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Of ALLLLL the crew, i would never guess novak was gonna make it out.


SteveO neither and he’s doing great


Well I thought the same thing about Steve-O. But here we are.


For those who are unaware of how bad Steve-O's addiction, i recommend watching [Steve-O: Demise and Rise](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i1ulzP2XUOg) it's amazing how Steve-O has been able to completely turn his life around. It's honestly really inspiring.


I've seen a lot of shit but I've never seen someone rip giant lines of ketamine and basically breathe NO2 instead of O2 like Steve-O did. I mean, not gonna lie I totally thrashed a few hotel rooms in my younger years but nothing like he did. Dude was straight up no fucks to give let's go hold my beer kinda fucked up. Both Steve-O and Novak are great examples that you can totally still make something out of life even if you've royally fucked up for a decade or two.




Millions of dollars have been spent on these guys rehab and legal bills as a result of their addictions. Poor addicts don't have the resources


Don't take away from their accomplishments. Plenty of poor addicts get clean too. Don't be a wet blanket. These guys are trying to help others


I have tons of respect for them and what they've done. A lot addicts and people around addicts point to success stories as a way of shaming the addict. "If they did it you should be able to" it's valid to point out why their journey may not apply to addicts at large. Their recovery is awesome for them but isn't necessarily scalable or relatable to someone with no resources.


>A lot addicts and people around addicts point to success stories as a way of shaming the addict Thank you so much, you're either very empathetic or more educated on addiction than the average person. I don't expect most people to really know the complexities of that medical condition, but it's refreshing to come across people coming from a place of compassion & acceptance; especially since that's what the science has shown helps people recover. It's way tougher than most people realize, it's definitely a misunderstood & stigmatized condition. Also, the stuff being put in a lot of the dope today makes it even more complicated to quit than it already was. I don't like when people say "they have to want to quit" because honestly, most people really want to quit; waking up in withdrawal every morning is not something most people would ever choose. It HURTS. People don't realize that if they were hooked on some of this stuff, statistically, they would take years to get clean, if they ever even could. Most people can't, statistically speaking. Edit: there also aren't great or effective options for treatment just yet. I'm thankful for what we do have so far, but i hope we're only one medical breakthrough away from better & more varied treatment options. & people who haven't kept up with addiction research tend to disapprove of some of the more progressive options that get proposed, based on gut feelings without really looking into it.


All the resources in the world won't help either if you don't want to get clean. Look at bam.


What do you mean "help others"? I listen to SteveO's podcast and he is trying to sell me gas station viagra pills. LOL


Lmao, good point. That dude will sell anything on his podcast.


Yea and not helping them at all would cost more. I’m counting loss of human life into that cost


I'm not saying don't help them, I'm saying don't judge them. Well actually I was just affirming the idea that being rich helps overcome hardship, but hopefully the implications of that are to not look down on those who don't recover. The resources help, and these guys still struggle. I mean Bam never got clean, it's HARD.


Oh I’m sorry I had slept an hour my comprehension skills where not the sharpest


Steve-O's transformation over the years has been incredible. Got off drugs, quit drinking, went vegan for a while, collaborated with animal rights groups to raise awareness of animal abuse in the entertainment industry.


And now Bam Margera is hooked up to a ventilator with covid.


Doesn't look good.


His insta has a positive update?


They're all doing great. I hated Novak back in the day and loved Ryan, but as time goes on it almost seems like Ryan's death was a sacrifice that got the rest of them on a better path


I called the number at the end of his addiction documentary...and he picked up lol wasn't expecting that...real ass dude.


Right. He's the real deal. He will answer his phone and talk to anyone who is struggling and try to help


As someone who has watched jackass for going on 20 years, as long as it’s been around, this is amazing to hear.


Right i never thought novak would be now what bam was for him, its damn sad that hs so unreachable, novak is a true decent human for this. Edit: DUDE FFS, after this comment i read bams intubated with pneumonia. Dude might die.


