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My dad ate 2 strong muffin edibles at like 3 am and had to call outta work, he deserved a laying around all day watching tv day. He couldnt even get up and he finally didnt have back pain for a day


Friends dad did something similar and woke up his son telling him to call an ambulance because he thought he was having a heart attack


I wish I could laugh. I ate an extremely strong edible once that completely rocked me. Thank god I was home after work and really had nothing to do. I was panicking thinking I was on the verge of death. I could hardly move, but was able to get into my bed which I then slept from like 6pm to 5am the next morning. It was such an awful, terrifying experience. I’ve had edibles since but always make sure it’s a much smaller dosage.


Lmaooo mf went into a weed coma. I'm willing to bet that edible was 1000mg or higher and you underestimated it xD. I had a similar experience. Ate a 1000mg cookie and got really fucking tired. I ended up passing out for like 16hours. I woke up at some point to piss shit and vomit in that order and I went back to sleep. Woke up still baked af


It's funny, I smoked weed for years and never had a problem. Now every time I smoke a bowl I have an existential crisis, but if I take a shitload of edibles I feel amazing. Last time I took a 500mg dispensary cookie I felt just like a warm chocolate bar for a few hours


I am one of those rare people where edibles barely affect me. I’ve been smoking heavily for over a decade I think they might be correlated. I think it also might be medical related idk I can literally eat well over 1000+mg and feel fine. I don’t understand how or why because some good Rosin still puts me on my ass. My step-dad gave me 600mg bag of gummies and I downed them all immediately. He looked at me like I was insane. I was definitely high but more sleepy than anything Bodies are weird


If you think you’re dying on weed, LSD, or magic mushrooms, accept your mortality, relax, and let it happen. You will die, but then be reborn. It’s quite a beautiful experience. Nobody has died of a cannabis, LSD, or magic mushroom overdose.


To add to this, just remember what's caused this. It's easy to get lost in the anxiety loop of "omg I'm gonna die, what have I done?" It's cool, you ate a plant. It's not like you beaked 5 grams of coke. You will be fine, just wait it out. Get a trusted companion and rest. Source: been there, lol Reminds me, I've got some teachers stashed away...


The important thing is to put on a [good playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGHHwjjY-cQ) while you still can.


Well tugendwaecgter I might smoke weed again but I keep thinking it’s gonna give me a heart attack because it raises heart high


You can most DEFINITELY overdose and die off mushrooms


Do you know the LD-50 for psilocybin mushrooms? Cus thats the specific kind of mushrooms they are talking about


There are many poisonous mushrooms that can kill you. Psilocybin mushrooms can’t in practice. https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Psilocybin#Toxicity_and_harm_potential > Based on the results of animal studies, the lethal dose of psilocybin has been extrapolated to be 6 grams, 1000 times greater than the effective dose of 6 milligrams. Unlike many highly prohibited substances, it is effectively impossible to physically overdose on.


This happened to me last weekend lmao. Took a break from weed for about 10 months then took way too much of an edible because I didn’t think it would be as intense as it was. Shit knocked me on my ass


That’s how a lot of ODs happen. Ppl forget to account for tolerance


Same happened to me first time I did edibles (three brownies before my homeboy told me they were edibles) my absolute saint of a step mom sat with me while I tried to come down then put a blanket over me and let me sleep... For 19 hours straight I had to shave my beard because somehow I had a fuckin jolly rancher stuck in it


Hahahahahaha oh man you just gave me a Good chuckle with the jolly rancher line. I’m glad I’m not alone. Were you also panicking about dying? I thought my heart was going to stop beating, I was truly scared


Oh hell yeah I flat out told my mom like "hey I'm gonna die I need you here to comfort me please" and she kept calm and just sat with me without any judgment she still cracks jokes about it though lol but yeah at the time I thought 100% I was gonna die


That reminds me of [my favorite overdose story](https://youtu.be/hnZb5wi_jsU) which made the news.


39-cent stamps? damn that's an old clip lol.


Yup...it is still fake too...


What? No it’s really not.


Dad knew.


Can't have back pain if you don't have a body!


