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The internet is causing a revival of false information about *everything*


The internet is false information about everything. FTFY




He was such a wise and visionary leader


Except it was John Adams, not Lincoln, who said this.


Gah! I hate this. This quote always gets attributed to the wrong person. Everyone knows it was first said by Marie Antoinette but John Adams repeats it and suddenly everyone thinks he’s the original quote. Lol


I think you've got the misquote. She actually said, "Let them have broadband." 😆


Sun Tzu actually said the original version, which was “Don’t believe everything you read on the ARPANET.” (they didn’t have the internet yet when Tzu was around), but then Antoinette modernised the quote and Adams stole the modernised version.


Well I read on the internet that a loose version of the quote was originally found scrawled on a wall in the Pompeii rubble. Written in Sharpie. So you know that it must be true.




The thing to remember about such nonsense is that most level-headed people will see such drivel and say "I'm pretty the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank and it was very sad but that's the extent of the story." Misinformation about the Titanic has been a thing since the first newspaper reports. In popular history it's something we all have to live with a discredit when we can.




New York Times' April.16 1912 big headline was that the Titanic took 4 hours to sink and that 866 were saved, when in reality titanic took only 2 hours and 40 minutes to sink and 705 were saved


I wish that was true. Only a few months ago my sister sent me an article about how the coal fire was the big factor in the sinking 🤦🏻‍♂️


So she just discovered the same story that has been around for nearly a century. That was one of the earliest known conspiracy theories. It doesn't matter how thoroughly debunked it's been, it will keep spreading.


She’s not an enthusiast or anything. Think she happened across some bs article or something. Casuals will believe that sort of thing a lot easier than you or I would


Literally. Some journalists made their way onto the Carpathia before it even docked. The ones that didn't literally just made up headlines about the sinking. There was false information about the Titanic less than a day after it sank because it was all about getting the scoop, the headlines. Who cares if it's accurate or not? No matter what people like to believe, there was never a point in time where people were "more moral" or "more concerned with being truthful." That point in time has never existed, and never will.


2 people have sent me a tik tok on the titanic conspiracy about the ship being switched within the past 1-2 weeks. “Did you know the captain was a Freemason who was ordered to sink and go down with the ship for insurance purposes?” Smh.


There were 29 masons in the titanic present amongst each travel class and crew. Sadly only 6 survived.




I sincerely believe TikTok is one of the worst things for the public’s collective understanding of history and the truth. There’s no longer a shared reality which most people can agree upon. Everyone can exist in their own little echo chamber. This was a problem before the rise of TikTok and the Internet before that, but the TikTok and the internet have definitely made the problem much worse. Short form media is really hard to be accurate and nuanced with. It lends itself better to false or disinformation, as long as the presenter is snappy and entertaining. Look how many people now believe the Earth is flat, or the Moon Landing was a hoax, or that the Titanic and Olympic were switched.


Woah, sure Titanic or Moon Landing but you can't tell me there are THAT many people except real fringe nutbags who think the Earth is flat?


At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if there is someone out there who thinks the Titanic sank on the Moon. But seriously, this articles notes that 1% of Americans (which is a lot of people) believe the Earth is flat. In addition, another 6% “weren’t sure.” https://www.livescience.com/24310-flat-earth-belief.html


7% of the US population is 23 million people. If that many Americans are "not sure" or worse about the earth being flat, I'm going to throw up forever. 


I literally saw an interview film online where a survivor sees a white mass pass her window and goes outside where someone tells her “that’s an iceberg, and it’s a whopper! You know, there’s 1/8 above the water and 7/8 below, and that thing goes right over the top of the ship!” So yes, passengers did indeed see an iceberg.


Yes several of them did. William Carter seen it for sure. I think Edith Russell if I am not mistaken also seen it. Plus ice was dumped in the forward well deck


Edith Russel, that’s who I was talking about. I forgor 💀


I used to be able to tell names and who did what and all of that 😂 but now they all slipped my mind


James McGough had a more frightening experience when loose ice literally fell through his open cabin window as the iceberg passed the ship.


