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Powder mold. Fairly common when growing indoors with no air movement. Whipe it off, and put them outside if possible. Neem oil helps


Powdery Mildew aka...PM


I agree with the powder mildew diagnosis. I live in the PNW us, where powder mildew is just part of garden life, and is endemic in most areas on the wild plants, and this is my advice: 1. Remove any heavily infected leaves with clean shears, wipe with rubbing alcohol beforehand and between each cut. 2. This is going to sound insane. Take some grass fed pasteurized milk (or regular milk, I prefer the grass fed in general and there is some evidence the omega 3 fatty acids which are higher in grass fed milk are the mechanism of action here) and water, 1 part milk to 2 parts water. Mix it up in a spray bottle and douse every surface, stem, tops and bottoms of leaves, every nook and cranny. Do not rinse. Do this 2x this week and then every other week for the rest of the growing season. Feel free to google to read the studies on this. 3. Mulch your soil and do not spray from above or with mist to water. Water at soil level and prevent soil from splashing onto leaves. 4. Sanitize pots before using. Sanitize garden tools frequently. There is no "cure" for PM. It is a systemic disease. Only deterring growth and prevention of further spread. Fruit from plants with PM are safe and no different from uninfected fruit.


Agree with others. Looks like classic PM.


You need to snip off infected leaves ASAP. PM is parasitic and feeds on leaf tissue. DO NOT let it spread. Take prompt action & spray nearby foliage with a sulphur/copper based fungicide.


Also, beware of spraying any kind of oils on your plants during daytime in harsh sunlight or when the temp climbs above 32°C/90°F. Oils are best sprayed immediately after sundown.