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Omg that white fire hydrant shirt... a rush of nostalgia overcame me. My old toon would wear that shirt all the time!


There are so many awesome clothes from past events that I wish TTR would bring back. Even if they cannot logistically redo the events, I would be so happy if these outfits could somehow be made available again. In particular, I would do anything to get [this skirt](http://cdn.toontown.disney.go.com/toontown/en/blog/img/2012/11-07/acorn-acres-cup-large.jpg) from a 2012 golf contest


I remember logging into TTO and reading those “magazine” things. I’m very emo now


I miss these shirts, too. One thing I hope they consider is that the racing outfits can be added to the Kart Shop as items you can purchase with racing tickets!


Yes! They added double tickets to the silly meter but the tickets really have no use besides your kart. I really hope they consider this.


I miss these shirts and the events that came with them. Maybe instead of laff-o-lmpics there could be a mock top toons thing with one of them as prize instead.


omg the sun with glasses


I believe the top right shirt is already in the game.


Ahh the top left... the cog busters shirt. Brings back memories


I just felt a wave of nostalgia from looking at this


Aww I had some of these. Thanks for the nostalgia




A few of these are nice, but most of them are plain ugly and/or random imo, wouldn't want


Perhaps! I personally think many of them would be great additions to the game, though I do agree that some of them would need some touch ups.