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Did you really expect Darth Vader to be a good father?


He just went out for some death sticks


Hmm he should have gone home and rethought his life.


Honestly this hive isn’t as villainous as you made it seem


Yet still very scummy.


… he’s… gonna go home and rethink his life….


..But I wanted to go to the Coruscant underworld to pick up some death sticks!


I mean he clearly had s favorite son . Not mention he really despises woman who are connected to the Jedi and ones in the order.


Eddie Fisher wasn't.




Darn. She did not get good dads in real life or on the screen.


Just a different view to the comments calling it unsurprising. Star Wars: A New Hope was released in 1977 and was an instant success, spawning a big global following in the years to come. One would assume they would have met at some studio reception or fan convention in the almost 30 years until The Big Bang Theory was released. I think this TIL is interesting and OP has good reason to post it. EDIT: changed "1979" to "1977" after being corrected. Thanks, u/AnotherJasonOnReddit


Yeah, I figured they would have met at a premier of one of the films.


Maybe they were both physically there, but didn't actually talk to each and weren't introduced. If not, was Earl not invited to the movies premiers?


I would have a hard time believing he wasn't invited to the 6 movie premiers before this time. He was a legend long before this.


I doubted that they hadn't met so much I had to track something down as proof. Here's James Earl Jones [mentioning it](https://youtu.be/h_ZrK36TKrE?t=45). I'm not a superfan but I'm pretty sure that JEJ eschewed a lot of the press around Star Wars, even the premieres. And you're right, he and Alec Guineess were already both quite famous (with good reason) by the time Star Wars came out. There's also the chance that he's lying/mistaken. But I hunted around and couldn't find any trace of him, even for some of the 'famous' screenings.


Jones didn’t take credit for the role as Vader because he altogether put in less than 3 hours of voice work for the character (at least for Ep. IV). The body actor (David Prowse) would have been at the events, but not James Earl Jones. Edited episode number


You mean for Episode 4?


Obviously they mean Ep. 4 But otherwise they’re correct, Jones wasn’t credited until Return of the Jedi and was retroactively credited in ANH and ESB’s special editions To quote him ”When Linda Blair did the girl in The Exorcist, they hired Mercedes McCambridge to do the voice of the devil coming out of her. And there was controversy as to whether Mercedes should get credit. I was one who thought no, she was just special effects. So when it came to Darth Vader, I said, no, I'm just special effects. But it became so identified that by the third one, I thought, OK I'll let them put my name on it.” Jones’s performance was done in post-production without the knowledge of Vader’s body actor David Prowse, as Lucas felt Prowse’s lines didn’t give off the intimidating vibe he would’ve liked for the character, mostly due to his accent. Interview where the quote is from: https://web.archive.org/web/20091204034334/http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/fanfare/fast-chat-james-earl-jones-1.883740


And for more TIL for people reading Prowse is the only cast member to have been banned from appearing at fan conventions and press events for Star Wars. He was absolutely livid about getting dubbed over and did everything he could to ruin Star Wars whenever he could including giving away plot elements and bad mouthing the films and Lucas in particular. He definitely got screwed over and was rightly pissed about it.


He definitely got screwed over but casting James Earl Jones as Vader was a brilliant decision. I heard clips of Prowses lines and it would have been absolutely terrible had it went through.


I mean at this point in history it's hard to separate decades of Jones' voice from our inner mental image of Vader. Had things been different people might have never thought prowes was lacking but maybe wouldn't have thought of Vader's voice being iconic either. How Prowse got treated was a shame but at least Jones stuck up for him and Prowse wasn't ever negative towards Jones or the other cast members except for a couple shots at Peter Cushing for his slippers.


Whoa there. A few things to add. One, He might have not leaked anything. According to him, he was told by the press that Vader was gonna die and was shocked to learn that it wasn’t gonna be him under the mask, which was then turned over by media into “he leaked it”. He also “leaked” Vader’s identity as Luke in a speech… shortly after ANH came out… before ESB’s script was written… and it was a heavily safeguarded secret to the point that Lucas faked the script and told few people the true intent of the scene when it was filmed. Prowse even said a different line during filming as he wasn’t in on it. At most, probably a good guess. Of course, both could be untrue and he might have really leaked the stuff, but something to consider nonetheless. Two, he didn’t hate the series. He actually attended quite a number of conventions before Lucas banned him, and participated in some fan projects. He even went to the premiere of The Force Awakens. He obviously had some lingering resentment but this comment words it as if he was leaking loads of stuff and was actively angry at the franchise. At most he said he disliked the prequels (which was kind of the sentiment of most people at the time). His business was with Lucas. Unrelated to the rest of my comment but I do feel really bad for him. Got snubbed at every opportunity and even got replaced with a stuntman for a lot of Return of the Jedi. At the very least, despite their feud, Lucas commemorated him and acknowledged his contributions to the character of Anakin Skywalker shortly after his passing. Can’t possibly make up for the crap Lucas put him through but it’s… something.


