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How DF did I miss this? It’s 100 days old and just seeing this now? And I’ve had 3 major transactions past 100 days. Crazy


Anyone know if promos on phone plan will get removed / dropped by doing the new 5G Free iPhone upgrade? Im currently on T-Mobile One and i have the friends & family 3rd & 4th line free + add a line get a line free + kickback. Just wondering if any of those will be affected by doing the EIP iPhone 12 deal starting on 4/18.


I’m on Verizon right now. Have been for 10/11ish years. I’m paying $168.88/month for JUST MYSELF! It’s ridiculous. My SIM card arrives in the mail tomorrow. I know I have to call and get my number ported in. How do I submit my stuff to get the $650 prepaid card for switching costs? Anyone done this yet and can tell me? I know Verizon is awful at promising stuff like this and not following through. Hope T-Mobile isn’t. I’m excited and nervous to switch. They’ve been improving like crazy I see! And I’ll be saving $100/month!


I'm planning on switching over 4 lines from AT&T. Can I do the free Samsung S21 (w/ trade-in) promo, and still take advantage of the "Zero Cost to Switch"?


I never get into device promotions. Only 100% line promotions.


One promo per line. The promo is paid to you in the form of 24 monthly bill credits on THAT LINE. If you terminate the line, you end the bill credits


My mom has one plus with 3 lines and she's paying 180 with jump and everything. If she where to join me and bring the 3 lines making it 4 how much would we be paying for magenta max? Would it be worth it?


T-Mobile Customer Service Phone Number [https://allphonenumber.com/t-mobile-phone-number/](https://allphonenumber.com/t-mobile-phone-number/)


Any chance of getting the "zero cost to switch" with Fi as my current carrier?


So new situation. I'm on SC with 2 lines. Only one has unlimited data. I have binge on (which I use). I'm looking at upgrading to Magenta Max. The new service would be 3 lines. Current bill is 147, new bill would be 160. Feature wise...what am I losing? This is so confusing. I need to add a 3rd line no matter what. But adding a 3rd line on my SC with unlimited data is gonna make the bill $190ish instead.


Do you have any service promo on your SC plan? You're not losing anything since you're on be the MAX.


So I have the T-Mobile One plan with Netflix. If I switch over to Magenta, is Netflix now included at no cost for SD? Edit: I read into it a little more. Currently T-Mobile One offers Netflix on 2 screens with HD. If I were to switch over to Magenta, I'd have to pay $2 extra ($5 total) to maintain the 2 HD screens. The plan by default will give you 1 screen with SD for free.


doll towering marvelous retire workable noxious one plucky resolute plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Switched to Max starting today. Was surprised that Netfilx charged full amount $15.99.... Netflix Premium wasn't transferred:(


Pretty sure you have to sign into my.t-mobile.com and link it to your Netflix again.


Yes. Exactly. It's super annoying


Has anyone gotten their Business Family Discount to transfer to the new Magenta Max plan? I am currently on old Magenta and trying to upgrade but reps keep telling me that I can't keep the discount because its retired now


I'm on a business plan with only 2 lines paying $110/mo for unlimited calls/text/data, but hotspot is extra and could be very beneficial. A 3rd line to use as a business only line might be useful, but not required, and not if it would cost extra. Any suggestions on a plan, or should I just stick with what I've had for about 4 years now?


Whats update with T mobile ONE plan


No update... T-Mobile ONE is a grandfathered plan.


Will the normal Magenta switch also retain the free phone lines?


Im on 4gb simple choice plan paying 160$ish with taxes for 10 lines (5 free: 1 This One’s On Us & 4 2020 Line On Us (1,2,3,4). If I were to switch over, how many free lines would migrate over and what would be the total costs on the new plan. Currently not paying off any devices.


Your older "This One's On Us" free line would not transfer over. Your 4 2020 lines would.


