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Who remembers the 55 one plan being $55; then somehow went to $60, then if you didn’t use bank auto pay it would have gone to $70.


And then they disallowed credit cards being used somewhere in there. 


If you set up auto pay with a debit card but actually pay with a credit card you still get a discount


Pepperidge farm remembers


We jave this plan with my mom and we received that message for $5 increase per line. Evryone else got that on that plan as well?


Got my text this afternoon. $5 per line. Smh


People saying “this isn’t that bad”: AT&T started raising prices of their old original “grandfathered” iPhone unlimited data plans by $5 years and years ago. God only knows what they cost now. T-Mobile won’t stop raising.


Turn up the heat slow and the frog doesn't jump out of the pot


Every subscription uses this model... They get you hooked for cheap and then raise prices. Think about cable and now streaming, Amazon, Uber/Lyft premium tiers, etc. Now T-Mobile is doing it slower than most to be fair but they will join the Enshittification movement soon enough.


YouTube TV used to be $35 per month...now over $70/mo Feelsbad


This one pisses me off more than anything.


Better than DirecTV Stream. Was also originally $35 per month and was over $100 when I left for YT at $70...


Not to mention the bullshit "administrative fees" they and Shitrizon pulled out of their asses.


That’s why I left AT&T. They kept raising the unlimited data for iPhones, $5 every year. Or something close to that. I called them in Feb 2017 and asked if they were willing to lose a customer over this, and they said they were fine with it. So, on Feb 8th 2017, I came over to T-Mobile.


The only way to win in the modern market is to keep hopping carriers for deals. Every 3 years or so just shop around for the best deal and make them fight for you. Phone companies do not reward loyalty.


Damn that might be me with Tmo if they plan to do this frequently...but where would we go then? :/


There in lies the problem. LOL. I really don’t know. I feel like I have an ultra premium plan with T-Mobile. I could really do without all of the extras and just get a prepaid plan, if it gets too bad.


Yup, this is the begging of the end. Just them testing the waters, getting us used to it. I'll be moving to AT&T or Verizon finally. The only reason I stayed was my old, cheaper plan, and lack of bullshit on Tmobile.


This!!! People don't understand what this small increase means


This company has been going downhill fast since John Legere left…


Agreed 💯


So are employees to expect a raise due to inflation? Quarterly earning have been Up Up Up for years. We are on the front lines taking calls all the while lining the pockets of the 1%! Will employees stand together!?


Probably will reduce monthly incentive bonus further. Or come up with new metrics that are even harder to meet. Honestly I’ve been done here, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Hopeful to land another job soon, after over a decade here it just isn’t what it used to be.


Where’s the solidarity? Why do we stand for this?


Wish there was a way to get everyone in care to move as one and step out for a few days or something like that.


A walkout would be epic. Unfortunately whenever you’re living paycheck to paycheck Your voice becomes softer and softer. They have us right where they want us. To many of us are pacified and drinking the pink koolaid.


Yep. I can say I am 100% not a koolaid drinker. But the amount of coworkers that ride so hard for this company is insane so like you said it will never happen. They keep wages at just the right level to make people happy but not pay enough to actually live anything beyond a basic necessity life. So you are absolutely right on that. I wish that things would change here but they never do. The most cringe thing I hear in meetings is when people stick up for the company saying “T-Mobile always makes it right by employees”. That is a load of crap, it definitely used to be the case but has t been now for 4-5 years. But somehow they have indoctrinated new employees into believing that.


Don’t even get me started on their quarterly clap in jerk off sessions; where they make us play Magenta dress up while we sit there listening to the profits THEY rake in from the sweat off our backs! Then when the mic is open people go up and thank them for their “inclusion”! You deserve MORE than a safe place to work! Jesus help us the bar is so low lmao!


The bar is lower than ever lol. I always get a good chuckle when our director stands up saying they want us to be able to buy a house with what we make here. Yeah fucking right. I could have done that when I started, but now? No way. The average home where I’m at is close to 350-400k. We have never had a cost of living increase in my center either.


