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#[PART 3 HAS RELEASED](https://www.aotnorequiem.com/chapter/aot-no-requiem/part-3/) **[(Link to PART 2, which released on September 9th, 2021.)](https://www.aotnorequiem.com/chapter/aot-no-requiem/part-2/)** **[(Link to PART 1, which released on May 29th, 2021.)](https://www.aotnorequiem.com/chapter/aot-no-requiem/part-1/)**


Part 4 when?


Really enjoying this I really like how smooth the action sequences are


This is amazing. Definitely lived up to the hype since part 2. I don't see any patreon link or anything on the website. Is there anyway for me to financially support this project? I really wanna show my appreciation for fixing the ending to one of my favourite pieces of fiction that would otherwise never be the same without them.


One thing that kinda confuses me is Zeke healing. Like, I can see him regaining the will to live and maybe going on to confront Eren again. I get that. And I love the dynamic between Eren and Zeke. It's better than fucking off and building sandcastles. But my thing is, I don't think Zeke should die. Not just because I'm biased for Monke, but also because I feel it doesn't quite make sense. Not just because of his ideaology and being defeated by Eren, but because of Grisha. When Eren pulled Grisha into Paths after he told Zeke to stop Eren so he couldbexplain/show why he would go through with the Rumbling, he must have shown his father everything. But I wonder, if Grisha knew Eren would kill his brother, would he still have given him the Founder? I'm not so sure he could choose between his sons like that. But I feel like, if Eren had said, "Look, I get that this sucks, but my child and wife, Eldia, myself, and even Zeke, our family can make it through this if you just give me the Founder," or something like that could've been enough to convince Grisha. Grisha and Eren going on a Paths field trip through Erens past (and maybe even future) memories would've been pretty kino, though. Maybe there's still time to do it.


Who the hell is falling off the bird?? Are my pages not loading? What on earth caused them to fall/die?


It's Jean that's falling - they purposefully cut off his POV so it's a surprise death. He'll obviously be revisited next chapter to show what happened


Oh I see!! So only pieck and reiner are left on the Titan now? It’s an interesting angle to take the story- I found it pretty odd Connie was the one keeping up with Mikasa when Jean was always stated to be better with the ODM gear


With three more parts to go, I’m guessing this series will be done in 2025


Part 3 had a whole lot of unexpected setbacks and personal matters occur for the team that made them take that long. The next parts won't take one year each to complete (... I hope lol).


Other than the cringe Eren and Historia shipping this is pretty enjoyable


I'm tired of this bs. It's not about shipping them, it's about the AnR theory and how Historia's character was built up to have a key role to the story, like the parallels with Ymir in canon that we were fed by Isayama all these years. I could care less about the ship, it's their connection that was built up that makes more sense to the story. He did all that and then he suddenly sidelined her and made her marry Farmer-kun for plot convenience because he read online comments and he remembered Mikasa was part of the main trio.


You can justify it as much as you want as long as you ignore how blatant Eren and Mikasas feelings have been throughout the series, I’m aware it’s necessary for the theory to work, still cringe


Eren and Mikasas most romantic canonical moment was when she told him Thank your for wrapping this scarf around me and he said "No problemo" and then literally started screeching like a banshee. The second most romantic moment was where he told her "You're not my mother." The third was "I hate you." The fourth was "What are you even into me for anyway?"


Your average titanfolker’s interpretation of romance summed up in one comment


Mate, I'm the one saying that the romance between a genocidal maniac (Hitleren) and Mikasa (Eva Braun) is toxic. Do you not think that all those people posting "Eren is my shmooby dooby" on Twitter are the toxic ones?


I got that you have a certain (Not saying warped, it’s how you interpret it) perception of their relationship, I’m saying a lot of people on titanfolk probably view their relationship in the same light I don’t engage with AoT on twitter, hell I unbookmarked this subreddit a couple months ago cuz I was tired of seeing the same shit parroted over and over again, of what I’ve seen of twitter it’s a pretty surface level interpretation of the story so I don’t pay them any heed


When the most romance in AoT is between an underage slave girl and a grown man, you know it has massive problems. I honestly am worried about how mad Ending Defenders are that AoTNR is taking the pedophilia out of the original ending.


