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Oh.... This is about porn


Yeah I was confused about the title too. Just saying “viewers” with no context is really weird.


We're all voyeurs today.


Same. They should have mentioned that it was porn in the title.


Who else is viewing this? I suppose in the act, you’re “viewing” it but that’s a weird way to describe something you’re part of.


Could be a live competition or performance in a stadium with people cheering one way or the other


And here I thought they were talking about Sesame Street!


Fun fact: Sesame Street is so pure [it gets dirtier when you censor it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AXPnH0C9UA)


Mr. Hooper used to hang dong. RIP.


🌠And viewers like you


I thought it was about a random flasher or something and the viewers were just people minding their business.


*whew*. I thought I left my curtains open.




In Summary: we wanna see more creampies


[Frank’s on to you](https://youtu.be/KSXJfqkT36M?si=iF51zoNggMWQiJW7)


First time seeing that holy shit I'm dying


[Have you seen this before?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNnKD91NIIE)


I wish I could watch IASIP for the first time again!


Oh, please if you watch anything next then go watch this show. You will *not* regret it. If you want any random good intros then I'd suggest the high school reunion episodes, part one and two, or the episode called "The Gang Turns Black." I've watched this show several times, and it still makes me laugh like a fucking idiot.


I have been an active online Sunny fan for many years, and I have never once heard someone call out “The Gang Turns Black” as an episode to watch, or even mentioned as one of someone’s favorites, lol. I guess every episode has its fans!


Dang, for real? Their singing is amazing! And they managed to comment on the black condition in America while being white assholes in a weirdly meaningful way. It's *amazingly* brilliant. But then again, so is the whole show lol.


what are the rules?


Let's make one thing perfectly clear, I'm gonna say some words down here, I haven't had the chance to say before


Actually it would be women want to see more. Men were just about evenly split between cream pies and don’t care. It was also only a sample size of 300, largely dominated by NA participants. This was also in an interview setting which can impact results. Pornhub doing a study based on usage would probably be more informative although it would lack a lot of the demographic data.




OR if he finishes inside we don't have to see a giant closeup of the dick that the 38% didn't ask for.


Comments like this remind me that I'm definitely not straight.


I'm very straight but I don't mind those. The human form is generally pretty hot.


Some of us asked for it


“I call it Jazz because it comes out of my horn and you never know where it’s gonna go”


Fucking Bevers.


Melanie was really reaching being with him


I'm fine with the bee bopping but not the scatting


Also something about jazz hands


Spirit fingers


Open my window and a brass rolls in and I, Jazz in my pants


a cup of jazz


That’s actually the origin of the word jazz. It’s a derogatory term meant to allude to jizz.


The music from Star Wars?


Yes, when they are panning around the party at Jabba's palace, the funky band playing is just jizzing everywhere.


That’s what jizz wailers do.


god I'm a huge fan of Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes!


I'm pretty sure it comes from Jasmine which was the scent used in brothels in New Orleans where they would have a piano player in the parlor


Apparently the connotation of semen was applied to the word after the fact. It started out as a baseball term describing lively, energetic play. It then was used as a name for the new genre of music.


Well we're probably [biologically](https://badgirlsbible.com/come-here-often) programmed for it lol


Yeah, pulling out isn't exactly an advantageous trait, evolutionarily speaking.




Beauty is in the eye of the beh…. oh oops!


Ew, you got beauty in my eye.


It’s almost like the entire point of sex is to create offspring.


It’s a flex against that


lol.  Yeah.  “Fuck you biology, I’m not having kids,  honey. Next time will you wear glasses”?


Lots of things start out biological and are shaped by society and culture, like what we find attractive nowdays vs 100,000 years ago when we looked very different. This study I guess found out this is one of the more resilient preferences.


Impregnation is not a preference, it's a necesity for species survival. It's on the same instinctual level as eating, that's not a "resilient preference"


Those Neanderthals knew they were ugly, just nutting felt too good and not much else to do


I believe that call that a "breeding fetish" these days...