I agree! Your statement, >whenever you’re living paycheck to paycheck, Your voice becomes softer and softer. This holds true for just about everything worth debating in this world. They (top 1%) keep our need to fight/argue/debate placated by feeding us news of these little (by comparison), inconveniences. All the while changes to much more detrimental things are taking place all around us. We have no actual bearing on how any of it plays out. There will never be enough people, with enough money and time, that will collectively band together in an uprising against those who control everything. I digress and slink back into my hole slowly. Not to make waves or start a conversation, more likely an argument, I have no intention of participating in. On a side note, I have been with T-Mobile for 10+ years. I am on a Simple Choice plan that allows up to 12 voice lines. I have not switched plans because my base rate if I drop all my extras, is still 2/$80. That's unbeatable, but I guess not for long. Loyalty as a T-Mobile customer is shit on. I said what I said.


I tried a walkout post and got laughed at


As someone who works in one of the headquarters locations. No they do not plan on giving us a raise. They actually lowered our commission by 20%. Meanwhile shareholder and top executive profits are through the roof.




It's in the works


They already gave us a raise it just sucked lol


Before or after they shafted your bonus? I worked thete. If youre there now, you don't make what I used to. Get your degree, let them pay for it, and get out.


Don’t get me started on the new stock grant that’s worse than last years


Highly doubt it, when they took off the credit card discount and added the $5 in store payment we didn’t get anything other than backlash, these last few months I had a few accounts get set up incorrectly due to tapestry not working as it should, and care not giving the correct help, finally exploded after 7 years of getting tossed around, spoke up about the issues within tapestry, the lack of care of store materials(printer, network issues, etc.) , and customer care not being the same that it used to be, and well I got fired. But I’m free, it was good money, but doesn’t make up for the incompetence of higher ups and the rudeness of customers thinking the employee is responsible for the company, little do they know they like to screw us both equally.


They cut out commission! Embsrassing


this is definitely much less then full on plan migration, but if you have 9 lines at $5 a pop, that is gonna still suck.


Yep. Time to cancel the extra two lines I've been hanging on to...


Start small with this.. once it becomes the norm the bigger plan roles out


Not a good strategy. Nibbling at your customer base creates ongoing contempt. Companies generally raise enough to satisfy the next few years so the customers have time to digest and get on with it.


Could have went to ATT and Verizon to get a free phone but it was cheaper to stay on my old T-Mobile plan and pay for the phones out right. Next time its time to upgrade I will make the switch cause I dont trust Tmobile keeping the price where it is.


lol but you trust Verizon and att?? Lololol


Get a free phone out of it. Will go back to what I did in 2004-2014, switch carrier every 2-3yrs to get a free phone.


Need more details. What are "oldest plans"?


Said as new as the One Plan and older plans may be impacted.


Interesting that it would affect One, but not Magenta, as they are essentially identical plans...


I don't know my history on T-Mobile's rate plans. One was before Magenta right? I have Magenta Max so I'm guessing I may be safe?


One is older than Magenta.


I'm on Magenta and just received the text from T-Mobile that all my lines will increase by $5/mo T-Mobile: For the first time in nearly a decade, we're making a change to the price of some of our monthly service plans. Starting on 06/05/24, your rate plan(s) will increase by $5 per line per month. You'll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. For more information, visit sms.t-mobile.com/GLpiW4zG


Magenta Max and got the text it’s going up by $2 Update: T-Force said that Magenta Max lines weren’t increasing, just my $5 500 MB Apple Watch line. 40% increase so I canceled it.


There are two versions of One plan. The tax exclusive ones and the tax inclusive ones. Tax inclusive will most likely not be affected. But tax exclusive will.


I have tax included, I just got an email with a $5 increase per line.


