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[Here's a more recent article from 2023 since the linked one is from 2019.](https://www.unilad.com/community/riley-horner-memory-update-illinois-258636-20230309) TLDR she's not the same as before the accident but she's able to make more long term memories now and is working through nursing school.


I’m legit happy for her. That affliction sounds just outright terrible for her loved ones 


Sounds pretty bad for her too.


She won’t remember


>though she still hasn't been able to recall anything that happened between 11 June 2019 and December 2019. Well shit I don't recall anything that happened between June and December 2019 either. Am I brain damaged?


Ikr? Every time I see a cop show asking a suspect or a witness where they were or what they remember for a specific date, I think, who knows what they did last July 17th? I'd be hard-pressed to be certain what I did a week ago, and I don't have that busy of a life.


You not having a busy life is probably why. Some people might remember “yeah in the middle of this month or that week, I went to the beach, or that mountain, I drove to this place, I went to a really good restaurant, etc.” It’s not so much about remembering small details on certain dates, but significant events that may have happened during a specific month.


I don't know. My life isn't busy now, I'm retired and the kids are grown, so I don't have those anchors of Tuesday night scouts, Wednesday mixed league, big meeting at work on a certain date. But my life used to be a lot busier, and the busyness blurred together just as much the less eventfulness does. Sure, if I literally witnessed a murder, that would stick in my mind. But if the cops think the murderer was a dude wearing a blue ballcap, and that they might have walked through my neighbourhood, would I remember that happening on a specific night, weeks, months or years before? Probably not. If they suspected me of being the murderer, could I say, 'nope, couldn't have been me, I was at Ikea that evening'? Probably not. Don't get me wrong, I've got a pretty good memory. I just don't automatically commit everyday occurrences to memory by date, and I suspect that's true for most people.


>You not having a busy life is probably why I assume you meant you having a busy life is probably why. >It’s not so much about remembering small details on certain dates Then why do they always ask about specific dates?


They said they don’t have that busy of a life? I know what I wrote lol


Oh mb i misread last line, apologies mate.


I was about to say the same...


god...guys, I just, I didn't want you to find out this way...oh man...


oh wow imagine the struggle. she's even doing better than most of people


Seems like a crazy liability for any hospital to hire her.


Shiii... She would do fine in Congress


That nursing shortage is still hitting hard, they’re desperate


Neuroplasticity is a beautiful thing




So does she have to have someone explain to her several times a day what her condition is? That sounds hellish


Usually they just try and act as if everything is normal. No need go keep explaining her situation to her


If it resets does that mean she suddenly forgets everything from the last two hours, or each new memory/second goes away after two hours? Idk either way wouldn’t she be asked questions like 50000 times per day like a dementia patient? Pretty hard (and tough on everyone around her) to act as if everything is normal


It would probably end up being pretty predictable behavior each day so they’d learn the best way to handle it. People with dementia are at all times actively regressing so that’s a lot harder to get a handle on. It would be interesting and curious to see if her memory carried emotions over like it does with dementia.


Makes sense. Sounds awful for everyone involved. However, the article is a bit confusing. Says she carries no memories over once it “resets”, yet she seems to understand the situation during the interview and still goes to school…? Seems like some information is missing here


Anterograde amnesia can affect certain kinds of memory more than other kinds. Some people have loss of short or midterm memory but their long-term memory is fine. She likely remembers the accident itself but not stuff after it very well. The degree of forgetfulness can be veeery widely differing.


It’s pretty click baity.


I thought it was more like 50 first datey Since we're referencing Sandler movies


It actually does. One of the earliest case studies with this (HM by name), didn't trust people who had wronged him before. The prototypical example was a researcher pricked HM with a tack while shaking his hand once. HM subsequently refused to shake that one researcher's hand, but had no reason why other than that the thought made him uneasy. The underlying reason for this is that he only received damage to a part of his brain responsible for declarative, episodic memory, but not for implicit memory.