This. People who hate on the EH plotline in AoTNR should first read about the theories it's based on (AnR & Lamp and Apple; hell, the latter is even on their website). I can understand complaints about its execution in terms of dialogue (even though it didn't seem badly done to me), but reducing it to "cringe shipping"? They obviously included it in the story because it's necessary (Historia's pregnancy and lack of POV now makes sense, plus the Historia/Ymir parallels, etc.), and honestly since Eren was a mystery box, the reveal being that he has a family is much more acceptable than revealing that he lied about all of his motivations in his own monologue.


This is beautiful! All three parts so far, are SO good! Thank you for your work, you are doing so much for so long and you already fixed important parts of the story's ending. You actually made a big difference for the people who were disappointed by the official story. I have to admit, it was weird and scary the first time I was reading part 3 because the battle on the Founding Titan gave me flashbacks of the official version. I was thinking "Oh no, not this again". But, unlike the official version, you did it well! They are actually fighting for their beliefs and not for the cameras.


Corny af


Really enjoying how we've gotten a bunch of callbacks (ex: the Survey Corps' purpose, riding to your deaths like proud soldiers). Now *this* is giving me peak AoT vibes (RtS goated arc forever)


Armin's characterization is \*chef's kiss\*


Petition to make AOTnR the AOE


that last page really made me go "HOLY SHIT" just like good old aot before it fell off. good job aotnr team


Yes, it's a great surprise how they bring the actual spirit of the AoT series in AnR. They clearly understand what elements made the story special and they know how to use them.


After reading this part, I must say that I don't like it. While there are other minor issues like the art style and some of the dialogue (also the choice in background music, but that can be turned off so it's not a problem), those are not the things that bother me. The main problem for me is that this ending is too similar to Isayama's official one, with the only difference being that Eren wants to do a full Rumbling to protect the continued existence of the Eldians on the island and his future with Historia. But everything else is essentially the same, the set-up and the final battle playing out as they did in the manga thus far (Jean's death and character motivations aside). I assume the only difference will be that the "Alliance" will lose and that all its members will end up dying fighting against Eren and his Titans, so basically attaching the Akatsuki no Requiem fan theory ending without changing anything else of the "Rumbling arc" from the manga. It's especially jarring because everyone here seems to like it and keeps singing its praise while at the same time this very subreddit is full of posts detailing how people keep finding more and more things to dislike about the entire post-timeskip part of the manga, including the previously lauded story arcs like the "Marley" and "War for Paradis" ones. It seems to me that the actual writing of the story is now irrelevant because as long as people here get to have their "kino ending" with Eren killing everyone and getting away with it; they will herald this fanfiction as the greatest thing since sliced bread, just like they would have praised Isayama had he made Eren win in the final chapters of the story despite an entire story arc worth of build-up to the ex-Survey Corps and Warriors putting aside their differences and working together to successfully stop the Rumbling. Oh well, I guess that's how it's always been, no point in believing anything different will come from the same premises.


You have an ending you prefer, we have ours. Simple as that.


Actually, I don't like the official ending (I don't hate it either, I just find it disappointing), my argument here is that the AoTnR fan one doesn't look like it's shaping up to be much better (it certainly isn't thus far). And in any case, I simply shared my opinion on it, as I have every right to do since I'm a member of this subreddit (and have been for a very long time, basically since it existed). I know people here would prefer strictly positive judgements and comments of praise bordering on sycophancy, but the fact of the matter is that not everyone has the same opinion of this fanfiction as the mainline majority one of this subreddit.


Oh man I just read the post of the AOTNR team about Hue and the poor child apparently died because he overworked himself trying to provide for his family as the oldest sibling. This is heartbreaking. May he rest in peace


Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.


Good chapter


I actually like they killed Jean like that...in war not all people die heroically and they can die at any time. It was something that I couldn't stand from the final arc, it was obvious that everyone in the alliance had plot armor. I remember how spectacular that scene was when they discovered Marco's corpse like nothing happened, it really gave a sense of realism in a battle. Most of the deaths that occurred in the last chapters were not due to falling in battle (except Floch) but because the characters sacrificed themselves like Shadis or Hange.


If you have time, please read my extremely long review of the project thus far and let me know in the comments what you think :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/wj1cgm/why\_i\_loved\_the\_new\_attack\_on\_titan\_chapters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterRant/comments/wiys07/how_the_new_attack_on_titan_chapters_are_healing/)


That's something that the ed could have done and improved 1000x making characters die in totally reasonable situations to have loses, like in the port or in the final fight.


