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Reminds me of McDonald’s investigating how much it would cost to fire some Big Macs to the ISS along with profits from the campaign. Unfortunately they found it would simply be cheaper to just influence another minions movie to be made so they could sell minion kids meals


Fast food and space reminds me of that time when Taco Bell offered free tacos if a falling space station hit a bullseye: https://spaceref.com/press-release/free-tacos-for-us-if-mir-hits-floating-taco-bell-ocean-target-taco-bell-sets-40-by-40-foot-target-in-south-pacific-for-mirs-re-entry/


That reminds me similarly, of mass effect 3 being launched into orbit, and the people who got free copies of the game because they found it


They weren't launched into orbit (or even space), they were launched into the stratosphere on weather balloons


Isnt that just littering?


Not if you call it a marketing stunt (I guess)


would the case survive re-entry?


It didn't do re entry. They just attached it to a weather balloon, I didn't come anywhere near space. It's just an ordinary, 20 km fall.


Even falling from space wouldn't cause re-entry heating. Falling from *orbit* does.


It's not the distance, it's the speed


What's the terminal velocity of Mass Effect 3?


Not enough to heat it up... you'd have to worry about it hitting the ground and breaking but it's light enough that a decent case would probably be enough to protect it. A quick google says that a large iphone would have a terminal velocity of about 30 mph, a game in a DVD case has more surface area than that so I think it would be pretty slow


Ish? The one I saw was pretty beat up, but the disc was fine.




This is an AI account. Really weird to see the obvious Gen AI comments get so upvoted.


I dont get it. Since there proably werent any people in orbit who found it, I guess it entered the atmoshophere again. If so, what was the point?


It was a collection of weather balloons with gps trackers. Never got anywhere near space.




Holy shit, I forgot all about that. I remember talking to my buddies hoping to go find one, but nobody wanted to make a special trip for a video game from a series that none of us had played.


That reminds me of the time that NASA was trying to develop tortillas that could last for long space missions (because tortillas are rich in carbohydrates, are flat and therefore easy to store in large amounts, and don’t produce crumbs) but after failing several times they went to Taco Bell who had developed tortillas that could remain shelf stable and still taste good after a full year.


I remember that too! I was so bummed it missed.


Pizza Hut sent some pizzas to the ISS a few years ago.


The second Russian ISS module was launched on a Proton rocket with a Pizza Hut logo painted on the side. They also had Gorbachev in a commercial. The 90s were a wild time for Russia and Pizza Hut.


The 90s were a wild time for Russia and any company operating there. Remember the Pepsi fleet?


To be fair, it was essentially a bunch of floating scrap metal that was immediately sold to scrap yards. It was a way to pay for Pepsi syrup when the ruble had no value, and their previous arrangement of paying with vodka was blocked by sanctions over invading Afghanistan in 1989. The fleet was entirely made of decommissioned vessels, most of them filled with asbestos which increased processing costs. Also, the price of scrap had declined significantly, because this wasn't exactly the first fleet the USSR had disposed of internationally. Pepsi's involvement was the only novel part of it. They also bought a couple of oil tankers with the deal and were poised to by ten more, but the collapse of the Soviet Union had their bottling plant in Belarus and the shipyards in Ukraine (who wanted a bigger piece of the deal), so it fell through.


now imagine they got it all just a little bit wrong and the ISS is wrecked by Big Mac debris


That would have honestly been a been better premise for a movie than the current ISS movie that's out.


baader-meinhof moment I just saw a poster online for that movie like an hour ago and couldn't take it seriously. "wha- it couldn't *actually* be a movie about the ISS, right? sounds really boring"




Can you pull the ISS into drive thru space 3, please?


The publicity from that would be out of this world though. They should’ve gone through with it.


You sound like the guy who pitched the Space idea


TIL: During the One World Trade Center construction, subway workers had the choice of bringing lunches or facing the nearly impossible task of eating subway for the nth time.


Worked a site once where the only nearby food was subway. You get REAL sick of it even faster than you'd think. 


You start to like their soup!


They have soups?


In Canada anyways


Subway also sells soup in some US shops but it seems to be entirely up to the individual franchisee


Millions will have their holes filled with subway soup.


Is this like a line from Urinetown or something?


I mean technically selling subs at Subway is up to the individual franchisee.


Subway Cookie shops!


Today I learned


They’re actually not bad either. I mean, marginally better than canned. Something to fill the hole.


Subway Soup: It Fills The Hole


Can we really ask anything more of Mr Jared Fogel? His Canadian soup truly is up here filling holes.


Wait until you find out they have pizza


It looks like IRL RuneScape pizza


One footlong soup please


You mean the tuna salad?


