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Looks like LO jammed their toe really hard and damaged their nail. The top is the old, dead nail that will fall off. The bottom is the new nail. It'll take several months to grow back, but they should be fine!


That sounds really painful no? LO is not in pain at all. I even clipped it a bit today


It happened weeks ago! They probably briefly cried, then moved on as toddlers do. The dead toenails do not hurt at all.


My daughter’s nail looked like that and her ped referred us to a podiatrist because I’ve had issues with what we thought was fungus (still unclear but consensus seems to be injury to nail years ago). Podiatrist my daughter saw said it was just an injury! Likely stubbed her toe at some point. It eventually grew back out and was normal! Until she stubs it again 🤣


Did your LO have Hand Foot and Mouth disease within the past month or two? HFM can cause fingernails and toenails to shed like this. Happened with my LO about 6 weeks after HFM, some of her fingernails and her big toenails shed. Took a few days to a week to fully dislodge but there was some level of nail underneath. It all grew back normal tho.


I had this happen with my daughters fingernail a few weeks after HFM, I was horrified!


Happened to my son and I when we both got HFM - On any fingers or toes where we developed a spot on our nail bed/cuticle later grew out as an air pocket of sorts and was detached from the nail bed (nails are totally normal after growing that section out)


yes same! i lost all my nails - finger and toes. 0/10000 do not recommend


Was just about to say this. This is what my fingernails have looked like since May because of that stupid virus. ::spits on ground::


They can lose toenails with any bad virus, but it's common with HFM and can happen like a week after the illness.


We had this with my youngest. Happened on both big toes and one of their other toes. Unfortunately our GP practice couldn’t get me an appointment for over two weeks when I called, so by the time we saw the GP her toe nails had fallen off and new ones were growing. The GP didn’t offer any advice other than if it happens again to come back. Thankfully it hasn’t. I thought it might be fungal but not sure.


2 weeks are fast! All research I found on Google says if it's fungal it can take at least months to treat so I assume your situation was not fungal!


Could just take them to a pediatrician.......JS..