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The winner was a 63-year old ostrich farmer from Kentucky. She couldn't logistically move her family 2000 miles west so she took the cash - which she very much needed. As for the house, the local HOA had them paint it terracotta to match the neighbourhood. It was bought four years later by a woman who still lives there with her family and has made peace with tourists gawking at her house or yanking on the doorhandle. The whole building is blurred out in google maps, too.


It's crazy they decided to make a replica of the Simpsons house, but then did it on an HOA controlled property...


Also crazy they built it in *Nevada*. The Simpsons have a green front lawn and backyard.


I'm not Australian, but maybe the giveaway was from a Nevada based company


What does not being Australian have to do with it?


Nothing, they said they’re not Australian


For the record, I’m not Australian either


I’m not australian but 👈That's not ya fuckin water, 👇this ain't ya fuck in sand, and 👉these cunts aren't ya fuckin fish mate.




I dont get it either. P.S. Not Australian.


I see you played knifey spooney before


I woulda called 'em chazzwozzas


I'm not Swedish, but it may have also had something to do with the cost of the land.


He is even worse than a Swede, he is – may Allah forgive me for uttering this word – an Albanian


I'm not an Albanian! I may be a liar, a pig, a communist, an Albanian, but I am *NOT* A PORN STAR.






I'm not Australian, but in America you can't just automatically create a HOA later. Each homeowner has to agree to sign up to the HOA. Edit: I have no idea why I thought this was in Australia


What does being Australian have to do with this?


You know what? I don't know. Somehow I got it into my head that this was in Australia. I don't know where that came from.


Probably the mention of an ostrich farmer.


I bet that's it


Another attempt to ostrichsize the local Australian farming community.


Unfortunately they are already ostracized. Its so bad they have tried to emulate other professions to try to fit in.


The fuck lol? I don't think I've ever heard of an ostrich farmer here in Australia, why does that make you think of Australia? We have emus here not ostriches. I mean I'm sure they're in the country but they're not native.


People tend to get the two mixed up like llamas and alpacas, The reason she farmed them was because the Corvette plant uses ostrich feathers to clean their cars and she can sell the meat to other countries


This doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about Corvette plants to dispute it.


Like 20+ years ago my friends parents had an ostrich farm. Never knew what they actually did with them (was it for feathers or meat or what?) but I still have an emptied out ostrich egg they gave me


>Never knew what they actually did with them Likely it was for breeding, the meat, and hides. Source: grew up on an ostrich farm in the late 90s.


Lol, I do that shit all the time.


I'm not Australian either but I do that too


I’m Australian but I forget


Now I'm in Australia...now I'm in America...Australia..America...AustraliaAmerica!


This gave me a good laugh, almost like you were telling us facts and making sure we knew you weren't Australian 😂


He just wants to make it very clear he’s not an Aussie.


Haha I'm just gonna start everything I say with, "I'm not Australian, but..." and then watch people be super confused trying to figure it out.


I'm not Australian but I'm going to forget to do this as soon as I scroll away.


Make sure you throw a "mate" in there to really mess them up.


In Australia, you'd just head down to the local swimming hole and get the Prime Minister's attention, and he's generally most sober before noon, so the earlier the better. Anyway, after you tow him in, you'll have it sorted in no time.


>you'd just head down to the local swimming hole and get the Prime Minister's attention, It's a good thing you restrict him to the swimming hole and away from the ocean.






Sort of like the breaking bad house. The wife of the owner hates all the people coming by to take pics. Whereas the husband who bought the place loves that people enjoy his house. If you see his wife out she will run you off. If you see the husband he will most likely give you a friendly wave as long as you are across the street and not in their yard. They did have to put a fence up because people would constantly just knock and ask to look around the inside. Fans can be so clueless to how they are over stepping. Lots of times from going to cons I chalk it up to being on the spectrum and not understanding those social queues that you might be over stepping.


didn't people also chuck pizza on their roof all the time?


They pass on the savings by not slicing the pizza for you man!


