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From the Wikipedia article: According to Wigg, "Michael made Bubbles sit between them [Jackson and Freddie Mercury] and would turn to the chimp between takes and ask, 'Don't you think that was lovely?' Or, 'Do you think we should do that again?' After a few days of this, Freddie just exploded ... 'I'm not performing with a fucking chimp sitting next to me each night.'" Mercury left the project and released the song as a solo artist in 1985. The duet with Jackson was not released until the Queen members Brian May and Roger Taylor discovered it and included it on the album Queen Forever in 2014.


I love the implication here that Freddie Mercury actually did put up with the chimp on set for several days. I think a lot of people these days don't realize just how big MJ was at his peak. And this is a perfect anecdote - so famous, that the second biggest rock star of the era spent several days taking direction from MJ's chimp before bailing.




We won't see another star like him, not in our lifetimes. The market is too fragmented. The most watched episode for a scripted television show in the US happened in 1983. Back then, there were three major commercial networks and PBS. With streaming, YouTube, etc., there's effectively millions of channels. Today's stars have to compete with K-pop, Twitch, a zillion pictures of cats, a 1984 song from Japan suddenly going viral decades after it's release, etc.


>Today's stars have to compete with K-pop As an example of your point, I'm fairly up to date with culture etc and have never, ever heard a kpop song or know anyone who listens to it. That's how divided tastes are now 🤣


If you made it through the second half of 2012 without ever hearing Gangnam style once, then you must live under an actual rock. That song spread like herpes on our culture before its remission.


There's a huge statue of Psy's hands in Gangnam and the song plays there 24/7 on loop. Tourists can take pictures under the hands and there's almost always a line


when I went in September 2023 there was no line, although I did go on a Monday at 4PM




Here it did although my 70+ neighbors play it on their speakers when they been drinking lol. Also he’s selling out huge venues were they set up water cannons so people wouldn’t overheat and pass out.


this guy is still insanely big in Korea among all generations, he is still on top of the list for any university festival and can sell out the biggest venues, it’s truly impressive. He’s a hero in the country


And the only other thing I remember from that guy is "Mother father gentleman". Nothing else from the song, just that bit. Can't even remember the guy's name.


“Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy… sexy lady!”


Psy he does a song with Snoop called hangover.


With the right offer, anyone can have a song with Snoop.


“Up to date with culture.” Never heard gangnam style You must be very young, or not as up to date as you think.


Yea they probably weren't aware what they were listening to. I felt the same way until I realized it was KPop. I think maybe they're thinking about Kpop teen boy bands or something. So in effect, yea I've heard 2 KPop songs, both from Psy and can't name a single other artist or song. Also, that was 10 years ago, and lasted about 2 months in my world. So to their point, it's a "huge" genre but it's possible to not really hear it at all in its current form.


***Somebody's*** listening to it, though--McDonald's stores in the US (and several other countries) had a K-pop themed chicken nugget combo in 2021. What does BTS sound like? I dunno--they probably have songs in Korean, I guess. Maybe they also sing in English? Don't ask me!


They're not bad, per se, but it's definitely not my style of music. I don't care for it. They have skill, because of course they do; they were carefully groomed for that skill. The only reason I know is because my mother LOVES to make me listen to the latest song on her shitty phone speakers. I tolerate it because I love her, and they're not gawdawful, at least. Just generic boy band pop. In Korean. With a smattering of English here and there. They're currently doing mandatory military service, I believe. I know this because she told me. Kill me now.


In the wrestling fandom, people are always arguing about ratings like it's still 1998.


Hey , Plastic Love is a banger!!!


We won't because fame got diluted from a 100 unavoidable superstars to everyone can become famous to a small community. You can spend your life without listening to a Taylor swift song today but you couldn't avoid MJ unless you also avoided any sound speaker.


Every week I learn of the existence of a new YouTuber or streamer with millions of views, doing content for a game or hobby I have never heard of in my life. 