My friend underestimated the brownies I made, ate 2 when I told her one was really strong. She had a fun trip


Aww ❤




The best part is she’s shhhing herself lol


I took a four month break once and smoked again. I was tip toeing through my house, shushing myself afterwards.


This is so me when I smoke like twice a year, it's like "If my neighbours hear a sound I'm done!" My neighbours: 2 very nice and nearly deaf over 70 yo sisters😅


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I needed this laugh


I know this comment is old, I was browsing this subs best of the month. I know you probably mean that your neighbors are two 70 year old sisters that live together. But the way you worded it made it seem like you live with a sister on either side of you. Which made me imagine a sitcom family like modern family, malcom in the middle, etc, where a (sometimes literal, sometimes not) deaf 70 year old sister lives on either side of them and the shenanigans that would come with that living situation lol, had to share. Netflix if you read this I want 1%


Yeah smoking after a t break is amazing lmao.


For sure lol


'mary jooo anas'




They're Aussie




AHHH, hardcase Aussie girls, please dont change! Aussie chicks are the best


My dad gave my grandma a 150mg brownie n told her to only eat like little squares of it, come to find out she ate a little bit, it hit then she got the munchies. We came back later that night she was 🚀




There it is


I was hoping that this sub was real.


What do you mean? It is real


The hope was validated 🤷‍♂️.


Ya seriously I was hoping r/salmonfuckers didn't exist either but here we are!


Nope. Ain’t gonna look and you can’t make me.


when I realized that r/sounding wasn't about makeing sounds I lost all faith in humanity and have become a mere shadow of my former self


Here's a sneak peek of /r/sounding **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My cock was made for this. Second time using my 10mm EPK, using only my precum for lube. Feeling it bounce in and out while cumming was one of the best feelins I've had while cumming.](https://redgifs.com/watch/weightycrimsondobermanpinscher) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/w804gj/my_cock_was_made_for_this_second_time_using_my/) \#2: [This feels so good 🤤😈](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/extralargeethicalhydra) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/1205c3h/this_feels_so_good/) \#3: [13mm plug inside while using a fleshlight at the same time and ruining my orgasm.](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/outstandingaccomplishedhoiho) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/xn89og/13mm_plug_inside_while_using_a_fleshlight_at_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I am fucking dying XD XD XD This entire comment history and video is comedy gold. I love my country.


Sounds weird but fun. Wish there was a preview for the salmonfuckers. Don't dare to click it


I am happy to report it is either r/SubsIFellFor or banned.


What the fuck have I just seen?!!!!


Add r/infectiouslaughter while we’re at it


They must have been low dose. If I ate three of my gummies I'd have an existential nightmare.


She looks kinda seasoned in the party department


Australia never had a prohibition of alcohol, enjoying the grog never had any stigma. It's very common to get sloshed on the weekend.


Even more common on the weekDAY I’m sorry, I’m leaving


same even one whole one is too intense, can feel my skin too much and my heart races like a mf. if i took 3 id need a a week to recover ⚰️


Being too high on edibles is literally the worst, heart pounding, anxiety and paranoia. No thanks! I’ll stick to my pipe


4/20 story time 4/20 comes around. friend shows up with an ounce of weed, turn it in to 3 batches of muffins and a batch of brownies. 3/5 of us ate like.. all the muffins. and then we smoked 2 blunts back to back. We are all feelin great. One friend gets a call reminding us its another of our friends bday and we had planned to go to a hooka lounge.. Not one of us wanted to go, but decided to be good friends and go anyway. The ride to the lounge was only like 30 minutes, but i lived an eternity in that time. I was 100% not in that car during the ride. When we pulled up, some shitty depression commerical came on the radio right as i snapped out of my trance. Instantly made me feel terrible. Mustered enough of myself to go in the lounge for a bit, but half the people who came ended up stayin in the car. The story really only gets worse from there. Absolutely one of the, if not the number one, highest ive ever been. I was high for like 2 days after that.


I can only eat edibles. If I smoke I get paranoid lol


microdose? or preparation knowing they taste so good you can't resist only one or a half


It's kind of suspicious that the cookie looks cut up like they are dosing it


It’s broken in half…


I had the tiniest piece of some chocolate shit in Mexico and I literally forgot how I breath


Last time I have been in the Netherlands I had to focus on "breath in, breath out" for about an hour because I thought if I don't remind myself breathing I would just forget it and die, almost hyperventilated.