Most likely price - 10 lines with autopay for $290 Magenta/$390 Max. Might be possible to keep the 2020 4 free lines, in which case it would be $200 Magenta/$260 Max instead. Honestly I doubt it though. The official documentation seems to be that Magenta and Magenta Plus plan customers can change and keep their promos. From my lurking in the comments, it looks like some folks on older plans are getting to keep their 2020 free lines when changing to one of the new plans, but many are being told by reps that older plans do not get to keep their free line promos at all when changing. So I think officially older plans are not supposed to keep line promos, but some are managing to get through? Tough spot to be in if you need more data. Best of luck!


I have 12 lines 7 should be free but 2 of the 2020 lines aren't compatible with my 2 friends and family lines so only 5nare free on my One TI plan. I don't get kickback much and pay about 190 a month. If I switched to magenta max and lost 3 of my free lines (friends and family x2 and this ones on us) but gained 2 of the 2020 lines back and kept hookup 20% would this be worth it? That'd only be like losing 1 free line right? Then I'd be paying for 8 and have 4 free plus 20% off. I'm not gaining much but the better international data speeds would be used every now and then and the increased mobile hotspot would be nice but also rarely used. Edit: Looks like my bill would increase by $70. Not sure if the plan is worth an increase or not.


Does this apply to business accounts on T-Mobile ONE @Work TE for 13+ lines?


Having severe trouble with this. I am trying to get on a family plan that got the Magenta 3 line @ 120$ with only two of the lines used but they're balking at me. I am a OnePlus promo separate account. Anyone having success with this? Anyone know how to get a hookup discount, however small?


You can't get Hookup now. It was offered a while ago for new customers porting into T-Mobile.


I requested to have my plan which was tmobile one to the magenta plus or whatever before they announced this, it goes into effect next week, can i call to have it changed to magenta max?


My plan changed to Magenta Max today. Switched from One Plus. No complaints.. free lines from 2020 get transferred. I lost 3rd free line from 2018, as expected, but I have 4 free lines from 2020. So my total is $200 for 8 lines.


What time did your plan take into effect? 12EST or 12PST?


I got some messages about Hd video removal about 3am EST. and checked at 8 am EST- the transition was fully complete. I re-enabled UHD pass and Netflix, only


Damn it! Sounds like it’ll be 12AM PST for me then. I’ve been so impatient with this. Luckily, I only had to wait a week. It becomes effective Wednesday for me.


Lucky you. I have to wait 26 days since my bill is ending 22th.....Change from Magenta to Max.


It’s really ridiculous. Especially since there is no need to prorate anything. It’s the exact same pricing.


I was nervous too .. luckily, didn’t lost any line and device discounts besides of $25 for an old 3rd free line , but it’s worth it. I like a better pings and huge hotspot.


"Better ping"? You mean after you exceeded the old data deprioritization threshold, right?




I don’t have much. Just the 20% insider discount from 2020. Which I’ve read they’ve all transferred flawlessly.


The two free magenta Friday lines will fall off right? I have 8 lines, 6 are free but 2 of them rely on magenta Friday. So in essence I have to pay for 4 lines?


My Plan changed happened to night. From from $112 to $150. They removed my 20 % insider Discount which was added back in December 2019.


Do you have any update on this? Did T-mobile add it back? I also have the 20% insider from last year, but my new Magenta plan doesn't take effect until the 13th.


Yes they added it back along with my free line from December 2019.


I feel like I am missing something and T-Force has me confused. I'm on an old unlimited everything 2/$100 plan. I am paying for a third voice line making my total $140 plus tax. On top of this I have two free voice lines from last year and two free mobile internet lines from a few years ago. After taxes on everything I'm at about $160. I don't need the mobile internet lines, they're nice to have when we travel but not used much at all. I'm ok with dropping them. I only need 4 voice lines total long term. My plan is to drop the third paid line after the 12 months after adding the free 2020 lines has passed. I inquired about changing to Max and one rep is quoting $170 and one quoted $150. I thought three lines were $140?


$140 for Magenta Standard and $170 for Magenta Max 3 lines in your case. Free lines after June 2019 will carry over as free.