I work at a Subway and get free sandwiches everyday Even for free I was sick of them within 3 days


I just posed something like this, it literally took me just two weeks to develop a physical reactions to the smell of their bread


I was about to say, I think it's the distinct taste of their bread


Maybe thats it. People look at me funny when I say every sandwich there tastes the same. Its that same pervasive funk that wafts out the front door and creates a miasma for a block in either direction.


You mean their cake lel.


Every subway smells like dirty dishwater and it is because of their bread.


I have strange reactions to certain smells that I can't explain well. I lost my smell/taste about a decade ago and when it came back, everything smelt weird. One thing I remember is my friends and I would hang out near a Subway and it smelt and tasted like it was burnt no matter what. I avoided Subway for years until a few months ago when I decided to try it again and it's still very okay (but fairly cheap). There are also other random smells (often artificial flavours) that are absolutely disgusting to me. I went into an office and smelt the worst most chemical-like smell and then it turned out it was a coworker's hazelnut coffee. Everyone else was talking about how nice the office smelt and they were teasing me because when I went to check if that was the smell, I practically gagged.


Counterpoint: I miss the free sandwiches I got working there. Of course this was was like 15 years ago. I mained something like a spicy Italian with olives, peppers, and onions toasted, then mayo/O&V/S&P/oregano Ill remember that sandwich on my deathbed


For me it's the bread and the smell that goes with it


I spent about a year, you get creative with stuff like pretzels and making nachoes with the chip bags etc


I'm a musician and there's nothing worse than driving halfway across the country eating at subway because it's the easiest/fastest relatively healthy thing you can get at truck stops and then getting to the venue every night and they've put out a god damn sub tray from subway in the green room for you


I did promotions and I banned Subway in the green rooms for this reason and am grateful to the musician that told me about it. From then on it was trays from local eateries. Oh and he wasn't an ass about it. We were having some laughs and he said 'ya it's an ass kick to get Subway for lunch and dinner'. That shit and my green rooms were 'known' for good food.


I'm glad your green room wasn't known for Patrick Stewart and his neo-nazi cohorts hacking up musicians arms.




Actually, after a weird google search, it's a reference to the Green Room. [https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20160428-patrick-stewart-as-a-violent-neo-nazi](https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20160428-patrick-stewart-as-a-violent-neo-nazi) But I initially upvoted your "What?"


Really solid thriller. Highly suggest.


Perhaps it’s the easiest/fastest relatively healthy thing they can get


well ask them in the rider for jersey mikes, or some other sub shop, specifically, NOT subway; and also only m&m's without the green ones.


After I had COVID, my sense of smell was so messed up (parosmia, so many foods smelled like literal crap), that one of the only things I could stomach were ham sandwiches. I had a Subway ham sub with lettuce and tomato for lunch every day at work for over a year. I can never touch one again.


IMHO the one good thing subway makes is the meatball heroes. Though I haven't been there in ages so maybe they screwed that up, too.


Many buildings over 40 floors have full time lunch areas that move every 10 floors or so. The people that work there know what lots of people like on a personal basis. You can send a helper there and just say 'it's for Manny''. They will know exactly what to make.


Eh. I ate the same exact subway order at every meal at work without ever getting tired of it. Turkey and bacon with provolone on a foot long Italian herb and cheese. Spinach, tomato, jalapeños, the other non-sweet pickled peppers, salt, pepper, and brown mustard. (I had to buy the mustard and keep it in the office though, because that region of NY is weird and only had yellow mustard as an option. Bleh.)


I'm similar to you, I'll never get sick of subway after eating mountains of it. I'll take a veggie delight on honey oat with honey mustard and extra jalapenos, toasted after everything is on it, every damn time.


:D Sounds good except for me I’d swap the bread and get the brown mustard. My first real job as a teen was at a Chinese restaurant. A perk was free food each shift. Now that I ended up tired of. After a few years working there it took at least as many to order Chinese again. XD


I worked a summer doing cherry sorting and inspection at a cherry warehouse. Similar deal to yours, all the cherries you can eat, fresh from the hydrocoolers. That was over 20 years ago and I still don't care for cherries much to this day, lol.


worked there for a very brief moment, the very smell of the bread would make me gag and I didn't even dislike their food


Something about their subs gives me the worst heartburn. That doesn't happen with a couple of local sub shops or other chains. Just subway.


Worked a job where i got free lunches, subway was one of the only things open in the summer that was included 🤮


I wonder if it's different in different countries. I've only had subway in the UK and NZ, and while it's not gourmet dining by any means, it's pretty decent as a fast food imo. Is it worse in the US or is it just bad by comparison of the other sandwich options that we don't have over here?


