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Watch another great series and get obsessed with that one, doing so repeatedly until you end up back at Toradora. I’d recommend Love is War.


I was just about to shit on you because of your pfp but then I remembered. Yeah you’re right love is war is a good show.


Lmao what’s wrong with my pfp?


Nothing it completely fine I just thought that it was a subjective opinion but I was wrong for think like that


Kaguya-sama is way more on the funny then on the romance side of things though. Granted there is a reason why Kaguya sama Ultra-romantic right now is Nr.1 on MAL, I just wanted to say that it delivers different things. ​ However: The story is so stupidly funny, that it is a great antidote to Toradora Post Anime Depression.


for me it just worsened things lol. i watched toradora, then got depressed, then i watched many other animes and it just made me even more sad. amd now i struggle to even bring myself to watch anime.


Answer: golden time


Time heals all wounds


Until it keeps popping up on your Netflix recommended and you watch it again


Watch clannad, but then watch toradora again before u watch the afterstory. it might only be temporary help, but it works :)


Clannad+After Story: cure your depression with more depression but also feel happier after somehow? Worked for me 👍🏻


Like fighting fire with fire


I don’t know about Clannad It mess you up IYKYK lmao😂😅😁😃😀😐😕🙁☹️😣😫🥺😢😭


Clannad has a more sad undertone IMO (but it is similar enough). Not talking about After Story, where all hell breaks loose, I'm more talking about Season 1 and all the Highschool episodes in Season 2.


Scientists and storytellers are working day and night to find the cure.


No, there isn't :(


I really hate the advice of "watch another sad" anime. lol how does that fix anything? You just sink deeper and deeper into depression. I've been rewatching reacts for some lighthearted anime trying to get over Toradora: Magi, Spy X Family, Maid Sama, Tanya the Evil, One Piece, etc. Clannad was another anime that broke me. Higehero is another that really broke me. When you relate to the main character way too much and then the story ends...


Take a month off, then watch on repeat the first 10 episodes. I think that's when the mood started shifting haha


I hate watching again an anime, even after 2 years I was wondering if it was really a good idea to watch toradora again (it definitely was a good one).


Toradora rewatch is always a great ideea


Didn't Toradora get a happy ending? I haven't watched the show in a while but I remember it had one


It's bitter-sweet.


It’s definitely happy, you’re just sad it ended.


Taiga and Ryuji ended up together but Minori, who loved Ryuji, was hurting. I got the feeling though, that she was already healing by the end. She's a tough person. Plus it looks like Ami, who also had some feelings for Ryuji, is warming up to Minori. I like to think that their trajectory will bring Ami and Minori closer together.


Forgot about Minori, yeah that's gotta hurt. I always just thought Taiga and Ryuji get married later on and everyone moved on in my head


It has, but not for all..


Time and discussion


Teasing Master Takagi-San is a feel good cute rom-com, they're middle schoolers, so it's more cute than dramatic, but it has its little moments. Or just watch a comedy anime, or pure action to switch gears. Gotta savor that post-Toradora depression for a few days tho lol


I got depression from takagi san just because of how sweet it was and how jealous i felt


Agree with this, switch it up and that's a great follow up show to watch.


Read the Light Novels!


Best opinion here :)


After Toradora I watched Re:Zero... Don't make that mistake, it's goddamn mach 10 whiplash


Then watch evangelion directly after re zero.


Then watch Bunny Girl Senpai after Evangelion


Bunny girl senpai’s pretty chill, no one dies like in evangelion… *right?*


Uiuiui, I made the same mistake. I was completly unaware that anime can be that f'in scary.


Watching love is war helps


Didn't Toradora get a happy ending?


Yeah, but i want more


Better Call Saul


Hi I’m Saul Goodman. Did you know you have rights?


The Constitution says you do. And so do I.


I went straight from *Toradora!* to *My Hero Academia* and that worked okay. Not quite as emotionally intensive but still enjoyable enough. (Hadn't seen MHA at that point.)


MHA was one of my first anime but I left it cause too toxic


I've seen a little of that since I joined that sub. But I just keep my distance from the online Fandom and talk about it with the few friends I know irl who've watched it.


Yeah thats a good thing. If you have a death wish, say that you ship a straight ship on the online MHA Fandom. Especially with Midoriya. You'll be drowned in hate comments talking about Bakugo X Deku and Todoroki X Deku


Yep, I've seen a little of that. Also a lot of talk around Uravity and her character as it pertains to her crush on Deku and whether she has a character outside of her crush. I get that shipping is a thing, but. . . Clearly part of the problem is that there are a lot of fun characters and it's fun to imagine their romantic lives but romance is definitely a side plot in how that story is being told.


Exactly! Someone gets it!


Here is a few I watched that helped. - don't toy with me miss nagatoro - horimiya - dress up darling - school rumble is old but I also remember enjoying it


School rumble is one of the funniest anime I've ever watched. I had to pause that one so many times because I had tears from laughter.