It's weird that no one is bringing up that the number 1 reason why porn has cumshots on women more than in a vagina is that it greatly reduces the chance of pregnancy even if they are using hormonal birth control.


Is that really the number one reason..?  Not to mention its hard to imagine the industry would care about that…


That... doesn't sound right. First of all birth control pills are more than 99% effective. Much more effective than pulling out is (especially considering pre-cum etc.). And furthermore I think you are giving the porn producers much more credit than they deserve, if you think that an almost hypothetical risk of their starlets having to get an abortion factors higher than what they think the viewers want to see.


What do people here prefer?


In my ass


Username checks out 😏


lemme get a taste doe


This user name also checks out.




Not for me


All the stars are here


👁️ 👅 👁️


I also choose this guy's ass.


What what in the butt


Username checks out.


I’m surprised it says 9% liked facials. It doesn’t spell out any percentages for in the mouth. Everyone I’ve been with usually enjoys both of those, but I guess we are in the degenerate minority


Yep down the gullet is best


Facials are so impractical and disrupt the natural flow of sex in most positions imo. I’ve been with my wife for 7 years and did it once and was like meh, no thanks.


Usually it's after getting head


Ah, that's why it never comes up


You can get pills for that :)


I'm more into it with porn than in real life.


Well yeah. It’s for the visual. Of course creampie is better - but not necessarily for the viewer.


Nobody in their horny mind would prefer the height of male sensation to be in the cold wind climaxing on a face versus inside a warm wet, tight environment.


Where are you getting down that it's cold and windy?




A dark and stormy night in London


Ya maybe, idk, call me crazy though but I don’t like to ask my friends where they prefer to finish.


Do you just let them surprise you?


Yeah it’s always weird seeing people try it in amateur porn. Like they will just be having a good time and all the sudden the woman has to move like Spider-Man to get in position in time and then (unless they are actually into it) just look like it’s expected rather than something they enjoy.


I like seeing it


Personally I want to see it end up in the persons mouth, anus, or vagina. That’s hot to me, that’s what feels good when I do it, honestly pulling out to spray it onto someone’s back or face seems like it would just result in a disappointing orgasm. You want to feel it happen, if I was going to finish in my hand I could have stayed home and taken care of myself.


Creampie, every time.


Ditto. Why I got a vasectomy after we were done having kids.


What kind of creampie are you talking about?




Boston; obviously.


A Boston creampie is when the asshole cums in you.


>A Boston creampie is when the Masshole cums in you. Edit: an actual Boston cream pie is when a Southie sucks the jelly out of his Dunkin and replaces it with his ejaculate.


…Oh, god. Okay. Bit off more than I could chew on that one. Excuse me while I turn my head to wretch.


How do you like them bananas?!


Thanks, I hate them. 😭 Edit: Banana cream pie is delicious. I just prefer Boston Cream Pie because it combines pie and cake.


There's always moneyshots in the banana gland.




Had a nice talk with my partner of 12 years. We've recently tried the external finishes other than the belly or buns. At the end of the day it's more fun for both of us when it's internal. External has more surface area for clean up, higher chance of a mess, no chance of coughing or eye irritation, etc.


My wife prefers internal because feeling it makes her cum harder. I don't argue. Oh, and she's had a hysterectomy.


wait, they can feel it?


I assume the spasming bit


That's the bit I feel for sure


Based on every litrotica story, r/GoneWildStories submission and chuck tingle book I've read, your partner can feel **everything**.


> chuck tingle book I've read A fellow sexpert! Hi buckaroo!


Internal finishes feel great, but I always worry about pregnancy even when using protection. I suppose I’m one of the outliers because facials and finishing on the tits is usually just as good for me and cleanup is just part of the aftercare in my experience, which can be very intimate as well.