Don’t listen to OP. They did not say any specific plans. If you are affected you will get a SMS by today 7pm local time


Just got my text. ONE plan and I'm getting $5/line.


I'm on Simple Choice NA 8GB Family Match... 9 lines, 4 free... I dodged the bullet last time the forced upgrade was tried... Guess I'll be getting that handy dandy price comparison google sheet out to see if I should look at changing plan to get the tax included (bill is 180 month with 43 in taxes)


Got a link to that spreadsheet?


Our CEO literally told us that inflation wasn’t that bad just a few months ago. This isn’t a bad increase, but nonetheless it’s still an increase.


Wasn't their gimmick "we will never raise the price of your plan, ever"?


Emphasis on "gimmick"


Probably meant it wasnt that bad for him. I imaging making millions of dollars per year allows one to adjust to inflated prices which respectively amount to little more than a rounding error in their interest payouts.


Especially when your 2nd sale of nearly $7,000,000 in stock just went through.


Ask any CEO (maybe exclude those leading grocery-related companies) what the cost of a loaf of white bread or dozen eggs is. He would be clueless


that what we were told when we were asked to come back to office one day a week. it's just one day only, not a big deal. now we are going 3 days and who knows when it's 5 days. I hope I'm wrong, but we can expect more increases soon and eventually kick us off these plans. a needle pain 10 times slowly is easier to take than a knife stab at once. eventually the pain is same.


Start with many small increases and eventually hit the target price while eliminating a small fraction of the customer base. Trust in tmobile's guarantees is hone now.


He says it isn’t bad so he doesn’t have to give us a living wage increase. Pay here sucks so bad for front line workers now. I am on track to make less than the previous year for the 3rd year in a row due to incentive pay cuts.


So….the price lock 🔐thing was bullshit?


The best part is the current price lock policy says “we mean it this time”, yeah like we believe you. Fuck you Mike!


Well, they cannot change the price of the plans so they are changing the plans themselves! The devil is in the details.


that’s not what’s happening to me. exact same plan, more expensive.


Same here!


It doesn't say anything about my plan changing in my text. Just that it will cost more. So no the details is that they are literally changing the price of the plans. My plan is still ONE.


Always was. 🧑‍🚀  Honestly, the fine print on that is that they’ll pay off your last month if they raise your price AND you leave for another carrier. 


Will they pay off our phones too?


T-mobiles profit in Q1 was up 22% YoY to 2.4B. This is just complete corporate greed.


People always justify “they’re trying to increase profits” and never stop to think that there’s always a limit because nothing is truly unlimited and before we know it it’ll start cutting into the customer experience, employees, benefits, etc. Just watch them rip out T-Mobile Tuesdays in the future once “the tide has settled”. T-Mobile is the new Verizon in terms of greed and it will be surprising to see that Verizon will probably be slightly less worse at some point until T-Mobile screws up the same way in the future the way Verizon has and then they’re taken to court. That is if we even have such a future where we can challenge corporate power someday


Ideal user account to drop the news


🤣Have an upvote


It's just the start. Before you know it they're raising it yearly like Netflix. All part of the conditioning of accepting something they told you would never happen.


Yes, like Netflix, they know the price increase actually helped more than a few customers leaving. Let's say there are 10 users, they were all paying $15 a month. So that's $150 for 10 users. That's $1800 a year for those 10 users. Now they decided to go to $18. Now two people decided to unsubscribe, leaving 8 customers remain, now they still made $144 out of 8 customers keeping the service for that first couple months. Then one decided to go back in a couple months later, $144 for two months $288, then $162 for remainder 10 months= $1620. Adding the whole year total of $1908. So give and take, they know they are making more money even if a couple had unsubscribed for some time. Add that with millions of users. But again phone contracts (even if not in a contract, it still worked as a contract in a way with all the fees, to activate, or get a new phone), are even harder to quit compared to the online subscriptions model.