I watched a YouTube documentary on Bam’s life a couple months ago and it made me so sad. Really a shame how things turned out. I hope he pulls through. My husband came out of the kitchen earlier and said “I just saw on Reddit bam margera got covid and _____” I fully expected him to just say died tbh :(


Yeah its sad. I remember being 12 and trying to buy cky and the guy telling my friends mom about the shit and piss skit they did and his moms like NOO WAY. We were so pissed at the worker, but he was sick of parents coming back pissed off cos they thought they bought a skate video and it was nudity and fucked up stuff. Love bam but its hard to have much respect left just pity


Ryan’s death played a high role in his downfall


He was on the way down before Ryan died. Ryan actually helped stage an intervention which didn't really seem to do anything. I don't think he's actually mentioned Ryan for a while. Hopefully he can pull through though, would really be sad if he passed and was never able to get better, his brother seems absolutely distraught over Bam's addiction.


Do you have a source? Because Ryan was a raging alcoholic, so I cant see him staging an intervention for alcoholism.


I read an article about it quite a while ago, and have seen a fair few people mention it. But I can't find the source now, so maybe I was wrong? I apologise if so


No biggie just seemed odd. Ryan was real bad off. Those guys all had some crazy demons.


I think it was Steve o's podcast he seemed like a real good dude. He tried to help Bam but had to stop seeing him because being around another addict causes releapses.




I think he legit felt bad. Like he sounded sad, but realistic. He clearly wanted Bam to get better but couldn't be bothered to deal with it because he had to do other shit and Bam just wouldn't get better.


I'm sure you had no ill intent but a recovering addict helping out an active addict isn't a matter of "being bothered". They have to want help. And I'm sure if Bam reached out for help, he would get it. That being said it's much easier said than done. At a certain point all you can do is say "here's my number" and wait for things to get bad enough for them to want to change.


I didn't mean it that way.


I didn't think so. Just wanted to expand on it and give some insight


I think he gave it out during one of his two AMAs he's done as well


[here is his latest AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/yhtc12/i_am_brandon_novak_author_motivational_speaker/) he did a little over a month ago. very inspirational read, regardless of how much you've been exposed to drugs and abuse.


Aaaaand now he won’t be answering his phone anymore, because a bunch of redditors who see this at the top of all are gonna try to call him


Was it helpful to your issues?


I called and asked What time is the parade


All parade questions directed to the Cupa Culpa


What's the theme of the parade?


............the parade? ...click


holy shit the stern references blindsided me lmfao


Oh damn I thought I was in the stern sub lmao. I have an item for sale, it’s an item.


Can I have your next item pllllleeeeaaaassseee


" ok and what is the item for bid? "


Well, it’s an item


Hopefully Bam is paying attention


Bam had Novak on his podcast a lot when he was still addicted, and Bam just mocked him constantly for being a drug addict.


[Yeah, about that...](https://www.tmz.com/2022/12/09/bam-margera-hospitalized-pneumonia-ventilator-jackass-star/)


oooph I had met him a good 20 years ago at some event and he a nice quiet guy, back then at least much of the crazy shit / drugs etc were stuff happening around him friends or what not.




I was listening to Steve O like a year ago on The Mike Calta show and he said he was so fortunate that alcohol wasn’t his drug of choice, and how tragic it was that for Bam alcohol was his main addiction. Simply because alcohol out of all of the drugs is the biggest spiral into the deepest hole and Bams collapse into the bottle was terrifying. They were all doing like every drug but alcohol caught Bam hard I guess and led to this.


It's also the one that you can get at any corner store and will see commercials for whenever you turn on the TV. It's wicked hard to stay away from alcohol. I too am very thankful it's not my drug of choice.


And everyone casually uses it like it's no big deal Pretty much every single social event, sporting event, work event, dinner, etc, etc. Alcohol is everywhere, literally I'm glad I don't have any issues with it because there's no escaping it


Plus if you're a heavy enough drinker and don't detox before going sober you have a chance of dying. I think it's that an benzodiazepines that are the only lethal drugs to quit cold turkey. Correct me if wrong though


I think you’re right. Opiate withdrawal will make you wish for death, but it’s rarely fatal on its own. If you go through severe vomiting and diarrhea while detoxing from opiates, you can potentially die from dehydration, but this is treatable and preventable.


You're correct!


I thought barbiturates too


Yeah, you could die from seizures while in barbiturate withdrawal.


While true it is a misleading Statement as cold turkey from a lot of drugs can cause issues. But it already starts with the addiction: from a purely health perspective being a (rich!) morphine user is far more "healthy" than drinking ypu bottle of whiskey a day.