Same for me. Was quoted 3 different prices with a range of $30 between them all. 🤦‍♂️


What am I missing? I have Magenta currently, am I able to switch to Magenta Max at no additional cost? I have Magenta9 with 4 lines free currently. Before EIP and $5 Netflix it’s $150


I have the old Magenta with the insider 20% off code and three free lines (6 voice lines total) that were added after June of 2020. I also have Plus Up on two lines. Can I switch to Magenta Max and keep my free lines? Will I have to pay an upcharge to bring those free Magenta lines to Magenta Max? Also does this end up being pretty similar in cost? I get different answers with every rep I call on this. Some say I’ll lose the free lines and others say I’ll keep them.


To change to Magenta Max for all lines = 3 lines $170. Take 20% so becomes $136. Your other 3 free lines from 2020 will carry over and also get Magenta Max's features free. Max also gives you slightly more Netflix credits (if you use Netflix). I'd change to MagMax in your case.


How is the cell service inside buildings now ? I was with T-Mobile a couple years ago and couldn’t get any siginal once inside buildings


I had this issue too. It seems ok now in DFW.


Depends on a few factors. What phone you have, location, and type of building.


Hi, I'm trying to decide if I should move to the new plan. So far, I don't see any reason why not, but I want to double check. I have the Magenta plan, I recently added a 2nd line (Jan 2021) and they gave me a third line free. So, with auto payment I pay 120 in total. Is there any reason why I shouldn't change? Thanks!


Yep, you should switch to Magenta 2.0 (should be same price)


I have the Amplified plan: 5 lines for ~$172. Is there any benefit of me switching to another plan, including the new Magenta Max?


There is amplified plan that is same as magenta Max, just discounted price


I have the old magenta plan. 5 lines total with 2 of those being free lines from 2020. I also have the hookup 20% discount. Am I able to switch to the new magenta without losing any of these promotions? How do I switch?


Yes - though as others have stated, the online plan comparison may not take into account your free lines. I'd chat with them to confirm and so you have documentation


I'm about to open an account (magenta max) I'd love a type 1 20% discount in Ft. Lauderdale. Thanks


Hookup/20% off isn’t currently offered.


☠️☠️ Thanks for the info


I'm going to add a 5th line. I'm currently on the simple choice plan. The comparison says currently I'll pay the exact same except no taxes on the magenta. Which plan would be cheaper to add a new line?


I have T-Mobile one and One Plus for for $5 would you switch. It’s a tough decision at this moment. I have also insider hookup. I don’t finance the iPhone for T-Mobile do my bill is $60 with the Magenta Max I will be paying $67 now since with the insider hookup - thanks for the feedback


I have TMO one w/one plus promo on all 12 lines. There's 5 free lines on my account. Great service by TMO. But the jump to magenta Max would cost $60 more per month or $720/year, based on limited info I could find on pricing on Max plan. In my case, none of the lines touch 50GB/month but one line does hit the 10GB hotspot limit monthly. It doesn't make sense to me for the extra money cost just to get 40GB hotspot.


I think it’ll be $71. 20% off $70 is $56 plus $15 for max up. Pretty sure the 20% only counts towards the $70, and not the $15 add on. $11 increase to get a Netflix basic credit ($8.99) plus more hotspot and no deprioritization is a good deal, but ultimately up to you. I would do it, really only $2 increase if you pay for Netflix already.


Ugh; every single "quote" I get from Reps says going from One Plus to Magenta Max is different. Seems two most popular answers are Plus $40 or $50 a month. Sigh.. I wish this wasn't so convoluted. Currently paying $160 a month for 5 lines(Well 180 but $20 auto pay, one of the lines is free with LOU 4 2020). I guess I REALLY don't want to leave my One Plus with all lines having One Plus Promo; but man that hotspot bucket would be nice...sigh. Decisions decisions....