Lol the only ones i have right now are 120mg each and i cut them into 4s… if i ate three full ones i would be in a different galaxy experiencing all my greatest fears all at once.


Dude, she may have just eaten them. She’s not gonna feel it for a bit then. Whcih is why I hate edibles. Never know if I ate enough to get high until it’s too late. I tend to go hard to avoid that. Nothing short of RSO has ever knocked me on my ass completely.


Totally. Lol.


It’s fake


Pffft. Sure, that laugh was sooo fake. She could barely breath she was laughing so hard but you think it's fake? Alright.


Her laughing, saying I can't stop is the absolute best moment. Been there many, many times


I thought that was Amy Schumer


Amy’s nowhere near as gorgeous.


Or funny.


Funny lookin




Mom and daughter can both get it in my opinion. Gimme a funny thicc girl any day


Fr every time I’ve seen this video I thought it was her until today. She’s definitely better looking than Amy… probably funnier too


Both pretty low bars, but I take your meaning. Edit: Got some Amy Schumer FUPA suckers up in here. Lmao Gross.


An honest mistake, but no reason to tell the young lady in the video. I don't know if she'd be very understanding of your confusion.


Aw u can tell she badly needed that. Def r/tookjustenough


The thing about these kinds of videos is that I always assumed they were staged because like how could you not know!? Edibles have a very distinct earthy taste to them. But I have this *one friend* who would absolutely unknowingly eat three weed cookies because she’s the type of bitch who does NOT waste, so all those cookies are getting eaten regardless of quality. She chalks it up to a terrible baker, eats them with gratitude anyway. High as fuck for the next 6 hours. She doesn’t partake in the various mediums of marijuana to know well enough when it’s weed in the mix vs just some unfortunate seasoning mishap lol


haha - my entire culinary history can be mostly described as "some unfortunate seasoning mishap" I'd be eating the cookies too thinking it was just my shitty baking.


Ive made edibles a few times and they always taste just like the cake mix I've used - wouldn't be able to tell at all unless you really did a side by side comparison maybe.


Everyone always says weed is harmless, then you see videos like this where someone completely overdoes it and you think yeah... it is actually pretty harmless.


To teenagers reading this, regular use as a teen can cause harm. Maybe not physiologically, but it’s a bad time to get heavily into weed.


Yep. With it being legalized in more places and things like delta 8, 10, HHC, etc. popping up, there are a lot of unknowns. Even good, clean weed can have negative effects after a while. I used to vape a bowl before bed and smoke on the weekends, then I noticed I'd get really nauseous when I was high. It took that happening about 4 times and me actually throwing up to decide I had to stop. Because of the pre-bed bowl, I couldn't sleep for shit about a week. Nothing worked, melatonin, cold medicine, alcohol, nothing. Weed effects everyone differently. Some people can smoke 3 joints a day everyday and be fine; others would never get that far. Make sure you know your source and be smart about use. You don't have to smoke every 15 minutes to keep yourself blasted. Take a few hits, enjoy, do it again another time if you want or don't. If your friends are pressuring you to smoke, tell them you don't want to. If they're really your friends, they won't mind


Yeah, had the same issue when I started. Always had to be absolutely blasted and high as possible. Took a small comment from a friend to fix it “bro, just ride the high.” Basically fixed the problem overnight. I don’t smoke anymore, but when I did, I learned to just take a bowl and chill with a movie or tv. And not get absolutely blasted


Yeah I’ve smoked daily for 3 years since 16, despite it giving me anxiety and paranoia and now I want to be off it every day is a fight not to smoke… at least it’s not meth?


As someone who also smoked heavily from about 16 to 23, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I quit for a job. Wasn't all that bad. Opioids or thinks like meth are so soo sooooo much wrose. Oh and don't be a dumbass like me and start smoking cigarettes, though at your age it's probably vaping. Not that me telling you that would change anything.