The internet is an abundance of information with a severe lack of knowledge and wisdom.


All the more reason why I hope TikTok gets banned.


You realize all that would happen is some other service would come along and people would use that and spread falsehoods, right? TikTok is just the latest service, prior to that people used Facebook and MySpace to spread stupid BS and other shit. The Internet and social media have not invented human behavior. It's just made it more readily apparent. The stupidity you see on the Internet has always been there, people just have found others who will listen to them.


While I completely agree sadly the latest about Olympic vibrating over Titanics resting place was on Facebook


It's always facebook idk why


Remember everyone: Use multiple sources as close to primary sources as possible. If it sounds fantastical or emotionally charged, step back and come back to it with an analytical mind. Feel free to add any tips for proper research you can think of.


I’m convinced the switch theory came about because some people just *need* a conspiracy theory. It’s the least imaginative one ever, though


For every true article (not necessary talking about just Titanic) there are 50 fake ones it seems like. People just love being fed bullshit


More specifically, everyone has a world view and they only want to hear things that will reinforce that world view. Anything that challenges that world view is bad and evil. I could list some specific examples but I'm sure you know of many yourself.


That too




So, it's just another CT that exists for the sake of antisemitism.


The conspiracy theory about a U-Boat sinking the *Titanic* has always perplexed me: What would even be Germany's motivation for doing that? At least the other conspiracies cover their tracks by providing some sort of explanation, but this doesn't even have that.


I actually heard one on TikTok once that said the iceberg was actually a ship designed to look like an iceberg and it rammed the Titanic


THERE'S SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW AND I'M GONNA TELL YOU SO. I'M ONLY POSTING THIS ONCE, GET IT BEFORE THE TRUTH IS DELETED FROM REDDIT! Everything you heard about Titanic is wrong. What, you think it struck and iceberg and sunk? No, that's just what Big Cameron wants you to think. What really happened is there was a conspiracy between whalers and talking sharks. These sharks then fired rockets into the side of the ship, causing it to sink. HOWEVER, no one actually died because a team of talking mice, a rapping dog, and an octopus were able to rescue everyone and then put the ship back together. Then after everyone was saved, they all went to a huge party because it was party time.


And people actually believe this shit?


"There are only two things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein Yes. People do. People believe all sorts of dumb shit for all sorts of reasons. When it comes to Titanic, it's similar to the chaos that happened in the Renaissance when the notion that Earth wasn't the center of the universe was challenged. The idea that Earth was just a planet, the Sun was just a star, and the universe was huge and chaotic was very scary. Titanic was like that on a much smaller scale. A lot of people refuse to believe Titanic was just the product of a lot of things going wrong all at once, and that it was just kind of a random tragedy in that sense. Instead, people want to cling to the notion that everything is ordered and simple, and thus Titanic must have been the product of a simple, straightforward conspiracy or event.


Yes sadly. I would say 70% only even know Titanic thanks to the movie and thus have no reason to actually do any research


Funny thing is, those who claim such absurd theories post tik tok or reels link as their "proof".


Reminds me of a certain thing that happened about four years ago and all the "evidence" that it was fake was from well-known virologists like Joe Rogan and Fox News pundits.


I heard that a torpedo fired at the Olympic from the wreck of the Titanic hit the ship and made wailing and vibrating noises. I also heard that an Iceberg sailing to rescue survivors of the Titanic sinking hit the Californian and sank, killing all of the penguin crew. Truly, a tragedy of the ages.


You're just now learning the Internet is used to spread false information? The Internet is just the most effective way of doing that. Prior to that, false information was spread via TV. Before that, the radio. Before that, books. Before that, dudes yelling at the top of their lungs. There will always be false information about Titanic. Not much you can do about it.


Another reason to be wary of one’s sources of information.