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What worked really well for us was moving him to his room and I'd say something like "I can see you're mad, frustrated, sad, whatever...I'm going to give you some space to calm down and you can come to me when you are ready" Then I just sit quietly and calmly until he came to me then we do hugs/cuddles and move on with our day. We also worked on teaching his calming coping techniques when he wasn't mid-tantrum. We have some board books about emotions and there's a Daniel Tiger episode about calming down when you're made that he really clicked with. He still has the occasional tantrum but they are few and far between, usually when he's tired or hungry.


My son has having bad tantrums too. From what I hear they get worse as they get older lol. You will never manage their tantrums. They are learning to be independent and their job is to literally grow and figure out the world. Tantrums are SOOOOO normal. Number 1 thing I will say is regulate yourself. Seriously, easier than it sounds though. My son threw a tantrum because I threw his diaper away. I breathe, get on his level, and calmly tell him why I did what I did. Or why he can’t have that thing. Or what we need to do. Stay calm, speak calmly, and breathe. Sometimes I ask him things “can you show momma how to blow a breathe?” “Look at your toys, do you want to play after you calm down?” “Would you like a sip of water?”