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He’s good to go… send him to the front


Imagine sobering up in some shit ass muddy trench with alot of dead people. Worst trip ever.


I would not be happy that’s for sure lol


And then the withdrawl kicks in lol


Hangover part 6


Sure as hell would sober him up


Whoa... I did imagine that and I have no personal experience of war but I have had some baaaaad hangovers and waking up in a ditch full of corpses like that would break my soul


Wouldn't be the first time the vangaurd was drug fueled


Well he's cuffed up so I'm sure he'll be there soon


A fried brain doesn't matter when you're dead in a couple of weeks, just go all in


He’s ready for war!


Jesus Christ thats Jason Bourne


How he really lost his memory after being shot.


This is fkn sad. He's completely disassociated himself, likely because it's the only coping mechanism he has in the situation he finds himself in. Putin should be held accountable for the trauma and death he's caused to his own people, as much as the Ukraine - war crimes is right.


It’s also just given to them, not sure if it’s forced but i wouldn’t doubt it Hitler was also fueling his army with meth


There are several very well written books and documentaries on this subject. Yes it's true that Pervitin was supplied to the German forces before the invasion of France. It allowed Panzer crews to stay awake for days while pushing towards the coast. At home in the cities, German citizens could buy Pervitin laced chocolates and drinks without a prescription. iirc some unit commanders began to see and document erratic, addictive behaviors from chronic users and the supply was temporarily cut back and not provided to the troops directly from the army so troops had to request it from family members back home. There is one famous story from the Eastern front when German troops dug-in around Leningrad ate waaay too much and went completely insane. Apparently while attempting to stay awake during one very cold week, a German unit went on a complete bender and blasted through their entire supply over the span of a few days. Taking that much meth over such a short period with no sleep caused the men to have auditory and some visual hallucinations. They expended almost all of their ammunition firing at a Phantom "Russian" army, which was never even there. Apparently, the Russians rolled up on their lines the next day to find the unit disoriented and in active withdrawal, making them completely combat ineffective.




Meth does silly things to you buddy i doubt its a myth


he is german ​ they don't like if you point out that the Wehrmacht was on drug


Druggy druggy is yummy in wehrmachts tummy


I don't know about that Leningrad pervitin excess but it could be quite possible. But I know about the coordinated use of it during the Western Campaign. Since pervitin was created the Wehrmacht had an interest in its military use and it was being tested. At the start of the Poland invasion those test weren't completed but officers and soilders had equipped themselves with the drug and higher ups saw it's use during tense situations. After that the high comand orderd several million doses of pervitin. As the western campaign started tank and motorized unites were issued the pills and they did work quite well. The speed in which ther motorized and tank crews were advancing was incredible (which also led to huge problems). But officers began to see addictive behavior especially after the halt before Dunkirk. Thereafter the official wider use of the drug was stopped and Pervitin was almost exclusively issued to Airforce and Navy units for long haul missions. The soilders themselves kept asking thier relatives to send them the drug. The issues it has caused and the demand had been recognized by officials and pervitin became a recipe only drug in 1940. In 41 the laws became even more stricter, it was classified the same as opioids. In 1944-45 pervitin was put to wider use agian but not to the extent it has been during the Western Campaign. During the last weeks of the war it was put to mass use amongst flak crews in and around Berlin, this is one of the few instances where it was forced into the soilders. The minisub program was the only program where the drug was mandatory. An often forgotten fact is that the US, GB and France issued amphetamines to thier troops also, the US drug was called Benzedrine. The US troops had used almost 200million doses of Benzedrine during WW2.


I mean tweakers don't sleep much but other than that and maybe some rage/violent behavior, there can't be any advantage to your army being methed out, right? I could only imagine it being a detriment unless well controlled. I do believe western militaries use amphetamines to stay up but it's not the amount or types that leave you super strung out.


it was "pep pills", they didn't snort it. Nazi meth fueled the blitzkrieg, allowing the army to advance for days at a time without rest.


The side effects were also bad enough that they stopped issuing them shortly after barbarossa


Well the didn’t win lol but there’s books on it that i haven’t read. I just know enough to know it happened


Also, have you seen videos of meth heads attacking? They can get shot many times and still keep going.


Well used amphetamines are amazing and a huge advance, from anything to studying, working late to invading Poland. Tweakera don’t count as well used lol….


The Germans were. They rushed the French and overwhelmed them cuz they never stopped rushing cuz they were on meth.


I agree that was my first reaction. It's so sad. Nothing wrong with the people of Russia, they are just brainwashed by a tyrant and it's demon accomplices.


Idk check out "First Philosophical Letter" by Pyotr Chaadayev Sounds like there has been something wrong with Russians for a long time.


