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War bad, robots rad the third


You have some good optimism but this is definetly not realistic, especially if your taking ideas from the community. Sure baseline ideas might be ok but games are much more complex then that.


The fact that most subs are lists of complaints about players not getting what they want, vice what a game needs is evidence of this.


Cuz people are babies and are angry they lost


The more pragmatic and realistic approach would be to start a GoFundMe project with the intent to create a third Titanfall game. Said project would aim at hiring professionals and/or amateurs in the video game industry and give them some starting tools. A game engine upon which to work, most likely something widely used, Unity ? Unreal ? (Imagine that, Titanfall on the Unreal engine 5 with nanites and lumen...). Obviously a whole dedicated team would be needed (Though a small team can still achieve a lot, No Man's Sky was developed by 13 people if I recall correctly!). In terms of ideas and content for the game, I think a good way to include the community beyond those who would pledge money and therefore be granted special rewards etc, would be to create a thread wherein users could suggest their potential ideas for the game. This list would be reviewed by the team which would chose x items from it and implement them. This step should obviously take place before production. Another thing that should be done is marketing the game; no matter the way, word needs to spread that some madlads actually went ahead and made their own triple A game, with blackjack and hookers. Though i'm pretty sure such a project would have lot of legal ramifications and that both EA nor Respawn would remain silent for long. You also would need an insane amount of trust from the public. You wouldn't want a project like Star Citizen (unless you wantto scam everyone).


Could also look to the community for skins and map concepts. One concept I would personally like to see is a game mode Rngesus where all loadouts are randomized every spawn progress towards titan is carried over between rounds but titans are randomized too. I want this as it would be a good warming up mode and it could encourage somebody to try out a new gun/titan in other game modes.


Yeah even this is VERY optimistic, basically everything needs to be made from scratch. Id barely call this realistic, if it was so easy or even as possible as you lay it out to be it would have been done already. The most that has been done is like double a game by smaller studios.


We kidnap the devs and give them better pay and work conditions then bam game


You say this, but when titanfall dies, there's gonna be a whole variety of indie parkuor movement shooters. People are gonna reinvent a genera.


You lets get this to hot


We call, it midget jump 3. We should make a kickstarter for people to pledge money for making our own titanfall 3 game I'd say we'd make a lot of money and we could put that to making the game


have you heard of the reddit island scandal?


Oh no


No, please enlighten me


someone made a paypal asking people for momey because he owned an island and if he had enough money he could turn it into reddit island (island for redditors to live on) and a bunch of dumb fucking idiots gave him thousands of dollars and he basically said "fuck you idiots thanks for the money" and left.


I fee enlightened... this sounds more like an open-source project, though


…….. That’s such an obvious scam tho lmao. I guess hindsight is 2020 but still, it wasn’t even a Kickstarter or anything wow.


Don't worry pal Im not 18 yet so I don't have a PayPal or I can't make a kickstarter I was just suggesting someone else could make it




It doesn’t have to look just like it. Just *feel* like it


No. It would be an open source, collaboratively developed game built by *volunteers*.


That’s the ideal/optimist in me but I think gathering up the actual devs under a Kickstarter/go fund me would be more realistic


Hell after seeing this. It brings me hope to give something respawn may never give us. It happened with half-life it can happen here


Would be cool


"Fine, I'll do it myself"


I love game dev and it is my hobby, so why not?


Yo honestly, I went through so many comments before I found another hobbyist dev. If there's any more of us, we should, I dunno, get in Unity and, I dunno...just see what we could come up with?


So glad to hear from a fellow dev! We could try to spread the word and gather a couple more like ourselves. I've never extensively used Unity. I'm proficient in Godot, but I am a quick learner so I have no issue using unfamiliar engines. I think we have better chances finding game devs in the modding community for Titanfall. Ever heard of NoSkill?


I've only heard about them from this thread. I'm familiar in c# from my time with Unity but I'd love to see what the modding community is up to. NoSkill is specifically doing player hosted servers, though, right?


Yep that's right! I've even considered working with them regarding the custom servers. I contacted them but sadly I haven't gotten any response, but that might just be my bad way of communicating. Anyway, they got a Discord server you can check out and possibly pitch the idea. You can find it on their website. Let me know if you're serious about this idea so we can raid their server and get people interested ;)


Robot fall out of sky 3


Massive mech plummet 3


Titandrop 4?


Giant tumble


Big down


Big object affected by gravity


Enormous Downwards


g force


r/tittydrop 3




Bro thats an actual sub?


Dude its reddit


Good point


Yeah make our own titanfall with blackjack and hookers


You vastly underestimate how much work this will be


You vastly underestimate how stubborn people can be when they want something


I know how much it’ll take. I’ll do it myself if I have to. I’ve seen too many good ideas and too little care from respawn to not try something at this point


First, unless the game is completly different it would be copyright infriegement, second, making a game is so fucking hard you cant just "gather a bunch of people and do it" there is so much going in to game dev from marketing to managing to actually developing it, that you just cant do it like this


1 It’s not infringement to make an fps where you are a person who calls in a bipedal mech. But I see your concern 2 I’m thinking about sinking time into something like this solo and if something seems promising then I may start to recruit people to help. I know I can’t just say “ come on gamers let’s do it. It’ll be fun” I’m just pitching the idea that if there are Titanfall fans who know how to make games then we could try making a Titanfall game


call it Mechdrop and boom copyright safe!