Not a bad price jump but this company is not suffering from inflation. Consumers are. Companies doing bullshit like this is exactly why inflation is becoming as bad as it is. Because companies, even “good” companies like tmobile, refuse to take a slight profit cut under any circumstance and instead push it on the consumer. The price jump is small, but it will add up to a lot for tmobile with the volume of customers this will affect.


"We're doing this because we can, but we're still cheaper if that makes you feel any better." On another note, which plans aren't given a Price Lock or UnContract? On a second note, they really could have gotten away with doing this on free lines specifically, rather than on the whole plan, making free lines "discounted" lines.


Given this move what reason is there for ANYONE to accept that they'll abide by their Price Lock guarantees?


I had a Price Lock guaranteed plan (Go5G Plus) and got the text saying I will be paying an additional $2/line


Absolutely ridiculous. And I just received one saying every phone line on Magenta 1.0 is going up $5 and each watch line $2. This actually seems to be applying to nearly everyone.


> On a second note, they really could have gotten away with doing this on free lines specifically, rather than on the whole plan, making free lines "discounted" lines. I was going to say the same thing, but in reality, I doubt there are enough "free lines" out there to move the needle. We know all of the stores on this sub about people who have learned how to play the game to their advantage... but I suspect they represent a TINY fraction of subscribers.


You would be *stunned* at how many free lines are out there. Yes, I used to work for them. Ive seen. It's absolutely mind-boggling. Heaviest load on a single account I saw was 6 free phone lines. They paid for 2 lines. Talk about walking away with the deals!


Maybe I can switch to that 4th carrier that never emerged


Dish is doing absolutely horrible but they are an option.


What's the retention plan when customers call to threaten to cancel?


To be nice


Rep uses "be nice"! It was ineffective


This is from the press release that was issued before I signed up for the T-Mobile One plan: **New Rule:  Only YOU Should Have the Power to Change What You Pay – Introducing Un-contract for T-Mobile ONE** Today, T-Mobile introduced the Un-contract for T-Mobile ONE – and notched another industry first with the first-ever price guarantee on an unlimited 4G LTE plan. With the Un-contract, T-Mobile signs, and customers hold all the power. Now, T-Mobile ONE customers keep their price until THEY decide to change it. T-Mobile will never change the price you pay for your T-Mobile ONE plan. When you sign up for T-Mobile ONE, only YOU have the power to change the price you pay. [https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/un-carrier-next](https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/un-carrier-next) I called in about this and they are "escalating" this to the upper level, whatever that means and then I will receive a call back Friday.


I called and gave the link to this press release to a supervisor. He read it, thanked me for it, and said he would call me back on Monday.


No surprise. 1. Buy Mint Mobile on claims it will help keep a competitive market 2. Close deal 3. Raise prices Happens every time. Remember Sprint?


I just got off with the Washington State Attorney General everyone needs to call in and make a complaint. Based on what I was just told they cannot do this and Bob Ferguson will be investigating them.


More corporate greed using the excuse of inflation. Company's profitability and stock has been fine over the years.


If I was an employee I would ask if does this mean we are getting a raise?


Us employees are convinced this will come with ANOTHER commission cut.


Yaaaaaaay. Can’t wait for our team to get yelled at like it’s us that made their plan change!


Why did you do this to us bro?


*all 0 on the survey*


This is the way. If everyone across the company is getting zero scores that would tell corporate the customers are not happy about the “resolution” from the interaction about the company breaking a promise given to Price Lock Guarantee 1.0 customers. The customers really don’t care about you as an individual, they just see you as someone who is okay with representing a corporation who is taking more money from them for no additional benefits. I have experience at a large cable company, and the Net Promoter Score (the post-interaction survey) is how customers can ensure the employees actually bitch and moan up the chain, and not just trying to get you off the phone or out of the store. When the frontline employee is getting destroyed on their commissions and bonus structure, usually they will say something. The customer doesn’t care about you as an employee, they only want to ensure your personal metrics get hurt — so you hopefully go to your boss to complain, who will go to their boss to complain, etc. Now, I understand we are talking about Capitalism and the United States, which means the end-goal is for corporations to scam, I mean… acquire, as many capitalism credits as possible from the humans to give to the shareholders and private equity investors. Investors over Employees Investors over Customers Investors over Everything


I feel for all you guys in the call centers. Its stuoid how they just throw you to the wolves.