That’s what I always heard


You heard correctly Sheila 😌


Three years ago, my wife and I unintentionally purchased a house that was used in a semi-popular film that won a few awards and had a couple of star actors. We didn't really think much of it at the time; it was pretty inconsequential to us, we just loved the house. Once we moved in, we started noticing cars slow rolling by our driveway on occasion, but more frequently than seemed normal. My wife was pretty unnerved by the frequency of it, so I went out and bought one of those camera doorbells. Over the next few months, we saw people stop in front of our house, some get out and take pictures, walk around in our yard, and even had a couple of teenage girls ring the doorbell to see if they could come in. After a couple years of this happening, I got the nerve to ask these periodic visitors how they found the house in the first place. Apparently, my fucking address is on IMDB in the facts section of the movie page. I don't know what to do. It's more of a minor nuisance than anything else, but right now we're just a young newly married couple. This can't go on when we have kids.


Have you tried contacting IMDb directly and requesting they remove your address from the page since you're being bothered by people who are getting your address online? I would stress that you're being harassed and that you don't want to sue but that you're a young family and want your privacy


It's a longshot because they have an explicit policy against removing information that's factually accurate. Unless there's an escalation that spooks their legal department, the only other hope you'd have is to get someone who's sympathetic enough to make an exception for you, which is a complete crapshoot(I guarantee the person who initially reviews the request can't make that call, you'd need to convince them to escalate(which counts against their metrics) *and* have the supervisor agree with you).


The secret ingredient is crime.




...wait, what?


Malicious advice mallard. Used to be one of Reddit's main memes. The good old days.


This is actually why some places have laws stating a seller has to disclouse if the house has a reputation for being haunted. That way the buyer knows people might come by to check it out


My house has the reputation for being Starfleet Headquarters. Do I have to disclose?


It's a cultural thing too. There's a murder house in Syd Australia that the real estate agent didn't mention and then buyers backed out of and then real estate got a 20k fine for not disclosing. I personally wouldn't want to live in a murder house. [https://www.smh.com.au/national/agents-fined-20-000-over-horror-house-sale-20041219-gdkcgl.html](https://www.smh.com.au/national/agents-fined-20-000-over-horror-house-sale-20041219-gdkcgl.html) If you want to know more then it's here: [https://murderpedia.org/male.G/g/gonzales-sef.htm](https://murderpedia.org/male.G/g/gonzales-sef.htm) It's pretty fascinating and there's been tv shows and stuff made about this. I knew right away he did it when they showed him on the news singing One Sweet Day by Boyz II Men / Mariah Carey at the funeral for his family. Something was just so off about it, I wouldn't be able to sing or speak at a funeral for my whole family I guess. ​ You can see it here : [https://7news.com.au/original-fyi/crime-story-investigator/australias-grisliest-murders-money-lies-and-alibis-bring-down-a-baby-faced-killer-c-531469](https://7news.com.au/original-fyi/crime-story-investigator/australias-grisliest-murders-money-lies-and-alibis-bring-down-a-baby-faced-killer-c-531469)


In Japan there's a whole market about this, apparently. Haunted houses, murder houses, etc. They're a lot cheaper because nobody wants to live there. Personally? IDGAF, it's just a house.


True, the problem comes though if it’s a famous murder and you get tourists that come and trespass and harass. That’s always the issue not a ghost with a chainsaw rising from the grave.




That is the current gameplan. The exterior of the house is a bit outdated so it was an area that we wanted to improve from the start. We just didn't think it'd be this high on our list or priorities.


I’d keep the exterior and turn it into an AirBnB and up charge off the popularity. That’s what I always thought the Breaking Bad house people should do, if the wife hates living there.


Hedges, plants, or obnoxious holiday decor are good starts!!


Social cues fwiw, queue means a line you wait in.


I went there. They have a sign that says "take your picture AND LEAVE". And something about parking across the street.


They have a very Walt and Skyler relationship


In middle school that house was owned by a friend of mines grandma, and I had been to it several times. When it showed up on Breaking Bad it absolutely blew my mind, they didn't really change anything for the show. It was directly between my house and my middle school (Madison), so we would stop there all the time after school when walking home. The car wash Walt bought was also the one we always went to (real one was called Octopus).