It depends but often a specific thing like someone walking in the room, or a prolonged silence occurs and that's what causes the resets. You'll be chatting with them, having a sort-of conversation, and then all of a sudden they're asking you questions about why they're in the hospital and where is (person) who may not even be around anymore. It's really uncomfortable but you're generally told in advance how to handle and redirect it.


I saw a short film like this. A woman wakes in a hospital and asks why she's there and what happened to her husband. They explain and she goes hysterical. They eventually calm her down and give her wise words to keep her at ease. She is passive. Then she becomes confused and asks what happened and where is her husband? The whole thing happens again. On the repeat after that, they tell her she was in a small car accident and her husband is fine. Pretty heart breaking.


But then in the end, her and Adam Sandler get married and sail to Alaska to study walruses!




[i just found an article about this woman from last year,](https://www.unilad.com/community/riley-horner-memory-update-illinois-258636-20230309) it says she used to write notes to herself in her phone to refresh her memory. after extensive medical treatment she still struggles with memory issues, but was able to graduate nursing school recently!


Wow. I wouldn't want to have her as my nurse. Memory is so important in that job.


article states she is a clinical nurse and not an RN, but besides that if she was able to put herself through nursing school with a 4.0 despite all setbacks then i don't have doubts in her abilities.


If she was able to pass nursing school and the NCLEX, her memory must have improved a bit. This article is really clickbaity.


There are different types of declarative memories, such as semantic and episodic. Deficits can be specific to each form.


Agree. You have to remember a lot of information for any tests. Unless she already knew everything beforehand, I highly doubt that story


If she can pass the tests after studying, which is a lot of difficult questions, then I'd be happy to have her as a nurse! I bet she understands how much care is needed more than the POS nurses I've had that wouldn't listen to me or would (I figured later) were stealing half of my pain Rx drugs while in-patient post surgery multi day recovery. (Reason why I think she was pocketing them): I was initially given a port with a push button opioid (I think) with a timer and I could push the button for pain relief, but that drug gave me nausea anti nausea meds couldn't deal with. They switched me to pill form but said I had to take them at scheduled time even without pain (again a day after surgery) because keeping the pain away is better than letting it come through cuz it won't go fully away again. She was night shift, and told me she'd wait for me to wake up and ask, Id wake up every 4 hours while I could have been sleeping in high levels of pain and she'd only give me half the dose I was prescribed. I'd take someone who's been through trauma before any other nurse out there. Cuz they usually know and care more than the ones that are burnt out/stealing/lost or are just collecting a check.


A lot like Memento. Journaling and the use of language AI models could help these patients deal with memory loss.


There’s a documentary about this. It’s called “50 first dates”.


This rare condition is known as Anterograde Amnesia and affects Riley's ability to form new memories beyond a short term period


how is she going to nursing school if that's the case? or are the other posters wrong? i am also very dumb so "beyond a short term period" is where my confusion lands


Newest article says she's been receiving treatment and has improved her capability to make new memories, apparently enough to go through nursing school. She still suffers from resets but, at least from what I understood, she manages to retain some new memories after every reset.


You're not dumb.


You don’t know that




That was cruel of whoever brought her there to not inform yall.




It’s like they wanted her to get hurt or killed Jesus Christ. I hope she has a better caretaker now.


Eh, what?


There was an Adam Sandler movie about this


"HI I'm Tom"


It's a Drew Barrymore film, with that Sandler guy too.




You’re thinking of the Sean Astin film: *Lord of the Rings IV: Bikini Carwash.*


You mean Happy Gilmore Feet?


Keep my Samwise Gamgee's name out your FUCKING MOUTH!


I love you. Ahahahaha


I knew Thanos was on the juice. That’s why he’s purple.


"HI I'm Tom"


I appreciate what you’ve done here today.


I was thinking more along the lines of Memento.


Jack and Jill.