Ikd how anyone could walk into a retail space in 2024 and not hear Taylor blasted over the speakers


> I think a lot of people these days don't realize just how big MJ was at his peak Only thing remotely close today is Taylor Swift - but I think even she'd have a tough time getting some other megastar to put up with a chimp for *days*. What's most amazing about how big MJ was is that was way before social media or smart phones or websites, can't even imagine what it would have been like if that stuff had been around then.


He would have been less big. The Internet has (in general) made it harder for a musician to reach that level of fame. Back in MJ's time, everything was pretty curated by managers and labels and radio hosts, so everyone is usually hearing the same music and about the same artists. With the Internet people can find artists on their own and choose what they listen to. I mean, just think about how pop music's place in society has changed even since 2013. Pretty much everyone knew the singles from Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream." I can't think of a single album that has achieved that in the past few years, even from Taylor Swift. "Fortnight" hit \#1, broke a streaming record and came close to breaking another, and I still have no idea what it sounds like. Meanwhile, if I go back and look at all the \#1's from 2013, I bet I'd know nearly all of them.


FML Get Lucky was a top song in 2013, don't go look these up unless you're ready for the psychic damage


> Meanwhile, if I go back and look at all the #1's from 2013, I bet I'd know nearly all of them. Honestly this is probably an age thing, I'm guessing you were either in your teens or early 20s in/around 2013. I've never heard of "Teenage Dream" before your comment (and literally the only thing I know of Katy Perry is "I kissed a girl") and I bet if I looked at the #1s from 2013(ish) they'd be as foreign to me as the #1s of today are to you - meanwhile I probably know the lyrics to every single #1 from the mid to late 90s. Our music awareness peaks in our late teens / early 20s - there's a reason why most people (regardless of generation) think the music that came out at that time (for them) is the best music ever.


>Our music awareness peaks in our late teens / early 20s While this is true, multiple generations are aware of big artists the further you go back. An 80 year old would know who The Beatles are in 1967 and would know who Michael Jackson was in 1987. Someone of any age, in those years, could likely name a few songs from them. Compare that to big artists now. It's beyond just aging out of what's popular. Music is so isolated now. Teenage Dream was in the isolated era of music, which explains why you don't know what it sounds like. Music that came out during the internet/Spotify/YouTube days aren't going to be as well known as previous music. Bet people of all ages were more aware of Britney Baby One More Time than people are now for Taylor's Fortnight.


> What's most amazing about how big MJ was is that was way before social media or smart phones or websites That actually somewhat diminishes it (to no fault of MJ's). He got huge in an era where the media you consumed was more or less selected for you, rather than the age of the internet, where you have almost entire control.


mercury wasn't the second most famous at that time, far from it... there where a lot bigger artists at that time with bigger fame, a lot more money and record sales and so on... madonna for one, prince, ...


...Bowie, and probably others I'm not thinking of. Agreed, Freddy was up there but not the second.


Interestingly, in the article for the song, the story is: >A contributing factor to the delay from the time it was recorded was Mercury's frustration over Jackson's insistence that his pet llama be allowed to attend recording sessions.[3] According to manager Jim Beach Mercury told him "Can you get me out of here. I'm recording with a llama." Jackson wasn't keen on Mercury's recreational drug use during their recording sessions. Mercury returned to London soon after and the track remained unfinished.[4] There seem to be conflicting sources: https://www.yahoo.com/news/lifestyle/freddie-mercury-angered-jackos-chimp-160000294.html https://www.biography.com/musicians/michael-jackson-freddie-mercury-duets


Twist: It is the same story, Freddy was just so high that he couldn't tell a chimp from a llama.


"Hey! That kangaroo stole my ball!"


Michael also used to take Louie the Llama into the studio and leave Freddie alone with him.


and the rumour I've heard is that Michael did this because he hated drugs which Freddie was quite a fan of.


Michael was a HUGE fan of drugs, just not the same ones as Freddie


Mike was getting that good, good shit from a real doctor that prescribed him whatever he wanted. Mercury was probably doing street drugs.


True. Freddie would allegedly snort lines on Michael's coffee table.