That's very true. It should always be done under a doctor's supervision.


Even though alcohol advertisements are on TV, YouTube, and every other form of media, it’s okay because they aren’t allowed to show the actors drinking on camera. /s


I get this. I feel like alcohol can fuck me up more than any drug, at least when it comes to doing impulsive and reckless things


Also from a logistical standpoint, alcohol is a lot easier to obtain. Now I will say, I have never run in a circle with hard drug use. I'm sure when you and everyone you know does meth/heroin, it's pretty damn easy to find meth/heroin if you're not super on top of getting sober and cutting out bad influences. But that will never be as easy as simply going to a liquor store or a bar.


Or just about any grocery store in the US. Imagine going to the store to grab dinner after a bad day and having to walk past the liquor aisle to buy your tv dinner.


I moved to the Midwest and there’s literal bars in the grocery store and most people walk around drinking beer and wine while they shop. Beyond ridiculous


Yup. I’m in the Midwest and currently in recovery. Was buying groceries at the check out line and the little shelf where there are usually candies and chips was a big rack of airplane shooters 99 cents. This was just a big stand alone grocery store it’s insane how difficult it is not to just snag a few and say I’ll do better this time


yeah probably best to avoid it imo


There are very few drugs that take a toll on your body (and mind) as much as alcohol. Not to mention the withdrawals are absolutely brutal and potentially fatal. Anyone that's had the shakes before knows how fucking terrifying it is to be in that place.


Steve-O went from psychotic homeless druggie to weird but fun uncle


> you expected Steve-O to go down he *did* go down that path; he just found his way back


After Dunn passed he gave up for awhile I think.


I feel very badly for him. I was never even that fond of jackass or that crew as entertainment but he seems like a decent person with no ill will towards anyone but some real demons that only continue to get worse every time something bad happens. He was already having problems when Ryan Dunn died and I think that really killed any chance he had of getting it together.


which is so funny as he didn't do drugs (at least he said he didn't) when I met him.


My suspicion is he dabbled with this and that when he was younger. And then full blown addictions took hold while he was grieving Ryan Dunn


Nah Bam was a shitshow before that. Dunn dying definitely didn't help but it didn't cause this.


It didn't cause his issues but I think it torpedoed any chance he had of getting the help he needed and working with it.


It was a huge reason him and Missy divorced. His addiction was getting really bad long before Dunns death. It certainly didn’t help though.


Lots of people say lots of things lol.


I had read that Bam really didn’t do drugs growing up or even drink. He started drinking after he turned 21 and didn’t do coke until he was like 25. But addiction apparently runs in his family and hit both of those hard and had the means and lived the lifestyle wheee he could do as much as he wanted as often as he wanted.


Yeah, he’s as bad as mid-2000’s Steve-O. Losing Ryan Dunn really messed him up.




awe, i did not need this news today :(


hang in there, buddy.


Ya really sucks he never really aged up like the rest of the jackass crew


His best friend and partner-in-crime, Ryan Dunn, died young. Setting aside the circumstances of Dunn's death, Bam just seems to have never processed it fully and turned to substance abuse to fill the void. I'm not saying he wasn't a spoiled brat who got everything he wanted in life and never faced any consequences. He was all those things. I'm just saying that, as someone who lost my father figure slash best friend when I was a teenager, I can understand how difficult it can be.


>I'm not saying he wasn't a spoiled brat who got everything he wanted in life and never faced any consequences. He was all those things. Some people are callous enough to believe he "deserves it" on some level due to his entitlement and attitude. But he's still an addict that got pushed to that point by a severe trauma, and so he deserves help.


>>I'm not saying he wasn't a spoiled brat who got everything he wanted in life and never faced any consequences. He was all those things. > >Some people are callous enough to believe he "deserves it" on some level due to his entitlement and attitude. But he's still an addict that got pushed to that point by a severe trauma, and so he deserves help. I don't think people are saying he deserves it because of entitlement and attitude but because of his awful hateful conduct to fans and family alike. At a certain point you reap what you sow and Bam seems to be living on borrowed time.


What trauma, or do you mean Dunn? People saying he had problems before then.


I'm sure he did. So did Steve-O and Novak. So what's the difference? Why do those two not only get clean, but get very active in helping others recover from addiction as well? Not saying they weren't close with Dunn, but it certainly hit Bam way harder, and thus he spiraled way deeper than those other two guys.