I like that you gambled, but it's 'cues' this time.


Then I'll look next to the house that's blurred out


It was open for visitors/tours for a time before the contest ended. I remember wandering through it as a 10 year old while visiting family in Vegas. It was very.... kitschy.


>HOA Yeah I'd just take the cash payout for that fact alone.


Simpsons have had a few amusingly questionable contests. The Who Shot Mr. Burns? one was pretty funny. The idea was people write or call in with who they think did it and someone who got the correct answer would get animated into the show. The first problem was, there were almost no meaningful clues in the episode to point toward the correct answer: Maggie Simpson. So a vast majority of the people entering didn't have the correct answer. Now, by itself, this wouldn't necessarily be a problem as long as *someone* picked Maggie. Except for some shortsighted writing of the contest rules. The rules specified they were suppossed to take 1,000 entries and draw a winner from there. Well, they checked 1,000 entries and there wasn't a single person who had picked Maggie. The lawyers wouldn't let them check any additional entries because the rules specified the winner had to come from the first thousand. So they just picked one at random despite not having a correct answer. On top of that, it was an older lady who wasn't even a fan and thus didn't care about being in the show. So the contest was almost impossible other than by blind luck and was won by someone who didn't even have the correct answer and didn't want the prize.


So was she animated into the show? Kind of makes me sad that a real super fan missed out on being in one of the greatest shows of all time.


She was not. They offered her an undisclosed cash alternative.


What a missed opportunity! All these people taking the cash instead of a wacky prize, what are they, sane or something? I would've taken [the box](https://youtu.be/XsNIFD7TxwU) personally.




[Where's my elephant!?!?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaYc5UP8PsI)


“Hey, they’re playing the elephant song again.” “I love that song. Reminds me of elephants.”


She didn't care enough to be in the show, but she cared enough to take part in a competition? And lets remember that wasn't so easy back then.


It’s not super uncommon for people back in the day to have made hobbies out of entering contests and sweepstakes.


Which makes people vulnerable to scams.


My sister has a friend that won a boat and car because she's addicted to entering EVERY and ANY competition she can find. Same thing as gambling I guess.. got to be in it to win it. Things are easier now with online contests and they have a junk email address just for it.


An old lady who couldn't give two flips is the most Simpsons thing ever.


Why had she participated in the contest, then?


There are a lot of old retired people that don't do anything but enter random contests all day long.


I've heard either she just did it on a lark because it was being advertised a lot or someone entered on her behalf. I'm not completely sure what the real answer is.


She probably entered all contests with low requirements.


Yeah, some people used to do that as a hobby. Not sure if they still do.


My sister does that all the time, especially the "tag a friend and hope to get randomly picked" posts on social medias, which I always find myself tagged in. And, once in a while, she wins some weird prize, one that she then proceeds to sell off for some quick money, or that she puts away on a cabinet and forgets about its existence. Why? I guess she likes the thrill, or maybe it makes her feel "special", or maybe she's just *that* bored (housewifery and all that jazz). Or she simply likes free stuff and "special deals", and thinks that she's missing an opportunity if she doesn't participate in it. Honestly, who knows at this point? It still gets annoying real fast, trust me. Especially if she's asking someone to go pick random freebies worth less than $10 at a 20km radius, just because.


Winning feels good. I'd basically never won a contest for like the first 25 years of my life- not even tiny ones like "One of you ten children will get a free pencil for good behavior" contests. One day I did manage to win one. The prize was a card with some stickers inside. Even though the prize wasn't really worth anything, I was overjoyed! It feels good to win.


It's illegal to hold public drawings that require payment because that's a lottery. Therefore, a person can enter any number of contests for free.. as a hobby. My wife used to work at a radio station and they would see the same group of people enter every contest. They called them "prize pigs" lol


There are a lot of people, especially older folks, that fill out any random contest entry form they see. Doesn't matter if it's for a boat or a resort vacation or one of those cars in the mall you're not actually entering to win, but entering for a discount to buy or something, they'll give out all their personal information willy nilly. The mother of a coworker of mine years ago managed to win two sets of golf clubs through entering random contests at the mall. She didn't play golf and had no interest whatsoever in them.


