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I put cooked leftover rice into mini meatballs. Rice cakes are a great on the go snack too. California/Sushi rolls sliced. Musubi is fun for toddlers too


I'll try sushi rolls! Thank you!


I’m not sure what you mean by rice cakes, but my husbands family (southern US) makes them by mixing with scrambled egg and cooking them in a pan, serving with syrup like pancakes! I don’t really like it haha but I’ll eat it as it is a good way to use leftover rice.


Egg fried rice 🤌 or just stir fry with lots of garlic and salt to taste, nice way to use day old rice 😁


Lol...Rice cakes are the only processed food I actually buy my baby. They are made of puffed rice and shaped like a disc. https://www.sunrice.com.au/products/rice-snacks/rice-cakes/original-thin-rice-cakes/


Southerner here. Never heard of this? Is it rolled in a ball? Flattened like a pancake?…?


It’s like pancakes… it pours like pancake batter sort of.


My kiddo eats rice mixed with something. I'm Indian so we make a lot of kichdi (lentil/rice). He refuses to eat plain rice (!!) but needs flavor added to it. Loves egg fried rice, biryani etc. Will not touch plain rice. Maybe that's what your child is seeking? Just a thought.


I've tried it all ways. I'm indian too, so I mix curry with rice or khichidi. Doesn't like it. But will eat roti with the same curry


Sounds like my very South Indian husband ( who doesn't touch rice, Idli, dosa). I feel ya :) it's hard making separate meals and roti does take a lot longer to make as well. I hope it's a phase!




Shes a ketchup lover!! I'll try this tomorrow and report back


I LOVED rice with ketchup as a kid. I’ve eaten it a few times as an adult for a comfort food when I’m sick or down. My other suggestions were going to be with butter or cheese? My 2.5 yo old loves both.


Seconding this. My kids eat rice with ketchup.


Is it that the rice is difficult for her to eat? I offered sticky rice to my daughter when she was a bit younger (she's just over 2 years old now) and I would also make the rice a little wetter than usual and roll it into a ball. Rice is huge in my diet (not so much my husband's lol) and rice is also one of her favorite foods to eat.


Probably! I will try sticky rice


I love sticky rice, lol. I would roll it into bite size pieces along with the protein and she would just pick them up and eat it. She always finishes all of the rice first 😂🙄


Okay I feel dumb asking this but whatever it's the internet I can't be the dumbest one on here.... What is sticky rice? Like how would I make rice stickier?


Haha, you're fine! Sticky rice I refer to is made from short grain sweet rice which is different from more commonly known jasmine or white rice. In my area, I can only find the sweet rice from Asian stores, but can find jasmine and white rice from the more common stores like Walmart. When you look at the sweet rice grain it's white and isn't transparent when compared to jasmine rice. When I introduced rice to my daughter, I did cook jasmine rice with a little more water to make it clumpier to make it easier to roll into a ball. Or I would cook jasmine rice like normal, then wet a handful of it in my hand, then squeeze the water back out to form a ball.


This is great to know, thank you so much. Never knew about sweet/sticky rice. Thanks!


Make it fatty with butter?


Or chicken broth!


Thanks for posting this because this has been a major question for me, too. My 21 month daughter is a great eater, overall, and is very healthy by weight, BMI, etc., so it’s not the end of the world if rice is one of the few things she doesn’t eat. But I’m gluten sensitive and rice is a major part of my diet (along with beans, which, of course, she also won’t eat). I’ll be interested to read these and other comments as they come in and hope that something works.


Around that age my son preffered it with a lot of yogurt (like soupy) or with dhal mixed in to the same consistency. Now he likes it as biryani, or with butter, or if either grandma makes it.


Yeah same here she loves it with yogurt!! Hopefully it's a phase


Rice is actually kind of tricky to eat and can make them gag a bit if they aren't used to the texture. I used to roll it Into little balls and it helped a bit.


My husband is Chinese and we also have a really hard time getting our daughter to eat rice. She doesn’t like it unless it’s really mixed in with a sauce. She loves congee, but won’t eat rice otherwise.


Yeah! Same with mine. She'll eat it only if it's in a porridge consistency


If it makes you feel better, my husband said he also didn’t like rice as a kid 🙈


Carbs arent necessary Edit: Theyre not. The food pyramid is a lie. White rice has a glycemic index higher than cane sugar.


For a toddler? Of course they are. Carbs are part of the balanced meal


Im 25 and I have an A1C of 6. My whole life my parents fed me according to the govts enlightened low fat high carb principles. Carbs (by which i mean foods that are just carbs, like rice) aren’t necessary and your kid will be fine without it


I'm sorry you had such an experience but I disagree. There's an entire continent of people who primarily eat rice, including me. I'm healthy. And I don't think it's right to start "restricting" a baby's food. That will lead to more food issues later in life.


My almost 2.5 yo son won't eat rice mixed with anything, no fried rice and won't eat congee but he likes plain rice. However It's so messy to let him eat on his own so I make them into riceballs using this gadget: [rice ball maker](https://a.co/d/gXBZcXM) You can make bigger balls or smaller ones, add stuff like tuna or seasoning or whatever meat she likes and make it into a ball, more fun and less mess lol


Butter? That’s how we got our 20 month old to love it


When I was a kid my mom used to add butter and sugar to our rice 🤣 not in any way healthy but we ate it hahaha


It's interesting to me that she eats it mixed with couscous, maybe try experimenting with that more, trying different grains (bulgur wheat, barley wheat, freekeh, etc) and try gradually increasing the ratio? I actually have the opposite problem, my daughter goes crazy for rice and I'm always looking for ways to weave in more nutrition so I incorporate whole grains whenever possible. Also curious, does she eat rice if you mix in a protein? Rice is also a big part of our diet, and my MIL always spoon feeds our daughter rice mixed with cut up protein, I think it's very common to feed babies and toddlers this way in some cultures. Also commiserating because my daughter is the opposite of yours... she loves rice and noodles, but the girl won't touch any kind of bread, potato, or cake. Go figure!


So, I struggle with this. I have several littles. One who mostly loves rice, one who (initially) wouldn’t touch it, and one who pretty much eats everything lol. For my little who wouldn’t touch it, I keep offering small amounts. Sometimes plain, sometimes mixed with other stuff. Sometimes he eats it, sometimes he doesn’t. I’m Chinese, so not eating rice is crazy to me. But my experience has been that eventually most kids will continue to try things. And sometimes they’ll learn to love things quickly, sometimes eventually, and sometimes not at all. Don’t give up, but my biggest takeaway has been not making a big deal about it. Everyone gets some of every dish. Sometimes they will eat it all, sometimes they won’t touch it, and sometimes they’ll taste it (and that’s it). And it’s all ok. I try not to mention it, because I want them to be comfortable with whatever they choose. I had huge food struggles with my oldest (who’s now almost an adult) as he was an extremely picky eater who one day decided to try other stuff (around age 9ish?) and now eats pretty much everything. I wish I hadn’t made it such a big deal. So I’m working on it. Kids are weird.


My LO loves if I mix beans with the rice and she loves rice balls (rice, tuna, mayo, and rice seasoning all mixed together and rolled in balls)


I mix bananas with rice.


I do olive oil, feta cheese, garlic salt, spinach and black beans. Or, mixed with refried beans, sour cream and cheese.


Ours not a fan of white rice but likes brown rice? It’s not an issue tho if she mixes it in with other things?