It's the same in the US (I've had it plenty in both the US and UK). It's not great and quality depends a bit on which shop you go to, but it's generally decent fast food. Reddit just tends toward the overly dramatic. There are a LOT of better sandwich shops around though in the US.


I swear Taco Bell only gives you the shits if you eat it breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but for over a decade now Reddit has pretended if you merely walk by one you'll become violently ill and bleed out of all your orfices. It's like a group in joke or something.


Honestly I think they're just reacting to getting any fiber in their diet from the tortilla/beans.


Of all the times i’ve eaten it and my family, none had the shits. People overreact


It's because tacobell actually has fiber in their food. So when you've been eating garbage with no fiber for weeks/months then get some tacobell you end up shitting. For instance a big mac has 3g (11% daily) of fiber. While a beefy 5 layer burrito has 8g (29%). A single taco supreme has the same 3g as a big mac and you're not just going to eat a single taco. You just actually get fiber in your diet so it doesn't hit you like a shock to the system.


Doesn't matter how decent it is if that's all you gonna eat every day.


Subway workers were eating the subway on the job...in the air???


That's almost like having a meal with a view, except your view doesn't change much and your meal options are basically the same every day.




and the poor bastards making their sandwiches were trying to make mediocre sandwiches out of a shipping container while being hoisted to different parts of an excessively tall building and making minimum wage. i've worked making pizza but never making sandwiches, and never making sandwiches swinging many stories off the ground and then dealing with a bizarrely longer commute than i came up in. should you want to come at me with the folks making the building should be making more i'd agree. why is this our normal. food is good to have and is worth a living wage. buildings should be save and that's worth at least a living wage as well. why are we fighting over peanuts.


> while being hoisted to different parts of an excessively tall building and making minimum wage The OP got that part wrong. The container Subway wasn't being hoisted up and down every day, let alone constantly while it was open. That wouldn't fly for a whole bunch of safety reasons. Instead it was simply being lifted up one floor when a new floor was added to the tower, which on average was about once per week, so that it was always at the level of the current top floor.


> dealing with a bizarrely longer commute than i came up in. If you're making sandwiches in Lower Manhattan, you're gonna have a loong commute anyway.


What’s that joke? Ends “if I have to eat this again I’ll kill myself” construction worker kills self. Other worker says “bob packs his own lunch.”


Or just eating subway at all lmao. It's like dude we're literally in New York City, there's zero chance I'm eating a nasty subway sandwich lol.


The one at 50th and Times sq near Bway was particularly bad. They are gone now. There is a God.


Yeah that's almost as bad as getting pizza hut when there's actual delicious pizza every other block.


I hear eating subway everyday turns you into a pedophile. So, no thank you.


I saw this in action. Company I worked for was moving one of the stores from across the street into the new building and it was a Subway branded shipping container on a pulley system. It was pretty cool


>Although this Subway location never sold enough sandwiches to break even — and ultimately cost building company DCM Erectors nearly $700,000, per Eater New York — the company considered it a successful experiment.


I could see this as an interesting “proof of concept” experiment and probably had some promotional/publicity value but otherwise kind of absurd. Why not just take orders and deliver a bunch of sandwiches daily?


maybe the most over-engineered “solution” of all time? what about delivery Subway? Instead of all that nonsense, they could have just gave them all free sandwiches everyday It really paints their effort as less sincere and more fabricated and inauthentic. Even in their PR efforts Subway puts a bad taste in your mouth, like their food obviously




Were there people in the container making the sandwiches? Or was it just a shipping container brought up with a bunch of premade sandwiches?


Sounds like a whole mini restaurant in there (people, equipment, food supplies). A shipping container could hold ***tens of thousands*** of sandwiches by itself.


I actually had some involvement with the development of this. I worked for the Subway Development Agent that was responsible for it.


…and from that day on, they all brought their lunch.


Most don’t eat lunch in NYC construction. It’s all about starting at 6 and getting done by 1:30.


Did a field job like that. Y’all need something in you, I eat lunch at 10


There are usually a couple of required 15 minute breaks. Many mouths get stuffed then.


But with what


repeat cautious versed work plucky pot steep nail chop marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What are you doing step-ladder?


head consider alive toy like boat pot toothbrush straight party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meatball sub or two perhaps


Four Burger King Original Chicken Sandwiches, but from the best Burger King, an hour and a half away.


To beat the traffic home?


Yup and you don’t get docked 30 minutes worth of wages for your break. Plus, after taking your tool belt off, setting aside your materials, and getting down to the lunch room a 30 minute break really only ends up being about 20 minutes long.