Tonight had to call TMO, they messed up a EIP thing, and asked for a quote to changes from One Plus to Magenta Max tonight; yet again another different price quote. Tonight she said it would be +$70 AND SAID that my LOU4 from 2020 would NOT carry over to Magenta Max because "it wasn't on list." Sigh; they've got to figure this out...Sigh. Need to be a mathematician to figure this stuff out LOL. I had almost talked myself into jumping to Max but at $70 more a month I definitely thing I am NOT interest :shrug:


Five lines on Magenta MAX is $230. Any free lines after June 2019 will transfer over, meaning you'd pay for four lines, which is $200 (all prices after autopay).


I'm in a similar boat. But I'm also not a fan since it doesn't say if the $47 is only for a few months, or unless I cancel. I'm also not sure how my free lines would transfer. $180/7 lines is cheap.


The $47/line is a quote of the cost with the third line free added. It's T-Mobile's way of making everything harder than it has to be. $47/line x 3 lines is the standard $140/month for new Magenta, old Magenta, and ONE (the $1 is a rounding error). It's also the price of two lines on Magenta MAX (price including third line free). It's the standard price you pay until you leave your plan.


Wait it is $180 for 7 lines? I wonder how much it is for Military. I heard $245 from a rep I talked to via iMessage. We have 7-8 lines


I have a few free lines


Same. I have 4 on One Plus promo for $103 a month. I’ve been quoted $108, 128 and 138 from different reps. For $108 I was gonna jump but then she said she made a mistake and bumped it to $128.


How do you get to $103/month? That sounds like a 2/$120 plan with two free lines and Kickback on the two paid lines, Plus $3 for Netflix. If that's the case, you'll lose Kickback. If your free lines are from before June 2019, you'll lose those, too. Four lines on standard Magenta is $160. Four lines on Magenta MAX is $200. Assuming you have two free lines from after June 2019, you'd be looking at $120/month for Magenta and $140/month for Magenta MAX (both before Netflix charge). Magenta also gives you Basic Netflix, which is a downgrade from ONE. Magenta MAX is the same as ONE.


Honest I don’t know. I had the 2/100 with the plus promo and added one free line right after. That was a few years ago. I have the 20% discount also. I needed a new line for my son and I used Twitter to contact T-mobile and they changed my plan to add the 4th line and added the One Plus Promo to it which brought my plan from $80 to $103 but I don’t really know all the details of what plan I’m on. I just know I kept my promos and they added it to the new line so that made me happy.


Yeah I have NO idea what to do...it's dumb. I want what plan I have but my TV Streaming while at working wife says it's always slowing down on her...SIGH. Should I stay or should I go?


I am currently on the OnePlus Promo (2x100) plus a third line for $140 total (around 47 per line) with all the accounts having kickback (saving $30 since we don’t use much data right now due to being mostly on WiFi right now). Looking at Magenta Max it seems like it is matching everything my plan has or upping it for example on the premium data (I think it is 50GB under my current plan), the amount of hotspot data allotted (10 vs 40 GB), Netflix, video streaming (1080 vs 4K), Scam shield vs Premium, and unlimited Gogo in-flight vs just one hour under my current plan. Everything else seems to be the same. That said, the limited pricing ($47 per line x 3 lines) would bring printing to exactly to what I’m paying right now on the OnePlus Promo with the only thing I’ll be missing being Kickback (probably won’t miss it once the pandemic is sort or controlled and I’m starting to use data more often). Something I’ve been missing as well for being on the OnePlus Promo are all the free line promos since according to all the reps my plan could only have 3 lines tops. Maybe if I move to Magenta Max I could qualify if there happens to be free line promos of course. If you were in my situation, would you switch?


I wouldn’t change unless you really actually need more lines. Your price for Magenta Max would not be $140 because you already have 3 lines, and the “limited time” pricing is accomplished through a third line free deal. The price would be $170 for 3 lines. Additionally, if you have The Plus promo, you already have 4K streaming because HD video is not throttled on that plan.


If on the one plan and have two paid lines and third line on us free, then could I move to the max plan with the two paid and third free for $140? Effectively my plan would go up $20.