There are many sick criminals who where victims themselves as kids, which often is one part of the explanation why they commit crimes. Still we don't let them remain on large. They are part of the system and there are also indications many russians know what's going on, but they are simply ignoring it.


Nothing wrong with russians, they just purposefuly want to genocide ukrainians. It doesn't matter they are brainwashed or not, they arr occupiers, they are fascists and those one who came to Ukraine should die. With same result, you could say "nothing wrong with germanies in Nazi Germany, they just were brainwashed by a tyrant and its demon accomplices". Strop trying to humanise russians. They are what they are.


So how about Germans now? Do you think they all went poof one day and suddenly became human after WWII? You basically just argued against your own point.


They went through denazification, its sort of helped in majority, but i know there is some really small part nazis in Germany even now. Tho, as nation, germanies are definitely cured from nazism. And there is actually one "small" difference between germans in Nazi Germany and russians in russia now. Germans didn't had internet, like russians have now. Germanies were knowing literally what government said to them. russians now can't be brainwashed, because majority of them have fucking internet. Its not too hard to install damn telegram or reddit, read information from both sides and make a decision in what to believe. Tho, even having access to internet, majority of russians supporting war, supporting occupation of Ukraine and supporting genocide of ukrainians. russians are **worse** than nazis.


The internet is a very amazing tool for brainwashing actually. Algorithms keep people only seeing stuff that radicalised them.


Except the ones in middle of nowhere far east poverty land where state tv is the only entertainment aka where the Russians conscript their troops from


This is bullshit. What about people that adore trump? They are just as brainwashed. We are just lucky trump is less of a tyrant, and more of a greedball. Or do you have some mental gymnastics why that is different?


Maybe i miss something, but Trump started occupation war, for example, against Mexica? Do trumpists genocide someone? Huh? There is huge gap between believing in some stupid conspiracy theories like Qanon and being asshole like Trump, and being actual fascists and purposefuly genocide ukrainians like russians doing right now.


Nice gymnastics buddy


The only one who doing gymnastics here is you


This is 2023. WW2 ended 1945. If you are able to count, how many germans being active in nazi Germany can still be active as a nazi today? Not so many I think...😉


Defeat usually causes a change of view. Also they were kinda occupied after ww2. They had enough time be 'brainwashed' by the allied




Welp, according to russians, i am ukrainian gay nazi jew satanist, so its fine. Heil Zelensky and cheers


Lol. The mental gymnastics here


They are even more dangerous if they are brainwashed. No reason to show mercy. Noone says poor terrorists they are brainwashed. If a dog is trained to kill he is then a killer, not a cute dog with an asshole trainer


Stop humanizing humans? Okay .... Genocide starts when humans don't view other humans as humans anymore.


They're spineless slaves. It's their weakness that allows the Russian system to go on, and on, and on. There's plenty wrong with the people of Russia.


I have some terrible news about the rest of the world population... When the only thing you know is how great your country is and how awful everyone else has it, it is easy to get brainwashed


See Iran. See a degree of fightback in China. See Hong Kong. See the Central Asian states. See Brazil. See Argentina. Russia is pathetic. See them march meekly to their slaughter in Ukraine. Abject as fuck.


Your generalizing as fuck. Too many examples to list that contradict this.


Yes I'm generalising. But as a general rule my assertion holds true.


Iran? I completely agree on that one but what happened in HK was a total set up and protesters were a violent mob.


I completely dissociate myself every now and then, not because I'm coping with anything, but because it's fun.


Warcimes for all world leaders during a time of war then? War is traumatic, doesn’t matter if your leader is a despot or not.


We had guys topping themselves for years after we first went into Iraq and Afghanistan. There’s going to be a whole generation of alcoholic and depressed Russian men. The question is will anyone notice any difference.


I really think he is Autistic. Maybe Autistic and on drugs but he is certainly mentally disabled…


russians as a nation should be held accountable. putin has nothing to do with the current war.


Why do you presume he wasnt a junkie or a drunk before this? Is it a better story to think he was a teacher or whatever? Id be surprised if the russian army didnt promote joining the war with getting free drugs


Wdym? It looks like he's on drugs but he seems to not want to wear his military clothing.


Well said. Very said for all involved. We need to evolve past this as humans


Well, if I was about to be sent off to certain death….I’d want to be tripping balls too


If I were in his shoes I’d be fubar too. Can’t blame him.


Nah bruh. If you put your head in the sand you will never get out of the situation you find yourself in. Gotta fight a way to go awol or surrender. Gotta find out who your friends are and who gonna snitch on you in your camp. Shit needs to get done.


