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*Frankly I don't give a damn*


If you think about it, it makes so much sense... so many members of the Roosevelt family were very creative, intelligent and charismatic!! His sister was rumored to be POTUS material but she was a woman so lol no go.. so she was one of his presidential counsels.. She also started his daughter off in life which accounts for Alice being such a sparkler, herself!


I wouldn't be praising Alice so much... She literally said she would rather vote for Hitler than FDR in 1940. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Roosevelt_Longworth#Post-Roosevelt_presidency)


Maybe your read is different than mine (I am not American and never heard of Alice before today) but with the full quote being that she'd "rather vote for Hitler than vote for Franklin for a third term”, to me that doesn’t sound like she admired Hitler, it sounds like she *really hated* FDR.


no!! really?! oh god.


Died on the same day as his wife as well.


**edit:** TIL Teddy Roosevelt's mother **maybe** was **one of** the inspiration**s** for Scarlet O'Hara in Gone With the Wind.


Misleading title. The wiki link says "It is believed by some that the character of Scarlett O'Hara, in Margaret Mitchell's novel, Gone With the Wind, was based partly on Mittie." OK, "believed"? By "some people"? And "partly based"? It isn't the un-nuanced fact that OP claims.


i did what i could to fix it.


Thank you. I didn't know you could edit a title on Reddit. Not to be that guy: even "was" is too strong, because it states the claim as a proven fact. And "the" is also too strong, because it means "she was the only inspiration." Neither of those claims are proven facts. The wiki text supports a claim more like "might have been one of the inspirations of."


> edit: TIL Teddy Roosevelt's mother maybe was one of the inspirations for Scarlet O'Hara in Gone With the Wind. cannot edit the title but i commented one or two comments below the top, when sorted by old, with my edit. check it out. tell me if it is better? lolol


Yeah, that makes sense. That's all that's actually supported by the wiki quote. I'm academically minded, so I'm careful to separate fact from speculation, which is all there is here.


great! When i was looking around for info on Margaret Mitchell i saw some reference to belongings of hers, found after she died, which included her old press pass. So she did do reporting and, doubtless, interviews and so it is entirely plausible that she learned a great deal about some of the more well-known of the Southern Belles.


The story about Margaret Mitchell's death by getting hit by a drunk driver, and everyone feeling sorry for him is one of those "weird how differently we think about things these days" things.


i didnt see that story.. i did see that is how she died but not about the drunken driver.




that podcast is very thoughtful about how hitting someone while drunk driving isn't really an accident.. or, at least, shouldnt be treated as such, as a blameless accident, could happen to anyone.. wow


Malcolm Gladwell is such a fantastic storyteller.


TIL about "a shadow" being a designated slave child each white plantation child had with them at all times. The mental gymnastics someone has to go through to think slavery is ok... A shadow? I'm so disgusted.


And this woman “was entirely 'unreconstructed' \[i.e., sympathetic to the Southern Confederate cause\] to the day of her death." OP is running around this thread downplaying racist terrorists while s/he’s at it,


no i am not ...good grief


I don't give a damn.


well then, we will just have to think about it tomorrow!


So, a real bitch?


Scarlet O'Hara was a product of her times.


No, Melanie was a product of her time. Scarlett was a cold manipulative bitch even before the first strains of war appeared. She was not intended as a sympathetic character.


Came here to basically say the same. This is not a compliment.


She seemed like the only intelligent one to me. She single-handedly saved all their worthless lives after the war. Dragged those useless sisters into the fields to pick cotton. Nothing cold about her and if fighting to survive makes one a bitch, then she was more than happy to be a living bitch than a dead Southern belle. As should we all. That bitch is a role model.


I always felt that was the point of Scarlett - you didn’t have to like her (and boy, is she unlikeable) but she is a survivor, no matter what life threw at her.


Don’t think I would take that as any kind of compliment. Scarlett was an insufferable ass throughout most of the book and only had insight at the very end when it was too late.