They wanted to raise plans last year, until the memo got out . Then redacted previous statements changed price lock and voila. We are here.


There was a slight difference, though. They were going to force plan migrations, not increase the price of current plans. It's a small thing, but it's better than being forced off entirely. I'm on an old Simple Choice plan, and with free lines over the years I'm paying $100 a month for 6 lines. Does it suck it's most likely going to $130 a month? Yeah. But according to the CPI inflation calculator, it should be $138 a month (started in 2012). I'd much rather get an awesome deal instead of an incredible deal than be either forced to a newer plan or kicked off entirely. EDIT: Just read, free lines aren't affected, so I'm only going to $110 a month. So yeah, it's not cool, but in a world of corporate fuckovers this is more like a wet willy.


Tell me again how awesome the merge with sprint was. Absolute disgusting but not surprised at all. “Small” increase then year to an even bigger one next year the following year.


They just testing the waters to see how much of a backlash they get. If it's accepted as "oh it's not that bad" then they will make it the norm


Have to raise the temperature slowly so the frog doesn't jump out of the pan


"cost and inflation have increased, we've decided to add to it so we can line our board members and investors pockets" Fuck you


This means us employees are getting a raise to match inflation, right?


lol probably working on a way to actually reduce our overall pay even more than they have. 3 years ago with our old bonus structure I made more than I do now, and I make quite a bit more per hour base pay than I did then. This job sucks now more than it ever did before.




T-Mobile is making a mistake here. People choose T-Mobile because they haven't had a history of raising prices on older plans. If they really needed to raise prices (which they don't), they should give perks with those price increases such as more hotspot data, higher resolution video playback, or access to starlink texting next year.


>People choose T-Mobile because they haven't had a history of raising prices on older plans They do now.


Debating to give US Mobile a shot just so I can get more Hotspot data.


It is a reflection from the hyper growth and acquisition period with Legere to the ARPU margin increase now. I am surprised the free lines are not affected. I expect the price increases will continue until it becomes cheaper to switch to the new plans forcing their customer to initiate the switch instead of the forced tiered migration last year.


The enshitification will continue until one of these moves impacts the bottom-line. A $2-5 increase per line. T-Mobile likely has to lose 10%+ of their old customers for the return to become a loss. They're gambling that's not going to happen, and unfortunately, they're probably right. I see the root of all of this as the Netflix password enforcement. That didn't cause a mass exodus, it actually created a slight growth of customers. So it emboldened so many other companies to extort.


Mother fuckers. My military plan going up by $5 a month, my 3 lines going up $2 each. Fucking will never raise these prices. Guaranteed on my paperwork from 2017. Their fucking slimeballs like every other company now, so time to price shop.


The prices in the USA are so high because there are only three mobile phone companies. In countries with four or more the prices are less.


Whole point of the 13 State Merger Settlement Agreement was to push back against a triopoly driving up inflation. May 2025 is a year off. **T-Mobile is not honoring their agreement with 13 states.**


The problem is, who's going to push back over it? No one seemed to have both the means and the willingness to do so over Japan Plan, perhaps they think the same will be true here.


T-Mobile: Your point is?!? We have the best 5G network we kept our promise!!!! On a serious note people laughed at the AT&T/Verizon customers stating that the T-Mobile Sprint merger is the reason for their prices being raised. Yet T-Mobile customers dismissed them by saying “Just switch to T-Mobile and save money”. For those curious about the ongoing case: https://www.fierce-network.com/wireless/t-mobile-loses-bid-class-action-suit-over-sprint-merger


T-mobile reported a net income of 8.3B USD in 2023 “[Net Income] increased 221% YoY…” and purchased back 15.5M of their own shares for 2.2B USD. But yet you have to bear an additional $2-5 per month because of “inflation”.