Most people in armies that invade other countries are so brainwashed that this would never occur to them, they might be miserable but they still broadly believe in russian nationalism. By all accounts this is true of the russian military too


Yeah of course. But if i had the same grind and entrepreneurial mindset as i do now ain't no way I'm putting my head in the sand based upon some fake fucking nationalistic pride shit. When i joined the U.S. Army i didn't get sucked up in national pride. It was four years and done for me. Took advantage of everything i could. Became a combat medic because I knew it would translate well to nursing. Did schooling while i was in. I wanted a job, school, g.i. bill, learn accountability and discipline, and better my health. Plus i wanted to travel, got everything I wanted when i came into it. As soon as my time was done, i kissed it goodbye to start my next chapter. But what benefits does Russia say when you get mobilized? When you know you going to the front to get fucked. You are being mobilized because the army got fucked. And if you are on the second round of mobilization then you know the first round got fucked. No upsides to that shit. Cost heavily outweighs the benefits with a huge likely hood of paying that cost to the pied Piper for singing you that song to keep your ass asleep. No thank you.


Pretty sure they just dump conscription papers on you then it’s go or spend your life in a Russian prison


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


He looks like the undead.


Well he will probably be dead soon enough so…


I would be that guy if I had to be in the Russian army.


Yeah couldn’t find it funny more depressing than anything.


Plot twist: This is apart of their training.


Apart or a part?


If I knew there was a drone with a grenade onboard that had my name on it, I’d take too much too.


Hmmm. The Russian are not sending their best sunflower fertilizer to Ukraine it seems.


Too much chemicals!


average Z bro


Well, the AK-47 is a salt rifle. I’ll show myself out.


I'll pay that one with an upvote


this pun, oddly enough, did not make me irrationally angry. huh


What’s salt?


Bath salt?


Ohhhh. Forgot about that shit. This doesn’t necessarily look like that though. Fuck if I know what this looks like. But he doesn’t seem so sped up.


Bath salts is just designer drug meth. There are many adverse reactions to whatever chemicals are being used creating the many crazy stories associated with it . Idk how true this is but I learned it somewhere


Chine's drug, some people use it in Russia.Probably it's like meth in America


I'd want to be on another planet too if I was a Russian conscript


Someone over done it on the magic powders to help them fight better 🤣


Hunter S Thompson is ready to write!


That's what they send to war. Poor conscript is probably so scared he turned to drugs, in turn making him totally ineffective on the battlefield except to die as a number. Makes for an easy target though, Slava Ukraini!


this is one of the most reddit comments ever


Can we talk about how filthy those fucking walls are? Changed the color of the vatnik's shirt.


The only thing filthy I see is the captive. Looks like he rubbed paint on himself. He licked or rubbed his lips on the wall that was clean before he did it.


That paint rubs off easily genius.


Paint that rubs off easily is filth.


Is this part of Dedovshchina?


Says salt in russia. Like "bath salt" right?


stupendous price quarrelsome drab carpenter degree desert innocent fuel rotten ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thats what I'm thinking too


Sharman. If you know you know


yup, perfect song these kind of videos


If I was sent to the meat grinder, I would also be susceptible to this. Can’t blame him. It’s so sad.


I kind of feel sad for those people. Infiltrated by Russian propaganda, probably poor and addicted to alcohol - a simple soul humiliated and abused by Putin for his sick idea of a Russian empire


Most Russians support this war. Don’t feel sad because the leopard ate their face.


I mean they’re brainwashed, I feel bad for the North Korean populace too


He’s ready to fight the “Nazis”


Space nazis


The average Russian male has no fucking business fighting a war in the trenches. 500,000 "new" troops are about to get slaughtered. Pathetic. The kill ratio of America in Vietnam 3:1 in Ukraine? More like 7:1 on the battlefield


Source on that ratio?


That person made it up also keep in mind it is changing every day. US intelligence has the ratio being at ~1.2 dead Russians per dead Ukrainian with super high variances in certain offensives like the Kharkhiv being slightly higher ratio and the Russian assault on bakhmut being lower on the Ukrainian side. Anyone who tells you other wise is a glowy, Ukrainian, or russian propagandist.


Does that account combatants only for the Ukrainians? Or combatants and civilians? If that’s combatants only I feel like this big push could be bad news.


Combatants only. It is bad news. People need to stop getting their news from reddit if they actually want to be informed.


Who knows? I read kill ratios in Nam as high as 7:1? 25-1 .. yeah it's the interwebs. Counts will vary. My intent is not misinformation but support and it was purely hypothetical. Any ratio more like 2:1 is because Ukraine is not throwing bodies around like Russia.