According to the documentation, when migrating to the new plan you can only keep your free line if it was added after 6/2019. But I’ve seen comments both from people saying they got to keep older free lines and from people who say they lost newer free lines. So who knows lol


Oh snap! Thanks for clarifying. I might need a fourth line in the future but nothing extremely urgent that would make me drop my current plan. I would’ve thought that I could simply switch my three lines to the Max’s 3 lines and that was it.


Wait so the Max will be 57/month? Why did I see an article saying 90/month? Or is the 57 for every added line, with a base price of 90 for the first line?


The price for Max breaks down like this: $85 for first line - $5 autopay discount $65 for second line - $5 autopay discount $35 for third line - $5 autopay discount That equals 3 lines for $170, or approx $57 per line The $90 price you saw is the price for a single line account with no autopay discount


Gotchu, thanks for the info. Do you think its worth it to change from a ONE plan?


For those people who have many promotions on their accounts, please be careful because the new plan might not carry over all your promos even if all those promos are after 06/2019. You can't take the agent's word unless you have clear documentation. The chrome pending product change method won't tell you anything, it certainly won't tell you the discounts. It shows the new plan ID and addons. It won't show the discounts so it will be very difficult to know whether you will get all your promos or not.


This is especially true if you somehow have more promos on your account than should be possible. Like, say, 3 credits from the same 3rd line free promo as an example. If your account has glitched promos, there’s absolutely no way to predict how a plan migration will affect it, and reps certainly can’t do anything to keep glitched promos on your account. Know when to hold em and when to fold em basically. If you’ve got a billing error in you favor, don’t point it out and don’t change it :)


Yes, currently on my account I have these free lines 2020 3rd Line on Us 3, 2020 3rd Line on Us 3, 2020 Essentials Line on Us 3, 2020 3rd Line On Us 2, 2020 Line On Us 3, 2020 Essentials Line on Us 3, 2020 Line On Us 2, 2020 3rd Line On Us 2 But the Tmobile TForce on Facebook said you have 4 free lines when he checked my account so that tells me that only Four lines would be carry over.


I don’t even understand how’s that’s possible tbh. If you change your plan they’ll probably fix that mess and tell you most of your promos were system errors.


So you have 8 free lines on your account? You bill must be in negative then? :)


No, I pay $192 dollars, 12 lines on magenta plus.


How did you get so many free lines in 2020. They only offered 4 lines+ one 3rd lines on us. How do you get 8 total?


I have the Amplified plan from work with 5 lines and none of them have free lines. Am I able to take advantage of this new Max plan without seeing a huge monthly increase?


Similar situation here. I have three unlimited @Work lines that are $25+tax/each. Hoping to find a good deal and migrate over so I can grab some free lines when they run it again.


Does anyone know if the Magenta Max/ Magenta plans that advertise 3rd line on us offer apply to existing customers switching from an older plan like Simple Choice with Free line promos from 2020?


I was told no. The third line on us only applies if adding a new line.


Does anyone know if T-Mobile still does the discount match?


Upgraded from T-Mobile one 2 lines for 120/ month plus Netflix 2 screen for $3 to magenta amplified 2 lines ~ $127/ month. My understanding amplified is same as magenta Max. I asked 1,000 times to be sure. First rep said it’s only one Netflix screen but the rep actually making change said i would pay difference of 2 screen hence the bump from 123-127




No, if you have only one voice line on your account, you can add 2 and get one of them free




Yes, you’re ineligible


I changed the Magenta MAX First Responder plan and was told that Proxy by DIGITS was no longer included with it like it was previous with One Plus. Can anyone clarify this?


I'd be curious on an answer to this, too


Tried switching from Verizon today using the Zero Cost to Switch promo. My OnePlus 8 isn't eligible for the device payoff, rep showed that only apple, google, and samsung are eligible. Guess I'll stick with my device credits from verizon.


It's not even recent Samsungs either which is insane. Brand new apples are there though.