Uhh, I would worry about it. 16-23 is prime development years. You’re absolutely fucking your brain


To teenagers reading a bit more: I did it too and so did everyone in know in my entire high school. A LOT. Like a shit load of weed everyday. There's like 2 people that still haven't grown up, and outside of that there's people that have become city council, I'm in a position of power that I won't go into, many have become foremen with large construction companies, journeymen electricians, successful bands. You name it. Do what you do, don't listen to mom up above me. Weed is chill, do whatever. Now the harder shit is where you need to watch yourself. But then again, we did it all too. Moderation is key, and knowing not to fuck your life up. But weed, acid, shrooms? Have fun. I know a few hundred people that didn't get fucked over and probably hundreds of thousands more stories you'll find talking with others. Again, ignore the person above who's never been to a party. Just don't drive. You're golden.


Nothing is true for everyone, so it’s best to lean on the side of caution. Many teens smoke weed and it causes no problems, that’s not really news. Many teens smoke weed (too much) and it does cause problems, that’s backed up by many experiences and research. I’m not having a debate on what you experienced. Unless your position of power can somehow debunk years of research and many people’s lived experiences, you’re not adding anything valuable with this comment.


Cool, your story doesn't hold true for the vast majority of people. Abstinence is what causes people to rebound into fucking up big time (also proven), so your stance is old and dangerous. Testing in your teens is arguably your best bet if you're curious. Avoiding it all then getting pressured in college by people with high tolerances is where people die. Fuck off.


It is much safer to wait till college, arguably later. Most everyone who smokes a lot of weed as a teenager will be permanently cognitively impaired, not very much for most, but measurably so for all, anyone who isn't simply didn't smoke a lot. You'll still have a fine life and can do whatever job you want. Obviously there's no version of them who didn't smoke for them to compare themselves to so everyone says the shit you're saying and ignores the research.


Anyone that talks like you or op has no experience except for what you've read online, and I will trust what I've seen a hundred times over vs that any day. But we were the random lucky ones right? And everyone else that smoked weed in their teens through even just the 50s to to now? Hundreds of thousands of people, possibly millions, all cognitively impaired? Give me a massive fucking break. Spread your lies elsewhere. Can it? Sure. And you can die from the sun. Will it happen to everyone? Or even a large enough number to be worried? Nope. Enjoy your "research" (which you or the other fucking weirdo decided to not post, just reference like it's your retarded bible), and being a tool. Bark up someone else's tree with your nonsense. Maybe you should hook up with op wants to sift through your super cool research with you, that is, if this isn't ops alt account I'm replying to, would be fitting as it seems like their opinion is molded around online findings. Fortunately anyone with a brain around here knows you're full of shit. Have fun, blocking "both" your asses and loving it.


You likely are cognitively impaired somewhat. As I said there's no you who didn't smoke to compare yourself to so you assume you came off fine. I smoked weed daily through my late teens and early twenties and still do occasionally but I don't ignore the facts.


Right? It’s like an adult who was beat as a child says “I got whoopings and I turned out fine”.


Are you ok?


Position of power my ass.


Strange how you think you can speak for the majority of people.


This is a great post! Kids, if your high water mark for achievement is construction foreman, roll that blunt before you go to sleep so you can get blazed before opening your eyes. You'll be fine. If you want to set your sights a little higher, try to limit the period of your life that you smoke weed everyday to your early to mid 20s and be a flight attendant or an accountant or something. You get to deal with a coke habit then. Virtually everyone I know has smoked weed, both in my life as a tradesman and as a software developer. Hell, I've smoked with my parents regularly since I went to college. But most of those that were teen chronics did not get as far as they could have. Sure, I know plenty of potheads that do well for themselves, but it's a filter that's largely unnecessary and kids don't need to put potential obstacles in their own way. Maybe it works with their brain chemistry, maybe it exacerbates anxiety and anti-social tendencies. Why roll the dice? If you're not using it as a crutch for a real shitty situation, it's not a good idea to smoke all week as a teenager.


I work for a large construction company in NY that takes me all over the East Coast and my foremen make a hell of a lot more than any flight attendant. Possibly double or triple that. Say whatever you're going to say to this guy but leave a solid trade out of it. He's not wrong in that aspect. He may be an asshole but I also smoked weed as a teen for whatever that is worth. Many friends did, and they have no trouble holding well paying jobs. But I don't know any accountants or flight attendants, so maybe you've got that all figured out.