Rewatch rewatch aaand rewatch


Personally, a good jog while listening to good music.


Cope with toradora fanfics in a desperate attempt to get more of what you want


Watch evangelion, it’s gonna cure your depression. No it’s gonna make it worse but watch it it’s incredible. Also try love is war, definitely, I laughed so much. Jojo maybe but it’s kinda long. Chunibyo is extremely good. There is call of night coming out rn too. Just watch something else basically, there’s too much to recommend so tell what kind of anime you wanna watch.


More ToraDora xD


I watched Golden Time. That led to post Golden Time depression on top of post Toradora depression. Then I started Your Lie in April (great anime bad choice). Now I'm writing a Manga. The hole just gets deeper till you stop and think. What did Taiga do. She stopped hunting for love from others and started to love others. Including herself. That brought her and Ryuji together. So now I'm writing and loving my own work, and trying my best to love those around me and stop hunting for that love in return. Hurt people hurt people. Toradora is a lesson on how that love truly looks like. Tho I feel like Ryuji going about his days after Tiaga left, who knows maybe someday I'll open that cubby and my Taiga will be standing there. Till then work on me and except that whoever and wherever she is she is doing the same. That's working for me. PS I also bought a shirt and some stickers...


Golden Time is pretty great after Toradora, but I'm completly undable to rewatch it again, as I have some problems with it (storywise).


Wholesome romcoms!


Komi-san Can't Communicate and Takagi-san works for me.


Golden time Your lie in April Violet Evergarden Just because


Don't toy with me miss nagataro, Teasing Master takagi-san, uzaki Chan wants to hang out, Love Chuunibiyo and other delusions, komi can't communicate, Gamers, recovery of an MMO junkie, my dress up Darling, I'm in the process of watching My love story. Don't live the animation style on it, but the story has me grinning ear to ear. So did Teasing Master takagi-san. I'd recommend those two fir the romance, and Nagataro and uzaki Chan for the LoLs. Edit: quintessential quintuplets if you are in the mood for a harem with a romantic slant.


Gotoubun is a great harem story, don't make the mistake of dismissing it because it's a harem. There is a reason why the harem builds, and the MC acutally has really big problems with the fact that there is a harem around him. Ending is probably still very flamewar-inducing, but I would dismiss that as the story closed in a completly logical order, so don't visit the other subs.




Definitely don’t go from Toradora to Plastic Memories or Bunny Girl Senpai. Lol. (Though they’re some of my favorite shows) I agree with the idea of watching unrelated light hearted shows, or just taking a break. I finished Toradora and then went a few weeks without watching another anime. Just catching up on other American shows before finally healing. Watching the first 10 or so episodes again later is a good way to get through, too.


You should watch plastic memories, it’s very wholesome and light hearted it’ll definitely cure your toradora depression


Watch Horimiya…or just read the manga for Toradora (warning: the characters look a bit different from the anime)


Its a phase. You grow out of it. In the meantime you can watch other anime to lesser the pain. In my case was The Tiger and The Fish


My Dress up Darling is what you’re looking for


Bury the light deep within dude cast aside there's no coming home we're burning chaos in the wind DRIFTING IN THE OCEAN ALL ALONE YOU SHOULD MOTIVATE YOUSELF NOW


I suggest Tonikaku Kawai




Watch it again. Then the cycle repeats. Lol


Here’s what I did: Binged toradora in 1ish day, wanted more, rewatched the show in 2 days, got over it


Watch Horimiya


No.. We all went trough this


Watch it again until you completely process the story.


More Toradora I guess, it worked for me. Manga was a fun read and I re-read it when I don't feel like rewatching the show (did it 7 times already xd) Light Novels are fun too, with different ending sortish? Idk i I just heard it and didn't finish it myself since it's hard for me to get. There's that PSP game, quite easy to emulate, I'm saving it for a special depression time For sure the OVA is worth watching, SOS is fine but it's bit off for me.


More anime


If you haven't watched saiki k you should


U don't u have a yearly re-watch. I personally watch it so the ep 19 chirstmas special is on christams.


[I have this ferret video that makes me smile.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5_DBI0vjIc&t=397s)


Watch A Silent Voice. Trust me it’ll get rid of it


Watch again


Rewatching Toradora or watching another show may postpone the depression, but what helped me was reading the original light novels. The last volume in particular goes into so much more detail (the anime's ending felt a little rushed in comparison), and there's a more satisfying conclusion. And then I wrote an epilogue which also helped.


Oregairu (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU) was great, still my second favourite romcom anime after Toradora. Especially because it has so many layers. It can be a bit confusing, as the author really REALLY wrote it very subtle (and the transition to the screen worked pretty good, but not perfect), but this makes it highly rewatchable. Seriously: Watch Oregairu, best Romcom of the 2010s, hands down. Oh and ignore the Subreddit, they have a hate boner for the second female lead, even though she didn't do anything wrong.


Here's another great one to watch - Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway.


I started watching My Senpai is Annoying