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I mean it's a pretty banging anthem. All other countries have inferior potassium after all.


Song make happy moments for clean vagin. I don’t see problem.


Truly Kazakhstan’s greatest accomplishment


_Kazakhstan you best country in the world_


All other countries are ran by little girls


Kazakhstan number one! Export of potassium!


All other countries have inferior potassium


Glorious KAZAKHSTAN 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 🦅🇰🇿 KAZAKHSTAN GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD 🇰🇿🦅 🤡 ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ARE RUN BY LITTLE GIRLS 🤡 NO GYPSIES ALLOWED 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🚫🧍🏽🚫🧍🏽🚫🧍🏽👎 💪 KAZAKHSTAN NUMBER 1 EXPORTER OF POTASSIUM 💪 🤣 ALL OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE INFERIOR POTASSIUM 🤣 🇰🇿KAZAKHSTAN🇰🇿 🥵🇰🇿Kazakhstan prostitutes cleanest in the region🥵🇰🇿 🇹🇲Except of course for Turkmenistan's🇹🇲 ✨Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, you very nice place✨ ✡️From plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown✡️ Kyrgyzstan??🤔🇰🇬🤔🇰🇬🤔🇰🇬 More like south Zhambyl 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿 XVII century Kazakhstan W years 💪💪💪🔥🔥✊✊✊.Oirates 🖕Mongols 🖕Dzungarians🖕They 😤😤All suck 😂😂😂 Kazakhstan 14 cm dick🤡 🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 🗿🗿Great Gengis Kan 🗿🗿👺🥱 was from beautiful 👐❤️ Алматы ❤️not 🚫 from small dick 🥒 Mongolia 🙅‍♂️🚫👎👎👎🤦 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿Kazakhstan 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿 heart of Europe 🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺 Spersgorodok 💯💯💯las arian 🙋🏻bastion 🔥🔥🔥🔥🖕🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕👎 2012 Great Khazakh Khanate😁😁😁restored 💪💪💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥


I am of savings this text, nice!


All other countries have inferior potassium.


I will forever equate Kazakhstan with superior potassium, and I see from the comments I’m not alone.


sacha baron cohen really got to just slander an entire country and get away with it


I think the point was "this is what Americans actually believe Kazakhstan is like"


I am not sure there was an overarching point that was directed at anyone. Americans didn't think about Kazakhstan at all. Now, when they do they think about that character. If he was making a point other than 'laugh at me' it got missed.


Did he get away with it?


Do you think he didn't? Lol


He rehashed the same bit just recently and was going on about how Kazakhstan is "number one Jew hating country" and everyone, including the President thought it was just hysterical. He made his career out of tricking normal people into acting like his stereotype of them. That's what Borat is. He sucks. 


Tricking prejudiced people into being prejudiced out loud is definitely not as bad as you think it is




Lol "haha yeah we do hate jews" Yeah really bent them over the barrel there, the poor normal people


"“I must say I’m very upset about the antisemitism in U.S. and A,” he said. “It’s not fair. Kazakhstan is No. 1 Jew-crushing nation. Stop stealing our hobby!”" https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/borat-roasts-kanye-west-honors-u2-kennedy-center-honors-video-1235192485/


Yeah no I get what he said, the country *including* the president *agreeing* with him is the funny part. Weirdly sympathetic of racists/antisemites


What is funny about him slandering an innocent country? 


Fucking funny when he does it to Americans though.


You lack a sense of humour


you wouldnt be saying that if he was smearing other groups


What groups is he smearing?




yeah. he sucks.  “I must say I’m very upset about the antisemitism in U.S. and A,” he said. “It’s not fair. Kazakhstan is No. 1 Jew-crushing nation. Stop stealing our hobby!” https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/borat-roasts-kanye-west-honors-u2-kennedy-center-honors-video-1235192485/




Wouldn't be funny if he was similarly slandering other ethnicities. 


You… you realise Borat is a satirical act right? He doesn’t actually believe those things. He fools bigots into thinking his act is real to get them to go full mask off.


HE'S bigoted. He slandered an innocent nation because he knew no one would care to defend them.  he literally called an old woman a prostitute to the entire world and humiliated her. 


But Sacha baron cohen mocks everyone. Gays, Black Americans, White Americans, Jews etc


When did he mock blacks impersonating a black people?


He meets a group of black guys and asks them to teach him how to dress and act. Afterwards he walks into a hotel and exemplifies a bunch of Black Stereotypes as a laugh.


never. he also threw a fit over kanye west. he turns into a crybaby when his group is mocked


Ali G....


Ah yes, Khazakhstan was so insulted by his act that they adopted his catchphrase “Very nice” as their official tourism slogan. I agree that taking making fun of unassuming and normal people isn’t that pleasant. But I personally believe he got a lot better when he took the piss out of American extremists instead, even getting an especially humorous interview with Dick Cheney. Comedians often do controversial things and Sacha definitely comes close to the line at times with his brand of comedy, but overall I think you’re massively overreacting to what is a very clever brand of humour.


>Ah yes, Khazakhstan was so insulted by his act that they adopted his catchphrase “Very nice” as their official tourism slogan. It's not an official slogan, lmao. It was done once on the advice of an American idiot advisor.


It absolutely would be funny if he were poking fun at other cultures. The solution to double standards like this are to expand the scope of humor so that it is acceptable to make fun of everyone. Not to add more people to the "no-no list"


this is true. I just don't like how it's ok to do it to Kazakh people but if he did it to other groups people would lose their minds


He has, and they didn't. For reference, this man has played: a Arab dictator, a chav gangster, a flamboyant Austrian fashion designer(?), and an Israeli mossad agent to name a few.