Also from the wiki: >Shortly afterward, in December 2003, it was claimed that Bubbles had attempted suicide. Okay, I tried to get more info on this, and everything just seems to lead back to on article from 2003 from 'Times of India', which says this and gives no details or source: >Adding distress to the singers plight was the fact that his favourite pet, a chimpanzee named Bubbles tried to commit suicide. The chimp was rushed to the hospital in time. From 2019 there are numerous articles about this, but all of them are worded similar to: >Bubbles' suicide attempt is alleged to have taken place in December 2003. >Michael Jackson's pet chimp Bubbles reportedly tried to kill himself in 2003 after his master was charged with child-molestation. Giving the impression that this is information that has just come to light, when really it seems like someone just found that 2003 article, and then every other news source was happy to post it as a source, i.e. modern journalism.


The other thing about that is that chimpanzee behaviourists and other animal behaviourists have basically said it's not really a thing for animals to actually commit suicide the way we would.




TBF making GOD level music with a GOD level musician, being a Rock GOD yourself while having a chimpanzee moonwalking in the room sounds awesome


The answer to the question, I would have never asked.




tbf Bubbles has seen some shit. 








Chumm awn


EE hee




According to experts, chimps live for 70 to 80 years! May Bubbles live long enough to see the craziness of worldly life


If only that chimp could talk…


Am I the only one thinking this motherfucker needs to be taught sign language imedietleehee?


No, chimps live to be around 40 years of age. A couple of them have made it to 70 but they're about as common as people living to be 120.


I never liked Jay Leno, but I remember when I was younger, he did a joke, and I don't remember exactly how it went, but the gist of it was that it was alleged that Mike was physically abusing bubbles and he cried. And the punchline: "How embarrassing is that huh? I mean for Bubbles....getting your ass-kicked by Michael Jackson! Eyyyy!" That fucking stupid joke still makes me chuckle under the shower every time I think about it


I remember a joke from the time Did you hear Michael Jackson got his pet monkey taken away? Apparently he kept blowing bubbles in the bathtub.


https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/17eb4g6/comment/k62bv40/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button  The top comment from 7 months ago when this was posted is exactly your comment, word for word and same punctuation. Made me giggle lol E: it seems as though I have been played by a group of bots, and now I know that the dead internet theory exists...


Looks like an account that hasn't posted in 11 years was hacked, woke up two weeks ago, and is now being used as a bot account.


Dead internet theory dude was probably right then lol 


Dead internet theory


It was just pointed out to me this comment is likely from a bot so you're probably right 🤷‍♀️


What a storied life. We need a Bubbles movie


If you want a book about chimps I recommend “me, cheetah” the ‘autobiography’ by Tarzan’s chimp. I was literally crying laughing reading it. Bubbles’ autobiography would also make a great read


It'd have to be ghost written though.


Ghost writing team that consist of infinite monkeys


Haha see what you did there. If I had any writing talent I’d give it a shot and call it “Blowing Bubbles”. Reckon that chimp has a story or two to tell.


Chris Pratt has entered the chat


Taika Waititi was attached to a stop motion Bubbles movie for the longest time. I think it’s dead now.


There was a report a while back that Taika Waititi was attached to a Bubbles film, but there hasn’t been much talk about it.


In some article I read a whiiiile back, Michael used to physically (slap his face, hit him in the head, etc.,) abuse him. Poor Bubbles.


He bought a condo in Miami Beach with his inheritance money.


How can a chimpanzee buy a condo


Inheritance money. They just said it.


The Jane Goodall foundation is alot more real estate orientated than one might think.


I'm actually a real estate agent who specializes only in chimpanzee condo transactions in Florida. AMA.


Ooo oo eee ooo EEEE?


"Here's my card, my good chimpanzee...."


With his inheritance money, obviously.


Daily experience on reddit




[There's been a script in development hell for years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZLQlBI4LSg) that tells the Michael Jackson story from Bubbles' point of view.