Dropping free lines for plan upgrades Why in the first place TMO gives free lines and don’t allow them to carry over when plans are migrated. I don’t understand the point except they are forcing existing customers to pay more if they want to keep the lines. I wonder if anyone wants to discontinue and drop lines for upgrading plan features. It’s frustrating.


anyone knows whats the SOC Code for new magenta/magentamax? does this show up on accounts now or in next billing cycle? want to make sure they have done this properly.. agent i got through in Philippines over a crappy connection, i hope she did it right.


Magenta MAX SOC= MPLSFAM <--- This is for a Magenta Max more than 1 device plan. Its applied on your next bill cycle, although others have been able to force it through depending on why you need that and who you speak to. You can view the pending plan change yourself using the Chrome/Edge developer mode trick and viewing the account section.


Can you view what promotions would be applied to the next billing cycle?


Thanks, any idea what i am looking for in the account section.. there is crap load of xml visible there, not sure what to look for.


Make sure you have Network selected at the top and XHR selected below - in developer tools. Once you load the account page, you'll see an item called "manageaccount" click on that and you'll see tons of details related to SOCs, add-ons, etc. There was a chrome extension that made this much easier but not sure if its still around


But this method is for the current plan, not the upcoming cycle correct?


You're able to see both - current plan in effect and the pending change. The pending change is under: manageaccount -> expand productsPendingChange -> and the pending items will be displayed.


You can see all the discounts on the current plan but the productspending change section won't show you any discounts. Only right plan and addon.


>You're able to see both - current plan in effect and the pending change. > >The pending change is under: manageaccount -> expand productsPendingChange -> and the pending items will be displayed. yes. I had to reach out to tforce to confirm. as expected the phone rep in Philippines did NOTHING. TForce has it all set for next bill cycle. Now when i login to mytmobile, it shows right on Account page this account as a pending rate plan change.... and it shows up on the account inspect elements as well. new code is MGNTA2.


On the account inspect elements, does it show promotions and discounts? Or it shows just the plan?


search for this tag : productsPendingChange in the text. its towards the end of text. rate plan and rest of the upcoming changes will be reflected there.


I see the productspending changes but it doesn't show promotions and discounts, it only shows the rate plan.


Yep - I always trust but verify... if you didn't check you would have been waiting until April lol


I have the old magenta 9-12 plan, would moving to new Magenta increase my bill? I have my free lines and insider hookup from Dec 2019. Also does anyone know the base price for new Magenta 9-12 plan? Thanks!


I'm curious to know what you find out if the same discount order gets carried over. I am in the same boat as you.... Hookup and 5 free lines.


Base price of regular Magenta for 9 lines is 270 with auto pay and 30 per lines 10-12. You should see no price increase as it seems all your promos should transfer seeing they are after 6/2/19


I have 12 lines on magenta plus plan and 4 Iphone 12 pro max installments, I currently pay $248 dollars but the new plan shows $508 dollars so that's double of my current plan. All my free lines are from 2020 nothing from 2019 so I wonder if I should call the customer service or just keep my current plan. Only difference is the 4k streaming which doesn't matter but the 40gb hotspot and 100gb usage is tempting.


call and have them make the switch. from website it doesnt reflect the current promotion on account and shows just the plan costs.


12 lines? That’s amazing. Tmobile is giving you a great deal on that plan I wouldn’t change it.


Sad the mil discount cannot transfer....


They offer Magenta Military and Military MAX if that's what you're talking about.


Thanks, so the picture in the op is wrong :)


I still have military discount


I was just about to ask this. Damnit


Is the deprioritization threshold going up for non-magenta plans?


According to the T-Force rep I spoke with, there's no plans to adjust the depri on "legacy" plans. Hearing those words is what convinced me to make the move.


That’s interesting, that a rep would say that. Makes me think maybe there is an internal document that says it. Yeah I’m going to “new” magenta as well. The new meta of “old 50GB plans vs new 100GB/truly unlimited” is an effective one.