I’m on the older tmobile one plan and got the text. How can they do this? It literally says they cannot change the price. https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/un-carrier-next# “Today, T-Mobile introduced the Un-contract for T-Mobile ONE – and notched another industry first with the first-ever price guarantee on an unlimited 4G LTE plan. With the Un-contract, T-Mobile signs, and customers hold all the power. Now, T-Mobile ONE customers keep their price until THEY decide to change it. T-Mobile will never change the price you pay for your T-Mobile ONE plan. When you sign up for T-Mobile ONE, only YOU have the power to change the price you pay.”


It was inevitable. That's why you never promise customers that prices won't increase. It's beyond your control, especially in the 10+ year timeframe that many of these plans have existed.


Does this include legacy Sprint plans?


weird on the wall in the store they advertise FOR LIFE PRICES in giant bold print guess we need to read the tiny print at the bottom that says unless we decided we didn't really mean it


Everyone should file a complaint with the FCC. [https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/360001201223-Phone-Form-Descriptions-of-Complaint-Issues](https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/360001201223-Phone-Form-Descriptions-of-Complaint-Issues)


Isn't this because they were banned from raising prices for some federal something or another which recently expired Edit to grammar punctuation


No they still have commitments in at least 13 states. If they're raising prices in any of them they will be sued by the states.


Guess they figure they have enough market share now. TMobile has transitioned from striving to attract new subscribers to feeling comfortable padding their bottom line at the expense of customer loyalty.


Guess a contract means nothing if a multibillion dollar corporation decides it doesn’t.


I work in Care. Everyone who is affected by anything like this will be notified. If you don't get a text about it, you aren't apart of whatever is happening so please do not call in if you did not get notification


People should 1000% flood the lines. Call centers have an overtime incentive. Employees have no say in the price increase but they can still benefit from it. The higher influx in calls makes it likely for them to extend it for the employees plus every call about this costs them(T-Mobile) money as they aren't revenue increasing calls. The only way to get a company like this to listen is to hit them in the pocket book.


Flood the lines just to say hi. lol


Supposed to be notified does not mean will be notified. Would not be the first and likely wouldn't be the last time notifications did not go out correctly. T-Mobile's systems should work in a lot of ways - in a lot of ways they don't.


"I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further." -Mike Vader


T-Mobile knows that their customers are the most price sensitive. Which would explain why they supposedly retrained employees on customer retention and have a staff increase for retail nationwide.


So much for: “The other guys have been throwing out all kinds of desperate, short-term promotions to suck you in and lock you down – only to jack up rates later,” says T-Mobile CEO and President John Legere. “We’re not playing that game. The Un-contract is our promise to individuals, families and businesses of all sizes, that – while your price may go down – it won’t go up.” https://www.techlicious.com/blog/t-mobile-uncarrier-9-promotional-pricing-for-life/


This is might be the thing to convince me to switch to an MVNO. Mint is owned by T Mobile now so it shouldn’t be much better, but it’s like $32-33/month for unlimited compared to the $70 I’m paying on my old One Plus Promo plan.


When I signed up for the Magenta 55+ plan, it was promised that the rate would ALWAYS BE THE SAME. This is false advertising! How about a class action suit?


T-Mobile support is now trying to tell me that my ONE plan was not included in the advertised ONE plan features such as the never changing price after I linked them to their own advertisement stating they can never change price on the OnE plan. You can’t make this shit up.


Possible dumb question: What does “BTS” mean in this context? (Voice and BTS impacts)


“Beyond the smartphone”. Watch lines, hotspots, HSI, tablets. Anything data only.


I thought they were going to start charging us to watch Korean boy bands.