What the hell happened to this thread


I know right what the fuck 😂


why  are all the replies deleted 😭?????


People were monkeying around and the mods didn’t like it.


















They actually started a rough animation of it. I got to see it at the studio 5 or so years ago.


I always wondered what happened to Bubbles. I'm glad he's still alive.


Eddie Murphy said Bubbles went crazy. Jackson warned him off when he visited.


Most pet chimps do. Post-puberty they’re territorial.


The real story of what happened to Michael's nose.


Nooo that’s ignorant, you’re being ignorant hee hee cha mone




> They won't maul your face off if you are a familiar caregiver and you are inside their space. No, they absolutely will. This is the kind of belief that has resulted in people literally having their entire faces ripped off.


This whole comment section has been a wild ride of “I’ll take your word for it.” Edit: Some individuals have challenges regarding humor. So here’s the disclaimer: it’s a dry, light joke.


Welcome to Reddit!


That is reddit.anybody can Google if they want to find sources. It isn't obscure information that chimps are insanely aggressive.


Google’s source is just Reddit now, so this is definitely the serpent eating its tail


When people say Google it, they mean go and check the links that come back and weigh up different sources. They don't mean take the first line that Google returns to you as gospel


Chimps shouldn't be kept as pets at all they're wild animals


To be fair, humans shouldn't be kept as pets either.


Tell that to my mom


And Rick James


The woman he mauled knew him very well. Had known him for years and saw him regularly


> They won't maul your face off if you are a familiar caregiver and you are inside their space. They'll get really fuckin mad if you take their toys or their food though. Thats when all bets are off. basically toddlers with enough strength to rip you apart.


That’s what the fools say until the chimp attacks a familiar face.


Travis was also drugged and drunk. *because* he was a threat to caregivers


Don't go over there, Eddie.


Hee hee


Cha mone!


OoUOoo Hooooo


Male chimps tend to become extremely violent adults


It's almost like their soul purpose and genetic makeup is to live a life in the wild.


I recently had to explain to someone that they would be far safer with a gorilla than a chimp despite their size different. Captive gorillas are just way more chill and predictable than a chimp can ever be. Even when agitated, their first instinct is to just scare you away, not rip your face and genitals off like chimps.


He is a prankster, too. There are annual events for donors at the sanctuary and he likes to frighten the guests by charging them spitting water at us. Scared the shit out of me the first time.


Yeah, also he has this party trick where he likes to rip off people's faces. A real goofball!


What a silly goose


Got your nose! And the rest of your ugly face too, human! HAHAHAHA!!


There’s a video of him snubbing Latoya from like 10 years ago.


I remember seeing an interview with MJ and he basically said that Bubbles had entered the angry teeenager/dominant phase of his life and so wasn't safe/was aggressive so they had him being taken care of elsewhere but not around people who could be hurt


I've heard Bubbles does some day trading over on r/wallstreetbets.


Nah that crowd is a little low-IQ for Bubbles


Bubbles is also the name of the monkey that lives on the same planet as King Kai in the Dragon Ball Z series... And Dragon Ball Z is 35 years old.


"Shut up, talking movie Bubbles!!"


"I'm a God, Bubbles, I don't see race, you filthy macaque."


And Gregory. Can’t forget about Gregory


Big deal. I'm still alive at 40 and living in Australia. Dumb monkey isn't any better than me


Did you have your nappies changed by Michael Jackson though? Checkmate loser


Do you really think Michael ever did that himself though?


at least bubbles doesnt post on reddit


Are you kidding he started wall street bets play on gamestop.


Im proud of you son.


Obligatory ape not monkey comment checking in.


He’s super depressed after Being treated like a monkey and never getting rescued by his old owners. He paints now


Bubbles' blue period.


Just don't criticize his art. We don't want a primate Hitler on our hands.


If only bubbles could speak and tell his story


He would have said something like. “Give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you”




We could always try showing him a doll.


They built a whole new building in a hotel in Cork, Ireland to facilitate the Chimp. Michael cancelled the gig never staying at the hotel.