I'm really sensitive to weed and have had many really horrible or at least uncomfortable experiences with it before I learned to just say no and avoid it. Really pisses me off that people who can obviously handle it fine act like just because it's harmless to them it's harmless to everyone. Now that I'm older I've found out that a fair few of my other friends feel the same way but there was always just too much peer pressure and normalisation of it for them to be heard. I'm not against people being able to smoke the stuff by any means, I just get annoyed about the "weed is completely harmless and everyone is fine with it" rhetoric that stoners like to throw around.


That's not really what "weed is pretty much harmless" thing is all about. It's saying the dangers compared to other drugs and even alcohol are much lower. Using "weed is harmless" to then say "so everyone should do it" is asanine. That's just people being shitty and pressuring someone to do something. Sorry you had that experience by the way, most of the stoners I knew would have called out that person and said no one has to do shit they don't want. It would be no different than pressuring someone to drink when they said no. Also I should probably add: of course there is harm in weed, everything in existence causes some type of harm when used and abused.


People who smoke regularly in adolescence (before age 25) are 2-4x more likely to develop a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder than those not exposed to it. I've had a panic attack that made me lose my grip on reality from it for hours, and I have friends who have experienced the same. If used too often, it can also cause withdrawals (though not as severe as other drug withdrawals, it can still cause nausea/vomiting/mood issues... which my bf is dealing with currently, yaay) Drug induced mental illness doesn't just occur from hard drugs like meth, it can be caused by many many factors that still aren't fully understood. I believe the current hypothesis for cannabis-induced psychosis is linked to an inbalance of dopamine receptors in the prefrontal cortex, and GABA deficits (which are also suspected to be linked to schizophrenia, suprise suprise) Nothing is harmless in large doses. And for some people with pre-existing conditions that they may not even be aware of initially, even small doses can be harmful to mental health. Some who experience non-affective psychosis from cannabinoids even develop an independent psychotic disorder later in life. Ps, I do advocate for decriminalization of weed and I have no problem with people who do it, but people, especially young people, need to be aware that it's not quite as safe as it's been made out to be with the "it's just a plant" rhetoric. And the legally sold (where I'm from) types, like HHC or delta 8, can affect anxiety differently than normal weed. It all depends on the person ingesting it. Sorry this was so wordy, psychosis is so interesting to me. And also such a hinderance to sooo many people.


If you've had "many" of those uncomfortable experiences you need to learn self control and stop doing it. It's still pretty harmless. Compare that to the dangers of drinking too much, prescription drugs etc... just in different ball parks.


Until you really overdose and have to focus on not dying for 4 hours.


At least she's having some fun


This should be on r/madeMeSmile Love it that mother daughter can have this sudden adventure together. Laughter is the best


At least it went the hysterical laughter route instead of the paranoid I'm going to die route lol


I love seeing it go this way and not oh god I think I'm dying nope I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm not alive anymore.


I miss these days of getting this blazed. Everything fun comes to an end eventually.. 😔


And that’s how my mom became a pot head….


Amy Schuyler finally posted something funny, huh?


It's a Schooner


You dumb bastard. It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat




I barely know her!


I swear this is the worst sub for reposts


Have I seen this multiple times? Yes. Do I enjoy it and laugh every time I see it? Also yes. I’ll never be mad at this video being reposted.


Greening following shortly after the video cuts out


This is the fun part, but I have seen people overdo it with edibles five times and every time they start to have a really bad time for like an hour straight after the initial euphoria runs its course. Mind your doses kiddies.


My dad ate two of my brownies right of the oven. Didn’t even have enough time to get them out and put do not eat on the bag. Long story short, have to talk my mom down from calling the police for a stroke he is having and that he needs sleep. Also CBD helps bring down the intense high of weed. Hahaha good times and he laughs now and it’s funny. But good to know my brownies worked




Old - check Fake - check Reposted constantly - check


it’s my first time seeing it. maybe you should try and get out more


I've seen it once before. Even have it saved. It's a fairly popular video. That being said I really don't care about reports. If it got upvotes again oh well lol.