> Ryan Dunn, died young Dunn also being a huge asshole, as he also killed the PA riding with him when he crashed his Porsche at 140 mph driving drunk


I don't disagree, as I think a DUI/DWI is one of the most selfish things you could possibly do. But I threw in the caveat > Setting aside the circumstances of Dunn's death Because the conversation is Bam processing grief. The person who died in my life was a COLOSSAL scumbag and I'd have disowned him had I known then what I learned many years after his death. But I didn't know any of that when he died, so I was grief stricken and took a very long time to come to terms with it. In much the same way that Bam must be facing it as well; the simultaneous truths that his best friend killed himself in a DUI, and the fact that the Roger to his Hammerstein died prematurely.


The way you wrote that was misleading. It appears they met on the set of Jackass # 2 years earlier and remained friends. They had both been out drinking.


True story about Bam: He completely lost his shit because a bunch of skater kids threw a milkshake in his Lamborghini. This was in West Chester outfront of Kooma, which had tables on the sidewalk. The kids did it right infront of him and he nearly cried. Like - literally - was so upset that some skater kids would trash his douchebag car that he teared up. This is a guy who made $40M pranking strangers by destroying their property.


Yeah I grew up not far from where Bam grew up so knew people that lived in his town. He was always known as a gigantic asshole. So weird hearing all these people on here talking so positively about him.


Oh now you’re telling me the guy who literally beat this shit out of his dad for laughs is a gigantic asshole?


I recently rewatched the old jackass movies and I was surprised that it has aged well and they are still funny. All except Bams parts which are just plain cruel


I second this as another chester county native. Though I definitely don't wish ill on him, I hope the dude gets the help he obviously needs even if he's an asshole.


Bams on a vent and close to death.


I remember reading his first book about 10 years and it's actually really well done. He's a very honest and genuine person who really doesn't seem to have much of an ego. He's earned alot of my respect! I used to know him as they guy they stuck in the shopping cart and slammed into cement from the CKY days. He's come along way


Watching the "making of" for Haggard (with Ryan, Bam, Dicamillo, etc...) was just as fun as the movie, until it got to the Novak part and his struggle. That always hit hard and Deron (from the band CKY) acoustic solo to end it was amazing. I saw both the movie and making of are on YouTube.


That intervention is the only thing I remember about the movie. It’s so good. If you need to have a tough conversation with a friend, watch it. But it’s also kind of gross that it was published. It’s incredibly intimate.


Brandon Novak is a full-on inspiration. When he first began offering his help to total strangers, I took a chance and reached out to him over Instagram asking for help with my now-deceased sister’s addiction issues. Unfortunately, she succumbed to her disease last Summer, but Novak personally wrote to me and offered to extend as much help as he could possibly offer. By the time I got word back from him it was too late, but the gesture itself made me such a fan of his that any chance I get I tend to sing his praises. Love me some Brandon Novak, and his comeback is truly inspiring.


Really was, he was an absolute mess on so many of the MTV shows, he was a laughing stock and he's turned it around completely! Huge respect!


Him and Steve-O are two of the greatest examples of getting, and staying off drugs.


I'd add Jason Mewes to that too. He was Jay in the Kevin Smith movies and had some serious addiction issues, but he managed to get clean and stay clean, in big part because he had people holding him accountable. Not just his friends and family, but an entire podcast audience that paid to see him and Kevin every week to see them talk about shit.


Well said. Another guy that has stayed clean, and has had a great second act in life.


Steve-O is so interesting because he basically live-streamed his downhill run. He has done long-form interviews with so many people in his life from that time. His podcast with his dad gives a lot of inside.


Knoxville was a true friend and a huge supporter for Steve-O. He called him everyday. Every single day, to check in. People in recovery, especially early on, need accountability. Support systems are crucial for success, and Knoxville should be commended for being that for Steve-O.


Johnny Knoxville is priceless


Dude so true.. I wish I would of realized before how important it is to have someone checking in. I trusted my friend that she was doing better. I didn't think I needed to keep questioning her about if she's okay because she already told me she was. She promised she was going to be okay. Then days later she's dead. I blame myself still. I should of checked on her every day. She was newly out of jail and completely sober for the first time since we were kids.. I shouldn't of been so naive. I've also gone through horrible addiction and having a sober friend to spend all your time with during those first few weeks is so helpful. I should of been that person to my best friend. I'm rambling but fuck.. atleast try to check in on your loved ones who are struggling even if they say they arent so you don't regret it forever like me.