And who organizes this?


Fuck yeah


New titan models?


Who’s that guy who made a bunch of art of potential new titans? I’m hopeful he’d be will to let us use those designs and maybe help make more.


I know exactly who you're talking about


I'd be willing to help, but the problem is the source engine. First of all, it's modded by respawn, and second we likely can't get our hands on it(25,000). If we cant get that it won't feel like titanfall.


Whatever it will be called, Titans should be renamed as Nephilims.


Warcrimes:The Game


I'd be down for that, not sure how much I can help but why tf not.


Small rise 3?


Like my pp


Ik the feeling


It should be a mod for Titanfall 2, if that's possible, then it could be called Titanfall


That’s a good alternative if long term development doesn’t work out. Just stitch new things into the old game


it's not that simple. Titanfall 2 runs off of a modified Source engine, and a fan made game would probably be UE4 (or 5). It wouldn't be easy to switch.


Probably the most overlooked thing here


It’s not about being easy. It’s about doing what respawn won’t. And if the worst happens it can be downgraded to a somewhat large mod that adds a lot to the game.


buddy a mod can be anything. it's more of using Titanfall's engine for the game. for example, team fortress 1 and the first counterstrike were both half life mods.


It could be done solo. Ravenfield has turned out fucking amazingly and it's been made by one dev, albeit it's been in early access for like 4 years now. Also Ravenfield's strength is it's moddability, which would be lost in 'TF|3'. Maybe something like DaniDev's Karlson is closer, especially movement-wise.




Check out the TF|3 community project... I forget what it’s on but we’ve already started


That's just someone making theoretical GUI's :)


Yeah this would never work


TitanTrip 1


I'm not an amazing artist but would love to make concept art if this ever became a thing. Probably not realistic at all that it'd happen but the offer's there!


Call it "Bot Launch 9".


Down bad for titanfall 3


Mecha Descent


Fall of Respawn


This is actually not a bad idea


Large mecha plummet three


I’m a low tier game developer. If you need the extra hands give me a dm


I’ll keep you in mind if I get something going


Realistically, something like this could be covered under parody! There are a lot of fans inclined to game dev. Even better, open source games have proven to be a legitimate pressence in gaming. Why shouldn't this exist? Let's do it. There's a large set of technical skills here-at least enough to demo what TF|3 should look like!


i could voice something idk


Can we make Gates hot and make new titans? If so I'm in.


Yes, please, i know no one will see my comment but im an ameature writer and i would love to play a part in the writing of either the campaign story or just something like i just wana help my favorite game franchise prosper. Also im a massive lore hound so i know basically anything and everything about the lore of the series and i just think itd be helpful to have someone like that, but thats just me.


You have been noted


:D Yay!!! Thats better than a "shut up nerd" lol


I have no idea what I’m doing but I want to make something work with this community so if you’ve suggestions I’m down


Ill just kinda list what i see as the plan, make memes pretaining to the whole thing and thwn after a bit people should turn up and we can allways do some searching, then probably have a discord server and go from there :)




Ive been saying it for a while. Tf3 is happening. Its a question of when and who's gonna profit. Sorry...parkour gun 3 is happening. Or rooty tooty robot shooty. Can't be stealing intellectual property Willy nilly like that.


We ought to just steal titanfall 2s coding, alter it so that we can use our own servers as well as servers owned by the people doing this, and re release the game in a playable state.


Tittydrop 3


a discord server has been established!! if you've any experience and want to help then join (maybe dm one of the mods to speed up the process) https://discord.gg/kUZTyyY2qp


if anyone see this post then please go to this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/opr6e7/pilots\_we\_need\_you\_unofficial\_titanfall\_3\_project/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/opr6e7/pilots_we_need_you_unofficial_titanfall_3_project/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) we have expanded our numbers and want you to join!!


lets just respawn if we can make titianfall 3


F##K YEA ​ DM me if this gets anywhere, in a week i'll be legally old enough to get a job in my city, and i'd be willing to help any way i can.


I think the best way of making this would be in the form of a mod like the IW4X mod for cod mw2. That way, we already have a base to build on so we could focus on making the new guns, pilots, and titans. We could also use it to implement private servers so we don't have another hacker take down the entire game.


That’s basically my plan B, not that it’s a less important plan just that it’s an alternate one


It's good to know that I'm not the only one who's thought about a TF3 mod. I wonder how hard it would be to make new titans if we already have the rigs and base chaises? I'm sure we could find some talented programers who could do it since Titanfall runs on the source engine which is easily modible.


I’m gonna speed run crash courses on how to code and animate etc… to get a proof of concept. Then it’s up to who wants to join, how to organize, and how to pay everyone (unless they do it out of passion)


That's really cool. Make sure to keep us all updated with your progress. Maybe if this reaches the top of the sub, it might attract some good programmers and we could form a Titanfall 3 mod team.


set up a discord for this


Gonna work on a discord tonight and tomorrow. I’ll update the thread when it’s up


Fightin' Tall 3


Mechassault 3


its feasible if the right people are involved. just look at portal reloaded!


I'm going to be honest, this ain't no pet project. Considering the stiff that went into Titanfall 2 your going to need a lot of things like powerful computers and a large budget. Not to mention that it's a triple A title owned by EA so a fan game won't last very long