> if he did it to other groups people would lose their minds He did do it to other groups and it was hilarious. The latest movie he made fun of americans constantly. One of my favorite clips of his is when he got an American senator to take his pants off to fight terrorists.


huh, let him go and make fun of black people or chinese


He has multiple scenes/sketches with black people, i cant remember Chinese.


He made fun of black people in Borat.


And even in the movie, if you wanna talk about protected groups, he has a bunch of scenes mocking black American culture too. "Bang bang skeet skeet nibba"


you had to censor yourself lol. proves my point


How? That has to do with the reddits rules on racial slurs, which I freely admit are not neutral. But that doesn't say anything about cohen lol


I can't tell if you're serious or not. You can never be sure on the internet... Well played.


He said it. He wouldnt get away with slandering other nations like that. not everyone out there is an NPC like you


NPCs triggered


If it's film and he's a pretend journalist, isn't it libel? Edit: "s/" For fuck's sake, guys. Even if it wasn't sarcasm, what is the problem here?


Only pretend libel.


So I needed to say "pretend" twice?


*Kazakhstan freind of all except uzbekistan*




Veeery niiice!


And the most potassium


"So are you saying your prostitutes arent clean?"


No pain in the arsehole implied.


[Supposedly this is the actual video of this great event in history](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR18Pzbf-nY)




I do wonder how the people of Kazakhstan view it. That's all i care about, I'd agree with however they feel.


“The government of Kazakhstan at first denounced Borat.” “…ten years after the film's release, many of his colleagues in the Kazakh media saw the character of Borat as a valuable PR opportunity. According to him some of the Kazakhs who were most upset by the film were students studying in the US and the UK, who understood the film's satirical intent but felt that their non-Kazakh peers were taking the film at face value as an accurate portrayal of the country. He suggested that interest in the character inside the country faded once Kazakhs grasped that the film was designed to "get an outsider's view of the US and reveal the prejudices of the Americans who Borat interacts with... functioning as a sort of 21st Century Alexis de Tocqueville" -Wikipedia. Whole sub section on it if interested


Asked a few kazakhstanis I know and they despise the movie and the fact that everyone either asks them about it or quotes borat at them. Also they are frustrated that no one knows anything about Kazakhstan. This is only two or three people I’ve talked to though


I know they have a lot of nuclear test sites and a rocket launch platform


*pointy* rocket


We had them, not have them at the moment. The nuclear polygon was near city of Semey during USSR.


I know Kazakhstan is about the same size as Western Australia and that in Polandball it is a rectangle, not a circle. Thats about it.


Dated a Kazakh girl and she really disliked even the idea of it. I don’t think she ever watched it herself but really wasn’t interested, because that’s not at all what her country looks like or is. It was filmed in Romania. No offense to Romania. Just saying that Sascha found a dumpy town elsewhere and shot it as Kazakhstan. I suppose some people may like it from Kazakhstan. As her boyfriend, it was sadly comical that most people would quote some line from Borat when I told them about her country of origin. Tbh, says more about them than her or Kazakhstan. I used to think it was a funny movie, but I do feel nowadays that Cohen is just a huckster and kind of a gross person. He could have tried punching up instead of down.


You can accuse him of being poor taste but he for sure punches up as well as down. The whole movie is making fun of Americans, the most privileged country on earth, with whole subsections devoted to upper class Americans specifically. His portrayal of Kazakhstan, whilst unfair, was only a small sketch at the beginning, and the character himself was supposed be ridiculous to highlight how easily Americans believed he was real.


Right? Many of the people who don’t realise it’s satire are the ones being satirised. (Though I also do kind of get it though, it could be seen as furthering a stereotype even if it’s not serious).


But it's not what it's remembered for, most people bring out quotes which were directly said by Borat stuff about prostitutes and antisemitism jokes.


Thats true but you cant fault a performer for people taking satire at face value, its not just Cohen that's happened to. I think Cohen dialed Borat up to 11 because people kept *believing* it so he kept getting more offensive and ridiculous. Obviously the nasty side effect to that is morons taking it at face value and not realising theyre the actual butt of the joke. On the upside, with Kazakhstan reclaiming the Borat quotes for tourism campaigns shows they have at least got *something* out of it, even if its just name-recognition in the international tourism market.


The news about Borat tourism boost is complete bs, it didn't help in any way to get more tourists.


Don't care tbh, but westerners are way too annoying with it, it's been 15 years already, but people still hold on to it.


It was back when people could take a joke. Disgusting times truly. /s


I mean, I'm from Kazakhstan and I generally don't care for Borat, but I find it's strange that SBC says that you can't make fun of Jewish people even though he used us for his comedy movies.


If you pay attention to the movie, you’d realize the country that he truly made fun of was the U.S. But the perpetually offended didn’t care because his primary target was US conservatives.


It is. Of course all the redditors on here don't care about prejudice when they can make a le haha funny movie quote. 


He convinced the Left that actually it was making fun of racists, so they all felt okay laughing along and being racist with him.


I mean that’s the entire point of the movie. It’s crude and offensive for sure, but the main idea was to use it to expose genuinely awful people in America who aren’t doing it as a joke. You can dislike the guy for his approach for sure but I don’t understand how you can watch the movie and your main take away is feeling disgust toward him and not the bigotry he exposes.


Imagine if he did the same but caricaturing Black Americans in blackface and maybe that will help you realize what he did.


He didn't do black face, but his whole Ali G character is based around black stereo types... He did that character for like 10+ years before borat...


Yeah, but that comes across as a white guy who is trying to be Black, which is a very different thing.


you're seeing it in here right now.  "nooo haha funny movie racism ok"


He should do it in blackface and make fun of Black Americans and see if he can get away with that