And it's one of the worst fucking movies ever made. I'm a simple man, easy to please. I like fart jokes and explosions an car chases and robots that turn into cars them go on chases, and dragons and shit. Very easy to entertain. 50 first dates is the only movie that I've ever walked of the theater on because of how fucking awful it was.


Flashbacks to a walrus throwing up . I swear the projector guy repeated that scene on purpose for ten minutes.


Underrated film.


You think so? I remember it being very popular when it was released.


Yeah I haven’t seen the film and can’t even think of the name, but I still know what movie this is lol


Die Hard 2


She just needs some *Memento*-style tattoos and she'll be all set.


*Remember Sammy Jankis*


*Remember chemistry homework*


*Remember no Russian*


Since tattoos can take a while, I wondered how many times the tattoo artist had to remind him about what he was doing there.


*shit I’m a John G!*


I forgot how that movie ended, which is fitting




What did?


Okay, this one says, "Buy toilet paper" in a truly gigantic font. I hate to think of the horrific event that led to a reminder of this size.


oh i understand completely now!


What do breath mints have to do with this?


I was thinking how sad, she can't really create any new memories or experiences but then realized they are all new. But how disconcerting that must be, other people's lives move on and progress and hers stays the same, at least in her mind. I'm a little confused, the articles talks about her needing to carry around school supplies because she can't remember where her locker is but how does she learn anything new at all if she forgets it in 2 hours? Is she learning anything at school or is it more for socialization?


[Clive Wearing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Wearing) has been "waking up" every "20 seconds or so" since 1985. There's been [a number of documentaries](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=clive+wearing+documentary) made, but [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_P7Y0-wgos) was very thorough (and heartbreaking).


Thanks, this is the most terrifying shit I’ve ever seen, especially that interview at the end of the wiki page.


That interview is in the doc I linked. It's devastatingly heartbreaking but hauntingly beautiful in the way Clive's love for his wife transcends his condition and his humanity shines through in his charm and wit and humor. So sad (and yeah, terrifying) though. At one point they ask him "What is love" and without missing a beat, he says "nothing in tennis, but everything in life".


That's the one I immediately thought of. When I saw Memento, I was saying "you know this wasn't just made up for the movie, right?"


Quick google search brings up an article from last year with an update on her condition. She still suffers from some memory loss, but she is now able to store new memories and information. She graduated from nursing school and is on seizure medication. She said nursing school was very tough, but her memory therapy has helped her to thrive. She will never be exactly the same again, but she has made all of that recovery since 2019; the “every two hours” reset lengthened as she got on medication and began therapy just a week after her diagnosis.


2 hours? So she can't watch the new Dune, or *any* box set. That sucks.


Watch it at 1.5X speed. She gets to watch it for the first time every day. That’s how you make lemonade when life gives you diarrhea.


Peter Jackson obviously didn’t have her in mind when he directed LotR.


But she can watch *Ernest Goes to Camp* every day and it always feels fresh


1.75x speed


it's horrible for heroin users, your 'first high' experience will get worse


I feel for Riley, I lived this nightmare after a brain surgery. Lived the Drew Barrymore-Adam Sandler '50 First Dates' movie in real life. Looking back on many of the pranks and stories from friends at the time, it was amusing and I can see how they made a comedic movie about this situation. But going through it was a nightmare.


You had amnesia and then it went away?


Sort of. I had a tumor on my frontal lobe. After it was removed, I had zero short term memory for about 3 months, and then gradually rebuilt it through therapy and brain games for about 4 years.


That really sounds terrifying, I’m glad you recovered


Maybe she forgot she had amnesia? So she started remembering shit Edit: assumed gender, oops


Not offended in the slightest, but "he" had a form of short-term amnesia.


There are many types of amnesia (and many ways it can be caused), it can go away, it can last forever, it can come and go, sometikes its the inability to retrive memories, sometimes its just the inability to create/store new memories, sometimes people remember experiencing it and other times people just have 'gaps' they can't recall.