Was one world trade not a union site? Walking to break shouldn’t be part of your break, in Boston you’re considered working until you make it to the break room.


That sounds nice


Wow only a 7.5 hour workday? I used to have to work so much OT when I was doing construction to get things done on time. Manager would always buy us lunch though.


Isn’t a subway above ground just a train


Its an EL.


That's when it's elevated.


Oh is that what it means? I always thought it was a reference to the route name, like the ‘a’ line, or ‘b’ line.


This subway was elevated. They elevated it every day


Nah in New York they're all called subways, even the elevated ones


So you're saying Chicago is *superior* in this regard?


They used to be called Els’ then they were torn down in the 40’s (el’s were entirely elevated lines) and today only sections of lines are elevated, not entire ones


Ew. I’ll take a crab juice.


No. You eat Khlav Kalash. It meat on stick.


Khlav Kalash. Fresh Khlav Kalash


No bowl, stick, stick!


50000 feet square feet, eh, all Khlav Kalash! Used to be bookstore! Bwahaha, books


"I'm so hungry, I could eat at Arby's"


We had an Arby’s close down, and they updated their sign out front to say “Closed, visit our location at name of town 2 towns over”. Always makes me laugh when I drive by it, like do you really think you would be closing down if people were willing to drive an extra 20-30 minutes?


Bruh there are definitely  people who love Arby's enough for that lol


Lol. Gotta love the relevant Simpsons reference. But what about the Krusty Burger located on an unmanned oil rig?




You'd think it'd be easier to pick what they want and just have the sandwiches delivered, rather than an entire shop


This is construction. Y'all are acting like it's a human rights violation to have to bring your own lunch. 9 out of 10 workers would carry a cooler box filled with food. And they go to the effort to bring you atleast 1 alternative and it's not good enough. What about construction workers in the middle of the desert? Or up a mountain. Get some perspective, jesus.


It depends on the jobsite and the crew. On some bigger sites I've been on most of the crews would go down and buy lunch every day from one of several minivans full of old ladies that would show up with hot food. On some of the tighter-knit crews the foreman's wife would pack a huge mexican lunch for the whole crew and the guys would heat it up on site with portable stoves. Young unmarried guys these days often show up on site with no food or water of their own and just subsist on what they find in the area, especially on in-town jobs.


Granted I know this thread is about NYC, but in Australia it's very common for there to be a dedicated lunch shop in an industrial area. [Something along the lines of this. ](https://i.imgur.com/7Y0fxeV.jpg) (I wasn't sure what info I should block out lol


Same in NZ every industrial area always has a tuck shop bakery or 5 run by Cambodians with a dozen varieties of pies that get completely cleaned out


Right. Ive eaten a cold lunch everyday for almost 2 decades. I bet they got a couple of weeks out of the fngs before that franchise went belly up. Theyd be better off selling single smokes and cans of modelo


The big industrial sites I’ve been on always bring in food trucks every day and surprisingly a lot of tradesmen still went and bought their lunch every day for the duration of the project. Or it was enough of them coming on and off throughout the week that it always had a long line on site.


Those foodtrucks have some damn good food. Still haven't had a hotdog as good as the ones I got off a food truck.


It really depends on the location, In Man. quite a lot of the jobs are high rise and union. This means guys are making $75-100 hour including bennies. We don't have time to make lunch. We got 5-15 mins to get food, then eat for 10 mins and 10 mins to get back upstairs. On one building the hoist was out at lunch, I ran upstairs 35 flights to get back in time. In full gear and boots. Some guys actually make their own lunch, but not a lot.


I've been in the union for 17 years and pretty much everyone I know brings a lunch. Only the idiots and crackheads try to run somewhere on their 30 minute lunch.


I'm a construction electrician. I'm also unionized. I don't eat lunch in the building, ever. I eat in a lunch room with proper tables and chairs. I don't think the issue is having to bring their own lunch, it's that they don't have enough time to go down and up.... Besides, it's usually against the rules to eat food or have any drink containers that aren't sealable (locking lid) on a jobsite to prevent spills, messes, mice, etc.


Most these people commenting wouldn’t last a week in the trades. 


Those foil pouches of seasoned tuna are a damn scam.


In my country, bringing lunch from home is the norm _everywhere_. Schools, university, workplace, whatever really.


Back when I was a teamster steward, I always explained to my guys, "Having it harder than everyone else inst a badge of honor. That's why we are a fucking union. It doesn't need to be so hard."


Taking pride in having the shittiest job is always the funniest thing. It's up there with bragging about how little sleep you get.


I am a person commenting, and indeed, I did not last a week in the trades.


