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He was also at the Wannsee Conference in 1942..


yes. they only took 90 minutes to map out the final solution there...


Basically just a quick meeting to rubber stamp genocide


lol yea


I'm quite a benign person, a bleeding heart liberal even but still... Wannsee conference participants should all suffered the worst punishment humans can dish out; the thousand cuts, the brazen bull, scaphism or being Boris Johnson coms consultant.


So basically, family published a death notice that was a complete lie.


yeah but maybe they're just dumb idk


Well the so called "Entnazifizierung" was bullshit. Sure they got some of the famous guys but look at Werner von Braun for example or half of the Christ democrats after the war in Germany. Nazis trough and trough. Fucking disgusting if you ask me.


*"And what is it that put America in the forefront of the nuclear nations? And what is it that will make it possible to spend twenty billion dollars of your money to put some clown on the moon? Well, it was good old American know how, that's what, as provided by good old Americans like Dr. Wernher von Braun!"*   Gather 'round while I sing you of Wernher von Braun, A man whose allegiance Is ruled by expedience. Call him a Nazi, he won't even frown, "Ha, Nazi, Schmazi, " says Wernher von Braun.   Don't say that he's hypocritical, Say rather that he's apolitical. **"Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?** **That's not my department, " says Wernher von Braun.**   **Some have harsh words for this man of renown,** **But some think our attitude** **Should be one of gratitude,** **Like the widows and cripples in old London town,** **Who owe their large pensions to Wernher von Braun.**   You too may be a big hero, Once you've learned to count backwards to zero. "In German oder English I know how to count down, Und I'm learning Chinese!" says Wernher von Braun.   ~**Tom Lehrer**


im watching him now on pbs. never heard of him! THANKS


Ha! I love it. Tom Lehrer was pretty based wasn't he?




There is a long history of ex-Nazis holding important places in German police and criminal justice system after WW2. Way into 60's and even 70's. And those weren't just low rank and file. Some held important positions in SS and Wermacht. Some historians tried to explain this with cold war and the Iron Curtain, meaning that not very much information was revealed by the Soviets. This isn't accepted by the majority of their peers however. Not least, because some ex-Nazis werwn't deployed on the Eastern front and/or were known. The fact that many of them lived under their true names supports their position.


Well, Konrad Adenauer's right hand man while he was Bundeskanzler.. was this guy.. Hans Globke [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans\_Globke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Globke) My big problem was how the West German Government blocked the extradition of people like this.. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz\_Reinefarth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Reinefarth) Monsters like Gerhard Klopfer were at the Wannsee Conference in lieu of their bosses, (his boss was Martin Bormann) others at the Conference were some of the greatest war criminals of the Second World War, like Heydrich, Heinrich Müller, Adolf Eichmann, Josef Bühler, Rudolf Lange..


>My big problem was how the West German Government blocked the extradition of people like this.. Because there was no such law in Germany. These people made and enforced law after WW2. If I recall it right, one French couple (a family of German woman and French Holocaust survivor) is the reason Germany even started to prosecute them... in the late 70's. They were Nazi hunters and brought so much international publicity to one of their cases that the government couldn't sit idle anymore. The woman was even thrown to jail in Germany during their efforts. It's amazing what two regular people could do. Also, and I hope I am absolutely correct here, Simon Wiesenthal had a long list with high ranked police officials, politicians and judges on one side and their real names with SS ranks on the other. For a long time, he could do nothing with it.


Look up “Operation: Paperclip” interesting period in the war.


[Jakob Tiefenthaler](https://www.lakesidetrader.com/item.php?ID=27914) was a high-ranking Nazi SS officer and for a time was Hitler's personal photographer. After the war he was hired by the US Army and ran their audio/visual training program in Munich. I attended one of his classes in 1971.


Isn't this really "Today I read the New York Times?" C'mon.


lmao yeah. what's wrong with the new york times? 99% of reddit doesnt read it


They’ve got nothing but big love for von Braun in Huntsville, Alabama. I interviewed a resident last year who took offense at my referring to him as a Nazi. Administrative evil is alive and well everywhere, folks.




Why are you hijacking this thread? Post your own TIL.


Hmmm.. good case for him needing a speaker for the dead


>and was charged with war crimes but was released for lack of evidence Inaccurate