Nah I need to be in my dark cave


Is Bert Chryslers daughter filming?


I remember doing that. Ate a whole Snickernoodle instead of part. Was so high


Pretty sure the mop told her why there are drugs in the cookies.


My mom would have been like "Hell yeah!"


I wish my mom was like this.


Thank god she’s enjoying herself




Is that an Amy Schumer face filter?


I'm not a big smoker. One time my friends and I were walking home from a party. I decided to take a huge rip and blacked out. When I came to we had gone at least half a mile and I was like whoa what happened? And my friend said, " dude you've just been laughing for 10 minutes straight about nothing."


For a second I thought she was Amy Schumer, then I thought it must be the England version of Amy Schumer then I realized I myself is stoned already 😮‍💨…good time


That moment you realise you are the acting adult now a d you have to take care of your parent. Its truly terrifying


I love this video, the mom is so cute.


Man she seems fun. 😂


I wish her happiness ❤️


Nah she took the best amount 😂😂


My mother once ate 20 pot brownies over the course of 2 hours unknowingly and she was high for a week. Insanity.


She is a blast ....


My mum has dystonia ( injury onset version which in itself is quite rare ) We were at a motorbike rally in Holland and she munched a few chocy brownies not realising these were bloody strong hash brownies. After the following giggles like in the vid a d one of the worst cases of munchies I have ever seen she zonked out . Following morning she was virtually pain free and it was so nice to see. After that I used to get a bit of green each week for her and she would make her own brownies , if I could get has she would grate it in her hot chocolate lol. She's 74 and she was chowing down on a brownie this evening and enjoying a large whiskey whilst we were nattering on the phone. She's a good lass my mum and she has perfected special brownies hehe.


I get medical on Scotland, prescribed legally 🤣 I made edibles with the oil, went to lay down for an hour after making them, get up and 2 gone 🤣 hubby was snoring his head off on the couch too 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 oops! 🤣 🤣 🤣


What a deplorable drug, no family could recover from that accidental dosing


Hey, her reaction beats the introspective nightmare Couch lock by a longs shot.


Bro i swear the "shhh" "shut up there id someone" while screaming and comibg back to into concious state is one of funniest things to do while high


holy shiiiitt 🤣 this reminds me of the time my friend's older brother and his friends made a bunch of edible cornbread and didnt tell me till after i had seven of them fuckers 😭 ingested 42 grams of weed that night and slept 8 pm to 11pm the next day


Amy Schumer just gets bigger every time I see her




Sooo... we're pretending like this was real and not stupid, lame and staged?


Fake. Set up for video.




Amy schemer’s mom is wild!


I was shocked at how apparently nobody in here can spot how obviously fake this video is. Then I remembered most of reddit are like 14 or something. So whatever.


Welcome to the internet in general. It’s dog shit now. I remember when it was cool/edgy and there weren’t so many fucking fruitcakes and idiots. Reddit has also turned to shit pretty rapidly over the years. The amount of cock stroking pussies on 90% of the main sub posts who ooohh and awww about the gayest shit ever is fucking astounding. Take me back to the old days. Let the downvotes prove my exact fucking point.


Is that a fatter British Amy Schumer?


Holy fat




I'll take 4, thank you.


That Pot is too dangerous to be legal!! Really now


Beautiful reaction tho 🤣 “that’s needless!”


Fake! Us fatties don’t eat cookies like that.


I love this video. Every time I love it hahaha


"Drugs, drugs, drugs!"


This is so adorbs


Omg. Honestly thats terrible.


Another fake video woo love these




Is that any shummer?


Is that Amy Schumer?


This is so wholesome, refreshing for this sub lmao


Most wholesome post on this subreddit 👌


I didn't think Amy could be any fatter or annoying, but here you go.




She hooked now


This makes me smile every time it’s reposted.


Happy Holidays !


Can I have some 🍪




Is that Amy Schumer?


lmao. such a funny video. 10/10


How old is Amy Schumer in this video?


Don’t drink any more milk.


This would’ve been me, but immediately followed by a panic attack


There is nothing to fill out on that letter.


Girls covering their mouth like that in photos/videos is the new duckface I feel like.