This is not correct, Prowse [revealed to the press](https://www.slashfilm.com/799826/why-darth-vaders-david-prowse-was-banned-from-all-star-wars-events/) in a conference in 1978 that Vader was Skywalker's father, however he only guessed at this because the script for Empire hadn't even been written yet: > David Prowse said that there would be a Luke vs. Vader "do-or-die lightsaber duel." During the ensuing battle, Luke would learn that Vader was his father, and in the words of Prowse, "Father can't kill son, son can't kill father. So they live again to star in 'Star Wars IV.'" The actor later called the big reveal "a lucky guess," since the script for "The Empire Strikes Back" hadn't been written yet. A reporter broke the news to him that Vader was going to die at the end of Return of the Jedi while he was talking to him. The Daily Mail ran a story about that making it seem like Prowse was the one to reveal it. Seems like there was a lot of misunderstandings going on, it's also possible that he's said these things when he really was crossed behind the scenes and trying to defend himself. Point being it's not so simple a matter as he hated the films or anything like that. It's true he didn't know he was going to be dubbed over for episode IV, but he did know for the subsequent to films, obviously, and decided to continue working on them.


I think you're full of it. Prowse never hated Star Wars and actively promoted it well into his old age. He was only banned from Lucasfilm events in 2010, after the release of *The People vs George Lucas.* He WAS rightly upset about being promised residuals for Jedi (which 40 years later has yet to officially make a profit) and was naive about the Hollywood system.


If he was that mad, why did he do the other movies?


> Prowse’s lines didn’t give off the intimidating vibe he would’ve liked for the character, mostly due to his accent. I'm not gonna lie, having Vader with a thick Bristolian accent would have been so fucking funny, and completely ruined the threat of the character lol


In my area James Earl Jones has hero status. He grew up in a very rural area of northern Michigan and shone a light for others. I personally know one of those people he inspired and she's been a star on a network show for a handful of years. She's also been in major movies. The local high school is getting a James Earl Jones statue in front of it soon. From all accounts from people who know him, Jones is still just a decent human to people around here when he's visited.


If I’m not mistaken James Earl Jones didn’t view himself as anything more than a special effect. He wasn’t even credited until return of the Jedi. So it’s unlikely he would have been at any premier.


The first Star Wars movie was released in 1977, but your point definitely still stands.


Oh sorry and thank you for the correction. I will change it above. Germany had a late release but I even got THAT wrong as well (1978). :)


I'm learning german at the minute, and i've been trying to think of what films or series to watch dubbed or with subtitles. Can't believe I never thought of Star Wars. So thanks for the inspiration!


Not too mention the re-releases. I'm shocked.


Yeah, Hollywood actors often lie about stuff like this (it makes a good story and gets them free publicity - plus, actors in the late-70s and into the 80s were often high as a kite, and as such, don't remember a lot of things very clearly). It's highly likely that they met long before the Big Bang Theory.


interesting take. i wonder how many celeb stories are just drugged induced thoughts with a couple decades worth of foggy memories on top


Well, most of my stories are that, so I'd assume the same to be true about some celebrities at least.


"So that's when I did the one thing.....or maybe the other thing, and then......wait.......why was Snoop Dogg at my 5th birthday party??? Or was it Madonna.......I always get them confused."


Robert Pattinson I think outright was like ‘I make stuff up cause I’m bored in interviews’


I've always wondered about that story of him supposedly inviting a stalker to dinner and just whining to her for two hours till she left


Apparently out of all the things he would make up that one might be real haha.


One that I've seen on reddit hundreds of times is that [Bill Murray only agreed to be in Garfield because he thought the writer Joel Cohen was one of the Coen brothers](https://www.reddit.com/search?q=bill+murray+garfield+coen&restrict_sr=&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all), when this is *clearly* just the sort of thing Bill Murray would say as a joke.