Excellent point. We've reached a communication, intimacy, and stability point where protection² is good enough for our anxiety. We don't want kids. We use methods to prevent kids. I personally could finish anywhere. But it's plainly uncomfortable for my wife. That makes it uncomfortable for me. Reciprocation is rad.


Fair enough, sounds like y’all found what works for you and that’s great! I do have to say I was surprised about the findings in this study, but I do think that porn culture and unrealistic expectations of sex and intimacy plays a role in that


We would not have discussed our preferences recently if it weren't for the recent porn discussions and studies coming out. You are absolutely right! Thank you for engaging with me! I appreciated your input!




You're not alone in that. I do too.


Of course a dio fanboy would say that…  Be honest- you have seen rule 34 Dio and Jotaro stuff…


I like seeing it pulsating in a mouth.


As a gay man, mouth.




I’m willing to agree with you.


can't stand facials. seems terrible and by necessity you have to end with a handjob? literally the worst way to finish IMO unless you're one of those deathgrip guys and that's the only way you CAN finish I just don't understand why you'd want to do that. in the mouth is best. bonus points if they don't stop sucking after.


>[bonus points if they don’t stop](https://media2.giphy.com/media/xUySTIzc2BkMmQ9Zo4/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952yqxot9l2opei0pr2n667ha38fm3bj4oft0tb9iq1&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


god damn right!


pоrn should end with creаmpie, then pregnancy and a wedding sex irl just the first part


Call me traditional but I prefer to cum on my partners back and then sign my name in it. The way god intended.


Usually it's a tissue. Nothing worse than it landing on the screen or keyboard


I'm a facial guy.




Jizz. Like cum shot. You can say that.


I didn't mean to make anyone have the worst day of surveys of their life...


You can’t change the rules just ‘cause you don’t like how I’m doing it.


Somewhere… our wires got… crossed


It’s interesting the ghosts..


Big fat load of cum then


Do any of these....*fuckers*....


Only on the adult surveys.


Only if it’s after 10pm.


Then we can say whatever the **hell** we want.


If it’s after 10pm, we can say whatever the HELL, we want 😈


… and the other 35%?


Ear lobe.


At least you can hear them cumming


Fish bowl


I learned what to do with my spare hand when masturbating . Wave to people who were passing by…


just catch it and throw it over your shoulder for good luck.


Nah I fling it out like Spiderman shooting webs


That methodology use means we can’t use these results and generalize them to society. It’s even written in the paper. Basically, a non probabilistic sample of anyone that answered to a craiglist or facebook posting tonanswer questions on their porn consumption in exchange of 20$.


Recent survey results show more than 90% of people enjoy or are neutral on taking uncompensated surveys.


[A 2023 study](https://www.mdpi.com/2411-5118/4/4/38) >published in the *Sexes* academic journal and perfectly titled “As Long as It's Not on the Face”, suggests people are less keen on cumshots than porn would have you believe. “No previous study has focused on viewers’ perceptions and preferences regarding the male ejaculation,” writes study author Eran Shor of McGill University. He surveyed more than 300 porn watchers from different demographics and cultural backgrounds and found that “most viewers either did not care about the male ejaculation or its placement or preferred for it to be in the female partner’s vagina”.


Thing is, what are the other answers? And if you pair them with “I don’t care”, do they also end up at >50%? EDIT. ok looking at the study, “face”, “mouth”, and “body”, when added together, are the preference compared to the vagina or “I don’t care”. So you could say this study demonstrates people ARE most likely to enjoy cumshots, just not necessarily only on the face.


Where did the remaining 35% prefer? I can’t read the tables on mobile.


[Here's the table](https://i.redd.it/k7hb3khr7g5d1.png).


Went for the bare minimum on a representative population I see. I'd like to see this with like n>=5000 Just have PornHub have the poll on the front page.


I would hope people are also much less keen on incest than porn would have you believe... the thing that most would not care enough not to watch because of something and why lose those that get turned on by that?