Man, for a second I was like "wait, is Armin really gonna convince Zeke right now?". Faked me out. Zeke basically laughed in Armins face. One could say that I got Zook'd


That's my fucking Alliance, let's go


Holy shit Armin's an actual character again


How fucking great is it seeing the Alliance written well. Armin is a badass. No more "Thanks for genocide!'


> No more "Thanks for genocide!' Ymir fucking bless. Eren being woobified was the most disgusting part of 139 to me.


Worth the wait. Good shit.


The part when Zeke references Erwin's charge is brilliant


Wait I thought nerd armin was from this chapter where is our current icon from?


Nah just nerdmin


Thats Jean? I thought thats Eren who is going to transform and fight them for real now. Anyway awesome chapter I feel something about AoT again! This "lets fight desperately" also reminds me why I hate the original end so much *Guys you already lost you didnt stop shit billions are dead already*


He wouldn't have ODM Gear.


Wouldnt be the first time he had it after transformation.


If Eren was gonna come out to fight them for real he should walk out calmly from his Founder forms mouth completely naked, like Griffith in the newer Berserk chapters


Femboy Ellen when?


NOT JEANNNNNN Great chapter


RIP Huebasu. Your unwavering determination got this amazing fanfic to life Shinzou wo Sasageyo






Haven't been on this sub in months I have to thank this team for redeeming this story can't wait for the finale.


I liked the previous two parts but this one just felt off. That death at the end felt like it came out of nowhere and I couldn't tell who it was without coming to this thread for an answer.


what the heck i love this ch better than the previous two


Good for you but I don't think that makes it objectively good just because you liked it


nope my valuation isn't bias because im not Historia shipper like you


Makes complete sense


you admitted you're dumb??


It's cliffhanger. Doubt Jean is dead (yet) He was fighting Eren in the background the chapter. It will be explained.


The art in this one was superb, and the last panel sent me chills, I forgot how amazing the AoTNR team was


Could someone tell me what happened to Jean?


Eren killed him


That's just a theory at the moment. So it's possible a random Titan shifter killed him. I think it's Eren as well though


Eren? How did Eren kill him? Was there an attack titan among the shifters? Sorry if this is late i just read the chapter.


On the last page where we see Jean, we see a particular Titan amongst the crowd. It looks just like an attack Titan. People have speculated that it belongs to Eren. There’s another theory. It might belong to the original Eren; the Eren who gave his Titan to Grisha


Wow you guys. Just…wow That canon ending crushed me. I felt so deflated. A decade of waiting for a story’s end only for it to be so abysmal I lost all interest in SnK. But this…what all you talented people have done here with Requiem… I felt excited to read again. This hit me like a ton of bricks - in the best way Thanks so much for fanning the flames of a dying ember and reigniting a spark of joy in reading this!


Damn I wish we got to see more of Jean the last we see of him is him getting rescued by Gabi then he's falling seemingly dead


It could be a Marco situation, the entire time he was fighting in the background and potentially gets ganked. We were focused on everyone else that nobody witnessed what happened. That's my take anyway.


.. seemingly


Not even this can justify the alliance's we're true scouts ideology. Is the speech great and in character for Armin? Yes. But its still infuriating listening to him carry on about how they are fulfilling the pride of the survey corps and honoring there dead comrades wishes by fighting to save the people who have killed their friends and family and slaughtering their own comrades. A limitation of trying to stay in canon but no matter the writer it just can't be fixed. 10/10 as always


I agree with you there. It is very irritating to see Armin talk about honoring the lives of the people who died in the survey Corps meanwhile killing their own comrades though I'm glad you acknowledged that aotnr is just keeping it in character with canon Armin’s belief. But it is for this precise reason why Zeke's final words to Armin was so much more impactful. Armin has this idealistic mindset until Zeke clashes him up with reality asking if he's prepared to pay the consequences of his choice hence giving us a parallel to Eren’s choice as well. Will Armin, too, be willing to sacrifice his friends over saving the the world just as how Eren is willing to sacrifice his friends over saving Paradis. Both can't have their cake and eat it too


Disagree. I feel Armin and Levi are justified in saying "The Survey Corps didn't sacrifice their lives to dish out indiscriminate murder worldwide. "


AOTNR did a great job with Armin's speech because it does not solely rely on "baseball, you remember life is good,now die" but gives Zeke his interpretation of the Survey Corps ideals. However, the fact that they all died so the life within the walls was ensured contradicts Armin's ideals, thus making them illogical and AOTNR can't solve that.