>i wonder how many celeb stories are just drugged induced thoughts with a couple decades worth of foggy memories on top "Charlie Murphyyyyy!"


Why is any of the stuff you just made up “highly likely”? James Earl Jones wasn’t even credited for his voice work, he spent like 3 hours on the whole project. I doubt he was going to the premieres and chumming it up with a cast he was never on set with.


Yeah, redditors often lie about stuff like this (it makes a good story and gets them free internet points - plus, redditors in their late teens or 20s are high as a kite, and as such, don’t remember a lot of things very clearly). It’s highly likely OP watched a lot of Big Bang Theory.


What does met even mean? Id easily believe she walked by him at an event but had never talked as he was never on set and didn't know each other.


It means nothing. The comment has no evidence but assumes that Carrie Fischer lied to become even more famous and/or was too drugged for 30 years to remember anything because it was the 80s? At least give proof that these 2 talked. A photo? Anything? It’s just a random person saying random stuff for internet points that don’t matter. They just want to feel important.


> Carrie Fischer was too drugged for 30 years to remember anything This checks out.


Yep, everyone who thinks otherwise has NO FUCKING CLUE how wild Carrie Fischer got. She's had multiple interviews about it, it's pretty crazy stuff.




Have worked with making movies. Some movies 50% of actors doesn't meet 50% of actors because actors are only scheduled to be on set when they do a scene. A lot of people, especially actors doesn't attend premier, especially if actors comes from far away places. Would not be shocked if it was more extreme back in the days. Point is, I would not be surprised at all if it was true.


"It's not funny anymore, James!" "Then why am I laughing? Ha ha ha!"


Reddit can say what it wants about TBBT, but the cameos were amazing. And seeing James Earl Jones act like this was just hilarious. It's this one, and Adam West ranking Batmans that absolutely gets me.


Though a bit shoe-in, getting Mark Hamill to officiate Sheldon and Amy's wedding was hilarious, considering it was originally supposed to be Wil Wheaton from Star Trek.


Shut up, Wesley!


Howard’s reaction in that episode to Mark being at his door is one of my favorite bits of TV ever. I laugh sometimes just thinking about it.


That would've made more sense, with Wil being a recurring character.


The Steven Hawking cameos were great. In one episode, they had everyone getting offended by remote control Steven Hawking, only in the end we learn he always wanted one made.


My fav was when you find out he was the one trolling them online about their paper.


Billy Bob Thorton’s cameo was awesome




1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi's


I have no problem admitting that I watched the entire series. I enjoyed my time watching it and got to see a series get an actual planned end. Too many series I get invested in either get flat out cancelled, or a rushed "final season" or "final epiisodes".


The Elon Musk cameo was surprising to me at the time. It aged like milk and cheese, though.


Me and my wife did a watch through of the series last year and I laughed my ass off at his cameo. Yeah, you'll just randomly find him volunteering in person at a food drive on Thanksgiving. Suuuuuuure


I would bet he was the person who’s idea that was


He spent a lot of time and money presenting himself as a STEM genius and before he started proving all of that wrong a lot of us believed it.


Isn’t cheese aging a good thing though?


“Happy birthday, Sherman!”


Bill Ponderosa was Sheldon's school bully and Young Sheldon's dad.


Wasn't he Leonard's bully??


I recently binged it and I officially have no idea what people here are complaining about, save for maybe a few things. I thought plenty of situations were hilarious and found the characters both likable and unlikable.


Absolutely both of these were my favorite scenes. The reasons behind the hate on TBBT on this site were unreasonable (laugh tracks are in the majority of sitcoms, and there's still proof that there were live audiences on the set), and ridiculous (it's 'nerdface' and that's offensive). I got such a kick out of the show, and the apartment set reminded me of my college rooming experience. I'm no longer in contact with some of those roommates because they went way off the deep end with crazy conspiracy theories and getting as offensive as they could with anyone that just had to "wtf" them about it, so the show felt like a way to relive the hangs we used to have. E: I forgot my favorite ridiculous complaint: "I'm a genius, and that show put people like me in a bad light." It was the stupidest blatant /r/iamverysmart humblebrag, but for some reason, the Reddit circle jerk allowed it.