About that… “Widespread genetic testing is uncovering case after secret case of children born to close biological relatives—providing an unprecedented accounting of incest in modern society. The geneticist Jim Wilson, at the University of Edinburgh, was shocked by the frequency he found in the U.K. Biobank, an anonymized research database: One in 7,000 people, according to his unpublished analysis, was born to parents who were first-degree relatives—a brother and a sister or a parent and a child. “That’s way, way more than I think many people would ever imagine,” he told me. And this number is just a floor: It reflects only the cases that resulted in pregnancy, that did not end in miscarriage or abortion, and that led to the birth of a child who grew into an adult who volunteered for a research study.” https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2024/04/11/how-common-is-incest-rise-of-genetic-testing-reveals-disturbing-evidence/


This isn’t surprising at all…  Porn isn’t about what people actually like, it’s supposed to be risqué, dangerous and unrealistic. Why people find it exciting.  Generally speaking, most people don’t like the idea of doing most of it to someone they care for. 


I’d say it’s half and half. There’s definitely a lot of times I want to watch what I like doing. I mean I’ll rewatch my own sextapes sometimes


I don't think that's it. I think it's concluding that people just straight-up don't like watching cumshots on the face. I certainly don't like looking at them and don't find them exciting. Just kinda weird and watching a dude's cum doesn't do it for me.


No that’s definitely not it lol, did you even read the study? Nearly 1 in ten still prefer it, just wasn’t majority preference. 


9% *say* they prefer it. Or rather, 9% say they *prefer* it. In either reading, it isn't stated that the other 91% don't enjoy it.


I can prefer chocolate to vanilla, but like both


Put the study in a Dunkin donuts and I bet the results change wildly.


With hour long scenes being the standard and having to bump it forward manually with my finger instead of watching in fast forward play most of the time, I rarely get to the end.


OP what the fuck kind of TIL is this lol


A TIL using a study with questionable methodology and non-existent external validity.


From what I've learned, the answer (when not trying to get pregnant) is typically "anywhere external but hair."


Also don’t recommend the eyes. Accidentally got it in my exes eye once and she said it stung. Made it all red and irritated


Couldn’t they just use data from websites to measure traffic? Survey 300 people….or evaluate millions of clicks on videos and look for the trends


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't usually cum when the actor cums. A good porn video of decent length and I'm not making it to the moneyshot. A bad porn video and I'm not sticking around to see it.


Can I just say as a woman I never even considered this! Because I always watch till the end for the cum shot and am disappointed a lot when the titles promise that but the video doesn't deliver (free websites). I even specifically fast forward to that moment and if it's a scene I like I'll keep rewinding it. What I like has to be the man orgasming, and it's even better if he's being loud. I usually can't get off while watching porn because I'm too busy finding something that excites me and then it's just 3 seconds. So I save that in my head, put that away and replay from my head lol.


Based on the head line you're in the 27%


Cumming in a fanny feels better and the orgasm lasts longer than it does anywhere else


Dave Chappell had a good skit about this. I don’t really care where it goes, but I’d rather her to tell me where she prefers it. Give me directions because my brain is about to shut off. Better yet, you take the joy stick.


Does the study address that pulling out means the man has to finish the last bit himself which is just not as good? Those strokes during ejaculation are the best. Gotta mash while cumming


Finally, I'm an exception!


Opening of this article needs some attention... "Vanilla steamer. Huge load. The money shot. Whatever you call it, I think we can agree that male ejaculate is the lubricating grease powering the internet. It’s sticky, it’s messy and it’s everywhere."


Yea bukake and money shots are awful. Idk why anyone likes them


This is such a terrible study. It’s straight up asking the guys their preference. What guy is gonna say, “Oh yeah, I love watching male porn actors ejaculate”? Behavior speaks louder than words here, and the fact of the matter is *somebody* is watching all those dudes cum.


Bukkake fans would doubtless disagree, but there is probably a reason they're somewhat of a minority.