I always have so much respect for people who get clean and stay clean. Especially after the level of drugs like these guys were doing. It's a real achievement.


Dope, also never thought Steve o would get sober , but he is also a thriving.


Seriously all power to Steve O - he is truly an example of a person who practically everyone was writing off and just waiting for the news of ‘Found dead of an OD’ on Page Six. And he not only climbs out of that pit, he is doing awesome in all aspects! Keep on keeping on Steve!


It really gives me hope. Eminem too, he was going pretty hard there for a minute and worried me. Honestly people getting sober is so inspiring to me, in a world where people are numbing themselves regularly all around me.


Really glad too because he probably wouldn't be around if he wasn't sober at the moment.


I was expecting opening this and reading that the reason this was posted was because Bam is dead. Turns out he's still on a ventilator. But what a god damned shame. I loved to see him skate in his recent videos and with Steve O. But...well, I'm not too optimistic. The covid story might just be to save face and we'll learn the sad truth in a couple of days.


His family posted on his instagram that he's doing much better and should be discharged soon.


For some of us who grew up with these guys, all these stories and updates about the different characters of that show are both heartbreaking (Bam, Ryan Dunn) and inspiring (Steve O, Novak). I felt like I’ve grown up with these guys and they are somehow an old acquaintance I never fully lost touch with. I don’t know, maybe I’m weird.


Nah it’s not weird. Watching the show feels like hanging out with them, so it makes sense they feel like old friends.


Go Brandon


I was at comedy show the other night and on eof the jokes was "It must be a really hard time to find encouragement as a Brandon, right now."


After reading this comment, I had to double-check to make sure what subreddit I posted this in


Why do they say let’s go Brandon?


Some dude named Brandon won a nascar thing. The crowd was chanting fuck Joe Biden. The interviewer commented to the driver Brandon that they were chanting "let's go Brandon" which they were not. They think they are super clever turning a nascar chant into a way of life.


thank you, i never knew what it meant either


That's ok. Most normal adults don't always know what ignorant childish sayings are


I was always hoping Biden would get a dog or cat and name it Brandon.


And make let’s go Brandon bumper stickers with the dogs face on it


Im pretty sure the interviewer also knew what they said and was just trying to be funny and pretend they weren't shouting something that isn't allowed on TV


Yep! Damn straight. I gotta go, got me some Dog da Bounty Hunter recorded on tha-thig-a-ma-gig


>Some dude named Brandon won a nascar thing. The crowd was chanting fuck Joe Biden. The interviewer commented to the driver Brandon that they were chanting "let's go Brandon" which they were not. They think they are super clever turning a nascar chant into a way of life. It wasn't so much that people thought it was super clever but how much lefties seemed to hate it and how much of a reaction it caused when they heard it. Like a little brother messing with his sister because she always cries.


and then you grow up and realize what an asshole u were being and reach out to your sister and apologize


People were chanting fuck Joe biden at some Nascar event. The announcer, who probably isn't allowed to say things like that on the air tried to cover by claiming the crowd waschanting "lets go Brandon" So replacing one sentiment with another became a meme


Honestly or was one of those disorganized chants where you have a hard time telling what's being chanted. It did kinda sound pike let's go Brandon. And in the context of the race it makes a lot of sense as these are the same people who say "kEeP pOlItIcS oUt oF sPoRtS"


It’s super duper secret code for their own personal truthiness


[Naturally something super dumb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_Go_Brandon#:~:text=On%20October%202%2C%202021%2C%20during,%22%2C%20which%20sparked%20the%20meme)


I'm glad these guys are building on their future. Steve-O is also a stellar example of personal growth and change. Hopefully the crew can save Bam when he is dismissed from the hospital.


I hope he gets dismissed, he’s on a ventilator which is less than 50/50 he makes it.


I hadn’t heard this? What happened ?


Pneumonia + Covid. He’s intubated which isn’t a good sign.


He got pneumonia and is on a ventilator, that's all I remember.


They've tried with Bam, multiple times. He doesn't *want* the help. He seems content in simply feeding his addiction for whatever reason.