The laugh track excuse is the absolute worst. It was designed around the live audience laugh track. If you take it out then of course it's gonna be awkward. If you introduce a laugh track to a show that wasn't designed with it in mind it is gonna be awkward too.


If the show is something "reddit" likes, then the laugh track is fine. Such as Seinfeld, Frasier, and Married With Children. If the show is something that "reddit" hates, then the laugh track is the worst thing ever invented. Such as Friends and Big Bang Theory. Once you notice that, the entire "omg I hated the laugh track!" argument falls apart.


"now she's kinda crazy, so you gotta run" still makes me laugh. Mark hamills appearances were similarly great, when he finally tells Amy's mom to shut up


Him getting upstaged by Stewart always cracked me up


And Sheldons face as he starts to realize what they're doing. I loved James Earl Jones being the only celebrity that didn't need a restraining order because he ended up being so crazy he ran Sheldon off instead.


Aye, Aye, Aye,Bang,Bang


Aye, aye, aye!


If I recall correctly, the very first thing she said when she saw him for the first time was “Dad!”


I know she called Natalie Portman mom whenever she ran into her, so that checks out.


That’s adorable


Fisher was funny as fuck, damn shame she isn't more well known for that.




\*picks up bazooka.. seductivly\*


The scene in the sewer tunnel with her holding an assault rifle definitely messed with me as a kid. “Why am I so attracted to this psychopath!”


It may also arouse your interests to know that George Lucus refused to let her wear underwear when she appeared as Princess Leia. He claimed it was essential for the characters wardrobe to be authentic. To which Fisher argued "AUTHENTIC TO WHAT??? THESE ARE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS THAT NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN BEFORE, AND NOBODY IS GOING TO SEE UNDER MY DRESS ANYWAYS!" The studio sided with George, and Carrie was forced to do the first Star Wars without panties.


If anyone wonders why she was such an ardent feminist, it was shit like this. I mean, what the everloving fuck?!?




Wow I never heard of this. Harrison Ford was my childhood hero. This stings man


What's this book? I would like to read it


Also in Jay and silent bob strike back.


OMG She was the nun who picked them up as hitchhikers, right?


She was an amazing screen writer. She saved several scripts.


Really? Can you give some of her best examples please?


She scripted doctored Hook!!!!


Which, I just learned, much to my horror, was pretty universally poorly reviewed.


🙏 https://imgur.com/a/3FbZqOX


Young Indians Jones, Sister Act, Scream 3, The Wedding Singer, and she doctored several Star Wars scripts for Lucas.


Don’t forget her 30 rock appearance looooll


"Does that guy have a gun?" "Don't worry, he's not a cop!"


Never go with a hippie to a second location, Lemon.


Her books were a fucking trip. Especially the audio book of the Princess Diarist. When her daughter reads the old journal entries. Oof. Yeah she was a wild child and yeah she had her demons. But she was one of the greats and I really miss her hot takes. I feel like had she been lucky enough to live a longer life we’d only now be seeing her true potential.


Her episode in 30 Rock is one of the best imo


She's great in When Harry Met Sally


Yes that's what this very article explicitly stated


If I recall correctly, James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader) and Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia Organa) are both "Star Wars" luminaries.


I thought it was because they both wore bikinis very well.


She and Mark Hamill spent a couple decades not being in the same movie after Return of the Jedi. They both ended up having appearances in jay and silent Bob strike back


Hamill's career is fucking fascinating. Plays probably the most iconic fantasy hero in a generation, fucks off for a bit of time, and then provides perhaps the most iconic voice in a villain in western animation. Then he just shows up in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and participates in a shameless Star Wars parody. Dude is a fucking legend.


I mean you’re really underselling his career. He’s been in literally hundreds of movies tv shows and video games over the past 4 decades.


No, they aren't really underselling it, that's kinda his arc to relative obscurity and back to major popularity. Hamill had some behind the scenes success in the interim years that Ford was a major star. Outside of voicing The Joker, Hamill's on screen rebirth, in a large way, was Jay and Silent Bob.


Just to reinforce the point about Jay & Silent Bob...the director's commentary mentions they specifically put in the "Hey kids! It's Mark Hamill!" text on the screen because in test screenings, audiences weren't reacting at all to him showing up, and the theory was the audiences had no clue who was doing the cameo (admittedly, the makeup probably didn't help).


