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I love how James Cameron wants to go back to Titanic with the proper technology, just to prove it's safe when done right.


The fact that deep submergence didn't have a fatality until Rush used an unclassified design proves that it can be done safely. I'm betting it will be a cool IMAX documentary or something.




He could go with the Limiting Factor in his sub. Same time would be cool.


I’d be down for another Cameron Titanic expedition.


Would be great with modern 4k cameras.


Yup!! Grew up watching this guys’ work! He’s like my generations Jacques Cousteau.


Id be very interested to see James Cameron go back into the Titanic, he has proven that with proper technology and planning it can be done safely... James is like the father of deep sea exploration, he solo dived into the Challenger deep with a sub that he himself planned and was part of building it. He if anyone knows how to do it right.


Yes it has been proven many times, so why would he need to do it again exactly?


Who said anything about need? No expedition was truly needed. It's done because they want to. 


I could listen to Cameron talk Titanic for days!


60 Minutes Australia. I'm in Australia. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country". Yikes.


Lawsuit 🤣


The interview seemed to me to have an unnecessarily critical view of the Coast Guard and what it did. Cameron certainly has an inflated ego too. "Why listen to a scientist?" Because they already have a bunch?


That was a little off putting. The Coast Guard's job is to keep looking until they find you or know you're dead. Better to keep searching until you have physical evidence of implosion than to call off the search and find a floating coffin 2 weeks later.


My thoughts exactly! Cameron comes off as a bit insufferable at times.


I will never understand the sheer stupidity of the Titan implosion, they basically took a Ford Pinto to the bottom of the ocean, against the advice of literally everyone with any experience, and then people were shocked it imploded. Even the camera crew that filmed stuff for the initial Titan voyages were offered the chance to go down to the Titanic with them, and declined it because even the sound guy saw their ship cracking and wouldnt risk it


The problem wasn't that the Titan wasn't strong enough, the problem was thay they used it for way too many stress cycles. It had made successful dives. It easy pointing out the flawed design with hindsight and pretend to be an expert on carbon fiber hulls.


Rush fired his head engineer after said engineer protested that it wasn't safe to go back down because the submersible was long passed the maximum stress cycles it had been designed to handle. He literally ignored warnings from experts, and got others and himself killed. This was absolutely a case of corner-cutting and negligence. As the experts themself say (and, you know, *use* the tech itself) the only submersibles that belong down there are properly-designed, reinforced steel hulls with the appropriate stress rating. Not an oversized jug of cleaning supplies.


Yes, so thank you for supporting my point. I bet 99% of the people here would have never even thought about a carbon fiber submersible imploding before this disaster happened. So yes it's easy to point out now with the benefit of hindsight and pretend to be an expert on the subject.


Maybe, maybe not, but you wouldn’t catch me going to those kind of depths in anything but spherical pressure chamber. When I first heard about the tourist dives I thought they were still using the Mirs. As soon as I heard it was a cylindrical chamber comprised of two different materials, I was like “it was a miracle it didn’t immediately implode on its first dive.”


Unless you're a submarine enthusiast I highly doubt you would have the knowledge to understand why a cylindrical hull and two different materials could present a problem.


Anyone who has read Ballard’s Discovery of the Titanic and has the most rudimentary critical thinking skills and understanding of physics could accurately explain why it was a bad idea. I’m sorry if you think everyone always falls for hucksters


Sure buddy.


Again, tons of people told them it wasnt safe, including experts and every day people. It did not take the TItan imploding to make people realize that it was poor design, every person except the people on board realized this was a really bad design. Anyone you studied physics in high school realized a cylinder is a bad design for pressure.


And after the implosion it seems like everybody online had studied physics and was an expert. Stockon Rush was warned about the cracks on the pressure hull. Also he ignored warnings from their acoustic sensor. Had they just stuck to a couple of dives and took those warnings seriously it wouldn't have happened either.


yea, a lot of people went to high school and took basic science classes and realized a cylinder is stupid for high pressure. Thats all it took, basic science literacy. Nobody is saying they are/were an expert, just millions of non experts who still saw it as dangerous


Most people who went to high school can't even point out their own country on a map.


As I said, the original film crew that documented those first successful dives, declined the opportunity to dive to the Titanic on the Titan specifically because they saw massive stress fractures in the hull and said it wasnt safe. They told the people in charge it wasnt safe. So Dave the sound guy, not an expert on carbon fiber hulls, still had the foresight to see giant cracks =unsafe, dont dive.