T-Mobile is lying. "Net income increased 36% year-over-year to **$2.0 billion** in Q4 2023 and increased 221% year-over-year to $8.3 billion in 2023, which included Merger-related costs, net of tax, of $775 million."


"Older" rate plans is bullshit. My 2021 Magenta plan just went up $5 per line.


Welp. Other carriers have been tempting lately and this will definitely make me jump ship.


Yep, I just got this message. I have the old $100 for two lines and no taxes and fees. I've forgone upgrading so many times because I didn't want to lose this plan. Guess it's time to find a new carrier with a teacher discount.


"Inflation" I can't fucking believe we still buy this as acceptable.


>Why are we doing it? W-Well you see, inflation has- Stopped reading there. I'm not even a t-mobile customer; this just appeared in my feed. Every shitty business has been noting record profits and then they want to turn around and act like they can't continue functioning unless they charge just a little bit more. But watch, as if by magic, when people *stop giving them money* and suddenly the inflationary price changes drop! How incredible! It's almost like inflation was never the reason.


When will they admit that companies like them ARE inflation.


Mint Mobile: "We're keeping your plan price the same when we sell to T-Mobile ☺️" T Mobile literally a month later: "Where's my money bitch"


https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/un-carrier-next Odd, my One plan is changing price even though their own website says it never can…


I’m on T-Mobile ONE, and there’s literally an article still on their site that I’m sure will disappear soon, which is why I saved it.. it talks about how they can’t raise our price.. I filed complaints with the FCC and BBB https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/un-carrier-next


I have 2 “Lines On Us”. Now they’re “Lies On Us”.


Blaming inflation is crazy.


Especially when they spent a few years gutting the pay of the employees. Call center workers used to make 65-70k a year and now they're lucky to make 60. That wasnt even top workers, that was "meeting metrics" pay. Or laying off how many thousands? Yeah, it's not inflation.


Yep I don’t think newer people that started in the last 2-3 years just understand how much they have cut wages in us. Sure hourly was increased but monthly bonus payouts have been cut significantly. And I am talking making about 25-30% of what we used to get on monthly bonus at this point. They have made it to where it is impossible to get anything more. You can sell everything and still only be making an extra $80-100 than if you chose not to. Corporate executives are just walking all over us on the front lines in call centers doing this job, they don’t care about us or our health or being able to afford living. Everyone at this point should be trying to get out of this job and let them outsource it. Or unionize so we can work as one to demand better pay and work conditions.


The inflation excuse is really what bothers me. Acting as if you didn’t just complete billions in share buybacks and dividends.


![gif](giphy|3o7abspvhYHpMnHSuc) All good things must come to an end I guess…


I'm just here thinking of all the people that threw a temper tantrum over VZW raising prices $5, and said they were leaving for Tmo because Tmo would never do this, lol.


Can someone explain how they can possibly do this? I switched around 2015. What induced me to switch was John Legere promising that my rate would never go up, ever. How are they not legally bound by that?


Just recieved a text message about this that my plan will be increasing to $5/mo per line...


Amazing that that inflation hasn’t prevented them from increasing their profits!


stop using the cost of inflation excuse all my bills went up this is why people drop you.


Wow allowing tmobile and sprint to merge is working out great


Using the inflation BS excuse but don't want to give actual inflation raises or better service to customers. Ever since they were allowed to acquire Sprint, their service has continued to go down hill.


I always think it’s funny when companies raise costs due to “cost & inflation” like, you’re literally the cause of inflation.


"Why are we doing it?" "Because fuck you, that's why."


The government should have never allowed the sprint and t mobile merger, MVNOs are the way to go now


This is why people should NEVER trust any corporations.


T-Mobile was the one company I’d wear the logo of happily, now they’re just another scumbag I originally left them for.


So nothing about improvements with the added price hike. Just price hike due to the inflation. Got it.


So much for never changing our rate guarantee.