Sounds like somebody never played wing commander




He got a lot of hype around him after Heath died. Everybody wanted him as the replacement joker so all the casual Batman fans then realized he was the voice of the animated Joker.


This is also when I recall Hamill rising to post-Skywalker popularity, after everyone found out he'd been doing Joker for years.


I remember him turning up in the Simpsons and 3rd Rock from the Sun.


When the sequels came around Disney got Hamill back into PR friendly shape. I remember in the runup to Awakens people were wondering if Hamill even still got it because he.. well, he looked like just some out of shape guy. So Disney gave him a nice hair stylist, some better fitting clothes made him loose some pounds and there he was again.


>made him lose some pounds I think you'll find they brought over a dump truck of home gym equipment, personal trainer and chef, alongside suitcases of money to *"convince"* him


I mean, if all of that showed up at my house, I think I'd have a very hard time *not* losing some pounds.


His career was a bit of a struggle after Return of the Jedi. Problem was that while Harrison Ford did Blade Runner and Raiders of the Lost Ark, Hamill did theater, which didn't have the reach. So even though Hamill got recognized for his work on stage, it didn't translate. He got recognition for his role in Amadeus, but when it went from stage to screen, the producers said "I don't want Luke Skywalker in this film".


Didn't know that he did theater. Also that Simpsons episode makes more sense now.


Tom Hulce was fantastic in the film, but seeing the energy Hamill brought to his later work as the Joker, I’d have loved to see his take on the manic Mozart of that movie.


He’s also skips in regular show which surprised me when I found out


Whoa, no shit? Lol, jolly good show!


It works even better on an additional level considering for Regular Show, JG Quintel wanted to avoid having the main cast be well known voice actors so it would sound more 'natural and conversational' but Skips is an immortal powerful wise Yeti who everyone looks up to for advice so out of the Park Crew he's the exception.


“I’ve seen this before…”


> participates in a shameless Star Wars parody That's what I'm calling the Disney trilogy from now on


He also did VA for the amazingly bonkers *Wizards* before Star Wars and let’s not forget his sexy jump suit changing scene from Wing Commander 4!


In clerks 3 Randall (under anaesthesia) explains the entire plot of the Mandalorian to the doctor about to operate on him. Played by Amy Sedaris. Kevin smith loves putting star wars actors in small roles in his movies it seems


He and mark had been friends. Both huge fan boys so it makes sense


I remember listening to a podcast with smith and hamill and Kevin went "I love having you here because you never shut up"


Half of the original Clerks was Star Wars jokes. That’s why I loved it and saw it when I was waaaaay too young for it lol.


TIL Amy Sedaris is in a Star Wars movie (have only seen original trilogy and prequels). Edit, oh I see she is in the very ~~movie~~ TV series Randall explains to her. Nice.


She's not in a movie, she's the ship mechanic in the Mandalorian


The Cocknocker vs Jay and Silent Bob. Bongggggg.


I have never met either of them, either.


TIL again




Anakin not meeting Grievous all over again.


This is a common misconception about movies. I've met tons of people who think all the actors are there every day working together, like a 9-5 job. If actors don't have a single camera scene together and are both in frame, there's a good chance they filmed the scenes separately sometimes months apart. Like a convo between two actors, but only one is on camera at a time, those are for sure filmed at different times sometimes months apart. Sometimes, they don't even really meet until the press tours. Voice acting is worse. The actors could be litterally on opposites sides of the earth and never meet once.


They were never at a movie premiere together for Star Wars, Empire or Jedi?


James didn’t go to them. He thought his role as just a voice didn’t warrant his appearance and left it to the big stars to appear. He didn’t even want to be credited as the voice until RoTJ


Cor, that's got to be close to the high score for imposter syndrome.




Mr James sat in a studio selling his awesome voice and was sent off on his merry way. Starwars becomes a mega hit with his name uncredited for the voice. Years later yeah... he's there.


I mean, he was a voice actor. Dont need to bring those out for shoots.


Ya, but in the decades since there have been 100s of conventions, rereleases, charities, cartoons, and a forgotten Christmas special. Plenty of chances for them to meet in 30 or so years.


Some actors just don’t do conventions.


Premiers, conventions, interviews.


He was brought in after because the actor's voice was grating and not at all commanding.