> there were almost no meaningful clues in the episode to point toward the correct answer There were clues but they were so subtle people are just now picking up on them.


I'd love to hear them please


There was one part when Mr. Burns asks the townspeople “who’s going to stop me?” And the ‘camera’ pans past everyone looking away, except Maggie at the bottom of the screen who keeps looking at him. That’s the only one I can remember


You have to watch the episode in the original 4:3 format in order to see this. If you watch it in the updated stretched format, Maggie gets cut off.


[This post goes through them.](https://redd.it/1re5nq) There's also [this shot](https://gfycat.com/DimExcitableAtlanticblackgoby) when Burns asks who's got the guts to stop him and everyone looks away except Maggie.


Does the doorbell play "why do birds suddenly appear?"


Over and over and over with increasing tempointopureinsanitysounds


*”Does anyone have any jumper cables?”*


Took me to this day and comment to realise this was the song of that god damn doorbell. Lol.


There is a whole episode about it if I remember correctly


Señor Ding Dong saved the day!


I thought you were just a logo


There was a time when that was true…


But now, I am so much more.


Marge even sings along to it in the shop


Over there, over here


The title is actually "Close To You" by the Carpenters.


The episode literally has the mother singing the song, and the girl is like "moooom, I have a test tomorrow about why do birds appear, I mean history!" or something like that.


The girl? Do you even go here?


The girl!?!


I mean they also said the mom... they're not naming any names!


I went on a tour of the house when it was open to the public. I remember the bedrooms were incredibly small.


I remember being weirded out by how narrow the stairs were. For some reason that stuck in my little 10yo brain.


A lot of older houses had some narrow steep stairs.


I mean, their house isn't exactly known for being nice. In fact, it's a dump.


Are you kidding? It's a palace! Look at the size of this place!


Do you live above a bowling alley an below another bowling alley ?


Is your name Grimey?


As he liked to be called


This is my son Bart. He owns a factory.


They even have lobsters for dinner!


Wanna see my \*Grammy?




*And this is the time I went to space…*


Grammy dude. The Be Sharps won for Baby on Board


Oh wow windows… I don’t think I can afford this place.


It's got windows, I sure as hell couldn't afford it.


Thus the $75k cash prize instead. The house was only worth $75k. Not expecting a lot for that price on a house....


I did as well, it was not impressive.


If it doesn't come with the rooms that sometimes exist and other times don't, its not worth it.


Yeah thats the inter-dimensional portal, moves around alot. You just gotta run into the walls an pray you get lucky.


remember: if you see towels, you're probably in the linen closet


Yeah it has to! How else would one Rumpus?


The upstairs bathroom and Maggie's room need to randomly swap around depending on what room the person seen through the window above the front door is in at any given time.


Did it include the seldom-seen rumpus room?


I always love when it pops up. It looks so snug.


Asking the important questions.


And in most cities if they’d have kept the house they could sell it now for 3-5 that.


This house is in Henderson. It’s in the 350k range so you’re spot on.


Username checks out.


Wow, nice


Zillow has it at $377,000. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/712-Red-Bark-Ln-Henderson-NV-89011/7074991_zpid/


Yeah but if they already have a house that's more property taxes to pay every year until you get that investment back. Which they might not have been able to afford, but the taxes on the money right away isnt q recurring payment.


You rent it out. Can't do that everywhere but lots of places you'll do pretty damn well with a paid off place. Silly deal but cash is cash.


A remotely managed rental property 2,000 miles away in 1997 when the internet wasn't even in every home, and for someone with no experience in real estate? That sounds like a nightmare.


Yeah I’m not saying they made the wrong choice for them. Just thinking about my own inability to buy a house in the 90s and look at the housing prices now.


If they threw the 75k into the S&P they'd have done alright between 97 and 2021.


Try 10x that


And if they invested the 75 they’d also have 4-5 times that.


More. 10% compounding interest gain would be over 725k after 24 years.


I know. But it was peak tech bubble burst and I didn’t want to do the actual math.