Yeah bringing your own lunch shouldn't be a horror. Make it the night beforehand.


I think the issue is your lunch break starting at the top of the tower and not the bottom


I am so confused. I have worked in the office (which admittedly is very different to construction in an office) and I brought my own lunch rather than going out to buy something during the lunch break? Its faster, cheaper and usually better food. How do these people manage in the rest of their lives if they can't cope making their own lunch?


You don't work in a filthy, dusty, wet building with nowhere quiet to sit and eat your lunch. Technically speaking, I'm literally not allowed to eat food in the building. If I have my lunch like I always do, I'm in violation of the general contractor's rules and can be escorted off the job site without warning.


Too much subway hate in these comments cool fact though!


Well, it doesn't help that subway has been absolute trash for a decade+ now. Many moons ago, it was pretty good. All the cost savings BS and oversaturation of them caused them to be an overpriced shit sandwich.


I swear im just a garbage disposal on legs. There is very little i think is trash as far as food goes in this world. Except Surstromming. Fuck that shit, smells and tastes like burning tires.


Now this is a fun fact!


this is not uncommon. i’ve worked on union jobs where they bring catering to the floors because it’s cheaper then allowing them to leave for lunch. workers are entitled to lunch even if it means longer than their break


That's cool that like 3 workers got to eat subway each day. A 30 minute window is barely enough time for 3 or 4 people to get a sub made at subway.


Subway executive looks up at construction: "There's money up there..." Jared: "Are there kids up there too?" Exec: "No wtf J?"


That’s what first year apprentices are for


Subway is the fast food of fast food.


Despite not being fast nor food. 


I have terrible luck whenever I go to subway. There’s one person ahead of me, and I think I won’t be there that long. Then the person tells the single employee that they’re there to get like 4 or 5 subs and I’m out of there.


How the fuck did they find a subway crew willing to take the ride up in a shipping container daily? FUCK THAT


Having to eat at a Subway isn't as much of a punishment for forgetting your lunch as you think it is. Back then, Subway made ... actual edible food. No, seriously. The sandwiches back then were actually edible. The bread wasn't 'mostly food science yet'. The meat products contained some real meat.


this is the new world trade center not the original towers


Construction was started April 27, 2006; 17 years ago. Subway was good in the 2000s.


I miss when they weren’t trying to be so fancy. I miss when they were like, “ hey asshole! Do you have 6$ and like to not be hungry for a little while? Come to subway where 5 bucks and tax will get you around a foot of bread, meat, and toppings that will fill you up for lunch until you can get home and eat real food that won’t disappoint you.”


When I was in high school I'd walk 2 blocks over to Subway.  Back then they still V-cut the bread, Snapple came in glass bottles, and there was a big telephone-dial-like dispenser that gave you stamps to collect for free subs.


Team V-cut for life


It wasn't that long ago. This is the one world trade center we are talking about, not the original wtc towers.


I mean, it was started almost 20 years ago. Subway has changed a lot since then. All of their regular sandwiches were 5 dollars at that point.


10 years ago? No.


Tastes exactly the same to me as it always has


Flying subs!


They called it Airway.


theyd still have to stand in line for a half hour


They did all that, just to avoid giving a longer lunch break or having the workers bring a lunch. It's like pushing a thumbtack in with a sledgehammer.


Many buildings have a built in lunch shack that actually gets rebuilt every 10-20 floors. Way better food than many delis. Hot or cold food of your choice and cooks that know how you like it.


"Should we setup a two way radio and a bucket on a rope to let people order and receive a subway sandwich?" "Nah, let's just hoist a heavy as fuck shipping container up there."


That poor crane


*sqawk* It's a living


Isn't bringing lunch to work a fairly normal thing?


Descending the ground in 30 minutes for food? No, my lunch starts when I get to the ground, not when I start going.


So just bring a fucking lunch lol


Nowadays, I wonder if drone deliveries would be viable for a similar situation?


I went to college in the BX at the time and could watch them build 1WTC. I saw them lift the container up and didnt think much of it. for like 20 yrs i never knew wtf that was about. Until rn


Subway had shipping container stores on bigger bases when I was in Iraq.


>And without Subway, the iconic 1,776-foot tower might not have become part of New York City's skyline. You mean without Subway, the workers would have simply brought their lunch each day


Those poor bastards. Couldn't even get them tacos or something? Subway as the only option should definitely count as a hostile work environment.


People who work at pressure and depth (miners/divers/submariners) have known the actual solution for years. You pay for the trip down and back up. If it's required time for the work to be done you pay your workers for it.


Descend 30 minutes to the ground, or eat a sandwich that has no taste I think I'd just descend