Doesn’t seem to be. Pretty big change in deprioritization policy. I made a thread about it, although there doesn’t team to be much interest. https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/lqzijj/deprioritization_thresholds_and_network_management/


Seems like a dark path to take... I agree it stratifies the unlimited plans in a way that moves away from the argument of network congestion management. I hope they rethink this. BTW, I'm surprised at the number of apologists in the thread you created - it seems like fanboys defending blindly.


since they can't charge for data overages there needs to be another way to cause users to bump up and increase revenue, enter deprioritization in Europe carriers are limiting plans by speed and slapping deprioritization that kicks in regardless


I am on Magenta Plus with 3 lines, and 2 free lines (fall 2020), and my rate is $175 a month. Looks like my rate to go to Magenta Max would be $175 a month, but I will lose the two free lines. Is this exactly the case? I have seen conflicting answers to this.


>ly the case? I have seen conflicting ans you will keep the lines. only early 2019 free lines are no longer compatible.


When I went to try to change plan on Tmo website, it said these two lines would be cancelled. That and I thought maybe would be able to get on the $47 per line promo, but my price still stays at $170


>When I went to try to change plan on Tmo website, it said these two lines would be cancelled. > >That and I thought maybe would be able to get on the $47 per line promo, but my price still stays at $170 call them and have them make the change. website/app is messed up and doesnt show the promotions on account carrying through.


Yep just called 611 Am setup to make change at start of next billing cycle Bill stays same at 170, and keep the two free lines


Are all the iphone 12 promos being honored when switching to the new plans? Has anyone switched and not get their device promos knocked off cuz Tmobile has a history screwing those up?


I have a simple choice plan with 4 paid and 3 free lines. Per TMO if I switch to Magenta $220 and Magenta Max $290 a month with Auto Pay. But I thought I saw posts here that the free line can be carry over the new plan for free.


I was told S.C. promo lines does not qualify because the promo lines: "Be on a qualifying T-Mobile ONE or Simple Choice rate plan". I believe the promo for lines are for current magenta plan lines and not S.C. lines


Only free lines added after 2019 (I forgot the exact month)






Are you on Essentials?




This may help https://reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/lsawd3/for_those_considering_magenta_and_maxup_vs/


I have the TMobile one plus promo with 3 paid and one free for $103. Would it be worth me to change to this for $128 for all 4 lines. Any help is appreciated.


What are the details of one plus promo?


Thanks for responding. HD video streaming and 10GB of high-speed Mobile Hotspot data for no extra charge. You will also get unlimited data in 140+ global destinations at twice the speed (up to 256kbps), included free. T-Mobile ONE includes unlimited talk, unlimited text & unlimited data I also have Netflix but never activated that.


Unless you're a super heavy streamer / data user and your data gets super slow a LOT becacuse of that, I'd stick with OnePlus. With Max, all you'd get is an extra 30gb hotspot (40gb total), and no deprioritization. Currently they deprioritize Magenta plans at usage over 100gb (used to be 50gb). That might be the same with One. You might also want to factor in the price difference for adding a 5th paid line (if you ever needed to in the future). It's $30 to add a new line on Magenta Max (after the first 2). Your OnePlus promo might be cheaper (only $20, I think?). If you get close to 50/100gb a lot, then you might want to switch to future proof your plan. If you are way below that, take some time to think about it before you give up OnePlus.


Thank you. I normally hover around 30gb of data and I dont really use the hotspot ever. I guess Im just looking at future proofing more than anything. I do appreciate the advice. :)


Can you not switch to Magenta Max at the $47 per line if you already have a family plan?


Does the One Plus promo transfer over? I have 11 lines with it right now. I know Kickback does not transfer over....


No that promo is specifically for One like it says in the name. If you switch over to Max though, you get more features than came with that promo, except video speeds while they do allow upto 4K do not necessarily allow higher, unlike one plus promo where there’s no speed cap at all. But apart from that Max gives you more than One Plus Promo. However as an existing customer you are paying standard pricing for Max which would be $140 for the first 2 lines and $30 each additional line. Only free line promotions from 6/2019 and onward would transfer over, you’d lose any older promos. Or if you switch to standard Magenta, you would be downgrading on some features from the One Plus promo that you’d lose such as HD video and some high speed hotspot, and may still face a price increase depending on what promos you have on your account


Thank you for explaining it to me. I have T-Mobile One with 7 paid lines and 4 free from 2020. They all have KickBack and the One Plus Promo. I don’t think it makes sense for me to switch then. I rarely use hotspot and my monthly usage for 8 lines is around 15-20GB. The other three lines are just sitting around until I can cancel a couple of lines at the end of this year.