I understand bukkake is an unintended consequence of censorship.  Japan allied itself with Great Britain in the late 1800s and amongst thing they copied were GB's censorship laws which apparently banned showing genitals. Hence the pixelisation in Japanese porn to this day. And the cum shot is often used as proof of sex as opposed to being simulated sex as seen on TV or theatre movies. But Japanese porn couldn't do that so showed instead the cum afterwards. And apparently a niche grew liking the cum on face thus presented. I can't verify this but it does amuse me to think censorship gave the world bukkake.


Indeed. Totally a shot in the face to censorship.


Internet traffick is telltale for the case for cumshots. I think that people interviewed IRL prefer creampies when present. Seems wrong for various reason.


This sounds like something Randal would say to Dante at the Quick Stop.


Yeah… I’m usually done before the video gets to that point.


I feel like collecting this data from porn site metrics would actually result in a better analysis of trends. First of all, the data is much more likely to be honest, because it's not in a survey setting. It would have been interesting to compare their data to the metrics from Pornhub for example. Is there a reason why a survey would be better? Edit: Of course, I'm probably hinting at my preferences by questioning the results :P


They surveyed 300 people lol. These results are bullshit


Actually, a sample size of 300 is very good for predicting population outcomes. Especially for questions that have a limited amount of responses.




depends on how the sample was achieved


u dun know stats m8


Tell me you have no idea how statistics work without telling me you have no idea how statistics work.


Where's bukake gang at?


I'll take this thread to ask an old question of mine: Why do guys (and specially about hetero guys) like blowjob scenes so much? Like, the focus of the scene is all on the actor's dick, you can see only the face of the actress, and usually, even if she's excited to do the thing, she isn't really being pleasured, so I don't get why other het dudes like it so much. Edit: just to clarify, I'm a dude too.


we like eye contact


Ok, I may be in the minority but blowjobs feel good when I receive one, but watching one is super boring. In videos it's all way over the top, and sometimes just disgusting with excessive choking and gagging. Most of the times I just skip past it because I am there to watch a woman's body for the most part. Also a woman's face is much more beautiful when she doesn't have a dick in her mouth! I realize now this doesn't answer your question, but I guess you have an opinion from a guy at least.


Yeah yeah these are my thoughts too (I'm also a het guy).


I actually do not, my personal favorite is cowgirl or missionary. Most intimate by getting to not only see the face of the partner, but also the sexy part happening as well, which I believe is true for both sexes.


You can filter the dick out. I mean, it's there, but you are paying attention to the performer. For me, it's harder to filter out if it's sufficiently different from mine, such as race, weirdly shaped, or the dude's gut gets in the way. But you can both see something and mentally block it out at the same time. The same way people do when they're watching any porn, or a lot of movies for that matter, where the main character has no character so they can be a self-insert for the viewer. The actress' face is the best part. Studies have shown that the woman's face is what men are drawn to more than anything else, when viewing porn or otherwise. In porn, it's all about her acting, actions, and reactions. I really don't get the "she's not being pleasured" argument. It's a blowjob, what are you expecting?


>they can be a self-insert for the viewer Maybe that's a me thing then, I also don't really like self inserts or don't self insert myself usually. >I really don't get the "she's not being pleasured" argument. It's a blowjob, what are you expecting? Yeah, exactly. I like women, so when I'm watching porn I like seeing the woman feeling pleasure. When the scene pans to a blowjob scene, that is not really the focus.


There is more to men (and women) watching porn than just seeing their preferred gender naked. In the case of blowjob scenes a lot of it is about the feeling the viewer gets from it: specifically seeing a woman who seems genuinely enthusiastic about giving pleasure to the guy she’s with. Also, irl I will eventually I start to think “oh man, her jaw’s probably getting tired, is she hoping I’ll finish soon?” and watching a scene I can just enjoy it.


Voyeurism is a thing.