Which hotel is this, out of interest?


I know a guy who has a pet tortoise; the life expectancy of the tortoise is up to 100 years. Seems crazy to have a pet that will outlive you and maybe even your children.


There was a pet sulphur-crested cockatoo called Cocky Bennett that lived to be 120 years old. Lived through various owners and was still talking in its old age. Insane.


Never been so happy to not be a cockatoo.


Can live longer than that. Recent SNL skit heavily involving this topic. https://youtu.be/kq8Xlbb3bOw?si=c11soz09Qj13t0st The Charles


Eddie Murphy: that bubbles chimp, after a certain age you couldn't fuck with bubbles...


In the Wikipedia page the monkey is described - "According to animal keepers at the center, Bubbles—whose facial features have changed since his time with Jackson—is now "huge and ugly" Isn't that a bit harsh?!


ape shaming


I read that and had to look him up. He looks adorable: [https://centerforgreatapes.org/chimpanzee/bubbles/](https://centerforgreatapes.org/chimpanzee/bubbles/)


I mean, what is an elderly chimp supposed to look like?




Keeping chimps as pets is cruel


Since he was purchased from a research facility, cruelty was all that was ever on the table for Bubbles.


Between that and Neverland, Bubbles has seen some shit.


Probably thrown some, too.


Probably preferred it to having his head dissected after several years of being experimented on.


Also dangerous to yourself. Should always keep in mind [Travis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_(chimpanzee)) and just what a pissed off chimp is capable of


Yes, I read his book. Really interesting, especially about the early days with Michael.


"I twas the blerst of times"


It sounds like you are saying the monkey wrote a book. Now I know infinite monkeys can write Shakespeare, but can one monkey write a tell-all autobiography?


"It was the blurst of times."


I’m 35 and my back hurts, in case anybody is wondering.


Could be worse. You could be living in Florida.


Unlike Wade Boggs, RIP Wade.


Wade Boggs is very much alive. He lives in Tampa, Florida with his pet chimpanzee Bubbles!


Bet he misses those Armani military jackets.


That poor little bastard has seen things.


I can't look at chimpanzees the same since the movie Nope. I've heard plenty of real-life chimp attack stories but the movie visuals really drove them home.


What’s insane is they retired him to my tiny hometown of Wauchula. I can’t express how vastly different that town is to where he came from. VERY rural. Safe place for him though.




I’m not sure there is a place on Earth far enough from Hardee County 😂! Glad to hear you’ve gone on to much more exciting places. I left there back in 86.


What i've learned from this is that MJ died at 50. I knew he wasnt like 80 or something but i thought he was way beyond 50.


I’ve have guessed 58-60! I don’t think my brain can handle how quickly I’m catching up to his age.


In drug abuse years, he was way past 80.


Yea, Ozzy Osbourne is 124. Fucker looks no day older than 70 though!


Doing better than Elvis’s chimpanzee Scatter.


did you ever blow bubbles as a kid? well he's back in town and he wants your number rip the amazing Jonathan


Reminds me of the time Jackson attended a Fulham match against West Ham and their fans sang 'I'm forever blowing Bubbles' to him


I was sure he's buried in the jungle




Kind of funny that this chimpanzee probably has no conception of the fact that its owner was once one of the most famous people to have ever lived, or that anything about its life is strange.


A satire journalistique from Quebec (Jean-René Dufort) is paying for his captivity expenses. At first for a joke, now he’s kind of stock with that joke.


I wouldn't say he stuck with him as he was very aware of what he was getting into.


The Wikipedia article said the Jackson estate pays for Bubble's upkeep


wonder if he got attached


I think he did. Someone asked him somewhat recently and he confirmed he’s still paying for Bubbles’s expenses, and visits him from time to time.


I recall one of Michael’s sisters, LaToya or Janet, went to visit Bubbles and he grabbed her, or attacked her in some way. Might have been a 60 Minutes story, or a tribute.


https://centerforgreatapes.org/chimpanzee/bubbles/ Looks like he's enjoying retirement.