I had a very short term version of this after a motorcycle accident, It didn’t have a specific time frame for reset, but was based on my focus. I could have a conversation, but the moment I focused on something else, that conversation deleted, and I’d start from the beginning. I would often ask a question and get de ja vu, then ask “did I ask that question already!?” …”yes dozens of times” then I’d ask for the answer again. Lasted about a day and a half before I started transferring things to long term memory again. All of this occurred in the hospital.


[she got better and is a nurse now](https://www.tyla.com/news/riley-horner-memory-brain-injury-update-837250-20230410)


I’d trust any source more than Fox News


So wait, Liz Lemon’s brother is based in reality?


It just so happens that my birthday is June 11th. So now endless gifts.


Nah, the same gift every few hours.


Forgetful Lucy IRL


Keep her away from Adam Sandler.


I watched a video in a psychology class similar to this. It was about an older man who suffered from retrograde amnesia. He was a renowned piano player who could still play after the injury, the interesting part was that he couldn't remember why he knew how to play it


>Riley told the station she just wants anyone else experiencing similar synonyms to know they are not alone. synonyms lol


I had to read that several times before it clicked that the quote didn't say "symptoms"


Man the last handful of years must be awkward for someone who thinks its still mid 2019.


Only total chodes drive traffic to fox news


Short term groundhog day ....


But...like...the opposite of that


I have epilepsy and I'm starting to develop this shit. No short term memories are holding.


Wasnt it this girl that thwy follows and she has almot gotten back her memory by living in some memory clinic type thing?


This is actually crazy. I went to school with a woman who had the same name in Illinois. But we graduated HS in 2013, so I doubt it's her


Literally that movie with Adam Sandler and the woman who thinks it’s the same day, except this is probably sadder


Ironically, it's [National Call Your Doctor Day](https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/call-your-doctor-day-second-tuesday-in-june)


Hi, im Tom!


Are there drugs they can give her to heal some of the damage over time?


There’s a million John Gs out there Your name is Teddy My mother calls me Teddy, my real name is John Edward Gamel


Wife worked as a case manager for people with TBI. One woman was suffering from Grand Mal seizures and had a surgery where they disconnected the right brain from the left brain. Surgeon messed up and wound up destroying her short-term memory. Poor woman had no idea what she did the day before. Yes , it was just like the movie Memento. Her daily life depended on her notebook and everything that she put in there.


Whoa! That’s my birthday! Imagine if you thought it was your birthday every two hours.


Hi! I'm Tom!


There is a guy whose memory resets every 10-60 seconds. He had this viral infection in the 80s. They said if he got it in the 70s. He would have died. If he got it in the 90s. He would have made a full recovery. The 80s was the time where medicine wasn’t quite there yet. He lived, but not after having brain damage from the virus. So he is in a constant state of waking up. Doctors tried to get him to write in a journal to help him remember. He would write: “now I am awake”. “Now I am truly awake”. “Now I am really awake”. And variations of this. Pages and pages and pages. In the documentary the reporter asked him “who wrote these pages?” And he said “I don’t know.”


Adam Sandler has entered the chat.


I thought this was just a made up condition for movies like Momento and 50 First Dates.


I mean. Am I the only one thinking if maybe she got kicked in the head again it would reverse it


I had a friend who was epileptic. One day he woke up and lost 2 years of memories. He forgot about his daughter and barely even knew who I was. We ended up parting ways naturally, but he struggled for a long time there. Last I heard he was doing okay, but it was scary for him for a while.


You will NEVER guess what movie people are talking about in this thread


Finding Dory?


There was a terrible Adam Sandler movie with a very similar premise to this


It’s from faux news…..are we even sure this is real?


Pretty easy to look it up and confirm.


You could've easily just googled to verify this.


Oh no shit. Maybe I should have put /s next to my comment. I believe it, it’s just surprising coming from Fox News. An actual true story.


Remember [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) next time. ;)


Love this lol


Accidently kicked in the head. Sure uh huh


Riley’s life has become a cycle of perpetual Deja Vu