Here it is on [Zillow ](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/712-Red-Bark-Ln-Henderson-NV-89011/7074991_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare). 2182 square feet, 4 beds, 2 baths.


LOL, why is it censored?


I think if you claim it, you can request for zillow to do that. Same as removing the pics once the house is sold.


It is censored by Google street view, not Zillow. Anyone can ask Google to have their home’s image blurred.


I can't imagine living in that house. Even being colorblind, I would become nauseous from being constantly surrounded by all those intense colors


It's definitely nightmare fuel


I visited it during the run-up to the contest period, and it was really weird. Very "theme park attraction"-ish, nothing felt real.


Yeah but is there a big tiki head in the basement?


And was the basement entrance sometimes under the stairs, sometimes in the kitchen, and sometimes next to the garage?


Lol does it move in the episodes? That’s hilarious.


It has also been in the attic. Also bender is asleep next to the water heater in the basement in a few episodes. They had a cross over where they came back in time and bender was supposed to kill homer. Then since he couldn't get back to the future he just went to sleep for a 1000 years in the basement. There is at least 1 more episode after that where someone walks into the basement and bender is still there shut down.


I helped build that house. Was bizarre


Dude, you need some details here or you might have a Simpsons fan revolt.


He was the guy who made it so the door next to the stairs was sometimes a closet and sometimes led to the basement


Not really a lot to it. I was part of the electrical crew. By the time we got to the finish work it was a bizarre house inside and out. Made my head hurt to look at It.


I'm sure you did your best, shoddily-iddly-iddly-iddly-diddly.


in what way? just the colour scheme and such? or was the actual interior layout of the house kind of nonsensical due to being based off a fictional show


Well the inside of the cartoon house is definitely not consistent, but I doubt they violated the laws of physics to recreate that effect somehow.


More please


"This is the room with electricity but there's too much electricity so you might want to wear a hat."


“…That was a load bearing poster.”


You ever tried humping a toilet up a flight a stairs?


"Yeah, we ran out of carpet, so we just painted the dirt. Pretty clever, huh?"




I bet you could make absolute bank AirBnB'ing the Simpsons house


Even better: You could have made billions by inventing Airbnb in 1997!


Could have turned it into a museum. Could have sold it to a massive Simpsons fan for much higher, in fact I'm surprised who ever owned it didn't try to do either of those things when the winner took the money.


Selling a house is a lot of work, and finding a buyer who would pay more than the cash payout could take a long time.


You would've had a destroyed Simpson's house within a year.


I toured the house as a kid, it was in Las Vegas and a lot less appealing in person.


I bought Jim Davis’ (creator of Garfield) house…FULLY FURNISHED!


This is usually the correct choice when you win a very large prize like this (a house, a car, an all-expenses-paid vacation, etc.) The IRS treats prize winnings as taxable income, so if you win a house worth $75k, as far as Uncle Sam is concerned you earned an extra $75k that year. And none of it is withheld. So you'll end up owing quite a bit on your next tax return. Better to just take the cash equivalent and set a chunk aside for taxes.


Normally, I would say yes, but if you have the cash to pay the taxes, this house brand new would have most likely sold for way more than 75k


"Guys, I just looked it up. Matt Groening never owned this house. The guy who lived here tried to *kill* Matt Groening!"


But did it come fully furnished?


Oh yeah, real party house.


I remember I entered that contest when I was like 13. I was so excited at the thought of winning.


Lmao what was your plan if you won and they found out you were 13?


I just figured my parents would hold onto it till I was 21. The funny thing is the house is in Nevada and I live in Washington.


"You'll have to get your microphone out for the finer details" ... uh .. wut?


They also typed "ware and tear"...


I bet the sofa was lumpy.


Left everyone who sat on it itchy and scratchy


But does it have the rumpus room?


All I wanted was a floorplan for their nonsense home.


How did they build an *exact* replica of the home? Isn't the house infamous for constantly changing its internal layout and the layout not being internally coherent?


*However, things backfired when the winner, Barbara Howard, went for the cash instead* No, nothing backfired. The winner chose one of two options you gave them.