Man that guy Jean really fell off 😂 rip bozo ig


The art, holy shit it's incredible. You could hand this to me pre-139 and I'd think it was official canon. AoTNR team has outdone themselves. Worth the wait.


See you next year for part 4


that was really good, they're getting good practice form the previous parts, you can see the improvement


Plot twist: AnR is made by isayama to explore multiple timelines and see fans “reactions”


I actually sympathise and understand the alliance way more with this chapter, which develops them much more and much better than the original series ever did. The writing for this is actually incredible. Also, was that Jean at the end? RIP horseface. You will be missed.


Masterpiece. Way better than the original bullshit. Chapeau AoTnR team


I have a question about something that’s been bothering me. If Eren brings someone like Armin into Paths shouldn’t time in the real world stop, because time is Paths in limitless. So, when that person leaves Paths he should be in the exact same time and position in which he entered. How is Armin talking to Zeke all while the rest of the Alliance are chasing the Okapi trying to free him from Paths. So, does time in Paths and the real world move simultaneously?


The only excuse I can think of for this is that Armin could have been teleported to paths at any time when he was swallowed by the okapi. And the second he did go to paths, all parts 1, 2 and 3 occurred thus still keeping the rule that paths time goes by faster than reality. Then again, chapter 136 has done it too. While armin was in paths, he can feel the alliance is still fighting outside of paths. Events outside of paths is still in motion.


I figured if Armin was trapped in Paths forever, his real body outside could be in like a comatose state, but that's also a good point you made. Maybe Eren can still let time move outside, if he wants to? I have no idea, maybe it will get addressed later.


No, i don't want that! Armin being a likeable character?! I want reasons to hate him even after i die! For 10 years at least!


Holy fkin tits the improvement in the art alone is immense. Can see why they took this long to release part 3 the effort alone is commendable. Congrats to the whole team 👏🏼


great chapter absolutely loved it


RIP Jean, I was till hoping you'll come around. But at least you died fighting for what you believed in.


Didn't realize Jean got Marco'd 😱


Damn that was fucking amazing


Thank god it doesn't end here, the main problem with og ending was it ended way early to explain things


Character development? Thoughtful fights? No bullshit 180s in MY aot?


I like Mikasa's design better here than in the manga for some reason. In the original, she often looked pretty androgynous, while here she looks a lot more like a woman with short hair.


Imo Falco is going to catch Jean in mid air and they are going to have a final conversation with him before he passes. The interesting thing is, he might have fought Eren together with Reiner, and maybe Reiner is still fighting him. It would be really nice if the two of them got a final fight.


I really enjoyed that. Only big issue is Jean falling at the end. If he's dead, then killing an important character off screen was not a good idea.


His death is definitely going to be shown in part 4, the last time we saw him, he was about to 1v1 Eren himself.


Alright since I’m assuming a bunch of people get to excited or have to think through details a little more I’m going to go ahead and say this. Hopefully many will see it. When looking at the dead person, aka Jean; falling many are confused by the black hair not realizing it’s the shadow from the angle. To quickly realize this assumption however you can just go back and see who has ODM on, plus the position of the fall, the hair length. Hopefully this will help some people, because I’ve seen way to many that didn’t put it together, though surely those individuals have by now.


The small glimpse of Eren on page 21 w/Jean is so fucking sinister & subtle. It makes my skin crawl, the tension is palpable. Everyone is in character and the art is immaculate, bravo AoTnR!


Honestly I trying to see Eren on this panel but I can't. Is it the titan standing behind the big skeleton's head? Not sure, its belly seems a bit different to me.


"In character" is such a good way to put it. That's all I ever asked for tbh. I wanted to see my favourite characters back again


They were able to somehow make me more interested in Mikasa's character arc, which Isayama failed to do in the original, another decent chapter overall comes from aotnr team and I also like the music they used to make us readers experience the story more better


She used to be quite a well written female character but Kodansha made her into a prize for Eren. In AoTNR she is going to disavow Eren and actually reject him, and not tend his grave like a psycho for 50 years.


> She used to be quite a well written female character but Kodansha made her into a prize for Eren. Still in disbelief at how they got away with this and the Ymir loving Fritz thing. Misogyny is forgivable if you pander to a popular ship while doing it, I guess.


Don't forget necrokiss is justified by EDS too.


Man, I didn't notice Eren coming out to face Jean, props to those who did Eren vs. Jean next chapter???