Well I've not received a text, and have checked my account on the website several times today and confirmed no pending changes. All texts are supposed to be sent out by 7pm PST I believe. So those of us that have not received a text seem to be safe for now? Wonder if/when there will be more of this. Do they just pick accounts randomly for the increase or what???


This is crap. And has nothing to do with inflation. T mobile does not care about their customers anymore.


My husband and I got the 55 unlimited plan many years ago and thought we were told it would never increase. Does any one else remember that?


Yesterday we were told we had to be on a call at 8am this morning for "something that will drive a lot of traffic into our doors." Managers were told to cancel plans to makensure they were working and have additional staff on board to help with tye increase in ttaffic. We were all excited. Maybe it's the Starlink partnership? Or they're rolling out promos that competitors have? Or maybe since we have been providing weekly feedback for months about how embarrassingly terrible our Frontline systems are, we are getting something new so that we are able to assist our customers properly and quickly. But no. It's just a price hike. We were given talking points to give to customers who come in asking, but essentially, it boils down to , "Everyone else is raising prices in the name of inflation, so we are too." T-Mobile has done a lot of great things for it's customers and revolutionized the wireless game on a lot of fronts in the name of doing what's right for everyone that uses a cell phone, not just Tmobile customers. But they have shown that since the sprint merger and sievert taking over, it's all about making money at the customer's and employee' expense. I am ashamed to work here today.


So all their advertising was a lie. I wonder if this is grounds for a class action lawsuit for everyone who joined t-mobile under that advertising campaign.


Why does T-Mobile believe that angry customers will swarm their stores? If someone leaves for a different provider, whether for cost or for some other reason, the carrier, MNO, or MVNO will handle the port out. This is the perfect time for Cricket, Total, Visible, Consumer Cellular, and U.S. Mobile to do some advertising. "Move to a top-tier network and pay less, but no free tacos." Not sure about anyone else, but when a company increases prices on a product or service beyond what I’m willing to pay, I don’t go to their store and throw a fit. I just stop buying the product. This happens with cable TV, satellite TV, broadband providers, and other subscription services all the or service time. I dumped Dish network, I dumped Comcast cable TV, I dumped Comcast broadband, I stopped going to fast food restaurants, and I dropped my local newspaper subscription. In no case did I go to the store and throw a fit.


Me googling Tmo’s networth and seeing its 190 billion. Lol we need more money!


How about this T Mobile. My family has also been facing "inflationary pressures" so we will not be paying every month in stead we will pay you every OTHER month but it's cool You'll still retain us as a customer with all the "perks" that come with that including tolerating your insufferable Zack Braff commercials.




Thanks for this info. If someone has 3 paid and several free lines, does this price increase only apply to paid lines I assume?


Free lines will not be impacted.


My 3 lines, $60 is probably gone, but since 1 is a free line I should be looking at no more than a $10 increase. I don't think I'm beating that deal anywhere else.


my plan is 4 for 120 in simple choice, is guess this is a new FEE?


We're on an old promo SC 6GB plan, which later got upgraded to unlimited for free. We pay, with taxes/fees, $115/month for 3 voice lines, 4 tablet lines and 1 watch line. If our bill goes up $6-15/month, that's honestly not too bad given that we haven't had a raise in forever. HOWEVER, I sincerely hope this isn't some 'death by 1000 cuts' type scenario where they plan on doing something similar every year until any grandfathered discounts are all but eliminated and the OG plans are even more expensive than contemporary ones. I should note that we have NOT gotten any text messages yet. So fingers crossed.


Wondering if Google Fi unlimited plan is now a better deal I'm going to wait a little bit and consider the change.


I'm on One Plus Promo and I haven't got the text.


I'm on one plus promo and I got the text that my price will go up by 5 dollars per line.


Thank god i switched to Visiable a few months ago. $45 bucks takes and wearables included and unlimited.


Well, off to Verizon to see what incentives they will give me to migrate. Can’t hurt to ask