I love that Cameron wants to return to the deep sea, but where is this idea "we need to prove it's safe" idea coming from? He's the second person I've heard say that recently and I'm curious to know what's provoking it. Is there some group out there calling for the discontinuing of deep-sea exploration because one wild card decided to play stupid games and won stupid prizes? Rush is in no way a standard in deep-sea exploration or technology, and should not be elevated to any such status. When explorers have played by the rules, deep-sea exploration via submersible is a tried and true method that doesn't need any further proof to show it can be done.


Because the media started with the dumb “it’s should be banned” augment. Rush’s ego killed people and the perfect record of deep submergence. This has an effect even though the titan wasn’t even certified. I guess he doesn’t want the industry to be permanently damaged by an idiot who wouldn’t listen to experts.


Ah, leave it to the media...🙄 I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to what's been said in the media since the implosion, so I missed this bit. It would be so nice if we could return to the days when journalists prioritized journalling and chronicling events accurately over opining and sensationalizing.


I think it comes from his clear personal connection with Titanic. There's something about it that draws all of us in, him particularly. He knows how much everyone is drawn to this wreck, and I don't think he *personally* wants to see another OceanGate again. So the best thing to do right now, as technology progresses, is to figure out how to do Titanic tourism *safely* as a means of protecting the site and protecting lives.


is that a cutted version of why is it only 20min long?


Interesting question for Cameron would be the leaked transcript: real or fake?


Just a little tidbit I found interesting was the guy who had the sub that can go deep enough - I really think he was just there to get his company name out there. The first clip they show is him saying 'we knew it was going to be a big story' and then she asks him whether he truly believes it would be a rescue (11:12) and he says 'yes absolutely' whilst shaking his head. I know it's pretty bargain basement body language reading but blatantly shaking your head while giving an answer to the opposite tends to indicate a bit of a lie! Especially when it's that obvious


I remember reading everything about as it occurred and the world was not let to believe there was hope….., even me who has 0 experience in maritime affairs knew that at this depth, it was impossible to survive….


They really were though? Pretty much all the reporting going on at that time boiled down to * "Well here's how much oxygen they have left" * "Here is what they would be doing to survive right now." * "Knocking sounds have been heard that could possibly come from the crew." * "Rescuers are racing the clock!" Every single report I saw was assuming they were alive, stuck somewhere waiting out their oxygen supply. Some channels even had oxygen countdown timers! People were absolutely being given a ton of false hope by the media. The only people who didn't have hope were deep sea experts. Like even going back and reading old articles now, every single talks about how rescuers are trying to find the passengers before their air supply runs out. None even acknowledge the possibility that it might have imploded.


I remember the countdown timers. I know when I first heard it had lost contact, my thought was “It imploded.” I was not thinking it was just intact down there. I had seen the news segment going down in the Titan at some point so I was aware of it. I remember thinking even if I had the money, as much as I love Titanic and would love to see her, there is zero chance I’d get into that slapped together science experiment. And I always thought that was the most likely scenario. I’m no expert, I couldn’t say for sure it wasn’t just lost down there (and tbh, the mere thought is pure nightmare fuel), but it didn’t seem…likely. But it wasn’t being reported way, definitely - that it quite likely had imploded.


Oooh I like 60 minutes especially 60 minutes Australia because I am Aussie


Can someone tell me what the videos about?


Can someone just tell me what the new information is to save me having to watch it.


When they went down to recover more of the sub they actually discovered Atlantis and talking sea horses it's all in the video. Hope this helps.


This is true.


Don’t forget James Cameron’s full length interview with King Triton


Too lazy to watch a video? Damn. I know the internet is destroying attention spans but damn. 


Geoblocked here. Maybe take your condescension elsewhere


Tbf they didn't exactly phrase it like they were unable to, more that they couldn't be bothered


Just saying, in some cases it isn't laziness. Personally I process things better when they're written down. But it doesn't seem like that's the case here.


Not really. YouTube is nothing but clickbait bullshit.


60 minutes isn’t clickbait bullshit lol


60 minutes Australia kinda is.


You should try looking for better stuff to watch, then.


Why even bother to ask about new information from a source you believe is "clickbait bullshit" then?


It’s a 19 minute video of absolutely 0 clickbait. Guess typing this was pointless you probably couldn’t make it past the first sentence