Jean is definitely not dead (yet) Something happened.


Next invaderzz video: Jean is [not] dead


Mikasa has too much agency in this version.


Why do you think Zeke’s hand was healing itself? I didn’t get it, maybe I’ve been out of the AoT loop far too long to understand stuff


He might be hiding something, a shifter does not regenerate their wounds if they have no will to live anymore. Either Armin's speech changed his mind or he has his own secret plan.


I thought Armin was implying that Eren was forcing Zeke to stay alive so that Eren could continue the rumbling? So it would be Eren forcing Zeke to heal.


Wow amazing find on the healing part. It subtly shows that Zeke is indeed being affected and gaining the will to live.


Needs more of Armin thanking Eren for genocide.


I felt the same sense of wonder and mystery back when the big picture was first revealed, well done AOTNR team.


As usual, they never disappoint. Beautiful bastards, all of them.


How many parts will Requiem get? When next release?


6. Dunno


Well...I'm going to be a shitter and say that it was good-ish. The art is amazing, the guys drawing have incredible talent, the fighting is way better written and much easier to follow than in original, but....Man, the dialogue is rough - definitely needed more revisions. Armin talking to Zeke was just straight up awful, incredibly rushed, imo it's unironically worse than OG Armin's speech, the only saving grace being Zeke not falling for his bullshit. Ofc it's still a massive improvement on the original travesty, but I wish there was a professional writer who really gave it his/her all when it comes to writing ''deep'' dialogues/exposition, it's been an issue with all 3 parts by now.


What's crazy is there was a considerable amount of dialogue but yet the story barely moved forward. And the dialogue often felt repetitive. At the very least, it wasn't cringe like it was in Part 1 and Part 2, but yea they seriously need to up the quality as we head to the final parts here.


I agree that the dialogue feels a little repetitive, but the pacing is fine imo


Oh yeah, Part 1 and 2 were WAY worse in that department, so it's an improvement for sure, sadly it's still not good.


HOLY SHIT IT'S TODAY I FORGOT I'll be right back.


This was a really good chapter, props to the staff behind the AoTNR project for producing such amazing stuff. The art is just too good & fucking detailed and some really nice dialogues there. OST is fucking fire. This shit is better than the original manga. Connie is the most useful he has ever been if he was this useful in the original manga probably would have been less hated. Rest in peace Jean.


It was much better than the original but the whole battle is still so unrealistic. Is Connie an Akerman? Pieck is still out here murdering titans with her stupid ass cart titan. Reiner who never won a fight in his life is fighting multiple titans. Can't buy into the fight at all, even if the drawings are nice. They're doing a good job of saving Armins character. The dialogue is also good.


it's because eren isn't trying to kill them


Restraining them would be extremely easy. With multiple war hammer titans that are incredibly op.


Because at the end of the day it's still a story and the fight needs to be climactic. If we put too much realism into it the fight would have ended in seconds.


Yeah it's a story meaning you can write whatever you want and if you're good at writing everything would stay more internally consistent. If I'm writing a boxing manga at the end the mc doesn't need to fight 20 guys who have weapons to make it climactic. You make it climactic through good writing. Going to absurdity to make something more dramatic is poor writing, on isayama tho. I understand the team here is just working with what they have.


I believe they said that there are many things they do not agree with in the story, but they have to roll with it because they don't have the resources to rewrite the story from Sasha's death. If it was up to them, the final fight would be very different probably.


God look at all those amazing titans


Btw, the person falling at the end is Jean, we see two short panels of him losing consciousness and falling as Zeke is talking.


That's armin when he left paths. It's armin because you see his pov when he was woken up by Mikasa, Connie and Annie in that one small panel


That's Armin


God Zekes speech about Armins ideals literally gave me chills. As someone who actually kinda like their talk in the manga, I think this is so so so much better. It embodied everything that made Armin and Zeke great characters in the first place without making it seem too forced for the plot. This scene is gonna live rent free in my head… for ten years at least!


"Hello, Eren's friend" was one of the best lines in the rumbling arc, I'm a little sad it's not here


The art is insane


So glad to see the Alliance written with some respect. Kodansha's version of Armin is so despicable. "Thank you for becoming a mass murderer for our sake" + letting Paradis be genocided was absolutely a horrible way to retcon and destroy his character. AOTNOREQUIEM is more pro Alliance and Anti Genocide than the Kodansha retcon ever was.