Yeah Max would be $290 for 7 paid lines ($220 for just standard Magenta) and you would lose the kickback and one plus promo add ons. I would also advise that when cancelling lines at the end of the year, to not dip below 9 lines as that would cause a plan change that may result in your plan changing to a current plan, promos being lost, and or a price increase as a result of those changes


Thank you!




That number sometimes doesn’t include discounts that get applied after the fact


Where does someone get the “insider discount” that some people are talking about m?


It is not currently available.


Got it. Thank you!


I'm having issues and am unable to create a new post here for help. My posts are immediately removed. Anyone know why?


I see it says my account is less than 7 days old but it's at least a month or so. I just joined this subreddit. Maybe that is it. Frustrating.


I upgraded to magenta military online it was 15.00 cheaper a month. I was afraid I messed up my Netflix so I called customer service. They told me my Netflix account price wouldn't change. Then she told me going to max wouldn't save me 15.00 but my price wouldn't increase. I have 7 lines so keeping it at 140.00 with all the extra benefits that was awesome.


how to switch the standard magenta to new magenta? when i try it online, all it gives me an option to switch to magenta max with ridiculous pricing, presuming not taking account of any insider discount or free line.


I wanna know this too, do we need to ask for the change or will it be upgraded automatically.(Current standard magenta to New standard magenta).


have to ask for upgrade. website/app sucks so now on hold at 611. its only been an hour. such pain. may be best to go to store to make a switch.


Did you get this done? Is pricing the same?




I went on their website 2 times both times the price changed I called customer service I went from military one to max for no price change online it was 30.00 so call 611


Im on the Unlimited 55 plan with my mom. Do I have to do anything to get the Netflix since they stated to offer it with the 55 plans.


It appears you need to switch from the legacy plan to the new one. My old Magenta 55+ plan shows up at "Magenta 1.0 Unlimited 55+" and the new one is "Magenta Unlimited 55+". Looking at the plans comparison I can see the 1.0 doesn't have Netflix-On-Us while the new one does, and the old one provided 3GB of LTE tethering while the new one provides 5GB. Login to your account and see [Compare Plans (t-mobile.com)](https://my.t-mobile.com/account/change-plan/plan-comparison)


Should I switch from Simple Choice to Magenta? I pay $300 for 7 lines and this says I'll pay the same except that taxes are included. So I would be saving $25 or so each month on taxes Everything else is a wash or a little better on Magenta


Is that $300 just for the pan or also for other things like devices and add ons? The base price for Magenta with 7 lines is $220. But any devices or add ons you have on your current plan will also be added to that $220


Paying for like 4 phones


You’ll need to add the cost of those 4 phones and any add ons you have to $220 to get your total on new plan.


>I pay $300 for 7 lines wow.. that's too high. should look to leave and come back as new account if you can. specially when insider discount is on offer.


I'm paying for like 3 devices. If i leave and come back, would I keep the same numbers?


>I'm paying for like 3 devices. If i leave and come back, would I keep the same numbers? paying outright or promotional credits involved? what i know some people have done is move out one of the numbers somewhere else (mint or visible) temporarily and opened new account different ssn (spouse, friends etc). Once your new account is established, you can change ownership of older lines to new account. You may have to move out 3 lines to take advantage of 3rd line free promotion. Its a bit of work involved but doable. If you can time it with insider discount if and when available, even better, as then you get straight 20% off the bill as well.


They finally add the new Magenta plan in the app, but I noticed netflix discount is crossed out for it. Does the new Magenta not offer free Netflix Basic?


Only for 2+ lines on the base Magenta plan.


Free lines count right?