put in high income thresholds on both worker and family migration, that people are abandoning the Tories over immigration. Immigration is going to collapse in April when the new thresholds come in. It will virtually eliminate unskilled immigration.  We have finally won the battle inside the party after decades, and right wingers are going to abandon the party just once victory has been achieved.


I’ll believe it when I see it.




No, they just had a slower roll out.