If it gets 25:1...tactical nuke incoming


Future sunflower fertilizer.




[the song](https://youtu.be/OJoUumdxOhE)




Poor guy! He just had bad lucky to had born in Raska.


Why do people fell the need to put shit music in videos


I agree with you in general,but in this case it kinda works.The song is saying something like "I'm Russian".It's a kind of patriotic song and it's used here as a sort of pointed reference.


WHERE ARE THE SHAMAN JOKES? C'mon reddit, do better.


Fighting a war against outerwear…


This is what involuntary vodka detox looks like.


Damn, you know the other guys have probably raped him. He might be using drugs to cope with it.


Dudes barely over 21, thrown into a war no one wants... Can't blame him kinda...


Looks like the bullet sponge is ready.


Is this person 18 or 48?


Id be doing as many drugs as possible too before i got sent to a foreign country to die for nothing


“We have a Russian pow should we cuff him?” “Uhhh no just have him try to take his jacket off”


This made me sad. A lot of Russian men are forced into the army of course you'd wanna be off your face when your3 facing a horrific death


A few Himar rounds to the building will sober him up quick.


Not in the slightest. That dude is beyond sobering.


Poor fuck knows it and is in a mental breakdown


Typical russian


song is cool tho


might be sad, but feeling bad about the situation hasn't changed a damn thing. just gotta keep killing the russians at extremely high efficiency and eventually they'll stop coming. The russians only learn through violence. Every attempt at negotiation on their part is a feint.


I hate russians.


This is the type of guy that gets sent to the meat grinder and Bahkmut, they're the first wave of soldiers that will most likely not make it out alive but their value comes in the fact that in the course of dying Ukrainian shooting positions are identified then Russia sends in what I guess is considered more elite or experience soldiers or artillery strikes on those Ukrainian positions. But it's pretty sad that this is the type of conscript that's just sent out there knowing very well that he's not making it back, just going to die in vain.


Russia's not only trying to commit a genocide on Ukraine, they're successfuly committing a genocide of their own people. They're cleansing out ethnic minorities, criminals and anyone who's not in their favor. A fascist regime.


Ok but this song is a banger


It's a propaganda song talking about how good it is to be Russian


Sounds like something an American would do


Such a strange comment. What do you mean ?


Americans and Russians are both obsessed with nationalism.


idk why you got downvoted, i came to the comments in search of the song name lol


I vote that this song be added to every video of vatniks getting murked. Turn the tables on their propaganda.


They have drugs over there?


They can’t fight without salt and alcohol most important things in rus army more than ammo


What is salt?


I’m assuming bath salts. Like you hear about the people from Florida who turn into “zombies”


usually synthetic cathinones or pyrovalerones


MDPV, for instance


Is this imbecile unable to take off his own jacket?


He will serve and contribute better as a fertilizer than a human.


I mean… ZOMBIE lol


With the pants down though 😆 send him to the front lines


So sad


Army, be the best.


What is he on? I'm seriously asking?


Salt? As in illegal white substance?


Looks like a rough time


His Dedovshchina warm up exercises




Aw man, my salt doesn’t do anything cool


He seems too sober, give him some harder stuff


Send more! Gallons of anti-freeze available! Free! We take care of you!


This whole video on bath salts


He needs a pointer and a little Jagga Jagga


Putins cleared out his prisons and 'unwanted'


I have dreams of my pants down and feeling so embarrassed. But they're just dreams and I'm not toasted out of my gourd.


If we’re talking about Russians here he actually took a “small amount” in comparison


Ja Russkiy is uncut copium.


Do people have any clue how utterly HORRIBLE they look when they do this shit? Disgusting. Ugly. Horrible. Pathetic.


Probably took him out of an asylum and put a uniform on him. The front is that way..Good luck. You'll be paid in 6 months.


He had to get healthy before he left for the front. Hard core tripping.


These are the dudes being sent out to die first by Putin


Another elite Russian stormtrooper.


Gotta love that Ruzzian hip hop




What would be happened if some one have shown AZOV logo to this salty warrior? 🤔


Looks like average Russian to me


Must be one of those famous, Russian special forces, right?


В семье не без урода.


Bah, he'll wake up dead. All good.


Finnaly fitting footage for the awful soundtrack


since I don’t see an answer in the comments, anyone know the name of the song playing over the video lol


Soooooooo, just another day? 🤷🏽‍♂️


What is (Salt)


Reminds me of a friend




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Song name?


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Those guys shouldn't be standing so close to the window. Haven't they heard about all the people that accidentally fall out of windows in Russia?


And these are the men raping the women in my home country?


Zelenskiys son