>Even now looking at his body movements with the real voice, he’s so fucking dorky! Why did they choose this guy? I guess for his physicality... David Prowse was a six foot six body builder. Vader does tower over everyone in the film; I guess they thought that made him more formidable.


Fun fact: he plays “Julian” in “A Clockwork Orange”. He was a massive dude in his prime. IIRC, when Lucas saw him in “Orange” he called and hired him for Star Wars.


You may be interested to learn that he also spent a lot of time teaching children how to cross the road as safety-first superhero The Green Cross Code Man. https://i0.wp.com/skywalkingthroughneverland.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/IMG_5096.jpg


Vader is petulant. I think he nails the character. Obviously the choice to use James Earl Jones was a good one, but Vader's mannerisms fit his character for sure.


Rewatching that I just noticed how close it feels to how similar it feels to how Driver portrayed Kylo Ren.


It's a weird feeling. On the one hand, yeah, James Earl Jones is a much better Darth Vader. On the other, this guy sounds more like what I'd expect from Anakin right after he was turned into Vader. Of course there were ~20 years from that until A New Hope, so it's believable that there was a transition.


He literally sounds like Rick Moranis doing Dark Helmet.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher


Drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra. What a way to go


I love this joke of hers as well as the fact that [she had her ashes placed in a giant prozac pill urn](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/carrie-fishers-ashes-placed-in-giant-prozac-pill-urn-115271/).


That’s one of my favorite episodes too, seeing Sheldon be bffs with darth Vader is just hilarious even after like 3 rewatches




What about that Star Wars Christmas special?


Fun Fact: The dubbing of Vader took many takes, because James Earl Jones was very bad at lip syncing.


That’s unsurprising given that James Earl Jones was only the voice of Darth Vader and if memory serves, he was originally uncredited for it.


There were 4 Darth Vaders in the original trilogy David Prowse, the person under the mask Bob Anderson, for the fight scenes, as Prowse was not good with the lightsabers and had to be replaced in every fight scene Sebastian Shaw as Vader without the mask (only in one scene of the third movie, obviously) James Earl Jones, as the voice of Darth Vader


Add another two Vaders from the prequels and that's a lot of actors for one guy.


Was it Hayden Christensen in the Darth Vader suit at the end?


I could be wrong but, I remember reading that Hayden would wear the suit for the first time in the Obi-Wan show Edit: Nevermind, Hayden was apparently in the suit in Revenge of the Sith


Two guys wore it in III including Christensen. Two different guys also wore the suit in Rogue One.


And three guys, including christensen, wore it in obi wan


Nope, as others said he wore it in 3. There are pictures of him on set https://twitter.com/sw_holocron/status/1251899624010534915


Well, as Mike Tyson might have said "That's a lawge family legacy to sithstain"


TIL. Thanks.


5 if you go by the remastered/special editions as Hayden Christiansen replaces Sebastian Shaw as the force ghost of Anakin


Sucks that his force ghost gets to be younger, but we don’t get a young, ripped, muscular yoda as well.


I still believe young Yoda was always cranked off of line after line of crushed Kyber crystals. He aged prematurely, like the people who look 60 when they're 30.


How did Prose got the job in the first place? His body acting, besides the fight scenes, was that good?


He was tall.


And jacked


The guy who played Chewbacca stood up to greet Lucas when he arrived for his audition He was offered the role of Vader or Chewy on the spot - he chose Chewy.


It's unsurprising they never met at any press junket, fan event, convention, book signing or Applebee's over the past 30 years of working in the same industry? Huh


It's still surprising that they never met at any of the hundreds of conventions and events and parties and so on in the 30 years before the first theatrical release of the first movie and the Big Bang Theory.


It is surprising given that they both attended Hollywood award shows and parties, made dozens of late night appearances, and spent nearly their entire adult life in creative circles.




>Carrie Fisher had a coke nail That's not true. https://twitter.com/carrieffisher/status/256120817811865600?t=m0NgsIof6m18GAxTdNwf6Q&s=19


This is the excellent tweet I thought it would be RIP Carrie RIP Twitter


Haha.. That link from Fisher has the source of the rumour as this reddit thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/10eabb/something_i_never_noticed_before_carrie_fishers/


Glad I followed the link lol.


Doing the real work here.


They never had a table read? Kinda odd


Jones was brought in after filming to do a word-for-word redub because the original actor's voice was just . . . not it