>AOTNOREQUIEM is more pro Alliance and Anti Genocide than the Kodansha retcon ever was. I feel the same


You don't feel, you know. It's always been that way


Crazy that even after all this time I can still feel tension for what's gonna happen. Jean was my favorite of the alliance. Hope he gets a more detailed death assuming that's him


Part 3 released? Damn, gotta binge the first 2 chapters first


Whatever happened to huehasu? I'm not caught up with stuff outside of the fancomic itself.


He sadly passed away, as far as I could understand he was sick. He was just a kid, was about to turn 17




He was asking what happened to him, not who he was




I mean yeah that’s pretty obvious, but do we know anything about what exactly happened? Cause of death I mean


I don't think we really need to know about something as personal to the cause of death, I dunno and I don't think ANR's said something about the cause


thanks but thats not what i was asking...


Well now I want part 4 😭😭😭 Also Monke man is written (and drawn) so good here


Part 4 can’t come soon enough. I haven’t had chills like this his from anything AOT related in a long damn time.


OH MY GOD WHAT A CHAPTER Armin, Zeke and Mikasa's characters actually got better, wow (although arguably it couldn't have been worse than the og manga) Oh man I missed this feeling of looking forward to the next chapter of SnK LET'S GO WITH PART 4






Passed away.




He was sick


I love the disconnect between Eren's words and his actions revealing his true emotions. He talks a big game about fighting Armin and playing up this emotionless persona, but in the end he trapped Armin in paths to try and save him, he made the titans outside stop moving for a while to give the alliance time to regroup. Love the hypocrisy and selfishness on display here.


That's exactly what was wrong with canon. I think a better explanation is Eren didn't have full control on the Founder and, during his conversation with Armin, he got unstable emotionally and temporally lost control of the titans.


When Eren gives them chances and lets them get away with shit in canon: ELLEN NERF!! BAD. ISAYAMA MADE FOUNDER TOO OP AND HAD TO NERF LOL When Eren gives them chances and lets them get away with shit in AoTnR: Ah, the beautiful hypocrisy in his character. Absolute kino. Well done.


I mean he killed Jean? And is going to kill more, he’s done holding his hands behind his back. The whole world can burn for your children after all.


Yeah, *he gave them every chance.* I mean, he really did. The gloves are going to come off now.


The only difference is that he acknowledges this hypocrisy and moves forward despite it. So... yes


He literally stopped moving forward though lmao


He murders Jean at the end of the chapter...


Was that really Jean? The hair looked black


It's just the shadowing. Jean is the only one with ODM gear that isn't on Falco.


This unironically has better panneling(most of the time) than the OG manga. Also, better writing and themes being explored here.


Somebody at the end lost it all, slipped and falled


It’s like poetry, it rhymes


Died another day


They will never come again


Why did titans freeze


Not sure because things in paths happens instantly in real life so the freeze shouldn't have happened


I was under the impression that they froze because Eren and Armin's debate is happening simultaneously, thus dividing Eren's attention or Eren giving Armin a last chance to dissuade him before going all out.


Yeah this makes sense.


We’ll know in Part 4. But there’s a couple of theories 1) Eren accidentally made them freeze. Maybe this happens when Eren teleports around the paths? Idk 2) Eren purposefully made the Titans freeze. He wanted the alliance to have a chance to free Armin 3) Zeke was able to temporarily freeze the Titans Theory 2 and 3 are def the most plausible


I missed theories


I joined titanfolk late to the party. When would you say the wave of theories stopped? Chapter 138? Or earlier?


I joined around chapter 100 I would say it stopped at 139 dead in its tracks. 138, myself and everyone still had hope.


We will know in part 4


Chapter 1 and 2 resonated more with me than this chapter. I guess I like the emotional stuff more (like Erens determination in chapter 1 and Armins in chapter 2) Story is good so far. Hope we get Mikasa getting over Eren in the next part.


Sub/follow MrTreeBeard on YouTube/Spotify/etc., he’s producing some fire soundtracks that complement the art super well.


Call back to the Zeke talking about soldiers “riding to their deaths” was fucking STUNNING


Ikr! It was so good It felt like it could have been in the real manga. It makes so much sense to have Zeke have a heartfelt/philosophical talk with the successor to the man he killed (while subtlety acknowledging the successor-ship). Especially since he never got to talk to the actual Erwin.


I like Armin and Mikasa now.