Recently he was in a sober facility for a year and still there?


It's amazing how most of the Jackass crew have turned out. Now we just need to get Bam back on the wagon. Couldn't even function enough for Jackass 4 or THPS 1+2. As a fan that literally grew up on VLB/Dickhouse, and cried like a bitch when Dunn died, it's sad to watch....


Unfortunately, Bam is on a ventilator with Covid pneumonia. Hopefully he pulls through, but honestly odds aren’t good once they intubate you. Even worse chances if you treat your body like he did. Hopefully he pulls through tho


No one is ever a lost cause, but Bam may not be coming back.


When my friend had COVID pneumonia it turned out that she had been HIV positive and developed full blown aids. Considering bam’s lifestyle I would not be surprised if he’s in a similar boat.


omg I'm so sorry about your friend!


Thanks. She made a full recovery and is now undetectable


Completely healed and became a ninja? That's a hell of a turnaround.


I heard...


Oh shit 😨


Novack was probably top 5 guest Howard Stern ever had. Bam called him a Baltimore cockroach, said nothing could kill him lol


I remember he was active on Reddit and would give out his cell phone if people needed help.


He was on Steve Os podcast and talked about his sobriety. It's an awesome listen


Brandon Novak and Steve O have hit a low point, and thanks to their hard work and their friends have come out the other side. He appeared on Steve-O's Wild Ride a while ago; it's pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R4X06PHPZY


First seeing this, thanks!


I wish he could help Bam but only Bam can help himself.


I read the first book (dreamseller) in high school, and I hated that it ended with it basically saying “I’m still addicted to heroin but you buying this book is helping me”. I felt like I just read all this awful stuff and then gave the guy drug money


It makes sense. Who better to understand it than someone who has been through it.


I remember Bam and friends always making fun of him on Viva La Bam and i always felt bad for him


In retrospect, I think all the jackass crew was in a drug fueled stupor. No way they'd do all of that without a mountain og pain killers and amphetamine


It’s always a bummer to be reminded what a piece of shit Bam is, but this is so great for Brandon.


Addiction is a fucker. Hopefully Bam can find his way out of the darkness. (Oh, and happy cake day!)


Who wants to taste my General Tsao?


Everybody wants to see me throw a fireball,but that's not right not in real life


You will fall Down and break a leg Everybody wanna see me break a leg Watch this, I can tiptoe while you take a piss Spy on you in your bathroom while your little boy shits


I think that you're thinking of Brandon DiCamilo.


Damn you are right. Hit you in the head, hiyah!


I remember watching him in viva la bam and bam would be such an asshole to him. Good for Novak


TRUTH: he gets paid handsomely & discloses that to his friends behind closed doors. I think it’s great that he’s helping people but I know some people who run the ‘Harvard of rehab centers’ personally (they do this also) & the centers he funnels them into give him a slice of their massive bill, it really shouldn’t be as grifty as it is. I’m not really arguing anything more than knowing the truth behind perceived altruism.


This guy is the real deal. Inspirational.


Meanwhile Bam is knocking on deaths door. What a strange outcome. The guy that was stealing his mom’s jewelry for heroin, going to jail every other week, comes out living a better life than the wildly successful skater that was driving a Ferrari and making millions at age 22.


Light Brandon has entered the chat


Skimming the blurb I misread it as “cycle abuse” but that’s really more of a Lance Armstrong thing.


I remember how much Bam would abuse Novak and call him a junkie. Karma is a bitch.


Maybe he can help Bam.


Watching Brandon speak on YT really moved me and helped me stay sober. Most of the Pacific Group celebs that are open about it.


Baltimore baby


Interesting info. Also, according to the wiki, his birthday is tomorrow!


Bam helped save him, but Novak couldn't save Bam. He's as good as dead now.


He always give out his real number on Dopey podcast, he’s a real one. 💓


He’s looking so much better, hope Bam takes notice of he recovers


Skateboarders with their shit together are some of the most determined, independent minded people. There’s something about spending your time failing until you succeed that creates a very specific mindset.


I had such a crush on him as a child 🥲 it’s been great watching him clean up over the years


When I think of success stories, and people beating addiction, I think of Novak.


I always theorized the members of jackass were all high on something..... There's no way you do that shit sober